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Successful undergraduate student interns may be considered for graduate school support via one of the following fellowships:


"The National GEM Consortium's primary focus is to administer and award full fellowships with paid internships to highly qualified under-represented students who wish to pursue graduate studies in engineering or science. GEM's program activities, however, go beyond financial support by engendering student success in academic and professional environments. GEM has a solid success record in implementing effective programs to increase the recruitment, retention, and graduation of minority students."

Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be a senior or baccalaureate recipient with a major in engineering or science and be from one of the following underrepresented minority groups: Native American, African American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, or other Hispanic American; minimum 2.8 GPA; U.S. citizenship; accepted by an accredited graduate program.


"The National Physical Sciences Consortium provides graduate fellowships for physical science majors with a special emphasis on the recruitment of underrepresented minority and female students in order to offset the historic imbalance faced by these groups within the research community."

Eligibility Requirements: Undergraduate senior student or completing a Master's degree in Astronomy, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Materials Science, Mathematics, or Physics with a minimum 3.0 GPA; U.S. citizenship.

How would you like to gain experience in your field of study, explore career options, and show-case your talents and skills for potential full-time employment? Through the Graduate Professional Internship Program at Sandia National Laboratories, you can have it all. The Internship Program is open to graduate students majoring in technical and non-technical disciplines.

Graduate students are employed on a part-time (30 hours per week) or full-time (summer and official school breaks only) basis while enrolled in school full-time and are actively pursuing the completion of a degree. Documented work assignments or projects must be professional in nature and must complement their Sandia-focused discipline (Science, Math, Engineering, Technology/Business or CIS/MIS).

While you are in the program...

To be eligible, you must...

APPLY NOW for a graduate student internship by inserting "student" into the keyword search at the External Job Posting Page.

More information

For year-round or summer graduate programs, contact Richard Alexander ( or 505-844-6823).