Welcome to the Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop

The CDAW Concept

The Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop (CDAW) program is sponsored by the Space Physics Data Facility and is an effort to further the development and use of tools and techniques implementing large simultaneous data from many investigators, for selected event periods, the program aims to address problems of global scale that may not be otherwise addressable.

The operating CDAW program is distinguished by its combination of a traditional workshop format with assembly of a digital data base where the data and relevant models have been cast into a common format.

*Access the CDAW display and analysis system (IF you've already read the following.)

The CDAW Data Bases

Since the first CDAW, in December 1977, nine coordinated databases (CDBs) have been assembled. The ninth (CDB9) became public in December, 1993. The CDB's contain data for the specific CDAW event time periods, which are typically 16 hours or less.The CDBs 6 through 9 are accessible on-line and are summarized below.

System Access and Additional Information

* Hints on using the CDAW system.

* Details on data intervals, contributing spacecraft and CDB subjects.

* CDAW display and analysis system
This allows access to all of the CDAW 6, 7, 8 and 9 data bases. The system supports a range of graphics devices including Tektronix terminals/emulators and X-windows.

* CDAW/NACS Users Guide and parameter catalogs
for the CDAW 6, 7, 8, and 9 data bases.

* A CD-ROM containing the CDAW-9 data base is available from NSSDC.

Plans for CDAW 10

CDAW 10 is tentatively planned to involve the participants of the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) program. The "Key Parameters" of this program are being collected by the ISTP CDHF (Central Data Handling Facility) in a standard form for use with an improved generalized display and analysis program under development at SPDF.

* Return to SPDF Home Page

-- R.E. McGuire (mcguire@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov (301) 286-7794) ---- Head, Space Physics Data Facility, NASA/GSFC

--H. Kent Hills (hills@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov, (301) 286-9431) QSS Group Inc.

6/23/99 (H.K.H.) 5/19/95 (G.C.G)