Pace 2. I~4 Jhitley, M. B. Ross. 1-22‘-37 suspended from a hook which was fastened on a rack in the stick and dirt tjiirnney. Each ftxuily w&s givsn a spinning wheel and loan, Aster the day‘s work each slave home was the scene of spinning anc‘~ weaving cloth for the oc~ 1 cupants clothes and bedding. The taster gave each slave a pair of shoes; .Benjamintreceived his first pair of shoe$ when he was five years old< All 3lavos ~ barefoot in ‚/-~ ~ ; ~ - /. ‘t~~~( I summer ~:4;~i~r4e!‘s s Sur.i~er on the Henderson plantations never varied frcvi bacon and ~t A corn brea~~ i~i ~ each farniiy was free to eat &s many of the ~if~ ferent vegetabl3s, as they wanted. Wooden spoons~bowl~s, and trays, were kept clean by scouring regularly with san~jAt Christmas/ those who asked for whiske~~given an ample ~ I ~- ~ ~ ~ ‚— ~• ~ ~ ... ~ amo~t; -.~o~n:thn~ each fc~ily was given a cake baked by Lr, Henderson‘s ~~other. The master of the Henderson PlafltatiO5aS well as other‘ plantation o;‘rner/s~~ allowed the~ slav ; s t o work mdlvi dual cotton patches ; when the cotton ~‘~as picked he paid them their price for the aniount they ha~ raised. Slaves often ecsne‘~ money~)too, b:r splitting rails at night an~ selling them to different plantation owners. ~Jthou~h i~r. ~am Henderson was a kin~d master and hardly ever punished his slaves, there were some masters who were lmown for their cruelty~ ~ in particular was an ol~ man by tbe name of Shirley,,‘ 40 would pick up anything from a stick to a brush broony to punish hi~ s1av~s. Benjcrnin~ heard from his elders that sc~e masters constructed stocks like those of old, and sometimes slaves were whippec~ while fastened in the stocks. One slave owiier named G-a,r keptwristbands of iron, and also b gast‘ made to fit into the mouth,, and fa3ten~« around the neck, which prevented