Do-It-Yourself Podcast

    • Download NASA video or audio clips
    • Write a production script
    • Record your narration
    • Edit your product
    • Share it

    How It Works

    Are you looking for a new approach to engage your students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics? NASA's Do-It-Yourself Podcast activity sets the stage for students to host a show that features astronauts training for missions, doing experiments in space or demonstrating equipment. We'll provide a set of audio and video clips along with photos and information about a space-related topic. You and your students may choose as many items as you want to include in your project and download them to your computer. Students may use the information we provide or conduct their own research to write a script for an audio or video production.

    Using a camcorder, digital audio recorder or computer, you and your students can record your narration and any other scenes or interviews that you want to include. Mix and mash your recording with the NASA clips you download, and edit your production.

    Your computer probably already has software for editing video or audio. If not, search the Web for free or inexpensive editing software for your Mac or PC. Tip: Read several reviews to help you find a dependable editing program that's easy to use.

    Once your class finishes editing your show, you can share it in whatever ways you choose, such as podcasts, social networks, video sharing sites, blogs, school Web sites, cell phones or DVDs. If you choose to create a podcast that can be downloaded onto MP3 players, you'll need to identify a school or other Web site where you can put your file. Then you'll need to create an RSS feed so your podcasts can be automatically delivered to people who subscribe to your show. RSS stands for really simple syndication. You can find step-by-step instructions online if you want to create your RSS feed from scratch, or you can use an RSS feed creation tool.


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    Lab Safety

    Learn about lab safety from NASA astronauts and share your knowledge through your own podcast.

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    Newton's Laws

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  • Lee floating in space above a partial view of Earth


    Create your own podcast about astronauts' high-tech apparel.

  • Basketball, soccer ball, softball, baseball and golf ball grouped on a white surface

    Sports Demo

    Score with your own podcast demonstrating the science of sports in space.

Tips for Teachers