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Kurt H. Lamour
Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology

Ph.D. Michigan State University, Botany and Plant Pathology Department

433 Plant Biotechnology Building (physical)
205 Ellington Plant Science (Mailing)
2431 Joe Johnson Dr. Knoxville, TN 37996

Pathology, Phytophthora, SNP, epidemiology, oomycetes

Research Area:
Biology and evolution of plant pathogens in the genus Phytophthora, particularly the vegetable pathogen Phytophthora capsici. Research involves population biology and epidemiology, functional genomics, molecular marker discovery, and the development of high-throughput tools for genomic discovery.

Description of Research:
Developing a reverse-genetic tool to efficiently locate mutants carrying heterozygous deleterious point mutations. Also developing tools for SNP discovery and application. Research projects provide opportunities to explore diseases in action (farmers fields)as well as through the molecular/bioinformatic lens. Recently funded to sequence Phytophthora capsici.

Selected Publications:
An introduction to reverse genetic tools for investigating gene function.  2005 Tierney, M. B. and Lamour, K. H., The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-A-2005-1025-01.

Use of a single primer to fluorescently label selective amplified fragment length polymorphism reactions. 2004 Habera, L., Smith, N., Donahoo, R., and Lamour, K.  BioTechniques 37:902-904.

Phytophthora capsici on vegetable crops: research progress and management challenges. 2004 Hausbeck, M. and Lamour, K., Plant Disease 88: 1292-1303.

Etiology of Phytophthora drechsleri and P. nicotianae (=P. parasitica) diseases affecting floriculture crops.  2003 Lamour, K., Daughtrey, M., Benson, D., Hwang, J., and Hausbeck, M., Plant Disease 87:854-858.

Susceptibility of mefenoxam-treated cucurbits to isolates of Phytophthora capsici sensitive and insensitive to mefenoxam.  2003  Lamour, K. and Hausbeck, M., Plant Disease 87:920-922.

Effect of crop rotation on the survival of Phytophthora capsici in Michigan. 2003  Lamour, K. and Hausbeck, M., Plant Disease 87:841-845.

The spatiotemporal genetic structure of Phytophthora capsici in Michigan and implications for disease management.  2002 Lamour, K. and Hausbeck, M.,  Phytopathology 92:681-684.

Investigating the spatiotemporal genetic structure of Phytophthora capsici in Michigan.  2001 Lamour, K. and Hausbeck, M., Phytopathology 91:973-980.

The dynamics of mefenoxam insensitivity in a recombining population of Phytophthora capsici characterized with amplified fragment length polymorphism markers.  2001 Lamour, K. and Hausbeck, M., Phytopathology 91:553-557.

Mefenoxam sensitivity and the sexual stage of Phytophthora capsici in Michigan cucurbit fields.  2000 Lamour, K. and Hausbeck, M., Phytopathology 90:396-400.

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