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Details for Dataset #100980
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Details for Dataset QC_Shew_07_02_pt5_d_13Nov07_Draco_07-09-11

Compressed State NULL
LC Column 07-09-11
Scan Count 15998
Name QC_Shew_07_02_pt5_d_13Nov07_Draco_07-09-11
Instrument LTQ_Orb_1
ID 100980
Acquisition End Nov 14 2007 3:19AM
Compressed Date NULL
Created Nov 19 2007 7:19PM
Rating Released
Wellplate Number na
Archive State complete
Type HMS-MSn
Operator Therese Clauss
Acquisition Start Nov 14 2007 1:39AM
Well Number na
Experiment QC_Shew_07_02
Comment auto-upload didn't work
Separation Type LC-ISCO-Standard
State Complete
Request 88599
File Size MB 253
Folder Name QC_Shew_07_02_pt5_d_13Nov07_Draco_07-09-11

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