Office of Congressman Vic Snyder Flag animation Arkansas 2nd district
News and Views
September 13, 2007
Press Release
Jennifer Oglesby (501) 324-5943
Lincoln, Pryor, & Snyder Announce Fire Grant for Rose Bud Area
Washington, DC – Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Representative Vic Snyder announced today that the Rose Bud Area Volunteer Fire Department has been awarded a grant through the Department of Homeland Security's Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. This funding will help the fire department enhance current operations and improve firefighter safety.

Rose Bud Area Volunteer Fire Department will receive $15,181.  The purpose of the grant program is to provide first responders with training and equipment in order to enhance their ability to protect the health and safety of the public, and to protect firefighters from job-related hazards.

"As first responders, our local firefighters play an integral role in keeping our communities safe," Lincoln said. "I am pleased that the Rose Bud Volunteer Fire Department will be able to use these federal dollars for additional training and better equipment so they can provide the best possible service for the citizens of their community.”

“Uncontained fires can cause devastating damage to homes and families,” said Pryor. “This grant will ensure that the brave Rose Bud Area volunteer firefighters are trained and equipped to effectively respond to such emergencies.”

“The Rosebud Area Volunteer Fire Department is a hard working group of volunteers,” said Congressman Snyder. “With this funding, they will be able to purchase some needed uniforms they don’t currently have and also be able to purchase equipment to assist their area with fighting small brush fires.”

The Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) Program has been providing funding to fire departments and other first responders since 2001. Nationally, the 2007 AFG awards will provide over $490 million to fire departments and nonaffiliated emergency medical service organizations throughout the country to purchase response equipment, personal protective equipment, and vehicles.


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