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[IGEXMail-0655] Wk 1035 BKG IGEX Analysis Report

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IGEXMail                28-Jan-2000 15:50:27                   Message No 0655

Author: Heinz Habrich <habrich @ ifag.de> 
Subject: Wk 1035 BKG IGEX Analysis Report 

BKG IGEX ANALYSIS REPORT                  GPS WEEK 1035 (DAYS 311 - 317, 1999)
Submitted by:    Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG)              
                 Geodetic Department, G1                                      
                 Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, D-60598 Frankfurt Main, Germany    
                         Phone : +49-69-63331                                 
                         Fax   : +49-69-6333425                               
                         E-Mail: habrich @ ifag.de                              
Product access:  anonymous ftp to igs.ifag.de (                 
                 subdirectory IGEX/products/wwww                              
PROCESSING SCHEME:                                                            
    Bernese GPS Software                                                      
ORBIT COMPUTATION:                                                            
    Double difference phase observations of GLONASS and GPS satellites are    
    processed in ionosphere free linear combination.                          
    IGS orbits and Earth rotation parameters are fixed.                       
    Six initial conditions and nine radiation pressure parameters per         
    satellite are determined for GLONASS satellites.                          
    The middle day of a 3-day-arc is used for the daily orbit results.        
    The daily orbit files include GPS satellite clock values from IGS         
    estimates and broadcasted values for GLONASS satellite clocks.            
    The coordinates of the following stations are contrained to ITRF-97:      
    GODZ IRKZ OS0G YARR ZIMZ WTZZ.                                            
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
    Code observations of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers are used to           
    determine the GLONASS/GPS time offset.                                    
    This offset includes the modulo 1 sec system time scale difference of     
    GLONASS and GPS and an additional offset between the receiver's           
    'GPS clock' and 'GLONASS clock'. The additional offset is receiver        
    The transformation parameters are derived from GLONASS precise orbits     
    (given in ITRF) and GLONASS broadcast orbits (given in PZ90).             
     GLONASS Satellites:                                                      
     107E108E109 111 113 115 116 122 
 311  13  13  70  20  24  34  34   9
 312  15  10  27  14  25  17  17   7
 313  11  11  20  16  12  18  42   9
 314  15  14  24  10  17  17  23   7
 315  11  15  29  31  26  19  36  11
 316  12  19  20  30  21  38  85   5
 317  15  18  25  15  28  18  --   5
 ALL  13  15  35  21  23  25  45   8
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
         OFFSET    (NS)                                                       
         RMS ERROR (NS)                                                       
DAY    :       311       312       313       314       315       316       317
BIPD      1130.557            1088.112  1161.111  1170.799  1158.485  1142.065
             1.139               1.234     1.185     1.173     1.253     1.226
BORG      1130.227  1126.719  1065.790  1156.668  1165.340  1149.711  1136.285
             1.036     1.145     2.972     1.063     1.068     1.130     1.099
CSIR      1125.002            1086.648  1156.656  1170.456  1164.936          
             1.207               1.183     1.146     1.101     1.155          
DLFT        34.077    33.225    -6.416    66.678    67.431    52.684    42.828
             1.080     1.175     1.136     1.098     1.106     1.142     1.125
GRAB       187.467   189.149   143.490   219.820   221.273   207.301   197.416
             1.111     1.192     1.189     1.142     1.147     1.190     1.189
GODZ       191.843   189.718   151.960   220.548   220.797   189.825   208.369
             1.156     1.227     1.175     1.161     1.114     2.701     1.206
IRKZ       182.400   184.274   155.342   215.761   216.219   200.699   195.944
             1.093     1.108     1.133     1.126     1.120     1.117     1.186
KHAB       178.952   174.147   151.028   210.018   206.245   193.218   188.340
             1.115     1.132     1.158     1.150     1.141     1.165     1.196
KR0G       116.702   117.587    83.887   146.169   150.843   134.918   126.390
             1.016     1.107     1.075     1.047     1.046     1.066     1.069
LINR                                                                  1151.601
MDVZ                                                         207.512   201.094
                                                               1.406     1.173
METZ       173.128   172.957   137.594   183.027   201.256   193.915   178.706
             1.052     1.136     1.120     2.302     1.643     1.137     1.110
MTKA       179.473   177.834   155.583   213.897   206.818   197.663   190.983
             1.184     1.159     1.174     1.166     1.203     1.165     1.228
OS0G       176.494   174.025   137.722   205.876   210.082   195.780   185.984
             1.054     1.138     1.121     1.089     1.081     1.144     1.120
REYZ       207.926   209.653   170.859   238.449   237.647   221.288   217.835
             1.077     1.128     1.083     1.090     1.078     1.108     1.096
SUNM        21.301    30.390    -8.451    78.199    54.652    60.261    57.985
             1.414     1.332     1.257     1.284     1.348     1.479     1.494
THU2       173.144   175.467   141.762   204.611   209.440   191.201   188.513
             1.003     1.062     1.041     1.076     1.031     1.028     1.071
TSKA       170.056   170.643   149.536   205.558   200.769   195.179   187.119
             1.169     1.163     1.172     1.158     1.195     1.179     1.243
USNX      1122.131  1123.387  1085.419  1152.469  1160.689  1138.370  1138.777
             1.145     1.214     1.127     1.111     1.069     1.146     1.165
VSLD      1129.884  1128.951  1088.975  1170.437  1167.875  1149.730  1138.733
             1.125     1.206     1.210     1.317     1.149     1.223     1.152
WTZZ       196.481   197.173   156.607   229.256   231.555   215.201   205.868
             1.113     1.204     1.228     1.147     1.151     1.202     1.184
YARR       185.110   198.062   152.953   230.086   225.906   212.326   210.929
             1.137     1.146     1.178     1.199     1.182     1.175     1.184
ZIMZ                 158.918   124.038   200.827   203.856   186.491   176.690
                       1.294     1.205     1.153     1.153     1.211     1.189
STATISTICS FOR 1 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
DAY     OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
311            93149             2153           0.0014                        
312            96483             2259           0.0014                        
313            97453             2079           0.0013                        
314            94654             2097           0.0013                        
315            92624             2188           0.0015                        
316            92861             2099           0.0014                        
317           101039             2463           0.0017                        
                      WEEKDAY  RESIDUAL RMS IN MM
STATION        #DAYS  0123456     N     E     U
BIPD               6  P PPPPP   100    45   100
BORG               6  PP PPPP     6     8    21
DLFT               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     5
GODZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
GRAB               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     2
IRKZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
KHAB               7  PPPPPPP     2     5     9
KR0G               7  PPPPPPP     4     9     6
LINR               1        P     -     -     -
MDVZ               2       PP     4     7     9
METZ               7  PPPPPPP     1     4     6
MTKA               7  PPPPPPP     3     6     7
OS0G               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
REYZ               7  PPPPPPP     4     7    10
SUNM               7  PPPPPPP     3     7    10
THU2               7  PPPPPPP    12    11    18
TSKA               7  PPPPPPP     1     4    11
VSLD               7  PPPPPPP     4     9    17
WTZZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
YAR1               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
YARR               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
ZIMZ               6   PPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
STATISTICS FOR 3 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
MID-DAY OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
311           281608             5784           0.0014                        
312           287085             5798           0.0014                        
313           288590             5765           0.0013                        
314           284731             5673           0.0014                        
315           280139             5654           0.0014                        
316           286524             6002           0.0016                        
317           289690             5916           0.0015                        
         | X |      | X |   | DX |   | SCALE    RZ   -RY |   | X |            
         | Y |  =   | Y | + | DY | + |   -RZ SCALE    RX | * | Y |            
         | Z |      | Z |   | DZ |   |    RY   -RX SCALE |   | Z |            
          ITRF       PZ90                                     PZ90            
                                          RMS = RMS of transformed coordinates
          DX     DY     DZ      RX      RY      RZ    SCALE   RMS
DAY       [m]    [m]    [m]   [mas]   [mas]   [mas]   [10E6]  [m]             
311    -0.067  0.434 -0.552   20.75   -3.83 -336.76   0.0037  3.67
312     0.110 -0.261 -0.583   33.13   -3.48 -344.74   0.0059  3.09
313    -0.327 -0.233 -0.967   31.02   -8.14 -356.20   0.0031  3.96
314     0.260 -0.085 -1.115   32.41   -1.34 -367.10   0.0051  3.98
315    -0.218 -0.231 -1.399   35.35   -8.40 -384.63  -0.0027  5.80
316     0.453 -0.112 -0.426   37.01  -11.41 -394.43  -0.0048  5.60
317    -0.177 -0.456 -0.688   41.94   -9.28 -404.64  -0.0001  7.76