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Trash Talk,Missing Missions and three weeks of Mission Mania

Posted on Mar 09, 2009 09:02:20 AM | NASA EDGE | 60 Comments   

"40 years later, and the Apollo astronauts still have a better 40 yard dash time than any rover."

"Apollo 11 was great, but where is the science."

"You might want to keep an eye on Expedition 16.  They have quite a following."

"Lunar Prospector 1 was the original LCROSS"

"Orion?!?  That's like nominating a film in pre-production for Best Picture."

Get used to it, folks.  This is what you will be hearing over the next three weeks as people begin to sort through and size up the matchups for the 2009 Mission Madness Tournament.  And this is where you want to come to make your case for your favorite mission (ER2 is the real front runner) or trash missions that face some pretty tough odds*.  Of course, there are also plenty of missions that didn't make the field of 64.  We really want to hear from you.  Remember, all information exchanged during this year's competition will be evaluated by the Selection Committee for next year's competition.  So don't be afraid to let your opinions be known.

Good luck, and may the best mission win!

The Co-Host

P.S.  I know I don't need to say it, but please refrain from using profanity, foul language or any other abusive language.  Not only is it not going to be posted... it will count against your mission.

*2009 Mission Madness does not support gambling of any kind.  The use of the term odds here is merely coincidental.

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60 comments so far ( Post your own )

60 On Mar 15, 2009 04:01:16 PM  KaiYves  wrote: 

We're all geeks here, jameslarkensmith. Really cool geeks.

59 On Mar 15, 2009 08:06:59 PM  Andy  wrote: 

After looking closely at the brackets, I totally agree with the posters about "Where are the Earth Science Mission?" These brackets are nothing but a poor representation of what NASA does. No wonder the majority of the Earth's population still doesn't know that NASA does Earth Science. This bracket is so space science biased that it really does not do NASA justice.

I noticed that the blog moderator mentioned that the missions were chosen by each mission directorate. I am sure that not all of the players in each of the mission directorate's saw the final list. I cannot believe that the mission directorate where ICESat, GRACE, SeaWifs, etc are a part of would have intentionally left out these missions due to the fact that these missions are vital to understanding global climate change.

I am very disappointed in this poor attempt of Mission Madness.

58 On Mar 14, 2009 04:14:05 PM  jameslarkensmith  wrote: 

I used the following criteria to my my bracket:

- It's influence to science & mankind.
- It's success & contribution in terms of science & future missions.
- How or if it met & or exeeded it's goals.

Best early round matchups per bracket are:
- Apollo 11 vs Hubble - Apollo 11 gets this one due to Hubbles initial failure.
- SOHO vs Apollo 8 - Apollo 8 was a huge 1st.
- Apollo 13 vs ORION - Past failure recovery vs unproven.
- STS-95 vs Expedition 16 - John Glen finally gets his due.

Final 4 - Apollo 11, MER, Vikings 1 & 2, and Voyager 1 & 2.
Dark Horses - NB52, SR71, and STS95.

This officially proves I'm a total geek! I love this!

57 On Mar 14, 2009 06:26:50 PM  SCE to AUX  wrote: 

Apollo 11 vs. Hubble. Impossible. Head explodes.

56 On Mar 13, 2009 07:26:21 PM  grrohn  wrote: 

I'm new to NASA Edge and just discovered March Madness. Cool. The only thing that I don't like about it, is the ability to "stuff the ballot box." That places the voting power in the hands of those who don't have a life, and the mental capacity that derives. But alas, such is the demands of our universe, and Blogspheres such as this. My personal highlight of a 35 year career in the aerospace biz: shaking the hand and getting the autograph of BGen Michael Collins. I met many astronauts over my years, but a more refined gentleman with "The Right Stuff" there never was. That's why Apollo 11 is my personal favorite.

55 On Mar 13, 2009 03:09:34 PM  alfonso  wrote: 

you are so awsome

54 On Mar 13, 2009 04:18:44 PM  Paul F.  wrote: 

Having already made my Final Four and championship picks, I think it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I think there will be significantly different results depending on the level of "Joe Public" participation as compared to "insiders" and "outsiders with an interest". The higher the "Joe Public" participation, the more the public relations type missions that will advance. With less such participation, I think the more "scientifically relevant" type missions will advance.

I tried to make my picks without regard to hype, but being an outsider with an interest, maybe I am subtly affected by the hype like Joe Public. Anyway, I can't wait to see the results.

53 On Mar 13, 2009 01:25:28 PM  The AMP'er  wrote: 

I have to go with chandra x-ray for people's choice - I'm addicted to their adobe media channel

52 On Mar 13, 2009 09:35:16 AM  QuarkSpin  wrote: 

"Dark Horse" Pics:


Hubble - Hubble? Yep. Hubble however may have a very difficult time making it past Apollo 11.

Freedom 7/Friendship 7 - voting may split between these two and eliminate them early. If they survive, it could make for an interesting showdown.


Ares I - Unflown hardware versus Viking I & II could cause problems. Of course, GALEX may prove to be a spoiler early on.

Skylab - I love Skylab. A showdown between Skylab and Apollo 8 is a given.


MRO - MRO may spell trouble for MER.

Orion - again, unflown hardware versus sentimental favorite Apollo 13.


Voyager 1 & 2 - an early win by this duo could spell doom for Cassini and clear the way for STS-1. Of course, X-15 (a SPACEPLANE!!) may end up taking care of Cassini all by itself.

JWST - yet another unflown hardware spoiler. Can JWST survive the early rounds and be in position to knock off STS-95?

Those are the missions to pay close attention to early, as I see it. I'll post my final four (and winner) pics next week.

51 On Mar 12, 2009 06:04:43 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Host - Just wait and see what happens after first round voting. If ER-2 doesn't advance, we may see a #3 in the making for the Co-Host.

50 On Mar 12, 2009 07:29:09 PM  NE Host  wrote: 

Garey - Thats okay about the abduction part. We think Blair is from another world. Thanks for watching NASA EDGE.

NE Host

49 On Mar 12, 2009 04:40:01 PM  Garey L. Bearden  wrote: 

I am a 64 year old man who has been interested in space since 1950. I got interested by reading everything written by Heinlein, Asimov, Doctorow, and many others. I think I've seen most of the U.S. launches into space on television, beginning with the very first televised unmanned satilite. Your "tournament" is an interesting idea. Here are a few "picks."
Aeronautics: The Wright brothers first flight. It pretty much started it all.
Exploration: The first moon landing in 1969.
Science: The Hubble telescope. It opened vistas into space never imagined in the 50s when all we had were earthbound telescopes. Galileo would faint at the prospect of the images we see today.
As I wrote, I have seen virtually all the televised launches. Except, of course, for the one year I was an abductee on a planet in a far distant galaxy............Just kidding. I thought Blair would believe that one, but I couldn't keep a straight face.
Although it seems to me that your show is pretty much designed to appeal to a younger crowd than me, I will keep watching. It is helping me get through my second childhood.
Garey L. Bearden

48 On Mar 12, 2009 03:57:34 PM  NE Host  wrote: 

Sten - I want to see the Co-Host do #3 on your post.

NE Host

47 On Mar 12, 2009 02:22:48 PM  Elizabeth  wrote: 

WOW! The field is packed with so many out-standing accomplishments. Each a stepping stone to the next level of exploration and technology.Without the early missions we would not be where we are today.But all said and done I feel that it's the Ares-1 that will take our future in exploration to the next level. Thank You NASA Edge for all the learning and laughs that you provide. You'r the best show on T.V. Elizabeth

46 On Mar 12, 2009 02:33:49 PM  Elizabeth  wrote: 

Hey guy's, Does the winner get a trip to the ISS? It sure would be great Puplic Relations. Signed, Elizabeth

45 On Mar 12, 2009 02:49:11 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Folks, remember.

The NASA Mission directorates picked the missions, not us. If you have a problem with the mission list, you can do one of three things:

1. Contact the directorate and ask them why the mission is not up there. Ask SMD why BARREL got picked over Chandra.


2. Continue pushing the mission on the blog. We are keeping track and may try to do a viewers choice vote in which you can vote for your
favorite mission if it is not on the list. Explain to everyone why your mission is the best and get people to vote for it.


3. Run around in circles and panic.

Sten the Intern

44 On Mar 12, 2009 02:19:46 PM  NE Host  wrote: 

Chandra and Spitzer? That's a good question. Franklin brought it up in the Mission Madness selection show. Hopefully next year they'll both make the field.

NE Host

43 On Mar 12, 2009 01:17:58 PM  guest  wrote: 

Where are Chandra and Spitzer? Why they are not on the list?.

42 On Mar 11, 2009 04:47:06 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Is it SMD's fault that Chandra and Spitzer aren't in there?

And maybe we should arrange a viewer's choice vote to vote on the missions that they really really like but aren't in the tournament.

That way that guy could vote for his precious Galileo mission and all of you Great Observatory people could vote for the Greatest non-Hubble observatory.

41 On Mar 11, 2009 03:56:13 PM  where_are_we  wrote: 

I'm surprised that some of Nature's top 10 accomplishments are not on the list! Take Chandra and Spitzer for example. Or on you see Chandra and Spitzer are there as well.

Last but not least, there's NASA's recent survey of what missions are producing good science and *again* Chandra and Spitzer were there. What does it take for a mission to be on the Mission Madness list?

40 On Mar 11, 2009 02:48:05 PM  NE Host  wrote: 

Where's the love with the Aero missions? Bell X-1, Hyper X, X-15, SR-71?

Cariann - Don't let the Co-host play jedi mind tricks on you.


39 On Mar 11, 2009 12:50:32 AM  Cariann  wrote: 

@Quarkspin: I just meant that humans made the bots... tis all.

@Host: I agree with you on ER-2... but I have to side with Co Host. (I'm a very dedicated admirer)

@PaulF: I would agree with you that this is the coolest thing ever... but your choices are as crazy as the rest of them! ;)

38 On Mar 11, 2009 11:59:53 AM  Go Great!  wrote: 

Great Observatories make great teams too! Go Chandra for people's choice!!!! Also, push STS-93 all the way!!

37 On Mar 11, 2009 12:08:00 AM  Sergei  wrote: 

Can this include internaional missions, etc.

36 On Mar 11, 2009 09:38:47 AM  Paul F.  wrote: 

This has got to be the greatest event of all time. The underlying debate (humans v. robots, earth v. space, aero v. space, etc.) are part of the current debates raging within NASA as far as where future priorities should lie. Given that the public is voting, this might give NASA some ideas as to what is important to the public.

With that in mind, I hope that this is circulated far and wide so that a true cross section of the public, not just us "space-junkies," are involved.

As for my picks, as many have said, there are so many tough choices that it just depends on what criteria you use.

NEBULA: Hard to choose between Apollo 11, Freedom 7, Friendship 7 and Hubble. Because I think Apollo 8 takes it over Apollo 11 (more significant step forward), I am going to go with Freedom 7 -- sitting on top of a rocket that you have watched explode is impressive to me.

GALAXY: Humans leaving the comfort of our planet's gravitational influence is a HUGE step, Apollo 8.

STELLAR: MER is easy for me, "solved" one of the biggest questions related to human's place in the universe (water on mars). Scientifically successful and spunky, they have almost become human in the public conscious. I am guessing there will be actual mourning when they finally cease communicating.

HORIZON: I think my toughest pick was Cassini v. STS-1 in the third round. Such different missions but both extremely high on my list (I could have had them in the final and been satisfied). I'll go with Cassini based on versatility and longevity. (Though its hard to believe I would not be going with STS-1 even as I type this.)

Strangely, having gone through the process and thinking that I am a humans over robots mentality, I think I will go with MER as the winner.

35 On Mar 11, 2009 06:53:48 AM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Host, I believe ER-2 has negative chance.

34 On Mar 11, 2009 09:30:20 AM  QuarkSpin  wrote: 

I'd like to gently remind Ben and Cariann that it was the Ranger and Surveyor missions that paved the way for a manned lunar landing. The spacecraft/bots play an important role in exploring the unknown, providing information for future mission planning and contributing towards minimizing risk to human explorers.

I think a Ranger mission needs to be included in the bracket next time.

33 On Mar 10, 2009 07:30:40 PM  NASA EDGE Host  wrote: 

Over the past two days we have received a good number of comments on 2009 Mission Madness both on the blog and our social networking sites. We also have been receiving emails from a number of missions that didn't make the field of 64. If your mission didn't make the field, then please tell us your thoughts on the blog. Hopefully next year another field of 64 will be announced. Lobby to your mission directorate at NASA HQ to get you in the big show for next year, but in the meantime please participate and vote for the best mission out of the group this year.

Back to the trash talking. I can't believe the Co-host thinks ER-2 will take it this year. How many of you actually think ER-2 has a chance against Apollo?


32 On Mar 10, 2009 04:39:55 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Wade, I see, very interesting.

I'm still pulling for Hubble though to win it all.

31 On Mar 10, 2009 06:08:23 PM  guest  wrote: 

whats apolo?

30 On Mar 10, 2009 03:49:59 PM  Wade  wrote: 

Sten the Intern wrote:
Wade wrote:
"My winner is Apollo 8 - Biggest leap of faith in NASA history!"

I'm curious, you put the moon 'round-and-back over the moon landing?

In a lot of ways we are splitting hairs - anytime man is put on top of a rocket the flight is significant. I chose Apollo 8 for all of the firsts. First time man sat on top of a Saturn V. First time for man to leave Earth orbit. First time man orbitted the Moon. I think there were more unknowns on Apollo 8 even though it could be considered a "joy ride". I could not argue against Apollo 11 - I would argue for Apollo 8. I love the debate. It's like which of your children do you love the most.

29 On Mar 10, 2009 03:19:03 PM  Mike  wrote: 

Considering the reputations of all the missions, would you say it's a safe bet to say that the winner will be a manned mission? I mean, it's one thing to get something up there and do science, but to get up there, do science, and carry people too? I say that's some real bonus points for Mercury, Gemini, Apollo,the Shuttle, and Ares/Orion.

28 On Mar 10, 2009 01:56:48 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Wade wrote:
"My winner is Apollo 8 - Biggest leap of faith in NASA history!"

I'm curious, you put the moon 'round-and-back over the moon landing?

27 On Mar 10, 2009 02:08:53 PM  The Co-Host  wrote: 

To all those that are expressing frustration over your mission not being included, please make sure you watch the Vodcast. There is explicit mentioning of some of your missions.

I know it is frustrating to not have your mission competing in this particular tournament, but this is the best forum to make your case as many of you have done. Keep up the good work. Our intern is keeping tabs on missions mentioned. Perhaps we will have an informal people choice mission. You just never know.

The Co-Host

P.S. Chandra gets a partial nod with STS-93.

26 On Mar 10, 2009 01:29:32 PM  Marie  wrote: 

I think this is silly since you don't have all of the Great Observatories. Chandra, Spitzer, and Compton certainly deserve to be in here.

25 On Mar 10, 2009 01:29:21 PM  Wade  wrote: 

Why is there only 1 Gemini mission on the bracket? I would put Gemini VI-A and Gemini VII as one of the most important missions of all time. Gemini was the first spacecraft designed for more than one person, so why is Gemini III not on the list? I love this! I have been compiling my own top 10 mission list for years.

My final 4
Apollo 11 vs Apollo 8 and MER vs Gemini IV
My winner is Apollo 8 - Biggest leap of faith in NASA history!

24 On Mar 10, 2009 01:34:16 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

Cassini would beat out Galileo any day anyway.

23 On Mar 10, 2009 12:26:07 AM  cb7sky  wrote: 

Maybe my eyesight is failing in my old age, but I paged down your list 3 times and still did not see Galileo on it. I find this absolutely incredible - the first mission to orbit an outer planet (not to mention the largest!), and the first and ONLY mission to drop a probe into the atmosphere of an outer planet (again...!!) A mission that was supposed to last only 2 years and managed to endure for almost 8 and end in a literal "Blaze of Glory..." I could go on and on. This was, for me, the greatest mission of all time and without it on your list, your little game is meaningless for me.

22 On Mar 10, 2009 12:33:36 AM  Rich  wrote: 

Where are the small, cheap, awesome missions like Deep Impact (which is still flying and returning data to this day)? The only good part about JWST so far is they managed to make it to PDR without providing a budget. That could be the best project management EVER. There are Air Force programs on this list too. I thought this was NASA!

21 On Mar 10, 2009 12:31:38 AM  Sam  wrote: 

Sam wrote:

"It was easier picking names for my 4 children than it is to choose my favourite mission! Although at the moment Voyager wins, or should it be Apollo 13? No,, Apollo,, definatly Apollo 13...NO,...Voyager.....[omitted - because I couldn't figure out how to edit well]!!!!"

*Note - we can't use external links - or foul language - due to rules and regulations. But I had to get the first line on the blog. Hilarious.


The Co-Host

20 On Mar 10, 2009 12:14:45 AM  Cariann  wrote: 

My humble apologies to Sten the Intern and the Co-host:
My husband has a tendency to get a little ahead of himself.

Ben's final four picks are:
Nebula- Apollo 11
Galaxy- Skylab
Stellar- ORION
Horizon- JWST

And... I'm guessing he is going to side with me and say that Apollo 11 is the (*clear*) winner.


19 On Mar 10, 2009 11:49:59 AM  guest  wrote: 

I'm curious, who exactly picked the list (was their a selection committee?). And, where are the Great Observatories? Chandra, Spitzer...Compton? How is JWST on when it's not in existence yet?


18 On Mar 10, 2009 08:45:26 AM  adASTRAgrl  wrote: 

I can't believe that SMD would overlook its Discovery missions. They've provided the most bang for the buck... some literally (Deep Impact!)...

17 On Mar 10, 2009 10:38:26 AM  guest aka Heather  wrote: 

Blair you wrote:

"Love your enthusiasm, however, the Shuttle is older than Hubble and will retire before Hubble, so there is some inconsistency. Thank goodness you're only talking hypothetical money. LOL"

OH PLEASE! I think the red in your hair is frying your brain. It's those tried and true workhorse programs that get the job done. These young guns are all mirrors and ... more mirrors. Hubble is a wounded player, barely limping along ... and the only one able to fix him is shuttle. My vote remains where it stands. BRING.IT.ON.

16 On Mar 10, 2009 07:00:38 AM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

To quote the Co-host,
"Orion?!? That's like nominating a film in pre-production for Best Picture."

Enough said.

And what were your picks for the final and champion?

15 On Mar 09, 2009 11:07:51 PM  QuarkSpin  wrote: 

Wow -- Ben and Cariann already reduced to namecalling. Must have hit a nerve. ;-)

14 On Mar 09, 2009 09:12:49 PM  Cariann  wrote: 

So to all the "haters" out there:

Blair: If this is true... I will in fact change my answers. But only for my love you both you and U2.

Chris: This is of course assuming that New Horizons doesn't get destroyed, become fununctional or in some other ways fail before it's mission is over. I, for one like to base my decisions off of proven missions (ie: done) as opposed to some sort of crazy "future" talk.

QS: We've already had this discussion on SVC... and without humans, bots would never be made in the first place. Have some respect; Cylon!

13 On Mar 09, 2009 09:21:46 PM  Benjamin Higginbotham  wrote: 

Wow, how can you all be so wrong?!?

Orion - Helping send humans to build a colony on the moon. DUDE, A MOON BASE! Gotta get there somehow, and Orion is it!

Skylab - Hollowed out Saturn V turned space station. That's like turning my house in to a floating city of awesomeness.

Apollo 11 - The first time any species from this planet set foot on our alien neighbor, The Moon. Forever etching in to our culture the phrase, "If we can land a man on the moon, why can't we..."

James Webb Space Telescope - You thought the pictures from Hubble were cool? Think again! When this thing goes up it is going to *blow your mind*. It is like space porn. Wait, no... It is space porn.

And it's official -- QuarkSpin is a Cylon. Fraking Toaster.

12 On Mar 09, 2009 09:24:40 PM  Cariann  wrote: 

And to Kai:

I am also new to this, but because I believe so much in human space flight, I just simply went through all of the mission details and thought about which I prefer when I had to put them up head to head... like is someone said, "If you had to choose only one ice cream flavor to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Hope that helps!

11 On Mar 09, 2009 06:03:59 PM  KaiYves  wrote: 

How exactly do you propose we decide? Should we have one general principle, like "Always already flown over conceptual" or "Always robotic over human" or "Always in my lifetime over before then" and not let personal opinion be involved, or should we decide each "match" individually?

Sorry, I'm kind of new at this.

10 On Mar 09, 2009 06:56:59 PM  QuarkSpin  wrote: 

Cariann is wrong -- and here's why:

Look at the comments so far, Cariann. The majority of the missions pick as finalists are robotic.

Bots vs. humans -- and the bots win. I'm just sayin'...

Clear Skies! -- QuarkSpin

9 On Mar 09, 2009 02:24:10 PM  Sten the Intern  wrote: 

KaiYves, let me help you out.

Cassini over X-15, and Friendship 7 over STS-26. Cassini has provided us with loads of scientific data on the Saturn system and even dropped a probe on the surface of Titan. And lets go with the first American in orbit over a return to flight.

My final four is:


Hubble beats MER in the final match. Going for scientific output here.

8 On Mar 09, 2009 02:13:32 PM  NASA EDGE Host  wrote: 

Cariann - Gemini IV? Really? I believe the co-host knows to pick New Horizons over Gemini IV, planet or no planet.

NE Host

7 On Mar 09, 2009 01:52:23 PM  KaiYves  wrote: 

How on Earth are we supposed to choose between X-15 and Cassini? Or STS-26 and Friendship 7. Some of these are just too personally close to call.

6 On Mar 09, 2009 01:52:48 PM  Blair Allen  wrote: 

As Co-Host of NASA EDGE, I have the following responses to earlier posts.

Guest made the following comment:

"Hubble is too worn down, they'll go down as surely as Gonzaga in the first bracket. My (hypothetical) money is on STS-114. With Collins at the helm and her mad 360 slam-dunk skills, they're the ones to beat."

Love your enthusiasm, however, the Shuttle is older than Hubble and will retire before Hubble, so there is some inconsistency. Thank goodness you're only talking hypothetical money. LOL.

Cariann wrote:

"Winner: Apollo 11 (The *clear* winner)

And I would *love* to hear why I'm wrong! ;)"

Well, Cariann you are wrong because Apollo 11 is going up against ER-2 which is responsible for Irish rock band, U2. If ER-2 wins, U2 will play on NASA EDGE. Enough said.

All posters commenting on Earth Science Missions (or the lack there of)

You have a point. You mention some fabulous missions (EO-1 - Terra, is actually seeded) but the missions were selected by each mission directorate. Please contact them and make your case for future competition.

That's all for now,

The Co-Host

5 On Mar 09, 2009 12:38:17 AM  Cariann  wrote: 

What? That's insane!

Here are my final 4:

Nebula- Apollo 11
Galaxy- Vikings I & II
Stellar- Apollo 13
Horizon- Gemini IV

Winner: Apollo 11 (The *clear* winner)

And I would *love* to hear why I'm wrong! ;)

4 On Mar 09, 2009 11:15:45 AM  Campbell  wrote: 

Where is ICESat, GRACE, SEAWiFS?

ICESat has been at the forefront of studying the polar regions since 2003. Through ICESat data, we are learning just how changes in the polar ice sheets/sea ice levels and concentrations are being affected by global climate change and how these changes will affect the entire planet, from sea level rise to changes in ocean salinity.

These missions are at the forefront of Earth Science Missions that are elevating our knowledge of Global Climate Change and pushing the public towards global climate literacy. It is a shame such ground-breaking missions have been omitted and yet there are some dinosaur missions that have been included that the majority of the voting public will have never heard of nor knew about.

3 On Mar 09, 2009 01:09:11 PM  guest  wrote: 

Hubble is too worn down, they'll go down as surely as Gonzaga in the first bracket. My (hypothetical) money is on STS-114. With Collins at the helm and her mad 360 slam-dunk skills, they're the ones to beat.

2 On Mar 09, 2009 12:52:31 AM  Brian  wrote: 

Where are all the Earth Science Missions?

....and so on!

Not very happy that the Mission Madness list is 97% heavy on Space Science Missions!

1 On Mar 09, 2009 09:57:39 AM  NASA EDGE Host  wrote: 

Here's my final four.

Nebula - Hubble
Galaxy - Bell X-1
Stellar - Mars Rovers
Horizon - Cassini

Winner - Mars Rovers


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