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UGID:904863     UniGene Hs.514116     Homo sapiens (human)   GGNBP2
Gametogenetin binding protein 2 (GGNBP2)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
XP_001173657.1 PREDICTED: zinc finger protein 403 isoform 3 P. troglodytes 100.0 696
NP_079111.1 zinc finger protein 403 H. sapiens 100.0 696
XP_001111173.1 PREDICTED: similar to zinc finger protein 403 M. mulatta 99.8 502
XP_001503854.2 PREDICTED: gametogenetin binding protein 2 E. caballus 99.6 695
XP_869049.3 PREDICTED: similar to zinc finger protein 403 isoform 2 B. taurus 99.6 695
NP_694784.2 zinc finger protein 403 M. musculus 98.6 697
NP_001073430.1 gametogenetin binding protein 2 D. rerio 85.1 624
NP_001088126.1 hypothetical protein LOC494831 X. laevis 74.9 653

Tissues and development stages from this gene's sequences survey gene expression. Links to other NCBI expression resources.
EST Profile: Approximate expression patterns inferred from EST sources.
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GEO profiles: Experimental gene expression data (Gene Expression Omnibus).
cDNA Sources: brain; testis; lung; uncharacterized tissue; embryonic tissue; muscle; blood; mammary gland; mixed; lymph node; uterus; connective tissue; placenta; vascular; larynx; pineal gland; salivary gland; spleen; esophagus; thymus; bladder; mouth; pancreas; ovary; intestine; eye; stomach; liver; prostate; bone; trachea; kidney; heart; cervix; ear; skin; parathyroid; lymph; ascites; nerve; pituitary gland; adrenal gland
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 17
Map position: 17q12
UniSTS entry: Chr 17 WI-16428
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (12)

AK124084.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ42090 fis, clone TESOP2001605, highly similar to Protein ZNF403 P
AK124053.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ42059 fis, clone SYNOV2005216, moderately similar to Homo sapiens laryngeal carcinoma related protein 1 mRNA P
CR604061.1 full-length cDNA clone CS0DK003YH11 of HeLa cells Cot 25-normalized of Homo sapiens (human)
AJ404670.2 Homo sapiens mRNA for hypothetical protein, clone JuaW-XI-88 P
AK026214.1 Homo sapiens cDNA: FLJ22561 fis, clone HSI01788 PA
AF126964.1 Homo sapiens C3HC4-type zinc finger protein (LZK1) mRNA, complete cds PA
NM_024835.2 Homo sapiens gametogenetin binding protein 2 (GGNBP2), mRNA PA
AF268387.1 Homo sapiens laryngeal carcinoma related protein 1 mRNA, complete cds P
AK292161.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ75305 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens laryngeal carcinoma related protein 1 mRNA P
AK290687.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ75663 complete cds, highly similar to Homo sapiens zinc finger protein 403 (ZNF403), mRNA PA
BC137491.1 Homo sapiens gametogenetin binding protein 2, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:169114 IMAGE:9021491), complete cds P
AK301614.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ56588 complete cds, highly similar to Protein ZNF403 P

EST sequences (382)

AA962072.1 Clone IMAGE:1599506 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
AA991736.1 Clone IMAGE:1619656 testis 3' read A
AI001813.1 Clone IMAGE:1638083 testis 3' read PA
AI026876.1 Clone IMAGE:1644747 testis 3' read A
AI032702.1 Clone IMAGE:1656746 mixed 3' read P
AI040832.1 Clone IMAGE:1657580 embryonic tissue 3' read A
AI074276.1 Clone IMAGE:1594472 intestine 3' read A
AI090474.1 Clone IMAGE:1691540 heart 3' read P
AI094362.1 Clone IMAGE:1692040 heart 3' read
AA908725.1 Clone IMAGE:1522222 lung 3' read P
AI125830.1 Clone IMAGE:1737332 testis 3' read A
CB066963.1 Clone IMAGE: pancreas 3' read A
CB067234.1 Clone IMAGE: pancreas 5' read
BX112215.1 Clone IMAGp998M081724_;_IMAGE:704431 lymph node P
AI191872.1 Clone IMAGE:1733110 heart 3' read PA
CB162825.1 Clone L17N670205n1-31-H04 liver 5' read P
CB119515.1 Clone L8SCK0-25-H12 liver 5' read P
CB136227.1 Clone L14ChoiCK0-14-G09 liver 5' read P
CB135023.1 Clone L14ChoiCK0-23-E10 liver 5' read PA
AA904260.1 Clone IMAGE:1417405 lung 3' read P
AA908797.1 Clone IMAGE:1522669 lung 3' read P
AI280656.1 Clone IMAGE:1963798 ovary 3' read P
AI282893.1 Clone IMAGE:1962310 intestine 3' read A
AI289978.1 Clone IMAGE:1988490 uterus 3' read P
AI436142.1 Clone IMAGE:2124268 mixed 3' read A
AI658993.1 Clone IMAGE:2251890 prostate 3' read P
AI660616.1 Clone IMAGE:2351302 intestine 3' read A
F35399.1 Clone sH3-000006-3/H11 muscle P
AI695184.1 Clone IMAGE:2296666 kidney 3' read P
AI696932.1 Clone IMAGE:2324511 pancreas 3' read P
CB241955.1 Clone UI-CF-FN0-aga-k-06-0-UI lung 3' read PA
AI921488.1 Clone IMAGE:2456420 stomach 3' read P
AI936171.1 Clone IMAGE:2459954 prostate 3' read PA
AI814600.1 Clone IMAGE:2408627 lung 3' read A
CB962409.1 Clone IMAGE:30319811 vascular 5' read P
BX359835.2 Clone CS0DI062YO07 placenta 5' read
BX400874.2 Clone CS0DK003YH11 cervix 5' read
BX330975.2 Clone CS0DK003YH11 cervix 3' read
BX370385.2 Clone CS0DK003YH11 cervix 5' read
BX438821.2 Clone CS0DE003YC23 placenta 5' read
BX420708.2 Clone CS0DF033YI03 brain 5' read P
BX442690.2 Clone CS0DF035YB17 brain 5' read
BX445157.2 Clone CS0DF035YB17 brain 3' read
BX445158.2 Clone CS0DF035YB17 brain 5' read
BX406453.2 Clone CS0DM011YH04 liver 3' read
BX406454.2 Clone CS0DM011YH04 liver 5' read P
CB853688.1 Clone UI-CF-FN0-afx-e-14-0-UI lung 3' read A
CD242485.1 Clone IMAGE:30384564 pituitary gland 5' read P
CD358814.1 Clone IMAGE:30387698 testis 5' read P
CD365620.1 Clone UI-H-FT2-bjk-o-21-0-UI lung 3' read PA
CD520917.1 Clone IMAGE:30413177 blood 5' read A
AW020121.1 Clone IMAGE:2482713 ear 5' read P
CD556536.1 Clone IMAGE:30392922 pituitary gland 5' read
CD557886.1 Clone IMAGE:30389922 testis 5' read P
BX478808.1 Clone DKFZp686E16206 muscle 5' read
BX508740.1 Clone DKFZp686H07276 muscle 5' read P
BX508760.1 Clone DKFZp686J06276 muscle 5' read P
CD678652.1 Clone hp11c10 eye 5' read P
AW079530.1 Clone IMAGE:2584624 intestine 3' read A
AW079538.1 Clone IMAGE:2584625 intestine 3' read A
AW205837.1 Clone IMAGE:2722863 mixed 3' read A
AW242319.1 Clone IMAGE:2692068 kidney 3' read P
AW292068.1 Clone IMAGE:2725389 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AW294648.1 Clone IMAGE:2729525 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AW295502.1 Clone IMAGE:2728205 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AW296089.1 Clone IMAGE:2728658 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
AW364866.1 kidney
AW452047.1 Clone IMAGE:2737404 uncharacterized tissue 3' read PA
CK430110.1 Clone oj45c04 eye 5' read P
CK430983.1 Clone oj56d11 eye 5' read P
CK570360.1 intestine P
AW797478.1 uterus P
BX951822.1 Clone DKFZp781O2415 uncharacterized tissue 5' read
CK904276.1 Clone IMAGE:5672884 pancreas 3' read PA
CK904277.1 Clone IMAGE:5672884 pancreas 5' read P
CN478787.1 Clone UI-CF-FN0-afu-c-10-0-UI lung 3' read PA
AW952400.1 uncharacterized tissue
CN259309.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN259310.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
CN281166.1 embryonic tissue 5' read
AW966890.1 uncharacterized tissue
AW967514.1 uncharacterized tissue
AW968486.1 uncharacterized tissue P
AW968663.1 uncharacterized tissue P
BE000235.1 mammary gland P
BE063167.1 mammary gland P
BE071849.1 mammary gland P
BE091271.1 mammary gland P
BE243422.1 Clone TCBAP0345 lymph node
BE244335.1 Clone TCBAP0345 lymph node P
BE254734.1 Clone IMAGE:3357149 eye 5' read
CR741653.1 Clone IMAGp998F234823_;_IMAGE:1963798 ovary 5' read PA
BP193399.1 Clone ADB02210 brain 5' read P
BP197227.1 Clone ADG04745 adrenal gland 5' read P
BP220074.1 Clone COL00741 intestine 5' read P
BP214089.1 Clone CBR09501 brain 5' read P
BP327906.1 Clone PRS08428 prostate 5' read P
BP358749.1 Clone TDR06836 mammary gland 5' read P
BP359931.1 Clone THR00467 brain 5' read P
BP364027.1 Clone TIR03106 lung 5' read P
BP335054.2 Clone SLV09381 salivary gland 5' read P
BP260863.1 Clone HSI01788 intestine 5' read P
BP274814.1 Clone KDN02104 kidney 5' read P
BP307299.1 Clone NRB00738 brain 5' read P
BP309121.1 Clone NRB07684 brain 5' read P
BP310893.1 Clone NRR03947 brain 5' read P
BP350216.1 Clone SZR08151 brain 5' read P
BP376748.1 Clone WMC04912 uterus 5' read P
BP379191.1 Clone WMD04936 uterus 5' read P
BE502214.1 Clone IMAGE:3197294 uncharacterized tissue 3' read A
BE538462.1 Clone IMAGE:3449710 placenta 5' read P
BE746554.1 Clone IMAGE:3928804 ovary 5' read P
BE814894.1 mammary gland P
BE836514.1 prostate P
BE836515.1 prostate P
BE836532.1 prostate P
BE836533.1 prostate P
BE873472.1 Clone IMAGE:3854155 intestine 5' read
D61332.1 Clone GEN-180A09 brain 5' read
BE881238.1 Clone IMAGE:3894509 lung 5' read P
BE885746.1 Clone IMAGE:3910286 uterus 5' read PM
DN992178.1 Clone TC112005 brain 5' read P
BE894532.1 Clone IMAGE:3918227 skin 5' read P
D62649.1 Clone GEN-311B06 vascular 5' read
BE934837.1 uncharacterized tissue P
D56246.1 Clone GEN-421F05 brain 5' read P
D56326.1 Clone GEN-424E09 brain 5' read P
D56456.1 Clone GEN-429E05 brain 5' read P
BF027879.1 Clone IMAGE:3996383 bladder 5' read
BF107307.1 Clone IMAGE:4043499 placenta 5' read P
BF088340.1 larynx P
CR979794.1 Clone RZPDp9016M0644 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
CR982268.1 Clone RZPDp9016E1319 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
CT004607.1 Clone RZPDp9016E2416 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
DR763321.1 Clone IMAGE:7973063 embryonic tissue 5' read P
BY795671.2 Clone HE0730.seq eye 5' read
BF369131.1 placenta P
BF369154.1 placenta P
BF369159.1 placenta P
BF370477.1 prostate P
BF376174.1 testis
BF380501.1 uterus P
BF380511.1 uterus P
AA723024.1 Clone IMAGE:413630 pineal gland 3' read A
AA837963.1 Clone IMAGE:1419204 intestine
DN918303.1 Clone MCF7_RNA_L_24_K17 mammary gland P
DN918304.1 Clone MCF7_RNA_L_24_K17 mammary gland P
DA240126.1 Clone BRAWH3037619 brain 5' read P
DA084372.1 Clone BRACE2038457 brain 5' read P
DA045121.1 Clone BLADE2007531 bladder 5' read P
DA268028.1 Clone BRCAN2021844 brain 5' read
DA268514.1 Clone BRCAN2022425 brain 5' read P
DA202974.1 Clone BRAWH2008384 brain 5' read P
DA046680.1 Clone BLADE2009517 bladder 5' read P
DA086822.1 Clone BRACE2041565 brain 5' read P
DA348633.1 Clone BRSSN2010537 brain 5' read P
DA132896.1 Clone BRALZ2004996 brain 5' read P
DA056409.1 Clone BRACE2002679 brain 5' read P
DA252146.1 Clone BRCAN2002321 brain 5' read P
DA137934.1 Clone BRALZ2011744 brain 5' read
DA073109.1 Clone BRACE2024248 brain 5' read P
DA302258.1 Clone BRHIP2017309 brain 5' read P
DA258101.1 Clone BRCAN2009560 brain 5' read P
BF846159.1 lung P
DA083917.1 Clone BRACE2037883 brain 5' read P
DA607613.1 Clone IMR322004871 brain 5' read P
DA503621.1 Clone FCBBF3018572 brain 5' read
DA386196.1 Clone BRTHA2021428 brain 5' read P
DA425270.1 Clone COLON2000299 intestine 5' read P
DA693901.1 Clone NT2NE2014219 5' read P
DA537806.1 Clone FEKID2000479 kidney 5' read P
DA694790.1 Clone NT2NE2015296 5' read P
DA688326.1 Clone NT2NE2007108 5' read P
DA440218.1 Clone CTONG2008733 mouth 5' read P
DA630273.1 Clone KIDNE2011408 kidney 5' read P
DA579546.1 Clone HHDPC2007855 skin 5' read P
DA363399.1 Clone BRSTN2010362 brain 5' read P
DA435689.1 Clone CTONG2002477 mouth 5' read P
DA671134.1 Clone NETRP2001332 blood 5' read P
DA665575.1 Clone NB9N42001167 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
DA666717.1 Clone NCRRP1000139 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
DA549000.1 Clone HCASM2007438 vascular 5' read P
AW609374.1 stomach
DA368167.1 Clone BRSTN2016576 brain 5' read P
AW612779.1 Clone IMAGE:2957025 lung 3' read P
DA559200.1 Clone HCHON2010301 connective tissue 5' read P
DA605249.1 Clone IMR322002046 brain 5' read P
DA494492.1 Clone FCBBF3006806 brain 5' read P
DA350779.1 Clone BRSSN2013546 brain 5' read
DA501946.1 Clone FCBBF3016348 brain 5' read P
DA351039.1 Clone BRSSN2013888 brain 5' read P
DA914204.1 Clone SKNSH2008661 brain 5' read P
DA993954.1 Clone SYNOV4006612 connective tissue 5' read P
DA960945.1 Clone SPLEN2041555 spleen 5' read P
DB041372.1 Clone TESTI2028428 testis 5' read P
DA921564.1 Clone SMINT2007289 intestine 5' read P
DB029334.1 Clone TESTI2012501 testis 5' read P
DB002990.1 Clone TBAES2005306 mammary gland 5' read P
DB042784.1 Clone TESTI2030229 testis 5' read P
DB042983.1 Clone TESTI2030501 testis 5' read P
DA811948.1 Clone OVARC1000392 ovary 5' read P
DA733947.1 Clone NT2RP2004103 testis 5' read P
DA812726.1 Clone OVARC1002081 ovary 5' read P
DA767452.1 Clone NTONG2009052 mouth 5' read P
DA964148.1 Clone STOMA2002180 stomach 5' read P
DB045243.1 Clone TESTI2033425 testis 5' read P
DA847095.1 Clone PLACE6015740 placenta 5' read
DB013115.1 Clone TESOP2001605 esophagus 5' read
DA821940.1 Clone PERIC2002037 heart 5' read P
DB047185.1 Clone TESTI2035915 testis 5' read P
DB048748.1 Clone TESTI2037865 testis 5' read P
DB048837.1 Clone TESTI2037990 testis 5' read P
DA974888.1 Clone SYNOV2005216 connective tissue 5' read
DA969127.1 Clone STOMA2008038 stomach 5' read P
DB030558.1 Clone TESTI2014176 testis 5' read P
DB018153.1 Clone TESOP2007853 esophagus 5' read P
DA787808.1 Clone OCBBF2025508 brain 5' read
DB026330.1 Clone TESTI2008485 testis 5' read P
DA906881.1 Clone SKNMC2008221 brain 5' read P
DA985016.1 Clone SYNOV2017901 connective tissue 5' read P
DA874291.1 Clone PROST2011778 prostate 5' read P
DA874500.1 Clone PROST2012051 prostate 5' read P
DB027231.1 Clone TESTI2009663 testis 5' read P
DB027424.1 Clone TESTI2009913 testis 5' read P
DB335381.1 Clone TESOP2001605 esophagus 3' read P
DB191847.1 Clone TOVAR1000036 ovary 5' read P
DB121660.1 Clone THYMU2030358 thymus 5' read P
DB109483.1 Clone THYMU2012226 thymus 5' read
DB338883.1 Clone TESTI2046691 testis 3' read P
DB149835.1 Clone THYMU3026279 thymus 5' read
BF738075.1 bladder P
DB201240.1 Clone TRACH2010691 trachea 5' read
DB123544.1 Clone THYMU2032633 thymus 5' read
DB051673.1 Clone TESTI2041642 testis 5' read P
DB051898.1 Clone TESTI2041933 testis 5' read P
DB131820.1 Clone THYMU3001597 thymus 5' read
DB060054.1 Clone TESTI2053244 testis 5' read P
DB054277.1 Clone TESTI2045090 testis 5' read P
DB055431.1 Clone TESTI2046691 testis 5' read P
DB371216.1 Clone OVARC1000392 ovary 3' read P
BF758231.1 intestine
DB365947.1 Clone NT2RP2004103 testis 3' read P
DB372193.1 Clone OVARC1002081 ovary 3' read P
DB059182.1 Clone TESTI2052081 testis 5' read P
DB099274.1 Clone TESTI4050944 testis 5' read P
DB301205.1 Clone BRALZ2011744 brain 3' read P
DB334835.1 Clone SYNOV2005216 connective tissue 3' read P
DB151464.1 Clone THYMU3028393 thymus 5' read P
H89116.1 Clone IMAGE:253273 ear 3' read A
H89222.1 Clone IMAGE:253273 ear 5' read
DW464900.1 liver P
BF833817.1 larynx
BF833991.1 larynx
BG111538.1 Clone IMAGE:4370391 bone 5' read P
BG026233.1 Clone IMAGE:4386616 bone 5' read P
BG028329.1 Clone IMAGE:4390314 bone 5' read P
BF965890.1 Clone IMAGE:4365155 bone 5' read P
BF940364.1 Clone IMAGE:3433587 ovary 3' read A
BF887275.1 testis P
BF904185.1 blood
DB560328.1 Clone H033033J06 brain 3' read PA
DB490273.1 Clone H033033J06 brain 5' read P
DB475848.2 Clone H023068I06 brain 5' read P
DB544657.2 Clone H023068I06 brain 3' read PA
BG288092.1 Clone IMAGE:4516677 bladder 5' read
BG291916.1 Clone IMAGE:4515161 bladder 5' read P
BG393068.1 Clone IMAGE:4540182 uncharacterized tissue 5' read P
BG403004.1 Clone IMAGE:4525923 bladder 5' read P
BG403877.1 Clone IMAGE:4526550 bladder 5' read P
BG482788.1 Clone IMAGE:4616011 lung 5' read P
DT218109.1 brain
BG531951.1 Clone IMAGE:4698212 testis 5' read P
BG540620.1 Clone IMAGE:4694997 lung 5' read P
BG542205.1 Clone IMAGE:4696043 lung 5' read P
BG542723.1 Clone IMAGE:4696313 lung 5' read P
N49067.1 Clone IMAGE:279724 brain 3' read A
N50196.1 Clone IMAGE:279724 brain 5' read P
BG897754.1 connective tissue P
N75598.1 Clone IMAGE:299381 lung 3' read A
N79236.1 Clone IMAGE:297210 mixed 3' read A
BJ989733.1 Clone hkmt-0317 liver 5' read P
BJ989734.1 Clone hkmt-0317 liver 3' read P
BJ993421.1 Clone hmfn-1261 liver 3' read P
BJ993422.1 Clone hmfn-1262 liver 5' read P
N86750.1 Clone L0407 heart 5' read
DC427060.1 Clone MAMMA1002648 mammary gland 3' read P
DC393504.1 Clone TCERX2002758 cervix 5' read P
DC424145.1 Clone MAMMA1002648 mammary gland 5' read P
BI491153.1 Clone IMAGE:2482329 ear 3' read P
BI789220.1 Clone IMAGE:5670730 pancreas 3' read A
BI869407.1 Clone IMAGE:5402790 liver 5' read P
BI860982.1 Clone IMAGE:5399037 mammary gland 5' read P
BI962717.1 Clone IMAGE:5670730 pancreas 5' read A
W03753.1 Clone IMAGE:297210 mixed 5' read P
BM021173.1 Clone IMAGE:5672884 pancreas 3' read PA
BM021440.1 Clone IMAGE:5672884 pancreas 5' read P
W15540.1 Clone IMAGE:320204 parathyroid 3' read A
BM455195.1 Clone IMAGE:5500138 lymph 5' read PA
W31634.1 Clone IMAGE:320204 parathyroid 5' read P
W32623.1 Clone IMAGE:327605 heart 5' read P
BM661826.1 Clone UI-E-CK1-abn-a-06-0-UI eye 3' read A
W39679.1 Clone IMAGE:322955 skin 5' read
W44982.1 Clone IMAGE:322955 skin 3' read A
BM689783.1 Clone UI-E-CK1-abn-a-06-0-UI eye 5' read P
BM699570.1 Clone UI-E-DX1-agy-o-24-0-UI eye 5' read P
BM702633.1 Clone UI-E-CK1-afh-e-04-0-UI eye 5' read P
BM727169.1 Clone UI-E-EJ0-aij-j-09-0-UI eye 5' read PA
BM728241.1 Clone UI-E-EJ0-ain-f-14-0-UI eye 5' read P
BM752777.1 Clone S9SNU601-15-C01 ascites 5' read P
BM805590.1 Clone IMAGE:5729155 brain 5' read
BM919009.1 Clone IMAGE:5748178 mixed 5' read P
BM974064.1 Clone UI-CF-EC1-abz-d-05-0-UI lung 3' read PA
BM977311.1 Clone UI-CF-DU1-ads-p-03-0-UI lung 3' read PA
BQ000739.1 Clone IMAGE:5892091 connective tissue 3' read A
BQ005383.1 Clone IMAGE:5848788 connective tissue 3' read PA
BQ014693.1 Clone IMAGE:5833345 connective tissue 3' read PA
BQ019583.1 Clone IMAGE:5827398 connective tissue 3' read PA
BQ221638.1 Clone IMAGE:6017164 pancreas 5' read PA
BQ299756.1 bladder A
BQ575577.1 Clone UI-H-EZ1-bbf-d-23-0-UI bone 3' read PA
BQ720812.1 Clone IMAGE:6191328 nerve 5' read P
BF921484.1 brain P
BM930002.1 Clone UI-E-EJ1-ajj-e-05-0-UI eye 5' read PA
BQ876742.1 Clone IMAGE:6192610 nerve 5' read P
BQ951061.1 Clone IMAGE:6203190 nerve 5' read P
AA075188.1 Clone IMAGE:544511 ovary 5' read
AA075189.1 Clone IMAGE:544511 ovary 3' read P
GD139264.1 3' read A
BU564329.1 Clone IMAGE:6602330 mixed 5' read PA
BU580584.1 pancreas 3' read A
BU581040.1 pancreas 5' read A
BU587808.1 Clone IMAGE:6385851 mixed 5' read A
AA167043.1 Clone IMAGE:593765 ovary 5' read P
BU620875.1 Clone UI-H-FH1-bfs-c-10-0-UI bone 3' read PA
BU615197.1 Clone UI-H-FH0-bcg-g-22-0-UI bone 3' read PA
AA190582.1 Clone IMAGE:613124 cervix 3' read A
AA211438.1 Clone IMAGE:613124 cervix 5' read P
BU660996.1 Clone cl66h01 blood 5' read P
BU674652.1 Clone UI-CF-DU0-aac-p-15-0-UI lung 3' read PA
BU688140.1 Clone UI-CF-EC1-adx-b-10-0-UI lung 3' read PA
BU733724.1 Clone UI-E-CK1-afh-e-04-0-UI eye 3' read A
BU737305.1 Clone UI-E-DX1-agy-o-24-0-UI eye 3' read A
BU743205.1 Clone UI-E-EJ1-ajj-e-05-0-UI eye 3' read P
AA253372.1 Clone IMAGE:669451 mixed 3' read A
AA250752.1 Clone IMAGE:669451 mixed 5' read P
AA250829.1 Clone IMAGE:684384 lymph node 3' read P
AA250886.1 Clone IMAGE:684384 lymph node 5' read
AA251332.1 Clone IMAGE:684259 lymph node 3' read
AA251400.1 Clone IMAGE:684259 lymph node 5' read
AA279652.1 Clone IMAGE:704431 lymph node 3' read A
AA279862.1 Clone IMAGE:704431 lymph node 5' read P
CA415805.1 Clone UI-H-FE0-bbo-m-09-0-UI bone 3' read PA
CA419274.1 Clone UI-H-FH0-bch-e-19-0-UI bone 3' read PA
AA284969.1 Clone IMAGE:713998 ovary 3' read A
AA284995.1 Clone IMAGE:713998 ovary 5' read P
CA442581.1 Clone UI-H-DI0-avo-p-13-0-UI lung 3' read PA
CA446285.1 Clone UI-H-ED1-axu-o-01-0-UI connective tissue 3' read PA
AA298940.1 uterus 5' read
AA304613.1 vascular 5' read P
AA305635.1 intestine 5' read
AA305408.1 intestine 5' read
AA327787.1 embryonic tissue 5' read P
AA358933.1 lung 5' read P
BQ605335.1 Clone 70397 mammary gland P
AA425011.1 Clone IMAGE:768460 mixed 5' read P
AA442409.1 Clone IMAGE:758983 embryonic tissue 5' read
AA459370.1 Clone IMAGE:814519 lymph node 3' read A
AA459595.1 Clone IMAGE:814519 lymph node 5' read P
AA495947.1 Clone IMAGE:768460 mixed 3' read PA
AA502299.1 Clone IMAGE:898492 intestine 3' read A
AA603227.1 Clone IMAGE:1115688 prostate P
AA634018.1 Clone IMAGE:868309 lung 3' read A
AA634468.1 Clone IMAGE:743888 testis 3' read PA
AA702472.1 Clone IMAGE:448116 mixed 3' read A
AA730869.1 Clone IMAGE:1249566 bone
AA749129.1 Clone IMAGE:1270702 lymph node 3' read A
AA757206.1 Clone 1309656 testis 3' read PA
AA773229.1 Clone IMAGE:1048153 mixed 5' read
AA811697.1 Clone IMAGE:1337663 lymph node 3' read A
AA828460.1 Clone IMAGE:1352386 lymph node 3' read A
AA829606.1 Clone IMAGE:1415019 lung 3' read A
AA830086.1 Clone IMAGE:1352558 lymph node 3' read A

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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