First, Best and Largest. INCORPORATED 1885. No._______ P^f.................................^»Mkw From the XV 25 e) , WestBroadVa/ ( Wev//orK GTy I .,1 jugii uectven tll^^MIPWli 11."... .. I I mayor, tbat^MjIPWring no discredit to I I 1111 'iitolliillfflltff^l ' 1 1 of this city, that I I yUmPTarthfu 11y and honestly direct the I I city government and turn all the rascals I I out. I HUGHES !S CRITICISED I BY WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS _ I Resolutions Aaopted in State Conven- I Jjra, Demanding: Equal Pay for 1 '' ,, ^Schp^l Teachers.. 1 ¦ ¦' ¦¦ '¦ '----------------------.----------------------- ¦ '" I I GK.VEVA, Oct. 20.—The closing ses- I I sion of the Wonians Suffrages convention I I was held here Friday morning and was I I devoted entirely to business. I I Criticisms of Governor Hughes, which I Iwere frequent during the convention re- I ¦garding equal pay for New York school I ¦teachers, found expression in a resolu- I Htion adopted by the convention in which I lit was decided to petition the Governor I Hto take immediate steps to inquire into I ¦all such class discriminations and to I ¦Vecommend in his annual message to the! ¦Legislature all requisite reforms. I I A large number of recommendations I Hwere also submitted by the Executive I ¦Committee to be carried out by the suf-l Bfragists for the advancement of the po-l Bitical rights of women. There were sx-l Bjressions of satisfaction that themeer-l Bng liad been so successful and a hearty I Bfeeling of good will toward the people I Hof Geneva for the hospitality and good I Bwill shown the delegates and visitors I ¦luring the convention. I ¦ The joint invitation of the Political I ¦Equality Club of Buffalo and the Cham-I Bber of Commerce of that city to hold the I Hnext convention there was accepted. I I HARRISO1T KOGEES DEAD. ] ¦ GENEVA. Oct. 20.—Harrison ^ *gers. aagwVTl 1 ¦years, died suddenly Thursday e' jnagj0LWout 6 1 ¦o'clock. He was working taijjiifiwlil Brothers 1 ¦nicking apples and_jfljM«*)Mr*stopped work, Jie J B" ll'll*l>l)ll|H|fcajM>iH'"*1"'"^TTFn a few yards, 1) .was 1 ¦stricken WTrJl heart failure and was found unccn- I Isciot/s gy A. C. Yost, who placed Mrmfn his wagon I land telephoned for a doctor. iti^ ¦ i i ¦ ^^^M