[NIFL-WOMENLIT:2486] Math Institute and 9th Annual Meeting

From: Daphne Greenberg (alcdgg@langate.gsu.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 13 2003 - 09:15:27 EST

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Adult Numeracy Network
Math Institute and 9th Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 12, 2003, San Antonio, Texas

Come join this full-day institute, designed for experienced as well as novice teachers and staff developers who work in ABE, GED, ESOL, and developmental college programs.  The meeting will focus, in a hands-on way, on critical math classroom issues as well as different ways of thinking about
and doing math.

Q. Why is this math institute important for adult education teachers?

1. Numeracy is an essential skill, but has been rather ignored in adult education.

2. Numeracy is included in the National Reporting System's indicators of proficiency.

3. Literacy teachers often teach math, but many have few numeracy resources.

4. There's a New GED Mathematics Test.

5. Several teacher groups across the country have been doing exciting things to improve math teaching and learning in their own ABE/GED classrooms. This is an opportunity to learn about their work.

Q. Why San Antonio?

1. That's where the National Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (NCTM) will hold its annual conference from
April 9-12, 2003.

2. At NCTM, there is a wide range of excellent workshops during the days preceding the ANN meeting on how to teach every math topic more effectively from K-12 and beyond.

3. The ANN meeting is an opportunity for ABE, GED and other teachers of adults to spend some time with colleagues and also join the wider math education community.

Q. What's on the agenda of the April 12th ANN Institute
and 9th Annual Meeting?

  *  Instruction and Best Practices and a Practitioner Forum.
  *  Special Guest: Dave Tout sharing adult numeracy practices from Australia
  *  A variety of materials and methods.

Focus I. Multiple Paths to a Solution

  *  Other ways of teaching math that validate what learners already know.

  *  Building understanding rather than imposing rules.

  *  Emphasis on problem solving-the focus is on the process not just the answer.

Focus II. Working in Groups-Hearing About Other Ways to Do Math
  *  Communicating about math leads to deeper understanding of other strategies.

  *  Hearing the math develops confidence in the math and understanding of the vocabulary

Focus III. Your Best Practices

  *  Participants will share their best practices in round table groups of 20 minutes duration.

  *  Also, special guest speakers and the ANN Annual Business Meeting will take place.


Adult Numeracy Network
Math Institute and 9th Annual Meeting
Saturday, April 12, 2003, San Antonio, Texas

The Adult Numeracy Network is a voice for those who
teach math to adults. We are a volunteer professional
organization of teachers, curriculum developers,
researchers, and others interested in mathematics
literacy for adults. Many of us work in GED, high school equivalency, ABE, ESOL, workplace, family literacy or developmental mathematics programs.  We communicate with each other via the newsletter (The Math Practitioner), an electronic listserv called the Numeracy list 
(To subscribe,write to: majordomo@world.std.com. In the message, type subscribe numeracy), and a website: www.std.com/anpn.
Please see the website for meeting updates.

The ANN Institute will convene Saturday, April 12, 2003
from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at KLRN-TV in San Antonio, Texas. A continental breakfast and lunch are included in the registration fee. Please apply early, as space is limited. Pre-registration is required for the full-day institute. Complete the ANN Meeting registration form below (also available on the website) and mail or fax by March 21, 2003.  Please accompany each registration with a $60.00 check made payable to Adult Numeracy Network.   To register for the NCTM meeting or for lodging information, go to www.nctm.org.


Registration Form
To register: Mail completed form with a check payable to the Adult Numeracy Network to Ellen McDevitt, Workforce Development Partners, PO Box 101037, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 by March 21, 2003.
Check one:

_______ Please register me for the ANN meeting on Saturday,April 12, 2003 at KLRN-TV in San Antonio, Texas. Enclosed is a check for $60.00 for membership dues and meeting registration.

_______ I will be unable to attend the ANN annual meeting. Enclosed is $10.00 for annual membership, including a newsletter subscription.

Name: ______________________________________________________

Title: __________________________________

Institution and Work Address:_______________________________


Home Address:_______________________________________________

Preferred Mailing Address: Work ___ Home ___
New Member ___  Renewal ___

E-mail: ______________________ Fax:________________________

Work Phone:___________________  Home Phone:________________

Your role/interest in adult education:

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