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The Nineteenth Century in Print: Periodicals

Browse items in New Englander and Yale review. Volume 35, Issue 134, January 1876
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  • New Englander and Yale review. / Volume 35, Issue 134, miscellaneous front pages, i-xii.
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  • Count Rumford, 1-23.
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  • Mind in Nature, 23-47.
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  • Empirical Dissent from Mr. Spencer's Philosophy, 47-77.
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  • On the Terminology of the Periods of the English Language, 77-108.
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  • Christian Classics, 108-114.
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  • What is the Bible?, 114-126.
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  • Lay-Preaching, 126-145.
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  • The German Gymnasium, 145-187.
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  • Notices of New Books, 187.
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  • Toward the Strait Gate; or Parish Christianity for the Unconverted. E. F. Burr, 187-188.
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  • Science and Revelation; a Series of Lectures in reply to the Theories of Tyndall, Huxley, Darwin, Spencer, etc., 188.
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  • The Church and her Children. William Barrows, 188-189.
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  • Problems of Life and Mind. George Henry Lewes, 189-190.
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  • Pilgrim Memories, or Travel and Discussion in the Birth-Countries of Christianity with the late Henry Thomas Buckle. John S. Stuart-Glennie, 190-191.
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  • History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. E. H. Gillett, 191-192.
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  • Historical Scenes from the Old Jesuit Missions. William Ingraham Kip, 192-193.
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  • Madame Recamier and her Friends. Madame Lenormant, 193-194.
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  • Autobiography of Mrs. Fletcher. With Letters and other Family Memorials. Edited by a survivor of her family, 194-195.
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  • The German Element in the War of American Independence. George Washington Greene, 195-196.
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  • Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1875, 196-197.
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  • The Poetical Works of Ray Palmer, 197.
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  • The Ship in the Desert. Joaquin Miller, 197-198.
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  • Cartoons. Margaret J. Preston, 198.
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  • Songs of Three Centuries. Edited by John Greenleaf Whittier, 198-199.
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  • Guido and Lita. A Tale of the Riviera. Marquis of Lorne, 199.
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  • The Bertram Family. By the author of "Chronicles of the Schonberg-Cotta Family.", 199-200.
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  • Victorian Poets. Edmund Clarence Stedman, 200-201.
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  • Literary Notes. A. P. Russell, 201.
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  • The years that are told. Rose Porter, 201-202.
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  • Currency and Banking. Bonamy Price, 202-203.
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  • Protection and Free Trade: an enquiry whether protective duties can benefit the interests of a country in the aggregate; including an examination into the nature of value and the agency of the natural forces producing it. Isaac Butts, 203-204.
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  • Schiller's Die Piccolomini. Edited &c. by James Morgan Hart, 204.
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  • Two Lectures upon the Relations of Civil Law to Church Polity, Discipline, and Property. William Strong, 204-205.
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  • Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. William Smith and Samuel Cheetham, 205-206.
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  • Text-Book of Church History. John Henry Kurtz, 206.
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  • The Story of the Hymns; or Hymns that have a History. An account of the Origin of Hymns of Personal Religious Experience. Hezekiah Butterworth, 206.
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  • Vest-pocket Series., 206-207.
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  • English Radical Leaders. H. J. Hinton, 207-208.
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  • Job's Comforters. Dr. Parker, 208.
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  • Note respecting the "Cardiff Giant.", 208.
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