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Antonucci, J.M.; Skrtic, D.; Eanes, E.D. Bioactive polymeric dental materials based on amorphous calcium phosphate-effect of coupling agents. Book Chapter in ACS Symposium Series "Hydrogels and Biodegradable Polymers for Bioapplications", in press.

Antonucci, J.M.; Skrtic, D.; Eanes, E.D. Remineralizing dental composites based on amorphous calcium phosphate. Polymer Preprint, 36(1), 779 (1995).

Antonucci, J.M.; McDonough, W.G.; Schutte, C.L.; Moon, C.K. Interfacial shear strength measurements by the microdrop bead test. American Association of Dental Research Annual Meeting; San Antonio, TX; March; Abstract/Microfilm/Microfiche Publication (1995).

Bauer, B.; Liu, D.-W.; Jackson, C.; Barnes, J. Epoxy/SiO2 interpenetrating polymer networks. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, accepted.

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Colucci, D.M.; O'Connell, P.A.; McKenna, G.B. Volume changes in thermoplastics in stress relaxation experiments on torsion and compression. Proceedings, Society of Plastics Engineers Annual Meeting, May 1996, Indianapolis, IN, in press.

Colucci, D.M.; Schultheisz, C.R.; McKenna, G.B. Dynamics of structure recovery and mechanical response of polymeric liquids near to the glass transition. 1995 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, Boston, MA, in press.

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Dudowicz, J.; Freed, K.; Douglas, J. Modification of the phase stability of polymer blends by diblock copolymer additives. Macromolecules, Vol. 28, p. 2276 (1995).

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Dunkers, J.P.; Ishida, H. Vibrational assignments of N,N-bis(3,5-dimethyl-2- hydroxybenzyl)methylamine in the fingerprint region. Spectrochimica Acta 51A, 855 (1995).

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Garboczi, D.J.; Snyder, K.A.; Douglas, J.P.; Thrope, M. F. Geometrical percolation threshold of overlapping ellipsoids. Physical Review E, 52, 819 (1995).

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Giacometti, J.; Ribeiro, P.; Raposo, M.; Marat-Mendes, J.; Carvalho Campos, J.; DeReggi, A. Study of poling behavior of biaxially stretched poly(vinylidene fluoride) films using the constant-current corona triode. J. Applied Physics 78, 5597 (1995).

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Holt, D.B.; Farmer, B.L.; Macturk, K.S.; Eby, R.K. Fluoropolymer force fields derived from semiempirical MO calculations, Polymer, in press.

Horkay, F.; McKenna, G.B. Comments on selected papers for the 50th anniversary of the Journal of Polymer Science. Journal of Polymer Science, Physics Edition, in press.

Horkay, F.; Waldron, W.K.; McKenna, G.B. The effect of molar volume on the swelling of poly(dimethylsiloxane) in fluorocarbon fluids. Polymers Communications, in press.

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Jackson, C.L.; Morrison, F.A.; Barnes, K.A.; Mays, J.W.; Muthukumar, M.; Nakatani, A.I.; Han, C.C. Shear-induced changes in the order-disorder transition temperature and the morphology of a triblock copolymer. ACS Symposium Series, 597, Chap. 16; p. 233 (1995).

Karim, A.; Truskruk, V.V.; Douglas, J.; Satija, J.; Fetters, S.K.; Reneker, D.; Foster, M. Self- organization of end-grated polymer brush layers. Journal de Physique II France, 5, p. 1441 (1995).

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Karim, J.; Douglas, J.; Horkay, F.; Fetters, L.J.; Satija, S.K. Comparative swelling of gels and polymer brush layers. Physica B, in press.

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Kelly, J.R.; Nishimura, I.; Campbell, S.D. Ceramics in dentistry: historical roots and current perspectives. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 75, 18-32 (1995).

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Ketcham, S.A.; Niemiec, J.M.; McKenna, G.B. Extension and compression of elastomeric butt joint seals. ASCE Engineering Mechanics Div. Journal, in press.

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Macturk, K.S.; Schutte, C.L.; Schultheisz, C.L.; Hunston, D.L.; Tarlov, M.J. The role of coupling agent in composite durability. Polymer/Inorganic Interfaces II, Drzal, L.T.; Opila, N.A.; Schutte, C.L., Eds.; Materials Research Society Symposium Series (MRS, Pittsburgh); Vol. 385. Pp. 131-136 (1995).

Macturk, K.S.; Schultheisz, C.L.; Schutte, C.L. Preliminary results on the role of coupling agents in composite interface strength and durability. Proc. Society of Plastics Engineers/ANTEC (SPE, Brookfield) (1995).

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Marugan, M.M.; Pérez, E.; VanderHart, D.L. Solid-state 13NMR study of thermotropic polybibenzoates. I. Poly(heptamethylene, p,p'-bibenzoate) and poly[oxybis(trimethylene)p,p'- bibenzoate], Macromolecules 26, 5852 (1993).

Mathew, M.; Ammon, H.L. Crystal structure of decadalcium tetrapotassium hexakis (pyrophosphate) nonahydrate. Journal of Chemical Crystallograph 25(5), pp. 219-222 (1995).

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McDonough, W.G.; Moon, C.K.; Dunkers, J.P.; Schultheisz, C.R.; Schutte, C.L. Evaluating a polyisocyanurate/glass fiber composite for interfacial studies. Proc. Of the 2nd International Conference on Composite Engineering (ICCE/2, New Orleans); p. 497, in press.

McDonough, W.G.; Schutte, C.L.; Moon, C.K.; Schultheisz, C.L. Processing and testing issues for a model polyisocyanurate/glass single fiber composite. Proc. 10th Annual Advanced Composites Conference and Exhibition (ASM, Metals Park); p. 535 (1994).

McKenna, G.B.; Horkay, F.; Verdier, P.H.; Waldron, W.K. Interactions of agents with elastomers and lubricants. Fire Suppression System Performance of Alternate Agents in Aircraft Engine and Dry Bay Laboratory Simulations, Vol. 1 ed. by R.G. Gann, NIST SP890, November, pp. 201-247 (1995).

McKenna, G.B.; Horkay, F. Effect of crosslinks on the thermodynamics of poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogels. Polymer, 35, 5737-5742 (1994).

McKenna, G.B. Guest editorial: proceedings of the Boston symposium on rheology of solids. J. of Rheology, 39, p. 375 (1995).

McKenna, G.B. Dynamics and mechanics below the glass transition: the non-equilibrium state. J. of Computational Materials Science, 4, 349-360 (1995).

Mehta, V.R.; Kumar, S.; Polk, M.B.; VanderHart, D.L.; Arnold, F.E.; Dang, T.D. On the evidence of crosslinking in the methyl pendent PBZT fiber. J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. (submitted).

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Misra, D.N. Adsorption of N-phenylglycinate on hydroxyapatite: role of solvents and ionic charge. Colloids and Surfaces, in press.

Nakatani, A.I. An introduction to flow-induced structures in polymers. ACS Symposium Series No. 597 "Flow-Induced Structures in Polymers". A.I. Nakatani and M.D. Dadmun, Eds., Washington, DC; pp. 1-19 (1995).

Nakatani, A.; Morrison, F.; Jackson, C.; Douglas, J.; Mays, J.; Muthukumar, M.; Han, C. Shear-induced changes in the order-disorder transition temperature and the morphology of a triblock copolymer. J. Macromolecular Sci. [Physics Edition], in press.

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Nakatani, A.; Morrison, F.; Douglas, J.; Mays, J.; Jackson, C.; Muthukumar, M.; Han, C. The influence of shear on the ordering temperature of a triblock copolymer melt. Journal of Chemical Physics, in press.

Nakatani, A.I.; Johnsonbaugh, D.; Han, C.C. Phase separation kinetics of polymer blend solution studied by a two-step shear quench. ACS symposium Series No. 597. A.I. Nakatani, and M.D. Dadmun, eds.; Washington, DC, pp. 246-262 (1995).

Niemiec, J.M.; Schultheisz, C.R.; Schutte, C.R.; McKenna, G.B. Time temperature and time- aging time superposition in polycarbonate below the glass transition. Proc. of Society of Plastics Engineers, Annual Technical Conference, 9, pp. 2402-2408 (1995).

Niemiec, J.M.; Pesce, J.-J.; McKenna, G.B.; Skocypec, S.; Garritano, R.F. Anomalies in the normal force measurement when using a force rebalance transducer. J. Rheology, in press.

Niemiec, J.M.; Pesce, J.J.; McKenna, G.B.; Skocypec, S.T.; Garritano, R.F. Normal force measurements using a force rebalance transducer. Proc. of the Soc. of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference, 2, pp. 2424-2429 (1995).

Norton, L.J.; Kramer, E.J.; Bates, F.S.; Ghelsen, M.D.; Jones, R.A.L.; Karim, A.; Felcher, G.P.; Kelb, R. Neutron reflectivity study of surface segregation in an isotopic poly(ethylene propylene) blend: deviation from mean field theory. Macromolecules, 28; p. 8621 (1995).

Orts, W.J.; VanderHart, D.L.; Bluhm, T.L.; Marchessault, R.H. Cocrystallization in random copolymers of poly(-hydroxybutyrate-co--hydroxyvalerate) and its effect on crystalline morphology. Can. J. Chem., in press.

Parnas, R.S.; Howard, J.G.; Luce, T.L.; Advani, S.G. A proposed standard reference material for permeability. Polymer Composites, in press.

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Parnas, R.S.; Cohen, Y. A terminally anchored polymer chain in shear flow: Consistent Calculations. Rheologica Acta, 33, 485-505 (1994).

Parnas, R.S.; Schultheisz, C.R.; Ranganathan, S. Hydrodynamically induced preform deformation. Polymer Composites, in press.

Parnas, R.S.; Schultheisz, C.R. Hydrodynamically induced preform deformation during high speed processing. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Automated Composites (The Institute of Materials, London); p. 219 (1995).

Pesce, J.J.; McKenna, G.B. Non-linear viscoelastic response of polycarbonate in torsion. Proc. of the Soc. Of Plastics Engineers Annual Technical Conference, 2, pp. 1932-1935 (1995).

Pesce, J.J.; McKenna, G.B. A comparison of torque and normal force responses of polycarbonate in one and two step torsional histories with a material clock model. Mechanics of Plastics and Plastic Composites 1995, ed. by M.C. Boyce, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, MD-68 and AMD-215, pp. 309-336 (1995).

Pesce, J.-J.; Niemiec, J.M.; Chiang, M.Y.M.; Schutte, C.L.; Schultheisz, C.R.; McKenna, G.B. Characterization of polymers in the glass transition range: time-temperature and time-aging time superposition in polycarbonate. Current Research in the Thermomechanics of Polymers in the Rubbery-Glassy Range, ed. by M. Negahban, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, AMD-203, pp. 77-88 (1995).

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Pérez, E.; Benavente, R.; Bello, A.; Pereñ a, J.M.; VanderHart, D.L. Solid state 13C NMR study of thermotropic polybibenzoate. II. Poly(triethylene glycol p,p'-bibenzoate). Macromolecules, 28, p. 6211 (1995).

Ranganathan, S.; Phelan Jr., F.R.; Advani, S.G. Microstructure permeability predictions for the processing of advanced composites. Proceedings of the Society of Plastics Engineers ANTEC '95 (SPE, Brookfield); pp. 3035-3039 (1995).

Ranganathan, S.; Wise, G.M.; Phelan Jr., F.R.; Parnas, R.S.; Advani, S.G. A numerical and experimental study of the permeability of fiber preforms. Advanced Composites X: Proceedings of the 10th Annual ASM/ESD Advanced Composites Conference and Exposition (ASM International, Metals Park); pp. 309-319 (1994).

Ratzker, M.; Lashmore, D.S.; Johnson, C.E.; Shapiro, A. Electroforming of metallic glasses for dental applications. Dental Materials, in press.

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Schadt, R.J.; VanderHart, D.L. Solid state proton NMR of a glassy epoxy exposed to water. Macromolecules, 28, p. 3416 (1995).

Schen, M.; Scace, R.; Leedy, T. NIST strategies activities and collaborations in electronics packaging interconnection and assembly. Proceedings of the 11th Biennial University, Government, Industry Microelectronics Symposium, IEEE Catalog 95CH35779, Austin, TX (1995).

Schen, M.; Davis, G.; Mopsik, F.; Wu, W.; Wallace, W.; Manning, J.; Handwerker, C.; Read, D. Electronic packaging materials research at NIST in Electronic Packaging Materials Science VIII, R.C. Sundahl, K. A. Jackson, K-N. Tu and P. Borgeren, Eds. Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, 390, 19 (1995).

Schen, M.A. Metrology and data for microelectronic packaging and interconnection. Proceedings of workshop on Materials Metrology and Data for Commercial Electronic and Optical Packaging and Interconnection Technologies; NISTIR 5520; November (1994).

Schen, M.A. (Contributing editor). The national technology roadmap for electronic interconnections: cross-cutting technologies. Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits, Lincolnwood, IL (1995).

Schen, MA. (Editor). Mechanics and materials for electronic packaging: thermal and mechanical behavior and modeling. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, AMD-Vol. 187 (1994).

Schultheisz, C.R.; Colucci, D.M.; McKenna, G.B.; Caruthers, J.M. Modeling the differing time scales of structural recovery and mechanical relaxation observed in aging experiments. Proc. of the ASME Winter Meeting, San Francisco, CA; Nov.; Mechanics of Plastics and Plastic Composites MD-Vol. 68, AMD-Vol. 215 (ASME, New York); pp. 251-282 (1995).

Schultheisz, C.R.; Schutte, C.L.; McDonough, W.G.; Macturk, K.S.; McAuliffe, M.; Kondagunta, S.; Hunston, D.L. Effect of temperature and fiber coating on the strength of e- glass fibers and the e-glass/epoxy interface for single-fiber fragmentation samples immersed in water. ASTM Symposium on Fiber, Matrix and Interface Properties, ASTM STP 1290, (ASTM, West Conshokocken, PA), in press.

Schultheisz, C.R.; Schutte, C.L.; McDonough, W.G.; Macturk, K.S.; McAuliffe; Kondagunta, S. Effect of temperature and fiber coating on the degradation of glass fiber/epoxy single-fiber fragmentation samples immersed in water. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Spring Conference (SEM, Bethel); pp. 378-385 (1995).

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Last modified: Thu Jul 18 15:04:30 1996