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Introduction to ArcGIS 9 for Land Management Agencies Course Materials

This is an introductory GIS course designed to teach you how to use ArcGIS (version 9) software produced by Environmental Systems Research, Inc. (ESRI). The course has been designed to introduce a wide variety of GIS concepts and ArcGIS software-specific applications appropriate for land management activities. Special emphasis on National Park Service (NPS) programs and their accompanying datasets are provided to depict actual examples of how GIS may be used to solve problems and present solutions in a geospatial context. There are a total of seven modules: each module provides an overview of ArcGIS software functionality; specifies the objectives of the respective module; guides you through hands-on application scenarios; and, provides one or more practical exercises. Included in the course are two "mid-term" exercises and a "final" exercise intended to gauge comprehension of course materials. Solutions to each of the exercises are also provided to self-validate your work. Throughout the course materials, text in boldface type is meant to draw your attention to key terms, required processing steps, ArcGIS menus or dialog boxes, and pertinent file names. Representative screen captures are also included to provide guideposts throughout the materials. It's difficult to convey the entire breadth of the software's functionality in an introductory course so there are also many references to available on-line help and other sources of information to complement the provided materials.

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