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RCF Liason Meeting 123103

(A relatively short meeting today...)

Martin Prushke showed up 00:30 at the counting house to initiate 24x7 coverage. From Jan. 1, 00:30 to Jan, 2, 07:30 Phenix will be receiving all calls.

PANASAS: a new kernel was installed on a single machine, tests performed. General consensus is PANASAS is not ready for prime time. Improper or nonexistent implementation of file locking is apparent cause of failures - apparently error can be reproduced at will. Recommend waiting for production version of PANASAS before making final decisions on deployment.

NFS/ kernel bug: 35 machines went down yesterday, all PHENIX LSF jobs. A similar set of users were active at time of failures, as was observed last week - recent attempts to contact these users have so far been unsuccessful. File moves & deletes apparently not completed when when NFS automatically unmounts at end of job. New email planned to phenix-off-l to heighten awareness, and recommend specific job procedures for submission.

A presentation by Tom Wladek regarding current status of CRS. Problems with PHENIX executables awaiting scheduled resolution Jan 7-8 timeframe.

Migration to openAFS waits pending (early?) February SLAC meeting and workshop covering "best practices". Since TransArc version will not be supported, migration to openAFS is regarded as inevitable.

<<please post to phenix-comp-l or email to sohare@bnl.gov any comments, corrections, additional detail... thanks & HNY>>