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President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)

HIV/AIDS: Dialogue with HIV–Affected Persons

Tien Phong On-line: I have been cured of drug-addiction for seven years now. Meanwhile, I have painted almost 1,000 drawings, mainly on HIV, I have made great efforts. I have struggled with myself. Why don’t I dare say publicly that I am HIV-affected for people to understand more about me and affected persons like me? - Nguyen Trong Kien is guide open-hearted during an on-line exchange of views with Tien Phong On-line (TPO) readers.

  • Ms Pham Thi Hue (from Hai Phong), selected as “Asian Hero 2004” by the Time (USA) for her efforts in assisting HIV/AIDS affected persons in Vietnam.
  • Painter Nguyen Trong Kien (from Hanoi)
  • Mr Mitchell Wolfe, Director of the American Center for Diseases Control (CDC) in Vietnam.
  • Mr Nhan Tuan, Director of the Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Hanoi, and
  • Mr Tran Quoc Tuan, Head of the Department of Clinical Medicine and Tropical Disease, Dong Da Hospital, Hanoi.

At 10:30 this morning, the six invited persons were present at Tien Phong Office to take part in an on-line exchange of View on HIV/ AIDS.

Ms Pham Thi Hue “Asian Hero 2004”, selected by Time magazine, began an open talk with us.

Ms Hue, would you please tell us about you latest contribution to HIV/AIDS Vietnam activities?

In resent time, I have taken part in activities to propagate the understanding about HIV in school, population conglomerations, in on-line exchanges on views and wrapping of HIV dead found on the streets or without a family.

I have also given direct advices on HIV to persons on the phone, in their families and shared with them the experience on how to live among HIV/AIDS affected people.

I have also taken part in raising fund to support the affected people in their localities and collecting clothes and food for young children.

Especially with a view to wiping out the inferiority complex and strengthening the self-confidence on children we usually coordinate out activities with those of the Vietnamese Women’s Union of the ward to mark Mid-Autumn or Tet for them.

In order to improve the knowledge for the patients’ relatives, I direct them how to look after their HIV-infected people right at their homes, thus easing the pressure in hospitals.

As for me, I directly take care of the patients when their situations get worse, namely at AIDS stage.

Recently, I took part in the GIPA Project, the one that encourages the participation of the AIDS patients in the community. This project is supported by VN volunteers together with many activists of the Central Committee of the Vietnamese Women’s Union.

What about your present job and life? Have you met with any difficulties?

Of course, besides advantages we also face lots of difficulties. In terms of financial sources for our activities, we are lacing preventive measures and means to look after patients. As for ourselves we are in sort of caring skills.

Moreover, we have so far lacked juridical person status to organize parties for their spiritual food.

Nevertheless, we keep on tiding over these obstacles. Meanwhile, various organizations of the ward also lend their hand, with our work in terms of juridical person status.

The 2nd person in our talk is painter Nguyen Trong Kien.

• Hello Kien! How are you?

At present, I’m all right any my work is getting on well. I am now preparing for a painting exhibition to be held on Dec. 01 with a view to raising funds for building a classroom for HIV-stricken kiddies at Centre No. 2, Ba Vi, Ha Tay.

• You Nguyen Thanh Ngan, as Mr Kien’s wife, would you mind telling us something about your love story with him?

Our love affair is fairly interesting. After two years in love with a lot of ups and down, Kien and I made up our mind to get married. Our decision got approval from both sides.

Personally, I was trained in the field of fine arts, especially in applied graphics, so time again I’ve exchanged my opinions with him in the area of our common concern.

Furthermore, together with Kien I’ve frequently paid visits to our “children” those unlucky kids in Ba Vi, Ha Tay. In addition to that I’ve taken part in my husband’s activities too.

• Now another question put to both of you. From the day you overtly declared that you suffered from HIV, what has caused you most heart-rending? Have you ever felt disappointed when you have to face with society? In order to overcome disadvantages? What have you done? (Asked by Hai, 32, Hanoi)

Mr Nguyen Trong Kien: I was 18 years old. So far this epidemic has been incurable. So, I’ve lost the best days in my lifetime. That makes me sad to the utmost.

Every body has his or her own problem. At times I felt desperate no hope in life at all. That was time when we had mistakes.

12 years is enough for me to understand what the society reserved for me whether they are good or bad. Any way I don’t want to be abandoned. No bay cares whether I am alive or dead. This way of living is useless.

I was so miserable and so were my parents. That was why I promised myself to stand up to overcome all the sufferings.

One of the ways leading me out of my sorrow is to concentrate on drawing during the whole 12 years living together with HIV. I also shared my feeling with those who have the same fate with me especially children at Ba Vi centre in Ha Tay province.

Mrs.  Pham Thi Hue: For me life was just like the hell on earth when I tried to discover the fact that I was an HIV positive. At present life seemed to be easier as I dared to make people around me understand my state of being.

I could find joy in working. This is also a remedy for Hue’s current healthy life.

Whenever Hue meets with a difficulty she considers it a challenge and finds ways to overcome. This really encourages her to strive harder.

• Question to Mr. Le Nhan Tuan on the installation of the auto condom selling machines  in Hanoi and other cities. How it is going on? And the what about the access to condoms of target groups (hai, 32 years old of Hanoi)
Lat year, projects DFIT and DKT provided condoms in various recreation centres in some districts like Long Bien, Cau Giay, and Thanh Xuan. Project DKT at the same time installed auto condom selling machines run by battery in some restaurants and WC.

However these activities are not very successful as the installation did not count the time when people need to use condoms.

Last April we discussed these problems with DKT officials and raised two solutions to increase the effectiveness of the auto condom selling machines.

Solution 1: To replace the electricity or battery powered machines by mechanical ones to ensure the constant smooth provision of condoms to clients.

Solution 2: Priority should be given to sensitive or high risk locations such as areas with a large number of pupils and students of universities, colleges, vocational schools. Areas with migrants such as export processing zones or joint ventures between Vietnam and foreign partners with workers coming from various areas, and areas with workers coming from different provinces to Hanoi are regarded also as high risk and should be given priority.

DKT representatives welcomed our suggestions and promised deal with the problems by installing more mechanical auto condom selling machines 

* Statistics shows that in 2005, 3% of prostitutes in Hanoi were infected with HIV. One of the way for HIV transmission is having sexual intercourses with prostitutes without using condoms. That is why the access to and use of condoms is considered best prevention measure to reduce the number of HIV positives. Results in Thailand in recent years further proved the effectiveness of having access to condoms.

• Question by Nguyen Mai Anh Chi in Can Tho City
I am 35 years old, a mother of three children. My husband was found HIV positive three months ago. I am not infected yet. At present he is too weak to make a move and just lies in bed all time. I am not sure how long he can last? Whether my children and I are infected?

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien’s opion:  For me you should bring him to local health Centre to seek proper advices from doctors there. You can be at ease as once you are there all information about you family will be kept secrete.

Ms. Pham Thi Hue’s opinion: You and your children are facing high risk of being infected so you had better have your blood tests to see if any of you is HIV positive or not. Any way, you should not be too worried.

If your husband has ARV treatment he would be better and last longer. I am not sure whether there is a free treatment program in Can Tho or not.

You should contact the Can Tho City’s HIV/AIDS Control Centre for get your husband treated. If in your locality there is no such program you contact me as I could show you where to get medicines with low costs.

To protect you and your children especially you as you are the one to take care of him, the most important thing is tyo prevent his fluid or blood to contact you directly…

I do wish you and your family good luck.

• Question from Hai Ha, 25 years old in Ho Chi Minh City to Mr. le Nhan Tuan about symptoms to identify a person with HIV disease ?

Mr. Le Nhan Tuan: First of all it is necessary to make clear that there is disease called HIV. It is only a virus which damages the human immune system. So there exists only the concept of people infected with HIV.

There are three stages of development from HIV exposure to full-blown AIDS

1.      The window stage: it lasts three months since the person is exposed to HIV. During this period an HIV positive remain quite healthy and almost all tests except the HIV test prove to be negative. This is the most dangerous stage as the HIV positive might transmit the virus to others coincidently without knowing it.

2.      HIV infection period: HIV tests in this period prove positive but the person remain healthy. However during this stage usually last several years, his or her immune system is gradually destroyed until the end of this stage the patient will be very weak and symptoms of full-blown AIDS begin to appear.

3.      AIDS stage; in this stage the human immune system is critically destroyed making the patient unable to cope with any disease. The symptoms may be as follow: long-term fever and coughing, losing weight, feeling rash in the mouth, pneumonia, suffering from various kinds of skin diseases. Female victims might also suffer from gynecological diseases such as syphilis or fungi reproductive tract.

Mr. Mitchell Wolfe - country director of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Vietnam shares his opinion.

First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am the country director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Vietnam. Vietnam is one of the focus countries of the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Parts of our activities focus on caring and treating HIV/AIDS patients.

For me the discrimination against HIV/AIDS victims has hindered the control of this pandemic.

Similar things happened in the USA at first. Later on, some HIV positives dared to raise their voice for the sake of their fellows. Their voice was supported by the mass media and very soon the community change their attitude and behavior towards the HIV/AIDS victims and have correct standpoint about them. This helps in the fight against HIV/AIDS as people have greater access to prevention, care, support, and treatment, and more beneficial laws.

• We appreciate the US president’s Emergency Fund, could you please point out detail activities of the Fund in 2006?

PEPFAR has directly and  indirectly supported the Vietnamese Government through both direct government assistance,  non governmental and international organizations in Vietnam, and technical assistance.

Since last Fall, we have provided medicines for over 1,300 AIDS patients. We hope to raise the number of beneficiaries in Vietnam to 22,000 AIDS victims by early 2009.

Mr. Le Nhan Tuan: By April 26th, Vietnam has 10,269 HIV positives, 2585 of them have developed full blown AIDS. Hanoi in recent years have obtained certain results in communication to raise awareness and in caring HIV/AIDS patients through diversified activities of members of Huong Duong and Hoa Sua clubs. This also involved peer education.

The contributions of peers like Ms. Hue and Mr. Kien are really valuable. They have overcome their own problems to take part in peer education in various campaigns.

• Question raised by Minh, a 27 year-old people in Hai Phong City to Mr. Kien and Ms. Hue.
What policies you should issue if you were Health Minister to make life of HIV/AIDS patients better and to enable them to make more contributions to the community and to help their peers.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien: I will focus on jobs for HIV positives or HIV infected people.

Besides I also deal with the discrimination against HIV positive children and children of the infected ones at school as they are innocent and no body want to be like this.

Ms. Pham Thi Hue said (smiling): This is really a hard question. If I were the Health Minister, I would see to facilities and knowledge of nurses, and doctors who directly care for HIV infected patients.

I will also pay more attention to the prevention of transmitting HIV from mothers to children while boosting communication campaign to do away with the discrimination against HIV/AID people.

• Question by Pham Dinh Giap, an HIV positive in Thanh Hoa City to both Kien and Hue. Giap had met Kien before at his house at 42 Yet Kieu street, Hanoi.

“You might not remember me, I am also an HIV positive, I would like to know how you could be as successful as today in both career and love. What motivation could help you to such success?

I was encouraged by some friends that I am the person of determination. But I don’t think I could live up to their expectation and encouragement. Do you think, HIV carriers as we are can live a life without feeling guilty or not? How can we get rid of the state of being tormented by our conscience? Please contact me to the following email address:

Reply by Pham Thi Hue: For me we should have confidence in life in whatever circumstances. Once we have confidence we could find the way out easier and with confidence we can get rid of the state of being guilty. I do wish you to have a better, happy and healthy life. I do wish you to join campaign to push back the pandemic.

Reply by Nguyen Trong Kien: I have been working hard with great support and encouragement from my parents, my wife and my friends. There remain so many good-hearted people in the society, they are the motivation for my successful life as today.

Currently many HIV carriers are isolating themselves from the community. You should have confidence and should work hard. Successes will soon come to see you.

If you want to have heart-to-heart talks with me, don’t hesitate to come to see me at 42 Yet Kieu street, Art University, Hanoi. Or contact me through my mobile phone 0912641617 or 04 8220064.

• Question raised by Phuong 34 years old woman in Ho Chi Minh City to Ms. Hue.
“I am an HIV positive. I feel much better now, as healthy as normal after having medicines for more than a year. Is it possible to stop taking medicines as I feel hot and not very comfortable having them. You think how long I can live. My family and I are very worried. What could you advise me and my family members?”

Ms. Pham Thi Hue:  In your case you had better not quit the medicines by yourself but seek advice from doctors. For me you should continue taking medicines as instructed.

This is because HIV treatment is not similar to treatment of other diseases. If you are on the dose regularly you may live longer and if you stop taking medicines half way you might be resistant to them and this of course greatly affects your health and might make further treatment more difficult.

Through you I also would like to share sympathy with your family members and would like them to have more encouragement to you and take a good care of you. They should give you more fresh food during medicament. Counseling on medicines is to long and I could not talk longer here. Please contact me directly through the following numbers: 031746831 or 0912969365 or through the email: anhhungchaua@yahoo.com

• In recent years is the number of HIV carriers in the USA increasing? What are causes and solutions?

Mr. Mitchell Wolfe: In fact in recent years the number of newly HIV infected people decreased but the number of HIV carriers has increased as with access to better care they live longer. Similar picture will be seen in Vietnam in coming years. That is why it is important to understand the number of newly infected people annually in addition to the overall number of infected persons.

• Question to Mr. Le Nhan Tuan, Director of HIV/AIDS Centre in Hanoi from Mr. Hai, 32 years old in Hanoi.

1. To my understanding, the HIV/AIDS programs have failed to reach those who are homosexual. Is it right that discrimination ahs isolated them from the community?

2. Do you think that Vietnam should recognize the tendency of homosexuality through the law against discrimination of homosexuality or not so that they can live truly as they are and know how to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS

Mr. Le Nhan Tuan’s answers

  1. The study and implementation of measures to prevent HIV/AIDS for male gays has been implemented through FHI projects since 2004. This involved the participation of Hai Dang club in Ba Dinh district of Hanoi. Gays can meet there every Saturday evening and have their own activities. The Club is supported by the People’s Committee and Health Centre of Ba Dinh districts and HIV/AIDS centre of Hanoi.

    These activities enable gays to express themselves, exchanges measures to have safe sex, protecting themselves from HIV/AIDS. I can assure you that homosexuality is recognized and respected without any discrimination from the community.

  2. In my own point of view, homosexuality is a social phenomenon which  needs to be recognized as a reality so as to guide social opinion to have sympathy, respect and support to this target group. This is the important factor to encourage them to express themselves and integrate in the community and contribute to HIV/AIDS control for they themselves, for their sex partners and for the community as well.

• Question to Mr. Tran Quoc Tuan by Lan Hong, a 35 years-old woman in Bac Ninh
What are the effects of your master degree thesis in treating HIV/AIDS patients ?

Mr. Tran Quoc Tuan: The remedy of the thesis I defended in 2002 was applied when medicines for HIV/AIDS remained limited in Hanoi and Vietnam as well. Moreover, treatment methods were usually regulated in line with international standards through results of researches world wide. In 2003, the World Health Organization recommended a remedy against HIV virus for poor countries. My research has its own contribution to HIV treatment in Vietnam and in conformity with recommendation of WHO to combine at least three kinds of antibiotics in HIV/AIDS treatment.

•       Question by Van Thao of Can Tho to Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan, Kien’s wife.
At present there remains the tendency to stay away from HIV carriers. Do you have the same way of thinking and how can you decide to marry Kien?

Response by Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan: My deeds have answered your question already. Friendly eyes and loving heart tell everything.

We came to each other and are enjoying our happiness.

• Le My Phuong asks “how can I directly contact Ms. Pham Thi Hue- Asian heroine? Through media I heard about CDC organisation and its activities in support of HIV/AIDS victims. I would like to have more information on this organization so that I can contact them to have more information. Could you help? Email:  lemyphuong@yahoo.com

Ms. Hue’s reply: Please contact me directly through the following numbers: 031746831 or 0912969365 or through the email : anhhungchaua@yahoo.com

Response by Mr. Mitchell Wolfe: You can contact us at the following address

N.6 Ngoc Khanh street or through phone number 8314580. You can also seek more information on us through our web site www.cdc.gov or http:/vietnam.usembassy.gov and then go to PEPFAR.

• Question by Nguyen The Khang 30 years-old of Ba Ria-Vung Tau Interior Department raises to Ms. Pham Thi Hue.

“I saw you on Television! I was so impressed by your family life which I saw on T.V and in fact I could not check tears. Meeting you again today I do wish you could recover from the disease you’ve got. You are a heroine in my mind. Be confident. I believe that you and all Red Flamboyant Group’s members will be a strong support for those who share the same fate. Be sure that so many people as we are, have sympathy with you. How are you at the moment?

Pham Thi Hue:  Thank you Mr. Khang, I am well now. I received much encouragement in taking part in activities to prevent HIV/AIDS and support peers. This is the best remedy for me and other people like me.

The encouragement of sympathetic and good-hearted people like you are, enable me to have such a happy and useful life as today.

• Nguyen Hoa from Cao Bang asks through phone if Kien and Ngan plan to have children?

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien: Everybody craves for a happy family with good-looking children. As for me, what’s important is “Are we capable of bringing up our kids until they come of age?”. We would have children when our life turns stable.

Ms.Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan: Life is not easy at all for HIV/AIDS people. Further more, by law HIV positives are not entitled to have children.

• Hai Lan, 30 years old in Hanoi remarks: Kien is a hero and Ngan, his wife is a heroine. Please share with us how you feel being a supper wife as you are.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien: What I’ve been doing are quite normal. I don’t think I am a hero. Our wedding is alo normal as that of others.

Ms. Nguyen Thanh Ngan: For me Kien is an ordinary person like others. I marry Kien is natural too. We were grown up, felt in love with each other and then we got married. Nothing to comment.

• Question for Le Nhan Tuan – MA and Tran Quoc Tuan- MA by Dao Hoa, 30 years old from Ha Tinh.
Too much rhetoric words so far. Please two of you, tell people how to prevent and control AIDS pandemic effectively.

Le Nhan Tuan: For me there a questions to be dealt with

  1. It needs information, education and communication to raise awareness and change attitude and behavior. This is the most important question to prevent HIV/AIDS effectively. Only with required information, proper understanding about HIV/AIDS and measures to prevent its transmission, one control his or her own behaviors such as having clean injection or using condoms.

    They are of special importance for teenagers, youths, students and migrants.

  2. Intervention measures to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission. Using condoms to have safe sex and having safe injections while having access to medical and social services.

  3. No discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS.

  4. Give good care for people with HIV/AIDS in community and at medical centres. Strict observation on medical care for people with HIV/AIDS.

Tran Quoc Tuan: Besides meausures mentioned by Mr. Le Nhan Tuan, I think that each person in the community should be aware of transmitting tracts of HIV/AIDS to protect themselves and protect the community. That is to use condoms in sexual intercourses and use clean injection facilities.

HIV carriers need be treated properly by medicines against opportunist infection and anti HIV virus medicines.

Besides there should be an effective coordination among different branches and participation of the whole society in HIV/AIDS contro.

• Ms. Van, 26 of Hai Phong asks Ms. Hue “What you think to be the most difficult thing for you to join GIPA project?
Pham Thi Hue (smiling): Hello Van, my colleague in GIPA project. Lack of experiences in working office and limited command of English are the biggest obstacles for me in joining GIPA project as formerly I used to work as free hand.

• Van Doanh from Hai Phong raises question to Mr. Mitchell Wolfe: In Vietnam there exist many peer groups of people with HIV’AIDS. They have been so far supporting each other and contributing to check the wide spread of this pandemic. Does your Centre have specific plans to support these groups?

Mr. Mitchell Wolfe: PEPFAR in the US Embassy in Vietnam do support these group and we’ll keep doing it.

• Bach Yen 22 years old from Nha Trang City of Khanh Hoa province raises another question for Mr. Mitchell Wolfe. “What you said is rather vague. Can you tell me a concrete case of a certain HIV carrier in your country, What is different situation 10 years ago?

Mr. Mitchell Wolfe: Magic Johnson is a famous basketball player in the USA.  Over10 years ago he was found HIV positive and he also made public his state of being. He continued playing basketball until he retired and became an advocate for people living with HIV/AIDS. He remains healthy and well known as before.

• Question for Le Nhan Tuan: I am Phu Thinh, 40 years old in Hanoi. Formerly I was saved by unknown savior by giving me the blood. Unfortunately I was infected with HIV and developed into AIDS. How I could behave whether I hate or forgive the blood donator?

Mr. Le Nhan Tuan: I would like to know whether the hospital check the blood carefully before transfusion and what hospital it is?

• Nguyen Thi Dung,30 who lives at 10/12 Vo Tuong Toan, Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City asks Mrs. Pham Thi Hue “Within your experiences, most people with HIV/AIDS are poor and drug addicts. How can they join AIDS prevention activities in spite themselves?

Pham Thi Hue: Once again I recall GIPA project. The project aims to encourage HIV carriers to join these activities.

To effectively prevent HIV/AIDS you should join these activities to raise awareness and pass on experiences to erase the guilty feeling of their own.

• Giang Thanh, 34 asks if the program of Mr. Mitchell Wolfe meets any difficulties in implementing its project in Vietnam and what overseas Vietnamese can help prevent HIV/AIDS in Vietnam?

Mr. Mitchell Wolfe: Overseas Vietnamese can provide financial assistance for operations of volunteer groups. For instance volunteers at clinics, hospitals or support groups of people with HIV/AIDS in exchanging experiences.

• Truong Long 31, Hoai Duc district, Ha Tay province confides “ My father unfortunately was contracted with HIV after a professional incident 4 years ago. His health is deteriorated. After treatment he recovered a little. What I want to know is how to prevent the transmission of the virus to other family members as we share meals and sanitation facilities and he used to play with the kids. And how to care for him when he is seriously ill"?

Mr. Tran Quoc Tuan: No risks of transmitting in daily life activities. What you need to be careful is not to directly contact blood and fluids discharged by your father. Never use the same tooth brush our razor.

Caring for your father at home is not a problem but you should not contact directly contact blood and fluids discharged by your father. You need to follow strictly the instruction for waste disposal to avoid contermination.

• How to have free of charge medicines as I am an HIV carrier, asks a person of 30 years old in Hanoi.
Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien: Currently the global project on HIV/AIDS has been being implemented in 20 provinces throughout Vietnam. You may approach local medical centres to have ARV medicine. I am a member of the Secretariat of CCM program on HIV/AIDS in Vietnam.

• Dear Kien, I first knew you through an article on newspaper. I really admired your will and determination. I used to recall your great efforts to overcome numerous difficulties in life to my children. Can you tell me how dared you to declare to the public that you are an HIV carrier. I also would like to assure you and all people with HIV/AIDS the world over that we are always by your side. (Le Minh, 27 from Kim Dong, Hanoi)

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien: Like other HIV carriers, at first I did not want to make public my state of being. 12 years living with HIV, I clearly knew the bitter meaning of prejudice and discrimination I had to suffer. My parents also had to suffer a lot having a child with HIV. In the eyes of many people I no longer exist. That is why I want to change my image in people’s eyes.

I quitted drugs after 7 years using. I painted nearly 1000 paintings on HIV subjects. This required great efforts. Why I dare not to state that ‘I am an HIV carrier” so that people will have proper understanding about me and other people like me. I made that declaration at my first exhibition at Trang Tien exhibition Center in Hanoi on Nov. 27th 2004.

Thank you very much for your question and for your encouragement. I wish you and your family good health.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ngan: When Mr, Kien declared he is an HIV carrier I was also there and witnessed everything. I was not informed by Kien of his decision but I admired him a lot. He has overcome his feeling of being inferior, that is what not every body can do to continue a useful life. On that very day I offered him of bunch of Madonna lily, the flowers that only blossom in April, the month with his birth day.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Kien: This is a secrete I only know today

• Dear Kien and Ngan, we all admire and adore you a lot. What about your love? Why you love him even when you know that he is an HIV carrier. Such a great love in this world. Asks Ngan Ha, 22 in Hanoi)

Nguyen Trong Kien and Nguyen Thanh Ngan: Everything about love is Great. Everything about love is Great. This statement of a young couple will conclude our live T.V show today.

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