Table of contents for Frauds, myths, and mysteries : science and pseudoscience in archaeology / Kenneth L. Feder.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog

Information from electronic data provided by the publisher. May be incomplete or contain other coding.

Preface Quick Start Guide

Chapter 1: Science and Pseudoscience Belief in the Unbelievable
The Morning of the Magicians Pseudoscience and Archaeology Why I Wrote This Book Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 2: Epistemology: How You Know What You Know Knowing Things
Collecting Information: Seeing Isn't Necessarily Believing
Collecting Information: Relying on Others Science: Playing by the Rules
There Is a Real and Knowable Universe
The Universe Operates According to Understandable Laws
The Laws Are Immutable
The Laws Can Be Understood The Workings of Science The Case of Childbed Fever The Science and Nonscience: The Essential Differences
A Rule in Assessing Explanations The Art of Science
Where Do Hypotheses Come From?
Testing Hypotheses
The Human Enterprise of Science Science and Archaeology Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 3: Anatomy of an Archaeological Hoax The Cardiff Giant: The Goliath of New York
The Discovery
The Beginning of the End
Hull's Confession
The End of the Giant Why Did They Do It? Current Perspectives: Frauds
The Rules for a Successful Archaeological Hoax Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 4: Dawson’s Dawn Man: The Hoax at Piltdown The Evolutionary Context
The Brain-Centered Paradigm A Remarkable Discovery in Sussex The Piltdown Enigma Unmasking the Hoax Whodunnit?
Suspect: Charles Dawson
Suspect: Arthur Smith Woodward
Suspect: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Suspect: Sir Grafton Elliot Smith
Suspect: Sir Arthur Keith
Suspect: Martin A. C. Hinton
Suspect: Lewis Abbott
Suspect: W. J. Sallas
Suspect: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle The Lesson of Piltdown Current Perspectives: Human Evolution Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 5: Who Discovered America? America's First People
A New World-To Europeans
Biblical Exegesis and American Indians
American Indians: From Israelites to Atlanteans
Tracing the Source of Native Americans
Out of Asia
An "American Genesis"?
Tracing People by Their Biology
Archaeology of the First Americans Who's Next? After the Indians, Before Columbus
Artifact Trails: Evidence of Visitors to the New World Europeans in America: The Norse Discovery of America
A Newfound Land
Where Was Vinland and Who Were the Skraelings?
Norse Discovery of America: The Physical Evidence
Other Evidence of the Viking Presence? Other Voyagers, Other Visitors
A Chinese Discovery of the New World?
Africans in Ancient America?
Other Europeans in the New World Before Columbus? America
The Archaeological Verdict
Archaeological Context: Digging Pits and Recovering Evidence Current Perspectives: The Peopling of the Americas Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercises

Chapter 6. The Myth of the Moundbuilders The Myth of a Vanished Race Who Were the Moundbuilders? Identifying the Vanished Race
The Walum Olum
The Archaeology of the Myth The Moundbuilder Mystery Solved Rationale for the Myth of a Vanished Race Current Perspectives: The Moundbuilders Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise Chapter 7: Lost: One Continent—Reward Atlantis: Where Are You? Atlantis: The Source of the Legend
The Timaeus Dialogue
The Critias Dialogue
The Source and Meaning of Timaeus and Critias
Who Invented Atlantis?
Where Did Plato Get the Details of the Story?

A Minoan Source After Plato
Ignatius Donnelly: The Minnesota Congressman
Atlantis After Donnelly Current Perspectives: Atlantis
Ancient Greece
Archaeological Evidence in the Atlantic: The Bimini Wall
The Geology of the Atlantic Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 8: Prehistoric E.T.: The Fantasy of Ancient Astronauts Gods in Fiery Chariots
The Inkblot Hypothesis
The Amorous Astronaut Hypothesis
The "Our Ancestors, the Dummies" Hypothesis
Extraterrestrial Calendars?
Extraterrestrial Aliens in the Pacific?
A Real Mystery The Archaeology of Mars Current Perspectives:The von Daniken Phenomenon Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 9: Mysterious Egypt When Did People Get This Smart? Ancient Egypt
How Did They Build the Pyramids?
Tutankhamun Pyramids in Bosnia? Current Perspectives: Secrets of the Pyramids Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 10: Good Vibrations: Psychics and Dowsers Psychic Archaeology
The Roots of Psychic Archaeology
Psychic Site Location
Psychic Excavation
Psychic Cultural Reconstruction
Psychic Archaeology: The Verdict Dowsing Instead of Digging
Testing the Dowsers Current Perspectives: Archaeology Without Digging Frequently Asked Question Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 11: Old-Time Religion—New Age Visions Scientific Creationism
Noah's Ark
Footprints in Time
Other Guises of Creationism The Shroud of Turin
Testing the Shroud Burial Boxes of Jerusalem New Age Prehistory Current Perspectives: Religions Old and New Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

Chapter 12: Real Mysteries of a Veritable Past The Cave Painters of Europe
Explaining the Cave Paintings The Civilization of the Maya
Explaining the Maya
The Mysterious Collapse of the Maya? Stonehenge
Explaining Stonehenge
Circular Reasoning About Stonehenge
An Ancient Astronomy?
Why Was Stonehenge Built? Conclusion: A Past We Deserve Frequently Asked Questions Best of the Web Critical Thinking Exercise

References Index

Library of Congress subject headings for this publication:
Forgery of antiquities.