D0 Run Plan Standard Instructions

Last Updated: 28-June--2002 by Alan L. Stone

The current Beams Division schedule can be found on the web at http://www-bdnew.fnal.gov/operations/schedule/schedule.html.

Detector and Other Specific Instructions

Electronic Logbook

The "Config Change" form in the e-log is intended for any "major" configuration change in any subsystem - examples might be installation of new hardware or firmware, addition of detectors, loss or regain of power supplies etc, etc. The keyword to search on is CONFIG_CHANGE. Contact Leslie Groer if more fields are needed.

Silicon Microstrip Detector

Simplified instructions for Captains if no SMT shifter is present.

Standing Instructions and Shift Tasks

The main task of the shift crew is to collect data in stable global runs during colliding beam and to support the debugging/commissioning efforts when there are no collisions and to ensure that the DAQ and all subsystems are operational before collisions starts. All detectors should have calibration runs performed prior to beam. Cosmic ray or zero bias runs should continue with all systems at the discretion of the detector subsystem coordinators. Captains should be cogniscent of the Run Coordinator's general instructions and instructions for improving the efficiency of data taking.

The major shift tasks are:

Colliding Beam

The default running condition is to take data with the global trigger list (see the current run plan for details) with all available crates.

Shot Setup

To ensure that we maximize our data collecting ability with colliding beam, here is the procedure for shot setup:

At the begin of stores, the store number must be entered into COOR by the DAQ shifter via

setup d0online
store_begin number.
Similarly, the end of store command is
At the beginning of a store, Captains should record all the information from Channel 13 (the Beam's Status page) in the elog.

No Collisions (e.g. proton only or anti-proton only beam)

Allow detector experts to work on commissioning activities, under the Shift Captain's approval. All experts must return their systems to working order before they complete their work.
Note: If there are severe conflicts with the use of the DAQ system because of instabilities and people starting/stopping runs, issuing SCL inits, etc then it is the Shift Captain's duty to determine priorities and to enforce them. Contact the Commissioning Coordinator if need be.

No Beam in the Tevatron

If there is no beam, then calibration runs should be conducted by the various subdetector shifters. The Shift Captain and the Run Coordinator will determine priorities for various subsystems to have exclusive use of the DAQ system in the case of interference.

Standard Trigger Files

For no beam in the machine, the default file is: zero_bias_only-1.30.xml

For cosmic ray running, the default file is: cosmics-1.30.xml

For proton-only beam running: proton_halo_only-1.2.xml

General Shifter Tasks

The Operations Technicians are taking care of the safety walk through of DAB. Captains are responsible for filling in the Captain's Safety checklist. Heidi Schellman has put together a very useful Pictorial Guide to components in the Control Room and in DAB.

Silicon Radiation Monitoring

The Captain should make sure that the Silicon Radiation Monitoring is running. See the online instructions for details.

There are some modified limits for the SMT radiation monitoring system represented on page E35 on ACNET. These limits are more representative of what the MCR actually uses for alarms and aborts. The procedures for this are being updated. See the mail below from Naaem for details:

Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 14:37:58 -0700 (PDT)
From: syed-naeem ahmed 
Subject: E35 Application


I have modified and loaded the E35 application:

- it now accesses the sum trip levels from the same
devices that are set by MCR sequencer. Right now only
C:D0BRUT is set by the sequecer while the other
devices are not touched. So the shift crew is expected
to note change only in this value at the start of
store, shot setup or studies. Other variables are at
the moment set at 4-4.5krads which can be changed
manually. Changing limits on devices other than
upstream top would not affect operation and would not
even be noticed by MCR. So, unless we decide to modify
the shift procedure for MCR, these numbers will be
good for "local use" only.

- the instantaneous rate in E35 now has the new
conversion factor. It now shows the right trip
threshold  of ~12.6 R/s.

- local integrated dose alarm is still set at ~20 rads
for 1 min integration. This can be changed via
C:D0BAxy devices recently created by Paul Derwent
through any parameter page client, such as E63.
Alternatively one can change them directly in C336.



SAM Dataset Definitions

All global physics runs will be processed by the reconstruction farms. If a special run (e.g. cosmics, halo, etc) needs to be reprocessed on the farms, then the person/s requesting the special data collection is/are required to fill in the shiftset request form and to send mail to d0-farms@fnal.gov. There are older more explicit instructions about how to define a shiftset.

Examines and Monitoring

The default event display d0ve should be run at all times for colliding data
start_daq d0ve

Run Examines and Event displays at all times. In particular:

Examine Shifter Node
Vertex Examine Captain d0ol04
Event Display (d0ve) DAQ shifter d0ol10
Calorimeter Examine Calorimeter shifter d0ol06/d0ol23
Muon Examine Muon shifter d0ol09
SMT Examine SMT shifter d0ol05
CFT Examine CFT shifter d0ol08

COOR records the begin and end of runs along with the crate configurations. DAQ shifters must still enter the relevant information in the taker pop-up windows. For details, see the message from Alan Stone. DAQ Shifter should print the L1 and L3 trigger monitor output page once per shift during colliding beam or after any major configuration change.

Captains should summarize the runs taken with colliding beam and indicate their quality:

 start  end  run#  trigger  #events  toroid/solenoid  crate list  data quality (good/bad/unknown)  Comments
                                      (off,for,rev)                   (CAL,CFT,CPS,MUO,SMT)
These summaries should be put into the shift summary for distribution to d0shiftsummary and posted to D0NEWS in the OPERATIONS folder.