January 29 - February 4, 1993

     The purpose of the NS Operating Experience (OE) Weekly Summary is to enhance
     safety throughout the DOE complex by promoting the feedback of operating experience
     and by encouraging the exchange of information among DOE nuclear facilities.  The OE
     Weekly Summary is distributed for information only.  No specific actions or responses
     are required solely as a result of this document.

     Readers are cautioned that review of the OE Weekly Summary should not be relied
     upon as a substitute for a thorough review of the interim and final Occurrence Reports.

     The following events were reviewed during the week of January 29 - February 4,

    ITEM                                               PAGE

    2. PUMP BOLTING DEFICIENCIES                        2
       AT SAVANNAH RIVER K-REACTOR                      3
       AT SAVANNAH RIVER H-CANYON                       4
       AT TANK FARM                                     5
       CAUSES VENTILATION PROBLEM                       6




       NS reviewed three occurrences this week in which out-of-position valves affected
       facility operations.  On February 1, 1993, personnel evacuated a building at the
       Pantex Plant when an out-of-position valve created the danger that a fire suppression
       deluge could have been inadvertently activated.  Construction personnel were
       releasing air pressure after testing a new air compressor system.  However, a valve
       thought to be closed was open, allowing plant system air to be released along with
       air from the construction air system.  The resulting low pressure into the plant air
       system required personnel to block the fire suppression deluge system, and the
       affected building was evacuated due to Limiting Conditions of Operation (LCO)
       requirements.  Facility personnel have not been able to determine when the valve was
       opened.  Facility personnel blocked closed the subject valve, along with six other
       valves that if opened could affect plant operations (ORPS Report

       On January 31, 1993, a sample pump seal at the Savannah River Defense Waste
       Processing Facility was damaged when it was operated for several minutes without
       seal water flow.  The seal water isolation valve for that type of seal was normally left
       open, but facility personnel closed the valves after experiencing problems with
       excessive leakage.  However, procedures were not updated to include a requirement
       to open the seal water isolation valve before starting the pump.  As a result,
       operators started the pump and ran it for several minutes without seal water flow,
       damaging the seal.   Facility personnel have identified and corrected all affected
       procedures (ORPS Report SR--WSRC-WVIT-1993-0002).

       On January 28, 1993, a uranium enrichment production cell at the Portsmouth
       Gaseous Diffusion Plant automatically shut down when operators inadvertently
       activated a compressor motor oil pressure sensor.  Operators closed a lube oil supply
       valve to the compressor motor in order to replace a leaking oiler.  The lube oil lines
       for some stages contain oil pressure sensors, while others do not.  Closing this valve
       while the motor is running is normal practice for stages without oil pressure sensors,
       since the oiler can be replaced in about one minute and motor bearing heatup is not
       significant.  However, the oil line for this stage contained a pressure sensor, which
       sensed the low oil pressure condition and activated the motor trip circuit, shutting
       down the motor and the associated cell.  Had the operators verified that this stage
       contained an oil pressure sensor, they would have performed a planned cell shutdown
       to replace the oiler (ORPS Report ORO--MMES-PORTCASOPS-1993-0003).

       In each of these occurrences, correct valve positions were not verified by positive
       means.  These events underscore the importance of using positive means, including
       independent verification, to verify the position of all valves that could affect the
       performance of a test or maintenance activity.  Even those valves not normally
       operated and expected to be in a  normal  position should be verified if their position
       could adversely affect plant operation or personnel safety.

       The Savannah River event also illustrates the need for facility personnel to ensure that
       they adequately control abnormal valve alignments including documentation of
       restoration to normal alignment.  For safety-related applications, this should include
       independent verification of the restoration.  Also, the Pantex occurrence emphasizes
       the importance of communications between construction and operations personnel
       when operating equipment that provides boundaries between construction and plant


       On January 29, 1993, personnel at the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) in Idaho
       discovered that the M-6 coolant pump in the 1C-W experiment loop was mounted
       with only two bolts, instead of the required four bolts.  Four horizontally mounted
       coolant pumps pump water through the 1C-W loop, which is one of nine ATR
       experiment loops.  Facility personnel inspected the other pumps in the loop and
       identified another mounted with only three bolts. 

       Workers, using a recently updated procedure, were performing maintenance on one
       of the affected pumps when they discovered the deficiency.  Previous revisions of the
       pump replacement procedure included multiple actions within procedure steps.  In the
       latest revision of the procedure, multiple action steps were divided making it clearer
       and easier for the craft personnel to use.  Workers stopped the maintenance when
       they were unable to perform the step requiring that four bolts be inserted because of
       an alignment problem.  The 1C-W M-6 pump had been repaired in May 1992, and
       facility personnel have not been able to determine how long the condition existed.

       Proper bolting of the coolant pumps is a concern because catastrophic failure of the
       pumps or loop piping could cause the Experiment Loop to void, which adds positive
       reactivity to the ATR core.  Engineering personnel have performed analysis indicating
       that the bolting deficiency would not have increased the probability or the
       consequences of any previously analyzed accidents and therefore did not result in an
       Unreviewed Safety Question (USQ).

       In this event, use of detailed procedures and good maintenance practices by craft
       personnel led to the discovery of a condition that had gone undetected.  This event
       illustrates the benefits of using detailed procedures and underscores the need for craft
       personnel to inform facility management when deficiencies are noted. This is
       especially important because craft personnel may not be aware of facility safety
       analysis and design basis requirements, and should not be expected to make
       decisions as to the adequacy of deficiencies.  To address these concerns, ATR
       personnel are discussing this issue with all craft personnel and are continuing to
       upgrade maintenance procedures (ORPS Report ID--EGG-ATR-1993-0004).


       On January 31, 1993, at the Savannah River Site K-Reactor, Central Control Room
       operators received the 'Standby Air Low Pressure' annunciator.  An operator,
       investigating the condition, found that the A compressor coupling had failed and the
       redundant B compressor had started.  The operator then discovered that a solenoid
       valve was stuck open on the B compressor, preventing it from maintaining system
       pressure.  The operator tapped on the solenoid valve causing it to close and restore
       pressure to normal.  The operator then stopped the A compressor motor.  System
       pressure did not decrease sufficiently to cause any dampers in the confinement
       system to change position (ORPS Report SR--WSRC-REACK-1993-0017).

       This pair of low capacity air compressors supply control air to dampers in the facility
       confinement system.  They are included in the facility preventive maintenance and
       surveillance programs.  The facility operators increased the monitoring frequency on
       the B compressor as a compensatory action during this degraded condition and
       initiated work requests to have both compressors repaired. 

       Establishing compensatory action on equipment in a degraded condition is a good
       practice.  Preventive maintenance and surveillance programs do not guarantee that
       equipment will always function as required nor do redundant components always
       protect against single failures.  Predictive maintenance tracking systems can be used
       to identify the frequency of failure of components and allow fine tuning of preventive
       maintenance schedules and replacement part inventories.


       On January 31, 1993, personnel at the Savannah River H-Canyon facility discovered
       a steam leak in the branch header that supplies main steam to process vessels and
       building heating. While placing the system into service, operations personnel heard
       a load noise and identified a 14-inch steam isolation valve gasket leaking steam. 
       Facility personnel immediately initiated an emergency shutdown of the system (ORPS
       Report SR--WSRC-HCAN-1993-0012).  They conducted a walkdown of the steam system
       and reported that this event caused no personnel injury or process disturbances.  (All
       processes had been shut down for the steam system outage.)

       Facility personnel report that the leak occurred because of a water hammer that
       began when the system was valved into service. They suspect that the system was
       brought on-line too fast, and proper pre-heat of the piping was not provided.
       Introduction of hot water or steam into colder piping can result in water hammer,
       piping deflection and hanger damage. The procedure used for system start-up did not
       provide specific time intervals for warming the system before introducing steam. 
       Facility personnel are now committed to revise the system start-up procedure to
       provide these intervals.

       This event emphasizes the importance of ensuring system temperature and
       equilibrium pressure when valving systems into service. Water hammer and thermal
       stresses in piping systems has been the subject of numerous commercial nuclear
       industry events.  Additional information concerning this subject can be found in NRC
       Information Notices IN 91-38 "Thermal Stratification in Feedwater System Piping";
       IN 88-80 "Unexpected Piping Movement Attributed to Thermal Stratification"; IN 89-
       90 "Potential for Water Hammer, Thermal Stratification, and Steam Binding in HPCI
       Systems"; NRC Bulletin NRCB 88-08 "Thermal Stresses in Piping Connected to
       Reactor Coolant Systems"; NRCB 88-11 "Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal
       Stratification"; and the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) SER 25-87
       "Pressurizer Surge Line Thermal Cycling."


       On January 26, 1993, a technician at the Oconee Unit 3 nuclear power plant caused
       two fuses to blow in a circuit supplying the main generator electrical output signal to
       the plant's Integrated Control System (ICS).  The ICS processes steam flow,
       feedwater flow, feedwater pump discharge pressure, generator load, average reactant
       coolant temperature, and other parameter signals to automatically control steady
       state and transient plant load demands.  Because of the blow fuses, the indicated
       main generator electrical output decreased below the demand value on the ICS.  The
       ICS then opened the main turbine valves further in an attempt to return the generator
       electrical output to the ICS demand value.  This increased steam flow to the main
       turbine and caused the main feedwater pump discharge pressure to decrease. The
       main turbine then tripped because of the low feedwater discharge pressure and the
       Reactor Protection System (RPS) automatically tripped the reactor as a result of the
       turbine trip.  The plant responded normally after this full power reactor trip with the
       Emergency Feedwater System (EFW) actuating as expected (NRC EN 24947).

       Plant investigators believe the technician incorrectly positioned the selector switch
       on the multi-meter he was using to troubleshoot the equipment, causing the fuses to
       blow.  Plant personnel have not finalized all corrective actions.  Potential corrective
       actions include, changing the color of the indicating lights to make them more
       noticeable, evaluating middle-of-shift operator relief practices, determining if the use
       of check offs in AOPs should be mandatory, and verifying the adequacy of the
       training for technicians who use multi-meters. 

       About two hours after the reactor trip, a second problem occurred.  The operators
       restarted the Main Feedwater (MFW) System and then shutdown the EFW system in
       accordance with the Abnormal Operating Procedure (AOP) for Loss of MFW.  The
       licensed operator who performed the AOP, did not correctly position two EFW system
       control valve switches in the "manual" versus "automatic" position as required by the
       AOP and the plant technical specifications.  The operators sometimes use a check
       mark to note the steps accomplished in an AOP.  The use of AOP check offs is
       considered optional and this operator did not use it.  The status of these valves is
       indicated by two white lights, one labeled "Manual" the other "Automatic."  The EFW
       system was incapable of automatically providing EFW flow to the SGs when these
       switches were in manual.  This operator was relieved by another operator later during
       the shift (not a normal shift turnover). These two operators did not adequately review
       the control boards and the mispositioned switches were not discovered.  Operators
       discovered the mispositioned switches during a control board walk-down for formal
       shift turnover, about five and one-half hours later.

       This event demonstrates how casual operating practices (optional use of check offs,
       informal shift relief) can result in the failure to meet operating requirements.  Facilities
       can prevent the occurrence of similar events by maintaining compliance with the
       requirements of Conduct of Operations manuals and other facility procedures.


       On January 21, 1993, at the 241-SY Tank Farm at Hanford, operators found
       indication of a leak of contaminated liquid from a waste storage tank.  Plant personnel
       estimated that about 8 oz. of contaminated liquid had leaked onto the snow and soil. 
       The operators had been preparing to move an overpack (a large pipe sealed at both
       ends) containing an air lance when they discovered the leak.  Three air lances had
       been removed from Tank TK-101-SY and stored at this location in overpacks.  Tank
       TK-101-SY is a one-million-gallon tank that is at the top of the tank watch list for the
       Hanford Site.  Operators had used the air lances in the past to mix the waste stored
       in the tank.  The highest radiation reading from the leaking overpack was 80 mR/hr. 
       The spill was cleaned up, and the contaminated material was properly disposed of
       (ORPS Report RL--WHC-TANKFARM-1993-0010).

       The air lances are no longer in use.  Investigators determined that after placing the
       air lance into its receiver, operators covered the four inch drain in the over pack with
       plastic sheeting and tape.  During the subsequent inclement weather, snow and ice
       accumulated on the air lance; when the ice melted, it carried contamination into the
       overpack. The plastic sheeting then failed, and the contaminated liquid leaked to the
       soil.  In retrospect, site engineers indicated, a blank flange would have been a better
       choice for sealing the four-inch opening.

       Later the same day, at the same Hanford location, four workers in a "greenhouse,"
       a temporary containment structure, noted a strong ammonia odor as they attempted
       to install a drain line on an overpack assembly for an air lance.  All were wearing
       respiratory protection masks.  They noted the odor when they removed a one-inch
       pipe plug.  One worker left the area,  complaining of burning eyes, sore throat, and
       a headache.  After examination, he was returned to the work site.  Upon his return,
       they all switched to supplied breathing air respirators and finished the installation. 
       The next day industrial hygiene personnel checked the work site and found air-borne
       contamination in the air lance receivers.  Health Physics staff were still working to
       establish the levels of radiation exposure experienced by the four workers.

       This investigation is continuing, but site personnel have determined that the flushing
       procedure used to decontaminate the overpacks and air lances was inadequate.  Had
       the overpacks and air lances been treated as potential mixed waste, the incident
       could have been avoided.  Staff have added a visual inspection and radiation survey
       to the standard flush procedure to ensure that no "crud" remains on equipment that
       has been inside a high level waste tank.

       Facilities dealing with high level waste should make sure that the job planning process
       includes every possible safety precaution to avoid contamination or personnel
       exposure.  Equipment that has been used inside a tank holding high-level wastes
       should be treated as radiologically and chemically unsafe until properly surveyed by
       trained personnel.


       On January 25, 1993, at Rocky Flats Building 561, an operator caused the Process
       Air Programmer (PAP) to cycle while performing a post maintenance test (PMT) on
       a fan in the ventilation system.  The PMT required the standby fan to be energized,
       but the operator did not identify the correct HAND-OFF-AUTO fan switch position. 
       Cycling the PAP shut off the ventilation to the building, but the exhaust fan for
       affected gloveboxes remained in operation.  No plutonium operations were underway
       at the time of this occurrence.  Facility personnel verified that the PAP cycled in
       proper sequence and returned the ventilation system to normal (ORPS Report RFO--EGGR-

       The inadequacy of the procedure was identified in a procedure change notice in
       October 1991.  The PMT has been performed successfully during the interim period
       by using experienced operators knowledgeable of the procedure problem.  After the
       engineering review process, a Procedure Revision Request (PRR) was issued in June
       1992.  The PRR is currently waiting approval from the Validation and Verification
       group but higher priority work has slowed the process.

       In this event, 15 months had elapsed between identification of a problem and
       issuance of a notification report.  Facility personnel need to address procedure
       deficiencies with formal changes rather than relying on operator experience to work
       around the deficiencies.  An important safety issue, such as proper glovebox or
       building ventilation, should receive prompt attention.


       On January 29, 1993, a worker at the Oak Ridge Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
       discovered a furnace in Building 4500-S damaged by an apparent explosive chemical
       reaction. No personnel were injured as a result of the explosion and the damage was
       confined to the furnace.  Health Physics personnel surveyed the furnace and found
       no contamination (ORPS Report ORO--MMES- X10ANLCHEM-1993-0002).  The damaged furnace
       is the size of a small microwave oven and is located under a laboratory hood. 
       Personnel use the furnace to oxidize or "ash" the samples.

       Prior to the event, laboratory personnel had placed four beakers in the furnace, each
       containing approximately 10 grams of residue.  This residue was particlate material
       collected from the off-gas stack.  Environmental personnel used stainless steel probes
       in the stack to collect the particulate samples before sending the samples to the
       laboratory for radionuclide analysis.  They used a stack probe wash procedure to
       collect the residue from the probe in 250 ml aliquots. The sample was then taken to
       the laboratory and heated to dryness in the furnace before conducting the
       radionuclide analysis. Environmental personnel had discussed the probe washing
       procedure with the laboratory group supervisor who suggested that the probes be
       cleaned using a 4M nitric acid solution.  Environmental personnel decided to use a
       commercially available solution named "Radiac Wash" to clean the probes instead of
       the previously agreed upon nitric acid, and did not inform the laboratory group leader
       of the change.  When samples of the probe washing were submitted for further
       processing, the material description on the request form stated "WATER & RADIAC
       WASH."  Laboratory personnel assumed that "Radiac Wash" was the name given to
       the probe wash procedure and that the solution was the 4M nitric acid, as had been
       previously discussed.  During processing, a laboratory technician noticed what
       appeared to be organic contaminates in the sample.  A decision was made to ash the
       sample, a normal procedure when organics are present.  The pH of the aliquot was
       adjusted using nitric acid and placed into the furnace. The furnace heats the sample
       100 degrees Centigrade every 100 minutes until a maximum temperature of  500
       degrees is attained.  The temperature of the oven was at 200 degrees when the
       violent reaction occurred. After the event, laboratory personnel determined that
       "Radiac Wash" contained several organic constituents, some of which form explosive
       compounds in the presence of nitric acid (e.g., ethylene oxide).

       This event underscores the importance of having properly qualified personnel conduct
       a hazards evaluation when using new chemicals.  The Radiac Wash had not been
       analyzed for possible volatile reactions with other chemicals used in the process.  An
       effective hazards analysis and chemical control program would have required the
       analysis of all chemicals and their applications prior to use and could have assisted
       in preventing this event.


       On January 29, 1993, in the Super-Conducting Supercollider tunnel, a 6000 lb.
       segment of concrete tunnel liner fell, killing a construction worker at the N-15
       construction site.  Construction management suspended all operations until the cause
       of the accident is determined (Ref. ORPS Report HQ--URA-SSCL-1993-0001).

       The concrete segment is about 5 feet wide by 8 feet long and 9 inches thick and is
       one of four segments used to line each 8-foot section of the 2.7-mile tunnel section
       presently under construction.  Construction workers positioned the segment, using
       hydraulic jacking equipment, and then installed hydraulic supports to hold it in place. 
       It is believed that one of these hydraulic supports retracted, allowing the segment to
       fall.  DOE is conducting an investigation of the accident, and Parsons-
       Brinkeroff/Morrison-Knudsen, the architect/engineer/construction firm managing the
       tunnel construction, is performing its own investigation in parallel.  A followup report
       will be included in the weekly summary as information becomes available.


       On January 21, 1993, personnel at the South Texas Project commercial nuclear
       power plant informed the NRC that one of their emergency diesel generators (EDGs)
       had been inadvertently rendered inoperable when it was painted.  During a
       subsequent surveillance test, the EDG failed to start.

       Personnel painted the EDG as part of an upgrade to plant appearance and
       housekeeping.  This was the first diesel to be painted.  The plant decided to paint the
       diesel without taking it out of service (OOS) to avoid operating penalties if the diesel
       was OOS for more than 72 hours.  This decision permitted deleting the
       post-maintenance test of the diesel because it had not been taken OOS.  Paint
       dripped into the metering rod guide holes in the "jerk pumps" (impulse injection pump)
       and caused the lockup.  Plant personnel removed the paint from the rod guide holes,
       verified free movement of the metering rods, and successfully started the diesel (NRC
       EN 24914).

       The Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) reported paint binding problems at
       three commercial nuclear power plants - McGuire 1, Byron 1, and Palo Verde 3 (INPO
       Safety Evaluation Report 16-90).  Corrective actions stated in the INPO document
       include: (1) a thorough pre-job briefing for the painters, (2) operational tests to verify
       equipment reliability after painting, and, (3) restrictions on redundant components so
       that operational testing is completed on one redundant component prior to the next
       one being painted.  This INPO SER was available at South Texas but its
       recommendations were not followed.

       NRC Information Notice 90-80, Sand Intrusion Resulting in Two Diesel Generators
       Becoming Inoperable, dated December 21, 1990, discusses a similar problem.  This
       notice also describes a case where personnel cleaned the DG intercoolers and treated
       them with a corrosion-preventive agent.  The intercoolers had been removed from the
       diesel engine and prepared for sandblasting by bolting plywood covers over the shell
       side and sealing the wood with tape.  The covering did not seal adequately and
       aluminum oxide entered the shell side of the intercoolers.  During subsequent DG
       operation, sand was deposited between the piston rings and cylinder liners, causing
       heavy scoring.

       Awareness of the vulnerability of diesels to ingestion of foreign material can help
       avoid unnecessary DG down time.  Combustion air intakes must be protected to
       prevent the entry of debris.  Externally exposed moving parts must be protected from
       paint, cleaning solutions, etc. to maintain operability.  Strict cleanliness practices and
       post-maintenance inspections must be enforced to maintain equipment reliability.


       On January 27 and 28, 1993, facility personnel at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Site identified
       two General Electric breakers as suspect equipment while performing inventory
       activities.  Upon close inspection, warehouse  personnel discovered various non-
       conforming conditions including missing factory seals, RTV used to plug ports in the
       casing, grind marks on the casing, and inadequate shipping containers. These
       breakers were not consistent with the shipping and material quality standards
       specified by site personnel.  The suspect breakers are 120-volt, 3 phase with serial
       number TQD-32150 and manufactured in Brazil (ORPS Reports ORO--MKFO-Y12CENTENG-
       1993-0004 and ORO--MKFO- Y12CENTENG-1993-0005). 

       This event demonstrates the importance of implementing a program to inspect
       equipment upon receipt from the vendor.  Quality Assurance programs and
       procedures are effective in identifying suspect materials. Facilities may want to notify
       their Quality Assurance department of this potential problem.

       Substandard, counterfeit, and other suspect parts used in nuclear applications is a
       concern for both Government contractors and the commercial nuclear industry.  The
       use of suspect materials in critical applications poses a threat to DOE facility
       operation and nuclear safety and may present plant workers, the public and the
       environment with increased risk.  The Inspector General issued a report in September
       1990 concerning the Department's Quality Assurance processes relative to this issue. 
       As a result of this report, the Program Secretarial Officers initiated a program to
       identify suspect parts and initiate corrective actions.  Additional information
       concerning programs that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission consider to be effective
       in providing the capability to detect counterfeit or fraudulently marked products and
       assure the quality of procured products may be found in NRC Generic Letter 89-02
       "Actions to Improve the Detection of Counterfeit and Fraudulently Marketed
       Products."  This document lists numerous NRC Bulletins and Information Notices
       concerning nonconforming materials and equipment and instances of inadequate
       dedication of equipment for safety-related applications.


       On October 7, 1992, the NRC issued a supplement to Information Notice 91-64, Site
       Area Emergency Resulting from a Loss of Non-Class 1E Uninterruptible Power
       Supplies.  Information Notice 91-64 was originally issued in response to the August
       13, 1991, event at Nine Mile Point Unit 2 nuclear power plant.  During that event,
       a voltage disturbance on the electrical distribution buses, the facility lost power from
       each of five Non-Class 1E Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS).  The NRC
       supplement provided additional information on replacement intervals for control logic
       back-up power battery packs associated with Exide Electronics, Incorporated (Exide)
       75 KVA UPS model No. 575-60T3-120/208.

       The Exide UPS units have internal continuously charged back-up batteries to prevent
       a loss of control logic power. Exide's UPS control logic circuitry receives, processes,
       generates, and sends electrical signals essential for proper UPS operation.  However,
       at Nine Mile Point, the back-up power battery packs were apparently past their useful
       life and were completely discharged.  The loss of power from the UPSs caused the
       loss of a number of critical instrumentation and control systems at the plant. 

       Exide used Gates Energy Products (Gates) rechargeable batteries for its UPS control
       logic batteries. The NRC investigation of the event determined that functional battery
       packs acting alone would support the amperage consumption necessary for the UPS
       control logic to operate for at least 10 minutes.  The Gates performance data sheets
       show that battery life expectancy is a function of float voltage and temperature with
       charge and discharge cycle life being a function of the depth of discharge.

       The Gates data also show that greater float voltage or higher operating temperatures
       decrease battery life. For example, a battery could last slightly longer than five years
       with an operating temperature of 30 ¯C and a float voltage of 2.3 volts DC (vdc). 
       If the operating temperature is increased to 40 ¯C with a float voltage value of 2.3
       vdc, the battery life expectancy is about three years.  If the float voltage is increased
       to 2.4 vdc, the life expectancy is about two years.  Further, if the operating
       temperature is increased to 50 ¯C and the float voltage is 2.4 vdc, the battery life
       expectancy decreases to about one year.  Therefore, high float voltage combined with
       excessively high operating temperature substantially decrease battery life.

       At Nine Mile Point, the UPS back-up internal battery packs were completely
       discharged, and the utility had not performed adequate PM on the battery packs
       commensurate with the actual in-service conditions that could adversely affect
       battery life.

       The lessons learned at Nine Mile Point are applicable to a number of DOE facilities. 
       Installations with UPSs that contain backup batteries should assure the batteries
       receive periodic PM and are operated within the manufacturer's life expectancy
       temperature and float voltage requirements.



    In OE Weekly Summary 92-36, NS described a lithium fire at the Lawrence Berkeley
    Laboratory waste handling facility.  The event description stated that lithium is a strong
    oxidizer and reacts with water to form hydrogen.  In fact, lithium is incompatible with
    strong oxidizers.


       In OE Weekly Summary 93-1, NS reported an event in which a Victaulic cap failed
       during an air pressure test at the Morgantown Energy Technology Center (METC) in
       West Virginia, causing minor damage to the facility.   Workers were using the
       Victaulic cap to establish a pressure boundary at the end of an 8  main fire header.

       Not relying completely on the clamping bolts, facility personnel had wedged a 4 X4 
       post against the cap to help prevent it from blowing off.  While the line was
       pressurized with 120 psig air, the post slipped off and the cap loosened and blew off. 
       Mud, stone and water were blown onto the side of a building, breaking the outer
       panes of two 30 X36  windows (ORPS Report HQ--GOME-METC-1993-0002).

       In OE Weekly Summary 93-1, NS mentioned lessons learned from this event
       concerning work package review and proper restraint of temporary devices. 
       However, personnel at other facilities have provided feedback to NS pointing out
       additional lessons to be learned from this event.

       They point out that this event illustrates that pressure tests should be conducted with
       water, and air tests should only be performed where special circumstances preclude
       the use of water.  The use of water minimizes the amount of energy that would be
       released if the system under test fails, since water is essentially incompressible.  Had
       a hydrostatic test been performed on this system, instead of the air test, debris would
       not have been blown into the building and no damage would have resulted.

       However, if special circumstances dictate that a system be pressure tested with air,
       special precautions should be taken to ensure that all temporary components are
       adequately restrained.  Generally, temporary piping components must meet the same
       design and installation criteria as the permanent system.  Commercial piping design
       codes also contain general guidance for circumstances in which an air test versus a
       hydrostatic test may be used.  This event also demonstrates the importance of
       keeping non-essential personnel clear of areas where air tests are being conducted.


        Note:    The Office of Nuclear Safety encourages input related to the development of Safety
                 Notices.  If you have any questions, comments, or information concerning events or
                 issues similar to those described below, please contact Mr. Ivon Fergus, Office of
                 Nuclear Safety (301) 903-6364.

        1. NS has identified a number of events related to the loss of annunciators and
           other safety-related equipment caused by problems involving 120-VAC/125-VDC
           systems at DOE and commercial facilities.  NS is reviewing potential generic
           problems associated with the adequacy of 120-VAC/125-VDC systems at DOE

        2. NS evaluated three events associated with the temporary diesel generator at
           Rocky Flats Plant, Building 707.  The lessons learned from these events,
           particularly as they relate to the control of temporary modifications, are being
           considered for dissemination in an NS Safety Notice.

        3. NS is developing a Safety Notice concerning problems with Uninterruptible
           Power Supplies (UPS).

        4. NS is considering developing a Safety Notice related to control of work at
           electrical substations and switchyards.

        5. NS is developing a Safety Notice related to the handling, storage, venting, and
           opening of containers and drums that may be pressurized or may contain
           flammable vapors.  This notice will contain generic information about proper
           storage conditions and the material conditions of containers.

        6. NS is working with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and DOE-SF
           personnel to develop a Safety Notice on cracking in ventilation ducting.

        7. NS is considering developing a Safety Notice related to Emergency Diesel
           Generator (EDG) fuel oil supplies.

        8. NS is developing a Safety Notice addressing uses of independent verification for
           equipment positioning.


        Safety Notice No. 91-1, "Criticality Safety Moderator Hazards," September 1991

        Safety Notice No. 92-1, "Criticality Safety Hazards Associated With Large Vessels,"
        February 1992

        Safety Notice No. 92-2, "Radiation Streaming at Hot Cells," August 1992

        Safety Notice No. 92-3, "Explosion Hazards of Uranium-Zirconium Alloys," August

        Safety Notice No. 92-4, "Facility Logs and Records," September 1992

        Safety Notice No. 92-5, "Discharge of Fire Water Into a Critical Mass Lab," October

        Safety Notice No. 92-6, "Estimated Critical Positions (ECPs)," November

    Copies of NS Safety Notices may be requested from:  Nuclear Safety Information Center,
    Office of Nuclear Safety, U.S. Department of Energy, Room S161, GTN, Washington, DC 