"Munch", April 10, 2006



















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Potential sources of contamination to weak lensing measurements: constraints from N-body simulations

Authors: Catherine Heymans, Martin White, Alan Heavens, Chris Vale, Ludovic Van Waerbeke
Comments: 11 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS
We investigate the expected correlation between the weak gravitational shear of distant galaxies and the orientation of foreground galaxies, through the use of numerical simulations. This shear-ellipticity correlation can mimic a cosmological weak lensing signal, and is potentially the limiting physical systematic effect for cosmology with future high-precision weak lensing surveys. We find that, if uncorrected, the shear-ellipticity correlation could contribute up to 10% of the weak lensing signal on scales up to 20 arcminutes, for lensing surveys with a median depth z=1. The most massive foreground galaxies are expected to cause the largest correlations, a result also seen in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that the redshift dependence of the effect is proportional to the lensing efficiency of the foreground, and this offers prospects for removal to high precision, although with some model dependence. The contamination is characterised by a weakly negative B-mode, which can be used as a diagnostic of systematic errors. We also provide more accurate predictions for a second potential source of error, the intrinsic alignment of nearby galaxies. This source of contamination is less important, however, as it can be easily removed with distance information.

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Perturbation Theory Reloaded: Analytical Calculation of Non-linearity in Baryonic Oscillations in the Real Space Matter Power Spectrum

Authors: Donghui Jeong, Eiichiro Komatsu (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ
We compare the non-linear matter power spectrum in real space calculated analytically from 3rd-order perturbation theory with N-body simulations at 1<z<6. We find that the perturbation theory prediction agrees with the simulations to better than 1% accuracy in the weakly non-linear regime where the dimensionless power spectrum, Delta^2(k)=k^3P(k)/2pi^2, which approximately gives variance of matter density field at a given k, is less than 0.4. While the baryonic acoustic oscillation features are preserved in the weakly non-linear regime at z>1, the shape of oscillations is distorted from the linear theory prediction. Nevertheless, our results suggest that one can correct the distortion caused by non-linearity almost exactly. We also find that perturbation theory, which does not contain any free parameters, provides a significantly better fit to the simulations than the conventional approaches based on empirical fitting functions to simulations. The future work would include perturbation theory calculations of non-linearity in redshift space distortion and halo biasing in the weakly non-linear regime.

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Gravitino Overproduction in Inflaton Decay

Authors: Masahiro Kawasaki, Fuminobu Takahashi, T. T. Yanagida
Comments: 13 pages, 1 figure
Report-no: DESY 06-034
Most of the inflation models end up with non-vanishing vacuum expectation values of the inflaton fields \phi in the true vacuum, which induce, in general, nonvanishing auxiliary field G_\phi for the inflaton potential in supergravity. We show that the presence of nonzero G_\phi gives rise to inflaton decay into a pair of the gravitinos and are thereby severely constrained by cosmology. For several inflation models, we explicitly calculate the values of G_\phi and find that most of them are excluded or on the verge of being excluded. We conclude that an inflation model with vanishing G_\phi, typically realized in a chaotic inflation, is favored in a sense that it naturally avoids the potential gravitino overproduction problem.

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Cosmic Conspiracies

Authors: Douglas Scott, Ali Frolop
Comments: 2 pages
The now standard vanilla-flavoured LambdaCDM model has gained further confirmation with the release of the 3-year WMAP data combined with several other cosmological data-sets. As the parameters of this standard model become known with increasing precision, more of its bizarre features become apparent. Here we describe some of the strangest of these ostensible coincidences. In particular we appear to live (within 1sigma) at the precise epoch when the age of the Universe multiplied by the Hubble parameter H_0 t_0 = 1.

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B polarization of cosmic microwave background as a tracer of strings

Authors: Uros Seljak, Anze Slosar
Comments: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table
String models can produce successful inflationary scenarios in the context of brane collisions and in many of these models cosmic strings may also be produced. In scenarios such as KKLMMT the string contribution is naturally predicted to be well below the inflationary signal for cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature anisotropies, in agreement with the existing limits. We find that for $B$ type polarization of CMB the situation is reversed and the dominant signal comes from vector modes generated by cosmic strings, which exceeds the gravity wave signal from both inflation and strings. The signal can be detected for a broad range of parameter space: future polarization experiments may be able to detect the string signal down to the string tension $G\mu=10^{-9}$, although foregrounds and lensing are likely to worsen these limits. We argue that the optimal scale to search for the string signature is at $\ell\sim 1000$, but in models with high optical depth the signal from reionization peak at large scales is also significant. The shape of the power spectrum allows one to distinguish the string signature from the gravity waves from inflation, but only with a sufficiently high angular resolution experiment

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Mini-halo disruption due to encounters with stars

Authors: Anne M. Green, Simon P. Goodwin
Comments: 10 pages, 7 figures
We study the energy loss and disruption of dark matter mini-halos due to interactions with stars. We find that the fractional energy loss in simulations agrees well with the analytic impulse approximation for small and large impact parameters, with a rapid transition between these two regimes. The fractional energy loss at large impact parameters is fairly independent of the mass and density profile of the mini-halo, however low-mass mini-halos lose a greater fraction of their energy in close encounters. We formulate new fitting functions that match these results and use them to estimate the disruption timescales, taking into account the stellar velocity and mass distributions. For mini-halos with mass $M< {\cal O}(10^{-7} M_{\odot})$ on typical orbits which pass through the disc, we find that the disruption timescales are independent of mass and of order the age of the Milky Way. For more massive mini-halos the disruption timescales increase rapidly with increasing mass. Finally, we point out that the fractional energy loss is dependent on the, somewhat arbitrary, definition of the mini-halo radius and argue that a full calculation of the mini-halo survival probability will have to incorporate energy loss due to encounters with stars and tidal stripping in a single consistent calculation.

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The First Stars in The Universe

Authors: Smadar Naoz (1), Shay Noter (1), Rennan Barkana (1) ((1) Tel Aviv University)
Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PRL
Large telescopes have allowed astronomers to observe galaxies that formed as early as 850 million years after the Big Bang. We predict when the first galaxy that astronomers can observe formed in the universe, accounting for the first time for the size of the universe and for three essential ingredients: the light travel time from distant galaxies, Poisson and density fluctuations on all scales, and the effect of very early cosmic history on galaxy formation. We find that the first observable star is most likely to have formed 30 million years after the Big Bang (at redshift 65), much earlier than previously expected. Also, the first galaxy as massive as our own Milky Way likely formed when the universe was only 400 Myr old. We also show that significant modifications are required in current methods of numerically simulating the formation of the first galaxies.

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X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect Measurements of the Gas Mass Fraction in Galaxy Clusters

Authors: S. LaRoque, M. Bonamente, J. Carlstrom, M. Joy, D. Nagai, E. Reese, K. Dawson
Comments: ApJ, submitted. 47 pages, 5 figures, 8 tables
We present gas mass fractions of 38 massive galaxy clusters spanning redshifts from 0.14 to 0.89, derived from Chandra X-ray data and OVRO/BIMA interferometric Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect measurements. We use three models for the gas distribution: (1) an isothermal beta-model fit jointly to the X-ray data at radii beyond 100 kpc and to all of the SZE data,(2) a non-isothermal double beta-model fit jointly to all of the X-ray and SZE data, and (3) an isothermal beta-model fit only to the SZE spatial data. We show that the simple isothermal model well characterizes the intracluster medium (ICM) outside of the cluster core in clusters with a wide range of morphological properties. The X-ray and SZE determinations of mean gas mass fractions for the 100 kpc-cut isothermal beta-model are fgas(X-ray)=0.110 +0.003-0.003 +0.006-0.018 and fgas(SZE)=0.116 +0.005-0.005 +0.009-0.026, where uncertainties are statistical followed by systematic at 68% confidence. For the non-isothermal double beta-model, fgas(X-ray)=0.119 +0.003-0.003 +0.007-0.014 and fgas(SZE)=0.121 +0.005-0.005 +0.009-0.016. For the SZE-only model, fgas(SZE)=0.120 +0.009-0.009 +0.009-0.027. Our results indicate that the ratio of the gas mass fraction within r2500 to the cosmic baryon fraction is 0.68 +0.10-0.16 where the range includes statistical and systematic uncertainties. By assuming that cluster gas mass fractions are independent of redshift, we find that the results are in agreement with standard LambdaCDM cosmology and are inconsistent with a flat matter dominated universe.

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The Effect of Substructure on Mass Estimates of Galaxies

Authors: Brian M. Yencho, Kathryn V. Johnston, James S. Bullock, Katherine L. Rhode
Comments: 9 pages, 8 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in press
Large galaxies are thought to form hierarchically, from the accretion and disruption of many smaller galaxies. Such a scenario should naturally lead to galactic phase-space distributions containing some degree of substructure. We examine the errors in mass estimates of galaxies and their dark halos made using the projected phase-space distribution of a tracer population (such as a globular cluster system or planetary nebulae) due to falsely assuming that the tracers are distributed randomly. The level of this uncertainty is assessed by applying a standard mass estimator to samples drawn from 11 random realizations of galaxy halos containing levels of substructure consistent with current models of structure formation. We find that substructure will distort our mass estimates by up to ~20% - a negligible error compared to statistical and measurement errors in current derivations of masses for our own and other galaxies. However, this represents a fundamental limit to the accuracy of any future mass estimates made under the assumption that the tracer population is distributed randomly, regardless of the size of the sample or the accuracy of the measurements.

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Task Force on Cosmic Microwave Background Research

Authors: James Bock (Caltech/JPL), Sarah Church (Stanford), Mark Devlin (Penn), Gary Hinshaw (GSFC), Andrew Lange (Caltech), Adrian Lee (Berkeley/LBNL), Lyman Page (Princeton), Bruce Partridge (Haverford), John Ruhl (Case Western), Max Tegmark (MIT), Peter Timbie (Wisconsin), Rainer Weiss (MIT, chair), Bruce Winstein (Chicago), Matias Zaldarriaga (Harvard)
Comments: This is the final report of the DoE/NASA/NSF interagency task force on CMB research chaired by Rai Weiss. 87 pages
One of the most spectacular scientific breakthroughs in past decades was using measurements of the fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to test precisely our understanding of the history and composition of the Universe. This report presents a roadmap for leading CMB research to its logical next step, using precision polarization measurements to learn about ultra-high-energy physics and the Big Bang itself.

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Single Field Inflation models allowed and ruled out by the three years WMAP data

Authors: H. J. de Vega, N. G. Sanchez
Comments: 29 pages, 24 figures, LaTeX
We study the single field slow-roll inflation models that better fit the available CMB and LSS data including the three years WMAP data: new inflation and hybrid inflation. We study them as effective field theories in the Ginsburg-Landau context: a trinomial potential turns out to be a simple and well motivated model. The compute the spectral index n_s of the adiabatic fluctuations, the ratio r of tensor to scalar fluctuations and the running index d n_s/dln k, derive explicit formulae and provide relevant plots. In new inflation, and for the three years WMAP central value n_s = 0.95, we predict 0.03<r<0.04 and -0.00070<d n_s/d ln k<-0.00055. In hybrid inflation, and for n_s = 0.95, we predict r = 0.2 and dn_s/dln k=-0.001. We find that r in new inflation is a two valued function of n_s in the interval 0.96<n_s<0.9615. In the first branch we find r<r_{max} = 0.1148.In hybrid inflation we find a critical value mu_{0 crit}^2 for the mass parameter mu_0^2 of the field sigma coupled to the inflaton.For mu_0^2<Lambda_0 M_{Pl}^2/192, where Lambda_0 is the cosmological constant, hybrid inflation is ruled out by the WMAP three years data since it yields n_s>1. Hybrid inflation for mu_0^2>Lambda_0 M_{Pl}^2/192 can fullfill all the present CMB+LSS data. Even if chaotic inflation predicts n_s values compatible with the data, chaotic inflation is disfavoured since it predicts a too high value for the ratio r=0.27. The model which best fits the current data and which best prepares the way to the expected data r < 0.1, is the trinomial potential with negative mass term: new inflation.

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Estimations of baryon asymmetry for different neutrino mass models

Authors: Amal Kr. Sarma, Hijam Zeen Devi, N. Nimai Singh
Comments: 14 pages, no figure
We present a comparison of the numerical prediction on baryon asymmetry of the Universe in different neutrino mass models. We start with a very brief review on the main formalism of baryogenesis via leptogenesis through decay of heavy right-handed Majorana neutrinos, and then calculate the baryon asymmetry of the universe for known six neutrino mass models viz., three quasi-degenerate, two inverted and one normal hierarchical models, which are derived from canonical seesaw formula. The corresponding mass matrices for the right-handed Majorana neutrino as well as the Dirac neutrino, which are fixed at the seesaw stage for generating correct light neutrino mass matrices, are again employed in the calculation of baryogenesis. This procedure removes possible ambiguity on the choices of Dirac neutrino and right-handed Majorana mass matrices, and fixes input parameters at the seesaw stage. We find that the ranges of predictions from both normal hierarchical model and degenerate model (DegT1A) are almost consistent with the observed baryon asymmetry of the universe. Combining the present result with other predictions such as light neutrino masses and mixing angles, and stability under radiative corrections in MSSM, the normal hierarchical model appears to be the most favourable choice of nature.

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A Universe Without Weak Interactions

Authors: Roni Harnik, Graham D. Kribs, Gilad Perez
Comments: 27 pages; 4 figures
A universe without weak interactions is constructed that undergoes big-bang nucleosynthesis, matter domination, structure formation, and star formation. The stars in this universe are able to burn for billions of years, synthesize elements up to iron, and undergo supernova explosions, dispersing heavy elements into the interstellar medium. These definitive claims are supported by a detailed analysis where this hypothetical "Weakless Universe" is matched to our Universe by simultaneously adjusting Standard Model and cosmological parameters. For instance, chemistry and nuclear physics are essentially unchanged. The apparent habitability of the Weakless Universe suggests that the anthropic principle does not determine the scale of electroweak breaking, or even require that it be smaller than the Planck scale, so long as technically natural parameters may be suitably adjusted. Whether the multi-parameter adjustment is realized or probable is dependent on the ultraviolet completion, such as the string landscape. Considering a similar analysis for the cosmological constant, however, we argue that no adjustments of other parameters are able to allow the cosmological constant to raise up even remotely close to the Planck scale while obtaining macroscopic structure. The fine-tuning problems associated with the electroweak breaking scale and the cosmological constant therefore appear to be qualitatively different from the perspective of obtaining a habitable universe.

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