2000 GPS Bibliography

1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008

This bibliography is a compilation of peer-reviewed articles published in 2000 describing original research with citations that may be of interest to other investigators working in any of the GPS & GLONASS fields.   Journal titles are abbreviated following the nomenclature adopted by their respective editors.  Titles of new books ([]) and conference proceedings (()) that include a significant number of chapters and/or articles dealing with GPS and GLONASS are also listed in this bibliography.   Articles, primarily appearing in trade journals, containing interspersed advertisements are only identified by their first page number followed by the symbol +.  Contributions with more than five authors will be referenced under the first author name and the extension et al.

Tomás Soler, Ph.D.
Editor, GPS & GLONASS Current Bibliography
GPS Solutions

Aarons, J., B. Lin, M. Mendillo, K. Lion, & M. Codrescu. (2000). Global Positioning System phase fluctuations and ultraviolet images from Polar satellite, J. Geophys. Res., 105(A3), 5201-5213.

Aarons, J. (see Mendillo, M.)

Abd-El Rasol, H. (see Arvanitis, L.G.)

Abu, S. (see Becker, M.)

Achilli, V. et al. (2000). GPS measurements in the Neapolitan volcanic area, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25(A9-A11), 705-711.

Afraimovich, E.L. (2000). GPS global detection of the ionospheric response to solar flares, Radio Sci., 35(6), 1417-1424.

Afraimovich, E.L., V.V. Chernukhov, & V.V. Demyanov. (2000). The updated ionospheric delay model to improve the performance of GPS single-frequency receivers, Radio Sci., 35(1), 257-262.

Afraimovich, E.L. (2000). The GPS global detection of the ionospheric response to solar flares, Radio Sci., 35(6), 1417-1424.

Afraimovich, E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, & L.A. Leonovich. (2000). The use of the international GPS network as the global detector (GLOBDET) simultaneously observing sudden ionospheric disturbance, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1077-1082.

Afraimovich, E.L., K.S. Palamartchouk, & N.P. Perevalova. (2000). Statistical angle-of-arrival and Doppler method for GPS radio interferometry and TIDS, Advances in Space Research, 26(6), 1001-1004.

Afraimovich, E.L., E.A. Kosogorov, K.S. Palamartchouk, N.P. Perevalova, & A.V. Plotnikov. (2000). The use of GPS arrays in detecting the ionospheric response during rocket launchings, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1061-1066.

Afraimovich, E.L. et al. (2000). Ionospheric effects of the solar eclipse of March 9, 1997, as deduced from data from the GPS-rdio interferometer at Irkutsk, Advances in Space Research, 26(6), 997-1000.

Afraimovich, E.L. et al. (2000). Observation of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances of auroral origin by GPS networks, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 669-674.

Afraimovich, E.L. et al. (2000). Determining parameters of large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances of auroral origin using GPS-arrays, J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 62(7), 553-565.

Alber, C., R. Ware, C. Rocken, & J. Braun. (2000). Obtaining single path phase delays from GPS double difference, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(17), 2661-2664.

Al-Dhahir, N. (see Yarlagada, R.)

Alex N. et al. (1999). GPS-Messkampagne 1995 zür Bestimmung von Deformationen der Erdkruste in Sudwestisland, Z.f. Verm.wessen, 124(12), 377-388.

Ali, I. (see Yarlagada, R.)

Alkan, R.M. & H.M. Palancioglu. (2000). Determination of mean sea level with GPS on vessel, Lighthouse, 58, 27-31.

Altshuler, E.E. (2000). Design of a vehicular antenna for GPS/IRIDIUM using a genetic algorithm, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 48(6), 968-972.

Amarjargal, S. (see Calais, E.)

American Society of Civil Engineers. (2000). NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Surveying: Technical Engineering and Design Guides as Adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Reston, VA: ASCE Press (336 pp).

Anderson, J. (see Gao, Y.)

Anderson, K.D. (2000). Determination of water level and tides using interferometric observations of GPS signals, J. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 17(8), 1118-1127.

Ando, M. (see Obana, K.)

Andrews, A.P. (see Grewal, M.S.)

Angermann, D. & M. Becker. (2000). Untersuchungen zu Genauigkeit und systematischen Effekten in großräumigen GPS-Netzen am Beispiel von GEODYSSEA, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(3), 88-95.

Angermann, D. (see Becker, M.; Michel, G.W.; Michel G.W.)

Angus, J.E. (1999). Toward computations of exact horizontal protection limits for satellite-based navigation systems, Navigation, 46(3), 217-225.

Anon. (2000). Receiver and antenna survey, GPS World, 11(1), 34-54.

Antches, R.H. (see Kuo, Y.H.)

Anzidei et al. (2000). Spostamenti rilevati alle stazioni GPS della rete IGM95 poste nell'area dell'Appennino umbro-marchigiano dopo gli eventi sismici del settembre-ottobre 1997, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(3), 281-290.

Aoki, S., T. Ozawa, K. Doi, & K. Shibuya. (2000). GPS observation of the sea level variation in Lützov-Holm Bay, Antartica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(15), 2285-2288.

Aonashi, K., Y. Shoji, R. Ichikawa, & H. Hanado. (2000). Estimation of PWC gradient over the Kento Plain using GPS data: Validation and possible meteorological implications, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 907-912.

Aonashi, K. (see Shoji, Y.)

Arana, V. (see Yu, T.T.)

Ardalan, A. & J.L. Awange. (2000). Compatibility of NMEA GGA with GPS receivers implementation, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 1-3.

Arvanitis, L.G., B. Ramachandran, D.P. Brackett, H. Abd-El Rasol, & X.S. Du. (2000). Multiresource inventories incorporating GIS, GPS and database management systems: A conceptual model, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 28(2), 89-100.

Asai, T. (see Sato, G.)

Ashjaee, J. (see Vorobiev, M.)

Ashkenazi, V., D. Park, & M. Dumville. (2000). Robot positioning and the global navigation satellite system, Industrial Robot, 27(6), 419-426.

Ashkenazi, V. (see Roberts, G.W.)

Aurelio, M.A. (2000). Shear partitioning in the Philippines: Constraints from Philippine Fault and Global Positioning System, Island Arc, 9(4), 584-597.

Awange, J.L. (see Ardalan, A.; Grafarend, E.W.)

Axelrad, P. (see Komjathy, A.; Moreau, M.C.)

Azoubib, J. & W. Lewandowski. (2000). Test of GLONASS precise-code time transfer, Metrologia, 37(1), 55-59.

Baertlein, H., B. Carlson, R. Eckels, S. Lyle, & S. Wilson. (2000). A high-performance, high-accuracy RTK GPS machine guidance system, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 4-11.

Baldi, P., S. Bonvalot, P. Briole, & M. Marsella. (2000). Digital photogrammetry and kinematic GPS applied to the monitoring of Vulcano Island, Aeolian Arc, Italy, Geophys. J. Int., 142(3), 801-811.

Banadyga, B. (see Gao, Y.)

Baran, L.W. (see Ephishov, I.I)

Barth, M.J. (see Farrel, J.A.)

Basu, S. (see Bhattacharyya, A.)

Baumann, S. (see Lechner, W.)

Beach, T.L. (see Bhattacharyya, A.)

Beard, R. & J. White. (2000). A common time reference: Precise time and frequency for warfighters, GPS World, 11(11), 38-45.

Becker, M., D. Angermann, S. Nordin, C. Reigber, & E. Reinhart. (2000). Das Geschwindigkeitsfeld in Südostasien aus einer kombinierten GPS Lösung der drei GEODYSSEA Kampagnen von 1994 bis 1998, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(3), 74-80.

Becker, M., E. Reinhart, C. Boonphakdee, S. Mingsamon, & S. Abu. (2000). Realisation des ITRS in Thailand und Malaysia durch ein kombiniertes Netz für Geokinematik und Landesvermessung, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(3), 95-99.

Becker, M. et al. (2000). Improving the velocity field in South and South - East Asia: The third round of GEODYSSEA, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 721-726.

Becker, M. (see Angermann, D.; Angermann, D.; Mareyen, M.; Michel, G.W.; Michel, G.W.)

Behrend, D., L. Cucurull, J. Vila, & R. Haas. (2000). An inter-comparison study to estimate zenith wet delays using VLBI, GPS, and NWP models, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 691-694.

Behrend, D. (see Cardellach, E.)

Bell, T. (2000). Automatic tractor guidance using carrier-phase differential GPS, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 25(1-2), 53-66.

Bell, T. (2000). Error analysis of attitude measurement in robotic ground vehicle position determination, Navigation, 47(4), 289-296.

Bendick, R., R. Bilham, J.T. Freymueller, K.M. Larson, & G.H. Yin. (2000). Geodetic evidence for a low slip rate in the Altyn Tagh fault system, Nature, 404(6773), 69-72.

Benjamin, S.G. (see Smith, T.L.)

Berberich, S. (see Pospelov, S.S.)

Berns, H.G. & R.J. Wilkes. (20000). GPS time synchronization system for K2K, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 47(2, I), 340-343.

Bétaille, D. (see Peyret, F.)

Betz, J.W. & K.R. Kolodziejski. (see Peyret, F.)

Betz, J.W. & K.R Kolodziejski. (2000). Extended theory of early-late code tracking for a bandlimited GPS receiver, Navigation, 47(3), 211-226.

Beutler, G. (2000). Contributions of the International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) to global geodynamics, astronomy and atmosphere science: Review and outlook, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 35(1), 3-24.

Beutler, G. (see Bock, Y.; Hefty, J.)

Bevly, D.M., A. Rekow, & B. Parkinson. (2000). Comparison of INS vs. carrier-phase DGPS for attitude determination in the control of off-road vehicles, Navigation, 47(4), 257-266.

Bhattacharyya, A., T.L. Beach, S. Basu, & P.M. Kintner. (2000). Nighttime equatorial ionosphere: GPS scintillations and differential carrier phase fluctuations, Radio Sci., 35(1), 209-224.

Bianco G. et al. (2000). Investigation on the combination of space geodetic techniques, J. Geodynamics, 30(3), 337-353.

Bierman, M.L. & Nelson, N.A. (2000). Using GPS to determine the size of the Earth, Physics Teacher, 38(6), 360-361.

Bilham, R. (see Bendick, R.)

Bitelli, G., F. Bonsignore, & M. Unguendoli. (2000), Levelling and GPS networks to monitor ground subsidence in the Southern Po Valley, J. Geodynamics, 30(3), 355-369.

Bjerk, T. (see Næsset, E.)

Blewitt, G. (see Kreemer, C.)

Bo, W. et al. (2000). Crustal deformation state shown by fault measurements and GPS, J. Seismology, 4(3), 259-266.

Bo, Z.Q., G. Weller, T. Lomas, & M.A. Redfern (2000). Positional protection of transmission systems using Global Positioning System, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 15(4), 1163-1168.

Bocean, V. (see Soler, T.)

Bock, Y., G. Beutler, S. Schaer, T.A. Springer, & M. Rothacher. (2000). Processing aspects related to permanent GPS arrays, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 657-662.

Bock, Y., R.M. Nokolaidis, P.J. de Jong, & M. Bevis. (2000). Instantaneous geodetic positioning at medium distances with the Global Positioning System, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B12), 28223-28253.

Bohigas-Roldán, A. (see Gómez-Molina, A.)

Bona, P. (2000). Precision, cross correlation, and time correlation of GPS phase and code observations, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 3-13.

Bona, P. (2000). Accuracy of GPS phase and code observations in practice, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 35(4), 433-451.

Bonilla, I. (see Manson, P.)

Bonsignore, F. (see Bitelli, G.)

Bonvalot, S. (see Baldi, P.)

Boonphkdee, C. (see Becker, M.)

Borgia, A. et al. (2000). Actively growing anticlines beneath Catania from the distal motion of Mount Etna's decollement measured by SAR interferometry and GPS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(20), 3409-3412.

Born, G. (see Mickler, D.)

Born, G.H. (see Komjathy, A.)

Borza, T. (2000). The actual questions of development of the Hungarian active GPS control network, Geod. és Kart., 52(9), 21-27 (in Hungarian, abstract in English).

Borza, T. (see Kenyeres, A.)

Botchkovsky, A,L. (see Pospelov, S.S.)

Bouin, M.-N. & C. Vigny. (2000). New constraints on Antarctic plate motion and deformation from GPS data, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B12), 28279-28293.

Bowman, J.L., C.O. Kochanny, S. Demarais, & B.D. Leopold. (2000). Evaluation of a GPS collar for white-tailed deer, Wildlife Soc. Bull., 28(1), 141-145.

Brackett, D.P. (see Arvanitis, L.G.)

Brading, J.D.W. (see Cox, Jr., D.B.)

Braff, R. & C.A. Shively. (2000). Derivation of ranging source integrity requirements for the local area augmentation system (LAAS), Navigation, 47(4), 279-288.

Brasington, J., B.T. Rumsby, & R.A. McVey. (2000). Monitoring and modelling morphological change in a braided gravel-bed river using high resolution GPS-based survey, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 25(9), 973-990.

Braun, J. (see Alber, C.)

Briole, P. et al. (2000). Active deformation of the Corinth rift, Greece: Results from repeated Global Positioning System surveys between 1990 and 1995, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B11), 25605-25625.

Briole, P. (see Baldi, P.)

Brøseth, H. & H.C. Pedersen. (2000). Hunting effort and game vulnerability studies on a small scale: A new technique combining radio-telemetry, GPS and GIS, J. Appl. Ecology, 37(1), 182-190.

Brown, A., M. May, & B. Tanju. (2000). Benefits of software GPS receivers for enhanced signal processing, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 56-66.

Brown, G. (see Remondi, B.W.)

Brunini, C. (see Meza, A.)

Brunner, F.K. (see Wieser, A.)

Bruyninx, C., P. Defraigne, V. Dehant, & P. Paquet. (2000). Frequency transfer using GPS carrier phases: Influence of temperature variations near the receiver, IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr., 47(2), 522-525.

Bryant, M.A. (see Sauber, J.)

Buerkert, A. (see Lawrence, P.R.)

Bulusu, N., J. Heidemann, & D. Estrin. (2000). GPS-less low-cost outdoor localization for very small devices, IEEE Personal Commun., 7(5), 28-34.

Bürgmann, R. (see Pollitz, F.F.; Segall, P.)

Busse, F.D., G. Inalhan, & J.P. How. (2000). Project Orion: Carrier phase differential GPS navigation for formation flying, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 104, 197-212.

Busse, F.D. (see Inalhan, G.)

Bust, G.S., D. Coco, & J.J. Makela. (2000). Combined Ionospheric Campaign 1: Ionospheric tomography and GPS total electron content (TEC) depletions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(18), 2849-2852.

Byun, S. (see Rim, H.-J.)

Calais, E. & S. Amarjargal. (2000). New constraints on current deformation in Asia from continuous GPS measurements at Ulan Baatar, Mongolia, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(10), 1527-1530.

Calais, E. et al. (2000). Crustal strain in the Southern Alps, France, 1948-1998, Tectonophysics, 319(1), 1-17.

Calais, E. (see Ge, M.; Malet, J.P.))

Calderbank, B. (2000). Survey, navigation and positioning guidlines for 3D marine seismic survey specifications, Lighthouse, 58, 7-17.

Camargo, P.D., J.F.G. Monico, & L.D.D. Ferreira. (2000). Application of ionospheric corrections in the equatorial region for L1 GPS users, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1083-1089.

Campbell, J. (see Malaimani, E.C.)

Cannon, E. & S. Weisenburger. (2000). The use of multiple receivers for constraining GPS carrier phase ambiguity resolution, Lighthouse, 57, 7-18.

Cannon, M.E. et al. (2000). Development and testing of an integrated INS/GPS cross-linked systems for sub-metre positioning of a CF-188 jet fighter, Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 46(1), 1-11.

Caporali, A. & S. Martin. (2000). First results from GPS measurements on present day alpine kinematics, J. Geodynamics, 30(1-2), 275-283.

Capozza, P.T., B.J. Holland, T.M. Hopkinson, R.L. Landrau. (2000). A single-chip narrow-band frequency-domain excisor for a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 35(3), 401-411.

Capra et al. (2000). Surface topography of Dome Concordia (Antarctica) from kinematic interferencial GPS and bedrock topography, Annals of Glaciology, 30, 42-46.

Caputo, M., V. Ruggiero, A. Sutera, & F. Zirilli(2000). On the retrieval of water vapour profiles from a single GPS station, Nuovo Cimento, 23(C6), 611-620.

Cardellach, E., D. Behrend, G. Ruffini, and A. Rius. (2000). The use of GPS buoys in the determination of oceanic variables, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1113-1116.

Carlson, B. (see Baertlein, H.)

Casotto, S. & A. Zin. (2000). An assessment of the benefits of including GLONASS data in GPS-based precise orbit determination - I: S/A analysis, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 105(1), 237-256.

Castro-Guzmán, P., M. López-Romero, J. Reinoso-Gordo, M. Fernández-Pantoja, & R. Mata-Campos. (2000). Sistema para la actualización instantánea del volumen de tráfico; toma de decisiones sobre el personal de control móvil mediante identificación de su posición con GPS, Topografía y Cartografía, 17(99), 64, 66-68, 70-71.

Cederholm, P. (2000). Integrating GPS with dead reckoning sensors, Surveying and Land Information Systems, 60(4), 259-266.

Cefalo R. & M. Gatti. (2000). Dual frequency GPS+GLONASS measurements in the static relative positioning, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(4), 391-404.

Cefalo, R. (see Rosselli, A.)

Celebi, M. (2000). GPS in dynamic monitoring of long-period structures, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 20(5-8), 477-483.

Cencetti, C. et al. (2000). The evolution of Montebestia landslide (Umbria, Central Italy). Site investigations, in-situ tests and GPS monitoring, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25(B9), 799-808.

Chang, C.-C. (2000). Estimation of local subsidence using GPS and leveling data, Surveying and Land Information Systems, 60(2), 85-94.

Chang, F.R. (see Peng, H.M.)

Chansarkar, M. (2000). Neutral networks in GPS navigation, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 14-18.

Chao, C.H.J. (see Retscher, G.)

Chen, C.S., Y.-J. Chen, & T.-K. Yeh. (2000). The impact of GPS antenna phase center offset and variation on the positioning accuracy, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(1), 73-94.

Chen, H.Y. (see Rizos, C.; Ge, L.L.)

Chen, Y. (see Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.)

Chen, Y.-J. (see Chen, C.S.)

Chen, Y.Q., X.L. Ding, D.F. Huang, & J.J. Zhu. (2000). A multi-antenna GPS system for local area deformation, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 873-876.

Chen, Y.Q. (see Liu, Q.W.)

Chen Z. et al. (2000). Global Positioning System measurements from eastern Tibet and their implications for India/Eurasia intercontinental deformation, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B7), 16215-16227.

Cheng, Z.G. (see Zhu, W.Y.)

Chernukhov, V.V. (see Afraimovich, E.L.)

Chesto, L. (2000). WRC-2000, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 35-38.

Cho, S.I. & J.H. Lee. (2000). Autonomous speedsprayer using differential Global Positioning System, genetic algorithm and fuzzy control, J. Agricultural Eng. Res., 76(2), 111-119.

Choi, K.H. (see Yoon, J.C.)

Chong, A.K. (2000). A two-epoch point movement analysis of GPS network using Congruent Test, The Australian Surveyor, 45(1), 12-19.

Chong, A.K. & B.B. Kam. (2000). A checking technique for high precision GPS antennas, Survey Review, 35(277), 464-474.

Clark, R.L. (see Yao, H.)

Clerget, J. (2000). Le choix d'un GPS: par un analyse multi-criteres, XYZ, 22(1), 49-53.

Close, G. (see Moore, T.)

Coco, D. (see Bust, G.S.)

Codrescu, M. (see Aarons, J.)

Cohen, S.C. (see Freymueller, J.T.)

Coleman, R. (see King, M.; King, M.; Manson, R.)

Colombo, O.L. (see Hernández-Pajares, M.)

Condal, A. (see Michaud, S.)

Copeland, J.R. (2000). Overview of system architectural implications of third-party liability and government indemnification for GPS augmentation, Navigation, 47(1), 7-15.

Corominas, J. (see Gili, J.A.)

Cox, Jr., D.B. & J.D.W. Brading. (2000). Integration of LAMBDA ambiguity resolution with Kalman filter for relative navigation of spacecraft, Navigation, 47(3), 205-210.

Crespi, M., S. Di Paola, & R. Guercio. (2000). The GPS contribution in critical rainfall analysis, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(2), 113-124.

Crespi, M., G. Pietrantonio, & F. Riguzzi. (2000). Strain tensor estimation by GPS observations: Software and applications, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(3), 261-280.

Cucurull, L. et al. (2000). The use of GPS to validate NWP systems: The HIRLAM model, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 17(6), 773-787.

Cucurull, L. (see Behrend, D.)

Dach, R. & R. Dietrich. (2000). Influence of the ocean loading effect on GPS derived precipitable water vapor, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(18), 2953-2956.

Dare, P. & H. Saleh. (2000). GPS network design: Logistics solution using optimal and near-optimal methods, J. Geod., 74(6), 467-478.

Daxinger, W. (2000). Neue GPS Technologien: neue Anwendungen, Österr.Z. Vermess. Geoinf., 88(2), 111-116.

Day, J. (see Pinker, A.)

Defraigne, P. (see Bruininx, C.)

Dehant, V. (see Bruyninx, C.)

de Jong, K. (2000). Minimal detectable biases of cross-correlated GPS observations, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 12-18.

de Jong, K. & P.J.G. Teunissen. (2000). Minimal detectable biases of GPS observations for a weighted ionosphere, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 857-862.

de Jong, K. (see Jonkman, N.F.; Jonkman, N.F.; Jonkman, N.F.; Skone, S.)

Demarais, S. (see Bowman, J.L.)

DeMets, C. et al. (2000). GPS geodetic constraints on Caribbean-North America plate motion, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(3), 437-440.

Demyanov, V.V. (see Afraimovich, E.L.)

Denys, P. (see Pearson, C.)

de Paula, E.R. (see Kantor, I.J.; Kil, H.)

Derks, H.J.P. (see Emardson, T.R.)

Dietrich, R. (see Dach, R.)

Ding, X.L. (see Chen, Y.Q.)

Ding, X. et al. (2000). Slope monitoring using GPS. A multi-antenna approach, GPS World, 11(3), 52-55.

Di Paola, S. (see Crespi, M.)

Dixon, T.H., M. Miller, F. Farina, H. Wang, & D. Johnson. (2000). Present-day motion of the Sierra Nevada block and some tectonic implications for the Basin and Range province, North American Cordillera, Tectonics, 19(1), 1-24.

Dodson, A.H. (see Roberts, G.W.)

Doherty, P.H., J.A. Klobuchar, & J.M. Kunches. (2000). Eye on the ionosphere: The correlation between solar 10.7 cm radio flux and ionospheric range delay, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 75-79.

Doi, K. (see Aoki, S.)

Draijer, G., N. Kalfs, & J. Perdok. (2000). Global positioning system as data collection method for travel research, Transportation Research record, 1719, 147-153.

Dragert, H., T.S. James, & A. Lambert. (2000). Ocean loading corrections for continuous GPS: A case study at the Canadian coastal site Holberg, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(14), 2045-2048.

Du, X.S. (see Arvanitis, L.G.)

Dudle, G. (see Schildknecht, T.)

Dufour, H. (2000). Transformation des receptions GPS en coordonnees cartographiques, XYZ, 22(1), 54-56.

Dumville, M. (see Ashkenazi, V.)

Duquenne, F. (2000). La logique de service de la station GPS permanente de l'ESGT au Mans, Géomètre, 143(3), 48-49.

Dzapo, M., Z. Kapovic, & M. Roic (2000). Analysis of including GPS measurements into terrestrial systems, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 107(8-9), 281-285.

Eckels, R. (see Baertlein, H.)

El-Fiky, G.S. (2000). Elastic and inelastic strains in the Japanese Islands deduced from GPS dense array, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1107-1112.

El-Fiky, G.S. (see Kato, T.; Reddy, C.D.)

El-Mowafy, A. (2000). Performance analysis of the RTK technique in an urban environment, The Australian Surveyor, 45(1), 47-54.

Elgered, G. (see Emardson, T.R.; Gradinarski, L.P.)

Emardson, T.R. & H.J.P. Derks. (2000). On the relation between the wet delay and the integrated precipitable water vapor in the European atmosphere, Meteorol. Appl., 7(1), 61-68.

Emardson, T.R., J.M. Johansson, & G. Elgered. (2000). The systematic behavior of water vapor estimates using four years of GPS observations, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 38(1/I), 324-329.

Enge, P. (see Hatch, R.; Nichols, J.)

Engeln, J. (see Liu, M.)

Ephishov, I.I., L.W. Baran, I.I. Shagimuratov, & G.A. Yakimova. (2000). Comparison of total electron content obtained from GPS with IRI, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25C(4), 339-342.

Epstein, J.M. (2000). The law and the GPS industry, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 65-69.

Escudero, A. (see Flores, A.)

Essex, E.A. (see Horvath, I.)

Estrin, D. (see Bulusu, N.)

Even-Tzur, G. (2000). Datum definitions for GPS networks, Survey Review, 35(277), 475-486.

Eygenraam, J. (2000). Deepening of Harwich Bay navigation: GPS kinematic techniques are used to solve tide gauge issues, Hydro Int., 4(2), 32-66.

Fante, R.L. & J.J. Vaccaro. (2000). Wideband cancellation of interference in a GPS receiver array, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(2), 549-564.

Farina, F. (see Dixon, T.H.)

Farrel, J. & T. Givargis. (2000). Differential GPS reference station algorithm - Design and analysis, IEEE Trans.on Control Systems Technology, 8(3), 519-531.

Farrel, J.A., T.D. Givargis, & M.J. Barth. (2000). Real-time differential carrier phase GPS-aided INS, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, 8(4), 709-721.

Faruqi, F.A. (2000).Non-linear mathematical model for integrated global positioning/inertial navigation systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 115(2-3), 191-212.

Faruqi, F.A. & K.J. Turner. (2000). Extended Kalman filter synthesis for integrated global positioning/inertial navigation systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 115(2-3), 213-227.

Favre, C.(2000). Nivellement de puits par la methode GPS au Niger, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(11), 662-666.

Fawcett, J. & P. Robinson. (2000). Adaptive routing for road traffic, IEEE ComputerGraphics and Applications, 20(3), 46-53.

Fattouche, M. (see Klukas, R.)

Featherstone, W.E. (2000). Towards the unification of Australian height datum between the mainland and Tasmania using GPS and AUSGeoid98, Geomatics Research Australasia, 73, 33-53.

Fedorova, O.V. (see Gurvich, A.S.)

Fedrizzi, M. (see Kantor, I.J.)

Feichter, E. (see Leitinger, W.)

Fejes, I. (see Grenerczy, G.)

Feng, D. (see O'Sullivan, D.B.)

Ferhat, G. (2000). Japon: survellance tectonique par GPS, XYZ, 22(1), 76, 78-80.

Fernández, J. (see Yu, T.T.)

Fernández Pantoja, M. (see Castro Guzmán, P.)

Ferreira, L.D.D. (see Camargo, P.D.)

Fletcher, H.J. (see Freymueller, J.T.)

Flittner, D.E. (see O'Sullivan, D.B.)

Flores, A., G. Ruffini, & A. Rius. (2000). 4D tropospheric tomography using GPS slant wet delays, Ann. Geophysicae, 18(2), 223-234.

Flores, A., A. Escudero, M.J. Sedo, &A. Rius. (2000). A near real time system for tropospheric monitoring using IGS hourly data, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 681-684.

Flores, A. et al. (2000). Sensing atmospheric structure: Tropospheric tomographic results of the small-scale GPS campaign at the Onsala Space Observatory, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 941-945.

Folta, D. (see Xing, G.Q.)

Foote, R.H. (see Soler, T.)

Fosberg, R. et al. (2000). Elevation change measurements of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1049-1053.

Foossen, T.I. (see Vik, B.)

Foster, J. et al. (2000). El Niño, water vapor, and the Global Positioning System, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(17), 2697-2700.

Fotopoulos, G., C. Kotsakis, & M.G. Sideris. (2000). A new Canadian geoid model in support of levelling by GPS, Geomatica, 54(1), 53-62.

Francis, O. (see van Dam, T.)

de Freitas, S.R.C. (see Santos, M.C.)

Frevert, V. (see Wanninger, L.)

Freymueller, J.T., S.C. Cohen, & H.J. Fletcher. (2000). Spatial variations in present-day deformation, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, and their implications, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B4), 8079-8101.

Freymueller, J. T. (see Bendick, R.)

Fridman, A. & S. Semenov. (2000). Architectures of software GPS receivers, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 58-64.

Fukuda, Y. et al. (2000). Crustal movements around the Beppu bay area, Eart-Central Kyushu, Japan, observed by GPS 1996-1998, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 979-984.

Fulker, D.W. et al. (2000). SuomiNet: A real time national GPS network for atmospheric research and education, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81(4), 677-694.

Fury, R.J. (see Soler, T.)

Gan, W., J.L. Svarc, J.C. Savage, & W.H. Prescott. (2000). Strain accumulation across the Eastern California Shear Zone at latitude 36o 30'N, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B7), 16229-16236.

Gao, Y., J. Anderson, B. Banadyga, & L. Wang. (2000). Positioning accuracy and availability analysis of three commercial WADGPS services, Geomatica, 54(2), 177-185.

Gao, Y. & R. Ramsaran. (2000). GPS/GIS for mobile equipment management, Geographic Information Sciences, 6(2), 143-152.

Garcia, F.J. et al. (2000). Mesoscale structure of the midlatitude ionosphere during high geomagnetic activity: Airglow and GPS observations, J. Geophys. Res., 105(A8), 18417-18427.

García-Cerezo, A. (see Martínez, J.L)

Garrison, J.L. & S.J. Katzberg. (2000). The application of reflected GPS signals to ocean remote sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, 73(2), 175-187.

Garrison, J.L. (see Komjathy, A.)

Gatti, M. & A. Stoppini. (2000). Appropiate use of international reference frames in regional GPS applications: Guidelines and examples, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(1), 1-19.

Gatti, M. (see Cefalo, R.)

Ge, L.L., S.W. Han, & C. Rizos. (2000). Multipath mitigation of continuous GPS measurements using an adaptive filter, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 19-30.

Ge, L.L., S.W. Han, & C. Rizos. (2000). Interpolation of GPS results incorporating geophysical and InSAR observation, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 999-1002.

Ge, L.L., H.-Y. Chen, S.W. Han, & C. Rizos. (2000). Adaptive filtering of continuous GPS results, J. Geod., 74(7/8), 572-580.

Ge, L.L. et al. (2000). GPS seismometers with up to 20 Hz sampling rate, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 881-884.

Ge, M., E. Calais, & J. Haase. (2000). Reducing satellite orbit error effects in near real-time GPS zenith tropospheric delay estimation for meteorology, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(13), 1915-1918.

Geiger, A. (see Kistler, M.)

Genrich, J.F. et al. (2000) Distribution of slip at the northern Sumatran fault system, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B12), 28327-28341.

Gerard, B. (see Lawrence, P.R.)

[] Gibbons, G. (Ed.) (2000). GPS World's The Big Book of GPS 2000!, Cleveland, Oh: Advanstar Comm. (254 pp).

Gili, J.A., J. Corominas, & J. Rius. (2000). Using Global Positioning System techniques in landslide monitoring, Eng. Geol., 55(3), 167-192.

Givargis, T.D. (see Farrel, J.; Farrel, J.)

Goes, S. (see Kreemer, C.)

Gómez-Molina, A. & A. Bohigas-Roldán. (2000). Consideraciones técnicas sobre apoyo aéreo cinemático, Topografía y Cartografía, 17(97), 27-28, 30-36, 38-40, 42.

Gorham, B.J. (2000). Position and attitude measurements for site-vehicles in real-time, Survey Review, 35(278), 534-541.

Gorres, B. (see Malaimani, E.C.)

Govers, R. (see Kreemer, C.)

Gradinarski, L.P., R. Haas, G. Elgered, & J.M. Johansson. (2000). Wet path delay and delay gradients inferred from microwave radiometer, GPS and VLBI observations, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 695-698.

Grafarend, E.W. (2000). Mixed integer-real valued adjustment (IRA) problems: GPS initial cycle ambiguity resolution by means of the LLL algorithm, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 31-44.

Grafarend, E.W. & J.L. Awange. (2000). Determination of vertical deflections by GPS/LPS measurements, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(8), 279-288.

Gray, R. & F. van Graas. (2000). In-flight detection of errors for enhancement aircraft flight safety using DTED with GPS and radar altimeter, Navigation, 47(4), 245-256.

Grenerczy, G., A. Kenyeres, & I. Fejes. (2000). Present crustal movement and strain distribution in Central Europe inferred from GPS measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B9), 21835-21846.

[] Grewal, M.S., L.R. Weill, & A.P. Andrews. (2000). Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons (416 pp).

Gross, S. (see van Dam, T.)

Grünig, S. & Q. Ladetto. (2000). Analyses des courses de ski grace a l'utilisation de measures accélérométriques et de GPS, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(6), 368-370.

Guercio, R. (see Crespi, M.)

Guirado, J.C. (see Ros, E.)

Gurvich, A.S., V. Kan, & O.V. Fedorova. (2000). Stratospheric radio occultation measurements in the GPS-Microlab-1 satellite system: Phase fluctuations, Izv Atmos. Ocean. Phys., 36(3), 300-307.

Gutman, S.I. (see Smith, T.L.; Wolfe, D.E.)

Haas, R. (see Behrend, D.; Gradinarski, L.P.)

Haase, J. (see Ge, M.)

Hada, H. et al. (2000). The Internet, cars, and DGPS. Bringing mobile sensors and global correction service on line, GPS World, 11(5), 38-43.

Hada, H. et al. (2000). DGPS and RTK positioning using the Internet, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 34-44.

Hajj, G.A. et al. (2000). Cosmic GPS ionospheric sensing and space weather, Terr. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sci., 11(1), 235-272.

Hajj, G.A. (see Kursinski, E.R.)

Hall, JJ. & R.L. William. (2000). Case study: Inertial measurement unit calibration platform, J. Robotic Systems, 17(11), 623-632.

Hamann, H.-J. (see von Hünerbein, K.)

Hamaguchi, H. (see Miura, S.)

Hamilton, G.S. & I.A. Whillans. (2000). Point measurements of mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet using precision vertical Global Positioning System (GPS) surveys, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B7), 16295-16301.

Han, S. (2000). The GPS toolbox: An implementation algorithm for ambiguity decorrelation, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 76-77.

Han, S. & C. Rizos. (2000). GPS multipath mitigation using FIR filters, Survey Review, 35(277), 487-498.

Han, S. & C. Rizos. (2000).An instantaneous ambiguity resolution technique for medium-range GPS kinematic positioning, Navigation, 47(1), 17-31.

Han, S.W. & C. Rizos. (2000). Airborne GPS kinematic positioning and its application to oceanographic mapping, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 819-824.

Han, S.W. (see Ge, L.L.; Ge, L.L.; Ge, L.L.; Rizos, C.)

Hanado, H. (see Aonashi, K.)

Hansen, A. (see Nichols, J.)

Hansen, A.R. (see Nastrom, G.D.)

Harada, Y. (2000). The motion of the Pacific plate determined by a GPS network of Pacific islands, Bull. Geogr. Survey Inst., 46, 11-15.

Harigae, M. (see Tsujii, T.)

Hartig, S. (see Malet, J.P.)

Hase, T. (see Sato, G.)

Hashimoto, M., S. Miyazaki, D.D. Jackson. (2000). A block-fault model for deformation of the Japanese Islands derived from continuous GPS observations, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1095-1100.

Hatch, R., J. Jung, P. Enge, & B. Pervan. (2000). Civilian GPS: The benefits of three frequencies, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 1-9.

Hatipkarasulu, Y. (see Wolshon, B.)

Hawksbee, D. & N. Ward. (2000). Installation du réseau differentiel GPS des phares et balises, XYZ, 22(1), 85-88.

Hay, C. (2000). The GPS accuracy improvement initiative, GPS World, 11(6), 56-61.

Hay, C. & J. Wong. (2000). Enhancing GPS: Tropospheric delay prediction at the Master control Station, GPS World, 11(1), 56+.

Healy, S.B. (see Kursinski, E.R.)

Hefty, J., M. Rothacher, T. Springer, R. Weber, & G. Beutler. (2000). Analysis of the first year of Earth rotation parameters with a sub-daily resolution gained at the CODE processing center of the IGS, J. Geod., 74(6), 479-487.

Hegarty, C. (see van Dierendonck, A.J.)

Heidemann, J. (see Bulusu, N.)

Hein, G.W. (2000). From GPS and GLONASS via EGNOS to Galileo. Position and navigation in the third millennium, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 39-47.

Heines, J. (see Kreemer, C.)

Heki, K. et al. (2000). Application of GPS and other space geodetic techniques to Earth Sciences (1) - Preface, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 655-655.

Henry, P. (see Mazzotti, S.)

Herman, B. (see Kursinski, E.R.)

Herman, B.M. (see O'Sullivan, D.B.)

Hernández-Pajares, M., J.M. Juan, & J. Sanz. (2000). Improving the Abel inversion by adding ground GPS data to LEO radio occultations in ionospheric sounding, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(16), 2473-2476.

Hernández-Pajares, M., J.M. Juan, J. Sanz, & O.L. Colombo. (2000). Application of ionospheric tomography to real-time GPS carrier-phase ambiguities resolution, at scales of 400-1000 km and with high geomagnetic activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(13), 2009-2012.

Herren, R. (see Schutz, Y.)

Hershey, J. (see Yarlagada, R.)

Hilla, S. & M. Jackson. (2000). The GPS toolbox, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 65-68.

Hilla, S. & M. Jackson. (2000). The GPS toolbox, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 71-74.

Hintzy, G. (see Peyret, F.)

Hirahara, K. (2000). Local GPS tropospheric tomography, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 935-939.

Hirahara, K. (see Yosihara, T.)

Hirata, N. (see Nakao, S.)

Hirata, Y. (see Nakao, S.)

Hodgkinson, K. (see Pearson, C.)

Holland, B.J. (see Capozza, P.T.)

Holt, W.E. et al. (2000). Velocity field in Asia inferred from Quaternary fault slip rates and Global Positioning System, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B8), 19185-19209.

Holt, W.E. (see Kreemer, C.; Kreemer, C.)

Hopkinson, T.M. (see Capozza, P.T.)

Hori, M., T. Kameda, T. Kato. (2000). Prediction of stress field in Japan using network data, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1101-1105.

Horowitz, A.J. (see Jan, O.; Oliver, J.)

Horvath, I. & E.A. Essex. (2000). Using observations from the GPS and TOPEX satellites to investigate night-time TEC enhancements at mid-latitudes in the southern hemisphere during a low sunspot number period, J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 62(5), 371-391.

How, J.P. (see Busse, F.D.;Busse, F.D.; Inalhan, G.)

Hoyle, D. (see Soler, T.)

Hsu, H.H. (see Wu, C.C.)

Hua, C. (2000). Gyrocompass alignment with base motions: Results from a 1 nmi/ hINS/GPS system, Navigation, 47(2), 65-74.

Huang, C.Y. (see Liou, Y.A.; Liou, Y.A.)

Huang, D.F. (see Chen, Y.Q.)

Hunt, D. (2000). The toolbox, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 74-76.

Hurst, K.J. et al. (2000). The coseismic geodetic signature of the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(17), 2733-2736.

Ichikawa, R. (see Aonashi, K.)

Ichiki, A. (see Shoji, Y.)

Ifadis, I.M. (2000). A new approach to mapping the atmospheric effects for GPS, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 703-708.

Inagaki, T. (see Tsujii, T.)

Inalhan, G., F.D. Busse, & J.P. How. (2000). Precise formation flying control of multiple spacecraft using carrier-phase differential GPS, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 105(1), 151-166.

Inalhan, G. (see Busse, F.D.)

Ince, C.D. & M. Sahin. (2000). Real-time deformation monitoring with GPS and Kalman Filter, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 837-840.

Isshiki, H. et al. (2000). Precise variance detection by a single GPS receiver: PVD (Point precise Variance Detection) method, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 46(4), 239-251.

Isshiki, H. et al. (2000). Precise variance detection by simplified kinematic GPS measurements: KVD (Kinematic for precise Variance Detection) method, J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 46(4), 253-267.

Ito, T., S. Yoshioka, & S. Miyazaki. (2000). Interplate coupling in northeast Japan deduced from inversion analysis of GPS data, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 176(1), 117-130.

Iwabuchi, T., I. Naito, & N. Mannoji. (2000). A comparison of Global Positioning System retrieved precipitable water vapor with the numerical weather prediction analysis data over the Japanese Islands, J. Geophys. Res., 105(D4), 4573-4585.

Iwasaki, H. et al. (2000). The influence of the moisture gradient on the accuracy of precipitable water derived from GPS data, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 78(3), 223-231.

Iz, H.-B. (see Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.)

Jackson, D.D. (see Hashimoto, M.)

Jackson, M. (see Hilla, S.; Hilla, S.)

Jacobsen, F.M. (see Theakstone, W.H.)

Jäger, R. (see Kälber, S.)

Jahn, C.H. (see Martin, S.)

James, T.S. (see Dragert, H.)

Jan, O., A.J. Horowitz, & Z.R. Peng. (2000). Using Global Positioning System data to understand variations in path choice, Transportation Research Record, 1725, 37-44.

Jang, C.-W., J.-C. Juang, & F.C. Kung. (2000). Adaptive fault detection in real-time GPS positioning, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, 147(5), 254-258.

Jansma, P.E. et al. (2000). Neotectonics of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, northeastern Caribbean, from GPS geodesy, Tectonics, 19(6), 1021-1037.

Jiang, W.P. (see Xu, C.J.)

Johannessen, R. (see Nisner, P.D.)

Johansson, J.M. (see Emardson, T.R.; Gradinarski, L.P.)

Johnson, D. (see Dixon, T.H.)

Jonkman, N.F. & K. de Jong. (2000). Integrity monitoring of IGEX-98 data, Part I: Availability, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 10-23.

Jonkman, N.F. & K. de Jong. (2000). Integrity monitoring of IGEX-98 data, Part II: Cycle slip and outlier detection, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 24-34.

Jonkman, N.F. & K. de Jong. (2000). Integrity monitoring of IGEX-98 data, Part III: Broadcast navigation message validation, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 45-53.

Joosten, J. (2000). The GPS integer least-squares statistics, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25(A9-A11), 687-692.

Joosten, P. & C. Tiberius. (2000). Fixing the ambiguities. Are you sure they're right?, GPS World, 11(5), 46-51.

Jou, B.J.D. (see Wu, C.C.)

Juan, J.M. (see Hernández-Pajares, M.; Hernández-Pajares, M.)

Juang, J.-C. (see Jang, C.-W.)

Jung, J. (see Hatch, R.)

Jung, J.-C. (2000). On GPS positioning and integrity monitoring, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(1), 327-336.

Kahle, H.-G. et al. (2000). GPS-derived strain rate field within the boundary zones of the Eurasian, African, and Arabian Plates, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B10), 23353-23370.

Kälber, S., R. Jäger, & R. Schwäble. (2000). A GPS-based online control and alarm system, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 19-25.

Kalks, N. (see Draijer, G.)

Kam, B.B. (see Chong, A.K.)

Kamath, A. (see Krishna, S.M.)

Kameda, T. (see Hori, M.)

Kammeyer, P. (2000). A UT1-like quantity from analysis of GPS orbit planes, Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy, 77(4), 241-272.

Kan, V. (see Gurvich, A.S.)

Kanai, T. (see Tsujii, T.)

Kaneso, T., J. Koyama, T. Moriya, & H. Takahashi. (2000). GPS measurement at summit peaks of the Taisetsu mountains, Central Hokkaido, Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1019-1021.

Kantor, I.J., M. Fedrizzi, & E.R. de Paula. (2000). Total ionospheric electron content from GPS measurements over the Brazilian region, Geofís. Int., 39(1), 81-85.

Kantor, I.J. (see Kil, H.)

Kapovic, Z., M. Ratkajec, & S. Mastelic-Ivic. (2000). Combination of GPS and precise levelling in measurements of vertical bridge deformations, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 35(2), 219-226.

Kapovic, Z. (see Dzapo, M.)

Kaspar, B. (see Peterson, B.B.)

Kasser, M. (2000). Les stations GPS permanentes, une economie collective, Géomètre, 143(3), 34-38.

Katao, H. (see Obana, K.)

Kato, T. & G.S. El-Fiky. (2000). Strain rate distribution in Taiwan before the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake derived from GPS observations, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo, 75(1), 93-104.

Kato, T. et al. (2000). Real-time observations of tsunami by RTK-GPS, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 841-845.

Kato, T. (see Hori, M.; Li, J.X.; Reddy, C.D.; Seko, H.; Takiguchi, H.)

Katzberg, S.J. (see Garrison, J.L.)

Kee, C. (see Park, F.C.)

Keedy, G.C. (2000). Flight inspection of GPS procedures, Navigation, 33-41.

Kelley, M.C. et al. (2000). Highly structured tropical airglow and TEC signatures during strong geomagnetic activity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(4), 465-468.

Kenselaar, F. (see Tiberius, C.C.J.M.)

Kenyeres, A. & T. Borza. (2000). GPS-heighting technology development for 3rd order level in Hungary, Geod. és Kart., 52(1), 8-14 (in Hungarian, English abstract).

Kenyeres, A. (see Grenerczy, G.)

Keong, J. & G. Lachapelle. (2000). Heading and pitch determination using GPS/GLONASS, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 26-36.

Kil, H., P.M. Kintner, E.R. de Paula, & I.J. Kantor. (2000). Global Positioning System measurements of the ionosphere zonal apparent velocity at Cachoeira Paulista in Brazil, J. Geophys. Res, 105(A3), 5317-5327.

Kim, D. & R.B. Langley. (2000). A search space optimization technique for improving ambiguity resolution and computational efficiency, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 807-812.

Kim, I. (see Park, C.; Park, C.)

Kim, J. (see Park, F.C.)

Kim, J.H. & J.H. Oh. (2000). A land vehicle tracking algorithm using stand-alone GPS, Control Engineering Practice, 8(10), 1189-1196.

Kimata, F. et al. (2000). Estimated pressure source on Kozu Island volcano, South Central Japan, from GPS measurements (July 1996-August 1999), Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 975-978.

Kimura, F. (see Takagi, T.)

King, M., R. Coleman, & P. Morgan. (2000). Treatment of horizontal and vertical tidal signals in GPS data: A case study on a floating ice shelf, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1043-1047.

King, M., L.N. Nguyen, R. Coleman, & P. Morgan. (2000). Strategies for high precision processing of GPS measurements with application to the Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 2-12.

King, M. (see Manson, R.)

Kintner, P.M. (see Bhattacharyya, A.; Kil, H.; Psiaki, M.L.)

Kirchengast, G. (see Steiner, A.K.)

Kistler, M. & A. Geiger. (2000). GPS am Seil herunterlassen: das Global Positioning System im Dienste des Seilbahnwesen, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(7), 441-445.

Kleijer, F. (2000). Measuring heights with the GPS, Geodesia, 42(2), 63-67 (in Dutch, English abstract).

Kleusberg, A. (see Meza, A.)

Klobuchar, J.A. & J.M. Kunches. (2000). Eye on the ionosphere: The spatial variability of ionospheric range delay, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 70-73.

Klobuchar, J.A. & J.M. Kunches. (2000). Eye on the ionosphere: Correcting for ionospheric range delay on GPS - Temporal decorrelation, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 78-82.

Klobuchar, J.A. (see Doherty, H.)

Klukas, R., G. Lachapelle, & M. Fattouche. (2000). Estimation noise of a cellular telephone positioning system, Navigation, 47(3), 167-174.

Kmiecik, C.G. (see Peterson, B.B.)

Knecht, A. (see Manetti, L.)

Knudsen, N.T. (see Theakstone, W.H.)

Knudsen, P. (see Xu, G.C.)

Kobayashi, H. (see Takiguchi, H.)

Kochanny, C.O. (see Bowman, J.L.)

Kogan, M.G. et al. (2000). Geodetic constraints on the rigidity and relative motion of Eurasia and North America, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(14), 2041-2044.

Koizumi, N. (see Ohtani, R.)

Kolodziejski, K.R. (see Betz, J.W.)

Komjathy, A., V.U. Zavorotny, P. Axelrad, G.H. Born, & J.L. Garrison. (2000). GPS signal scattering from sea surface: Wind speed retrieval using experimental data and theoretical model, Remote Sensing of Environment, 73(2), 162-174.

Kono, S. (see Takagi, T.)

Kosogorov, E.A. (see Afraimovich, E.L.; Afraimovich, E.L.)

Kotsakis, C. (see Fotopoulos, G.)

Kotthoff, H. (see Malaimani, E.C.)

Koyama, J. (see Kanesco, T.)

Krauss, P.A. (see Pospelov, S.S,)

Kreemer, C., W.E. Holt, S. Goes, & R. Govers. (2000). Active deformation in eastern Indonesia and the Philippines from GPS and seismic data, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B1), 693-706.

Kreemer, C., J. Haines, W.E. Holt, G. Blewitt, & D. Lavallee. (2000). On the determination of a global strain model, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 765-771.

Krishna, S.M., B.R. Madhukar & A. Kamath. (2000). Digital signal processors in GPS receivers, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 67-71.

Kumar, K.V. (see Reddy, C.D.)

Kunches, J.M. (see Doherty, P.H.; Klobuchar, J.A.; Klobuchar, J.A.)

Kung, F.C. (see Jang, C.-W.)

Kuo, Y.H., S.V. Sokolovsky, R.H. Antches, & F. Vanderberghe. (2000). Assimilation of GPS radio occultation data for numerical weather prediction, Terr. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sci, 11(1), 157-186.

Kuo, H.C. (see Wu, C.C.)

Kursinski, E.R., S.B. Healy, & L.J. Romans. (2000). Initial results of combining GPS occultations with ECMWF global analyses with 1DVar framework, Eart Planets Space, 52(11), 885-892.

Kursinski, E.R. , G.A. Hajj, S.S. Leroy, B. Herman. (2000). The GPS radio occultation technique, Terr. Atmos. Oceanic Sci., 11(1), 53-114.

Lachapelle, G. (see Keong, J.; Klukas, R.; O'keefe, K.; Petovello, M.G.)

Ladetto, Q. (see Grünig, S.; Terrier, P.)

Lallemant, H.G.A. & J.S. Oldow. (2000). Active displacement partioning and arc-parallel extension of the Aleutian volcanic arc based on Global Positioning system geodesy and kinematic analysis, Geology, 28(8), 739-742.

Lambeck, K. (see Tregoning, P.)

Lambert, A.(see Dragert, H.)

Landrau, R.L. (see Capozza, P.T.)

Langley, R.B. (2000). Smaller and smaller: The evolution of the GPS receiver, GPS World, 11(4), 54-58.

Langley, R.B. (2000). GPS, the ionosphere, and the solar maximum, GPS World, 11(7), 44-49.

Langley, R.B. (2000). Navigation 101: Basic Navigation with a GPS Receiver, GPS World, 11(10), 50-54.

Langley, R.B. (see Kim, D.)

Larson, K.M. & T. van Dam. (2000). Measuring postglacial rebound with GPS and absolute gravity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(23), 3925-3928.

Larson, K.M., J. Levine, L.M. Nelson, & T.E. Parker. (2000). Assessment of GPS carrier-phase stability for time-transfer applications, IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelect., Freq. Contr., 47(2), 484-493.

Larson, K.M. (see Bendick, R.; van Dam, T.)

Lavallee, D. (see Kreemer, C.)

Lavrakas, J.W. (2000). The DoD GPS Support Center, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 45-47.

Lawrence, P.R., B. Gerard, C. Moreau, & A. Buerkert. (2000). Design and testing of a Global Positioning-based radiometer for precision mapping of pearl millet total dry matter in the Sahel, Agronomy J., 92(6), 1086-1095.

Lazar, S., S. Raghavan, & D. Turner. (2000). GPS spectrum: Sharing or encroachment?, GPS World, 11(9), 46+.

Lechner, W. & S. Baumann. (2000). Global navigation satellite systems, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 25(1-2), 67-85.

Lee, B.S. (see Yoon, J.C.)

Lee, J.H. (see Cho, S.I.)

Lee, J.-T. & D.F. Mezera. (2000). Concerns related to GPS-derived geoid determination, Survey Review, 35(276), 379-397.

Lee, Y.C. & D.G. O'Laughlin. (2000). Performance analysis of a tightly coupled GPS/Inertial system for two integrity monitoring methods, navigation, 47(3), 175-189.

Leitinger, R. & E. Feichter. (2000). COSTTEC - The electron content monthly median map adopted by COST 251, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25C(4), 311-314.

Lembo Jr., A.J. (2000). GPS-aided laserimaging for precise corridor mapping, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 37-43.

Leonovich, L.A. (see Afraimovich, E.L.)

Leopold, B.D. (see Bowman, J.L.)

Le Pichon, X. (see Mazzotti, S.)

Leroy, S.S. (see Kursinski, E.R.)

Levine, J. (see Larson, K.M.)

Lewandowski, W. (see Azoubib, J.)

Li, J.X., K. Miyashita, T. Kato, & S. Miyazaki. (2000). GPS time series modeling by autoregressive moving average method: Application to the crustal deformation in central Japan, Earth, Planets and Space, 52(3), 155-162.

Li, Y.X. (see Liu, Q.W.)

Lichti, D.D. (2000). Analysis of interpolation methods for kinematic DGPS control in aerial photogrammetry, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 54-62.

Lin, B. (see Aarons, J.)

Lin, B.S. (see Mendillo, M.)

Lion, K. (see Aarons, J.)

Liou, Y.A. & C.Y. Huang. (2000). GPS observations of PW during the passage of a typhoon, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 709-712.

Liou, Y.A., C.Y. Huang, & Y.T. Teng. (2000). Precipitable water observed by ground-based GPS receivers and microwave radiometry, Earth, Planets and Space, 52(6), 445-450.

Lisiewicz, S. (2000). Bestimmung der Anordnung von klassischen und GPS-Beobachtungen im geodätischen Netz mit der Varianz-Kovarianz-Matrix der Anschlusspunkte, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 107(5), 162-165.

Liu, C.-C. (see Nakao, S.)

Liu, C.H. (see Yunck, T.P.)

Liu, J.N. (see Xu, C.J.)

Liu, M., Y. Yang, S. Stein, Y. Zhu, & J. Engeln. (2000). Crustal shortening in the Andes: Why do GPS rate differ from geological rates?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(18), 3005-3008.

Liu, Q.W., Y.Q. Chen, & Y.X. Li. (2000). The estimation of crustal deformation in the Shanxi area, China, from the 1996 and 1997 GPS observations, Survey Review, 35(275), 349-355.

Liu, Y., Y. Chen, H.-B. Iz. (2000). Precision of precipitable water vapor from radiosonde data for GPS solutions, Geomatica, 54(2), 171-175.

Liu, Y., H.B. Iz, & Y. Chen. (2000). Calibration of zenith hydrostatic delay model for local GPS applications, Radio Sci., 35(1), 133-140.

Lo, C.-F. (see Yang, M.)

Lomas, T. (see Bo, Z.Q.)

Long, A. (see Moreau, M.C.)

López Romero, M. (see Castro Guzmán, P.)

López-Almansa, J.M., & P.A. Pablos. (2000). Derivation of an analytical model for estimation of measurement error induceduced by an arbitrary disturbance on a coherent delay lock loop, Navigation, 47(4), 267-278.

Lyle, S. (see Baertlein, H.)

Macías-Costumero, J. (2000). Métodos de aerotriangulación con datos GPS de la cámara, Canteras y Explotaciones, 32(398), 58-66.

Madhukar, B.R. (see Krishna, S.M.)

Makela, JJ. et al. (2000). Intercomparisons f total electron content measurements using the Arecibo incoherent scatter radar and GPS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(18), 2841-2844.

Makela, J.J. (see Bust, G.S.)

Malaimani, E.C., J. Campbell, B. Gorres, H. Kotthoff, & S. Smaritschnik. (2000). Indian plate kinematic by GPS-geodesy, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 741-745.

Malet, J.P., S. Hartig, E. Calais, O. Maquaire. (2000). Contribution of GPS to continuous monitoring of landslides. Applications to the Super-Sate earthflow (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France), Compt. Rend. Acad. Sci., Sérié II, 331(3), 175-182.

Manetti, L. & A. Knecht. (2000). Permanent und autonome Erdrutschueberwachung mit GPS, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(7), 446-448.

Mannoji, N. (see Iwabuchi, T.)

Mänpa, J. (see Stansell, T.)

Manson, P. & Bonilla, I. (2000). Construcción de líneas ferroviarias de alta velocidad con GPS, Ingeopres, 83, 36-40.

Manson, R., R. Coleman, P. Morgan, & M. King. (2000). Ice velocities of the Lambert Glacier from static GPS, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1031-1056.

Manurung, P. (see Walpersdorf, A.)

Maquaire, O. (see Malet, J.P.)

Marcaide, J.M. (see Ros, E.)

Mareyen, M. & M. Becker. (2000). On the removal of a priori restrictions from GPS network solutions in a sinex format, Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten, 107(11/12), 405-411.

Marsella, M. (see Baldi, P.)

Martin, S. & C.H. Jahn. (2000). Experiences in set-up usage of a geodetic real-time differential correction network, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 851-856.

Martin, S. (see Caporali, A.)

Martínez, J.L., M.A. Martínez, & A. García-Cerezo. (2000). A new method of generating differential GPS corrections, Control Engineering Practice, 8(3), 253-258.

Martínez, M.A. (see Martínez, J.L.)

Mastelic-Ivic, S. (see Kapovic, Z.)

Mata Campos, M. (see Castro Guzmán, P.)

Matsumoto, N. (see Ohtani, R.)

Matsushima, T. & A. Takagi. (2000). GPS and EDM monitoring of Unzen volcano ground deformation, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1015-1018.

Matthews, M. (see Segall, P.)

May, M. (see Brown, A.)

Mazzotti, S., X. Le Pichon, P. Henry, & S.-I. Miyazaki. (2000). Full interseismic locking of the Nankai and Japan-west Kurile subduction zones: An analysis of uniform elastic strain accumulation in Japan constrained by permanent GPS, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B6), 13159-13177.

McCaffrey, R. et al. (2000). Rotation and plate locking at the southern Cascadia subduction zone, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(19), 3117-3120.

McCaffrey, R. et al. (2000). Strain partitioning during oblique plate convergence in northern Sumatra: Geodetic and seismologic constraints and numerical modeling, J. Geophs. Res., 105(B12), 28363-28376.

McClusky, S. et al. (2000). Global Positioning System constraints on plate kinematics and dynamics in the eastern Mediterranean and Caucasus, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B3), 5695-5719.

McQueen, H. (see Tregoning, P.)

McVey, R.A. (see Brasington, J.L.)

Mendillo, M., B.S. Lin, & J. Aarons. (2000). The application of GPS observations to equatorial aeronomy, Radio Sci., 35(3), 885-904.

Mendillo, M. (see Aarons, J.)

Meng, T.H. (see Namgoong, W.)

Merminod, B. (see Terrier, P.)

Meza, A., C. Brunini, & A. Kleusberg. (2000). Global ionospheric model in three dimensions from GPS measurements: Numerical simulation, Geofís. Int., 39(1), 21-27.

Mezera, D.F. (see Lee, J.-T.)

Michaud, S., R. Santerre, & A. Condal. (2000). Comparaison de l'altitude GPS d'un navire avec des données maremetriques, Lighthouse, 58, 7-17.

Michel, G.W., M. Becker, D. Angermann, C. Reigber, & E. Reinhart. (2000). Crustal motion in E- and SE-Asia from GPS measurements, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 713-720.

Michel, G.W., D. Angermann, P. Wilson, & M. Becker. (2000). Seismische Deformation und Krustenextrusion: Interpretation der GEODYSSEA GPS-Lösungen, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(3), 80-88.

Mickler, D. & G. Born. (2000). Using GPS reflections for satellite remote sensing, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 105(1), 685-699.

Miller, K.M. (2000). A review of GLONASS, Hydrographic Journal, 98, 15-21.

Miller, M. (see Dixon, T.H.)

Mingsamon, S. (see Becker, M.)

Miura, S., S. Ueki, T. Sato, K. Tachibana, & H. Hamaguchi. (2000). Crustal deformation associated with the 1998 seismo-volcanic crisis of Iwate volcano, Northeastern Japan, as observed by a dense GPS network, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1003-1008.

Miyashita, K. (see Li, J.X.; Vijaykumar, K.)

Miyazaki, S. (see Hashimoto, M.; Ito, T.; Li, J.X.; Sagiya, T.)

Miyazaki, S.-I. (see Mazzotti, S.)

Molnia, B.F. (see Sauber, J.)

Monico, J.F.G. (2000). Posicionamento por ponto de alta precisão: Uma ferramenta para a geodinâmica, Rev. Brasileira de Geofísica, 18(1), 1-10.

Monico, J.F.G. (see Camargo, E.; Stewart, M.P.)

Moore, T., K. Zhang, G. Close, & R. Moore. (2000). Real-time river level monitoring using GPS heighting, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 63-67.

Moore, R. (see Moore, T.)

Moreau, C. (see Lawrence, P.R.)

Moreau, M.C., P. Axelrad, J.L. Garrison, & A. Long. (2000). GPS receiver architecture and expected performance for autonomous navigation in high earth orbits, Navigation, 47(3), 191-204.

Morelli, M. & M. Pannaccio. (2000). Kosnet99: La rete geodetica GPS del Kosovo occidentale, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(3), 295-307.

Morgan, P. (see King, M.; King, M.; Manson, R.)

Moriya, T. (see Kanesco, T.)

Moss, J. (2000). Using the Global Positioning System to monitor dynamic ground deformation networks on potentially active landslides, Int. J. Applied Earth Obser. Geoinf., 2(1), 24-32.

Muller, R. (2000). The ether wind and the Global Positioning System, Phys. Teach., 38(4), 243-246.

Næsset, E., T. Bjerk, O. Øvstedal, & L.H. Ryan. (2000). Contributions of differential GPS and GLONASS observations to point accuracy under forest canopies, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 66(4), 403-407.

Naito, I. (see Iwabuchi, T.)

Nakamura, H. (see Seko, H.; Shoji, Y.)

Nakaegava, T. (see Takiguchi, H.)

Nakamura, S. (2000). GPS measurement of wind-induced suspension bridge girder displacements, J. Struct. Engrg., ASCE, 126(12), 1413-1419.

Nakao, S., C.-C. Liu, Y. Hirata, S.-B. Yu, & N. Hirata. (2000). Observations of postseismic crustal deformation following the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake using a dense GPS array, Bull. Earthq. Res. Inst., Univ. Tokyo, 75(1), 47-56.

Namgoong, W., S. Reader, & T.H. Meng. (2000). An all-digital low-power IF GPS synchronizer, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 35(6), 856-864.

Namie, H., A. Yasuda, & K. Sasano. (2000). RTK-GPS positioning by audio-MPX-data broadcast in Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 847-850.

Nastrom, G.D., A.R. Hansen, T. Tsuda, M. Nishida, & R. Ware. (2000). A comparison of gravity wave energy observed by VHF radar and GPS/MET over central North America, J. Geophys. Res.,105(D4), 4685-4687.

Nelson, N.A. (see Bierman, M.L.)

Nelson, L.M. (see Larson, K.M.)

Netto, N.P. (see Schaal, R.E.)

Nguyen, H. (see Peterson, B.B.)

Nichols, J., A. Hansen, T. Walter, & P. Enge. (2000). High-latitude measurements of ionospheric scintillation using the NSTB, Navigation, 47(2), 112-120.

Niell, A.E. (2000). Improved atmospheric mapping functions for VLBI and GPS, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 703-708.

Nishida, M., A. Shimizu, T. Tsuda, C. Rocken, & R.H. Ware. (2000). Seasonal and longitudinal variations in the tropical tropopause observed with the GPS occultation technique (GPS/MET), J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 78(6), 691-700.

Nishida, M. (see Nastrom, G.D.; Tsuda, T.)

Nishimura, T. et al. (2000). Distribution of seismic coupling on the subducting plate boundary in northeastern Japan inferred from GPS observations, Tectonophysics, 323(3-4), 217-238.

Nisner, P.D. & R. Johannessen. (2000). Ten million data points from TSO-approved aviation GPS receivers: Results of analysis and applications to design and use in aviation, Navigation, 47(1), 43-50.

Nordin, S. (see Becker, M.)

Obana, K., H. Katao, & M. Ando. (2000). Seaflor positioning system with GPS-acoustic link for crustal dynamics observations. A preliminary result from experiments in the sea, Earth Planets and Space, 52(6), 415-423.

Odijk, D. (2000). The effect of the ionosphere on precise GPS positioning, Geodesia, 42(3), 113-118 (in Dutch, English abstract).

Odijk, D. (2000). Improving ambiguity resolution by applying ionosphere corrections from a permanent GPS array, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 675-680.

Odijk, D., H. van der Marel, & I. Song. (2000). Precise GPS positioning by applying ionospheric corrections from an active control network, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 49-57.

Oh, J.H. (see Kim, J.H.)

Ohtani, R., N. Koizumi, N. Matsumoto, & E. Tsekuda. (2000). Preliminary results from permanent GPS array by the Geological Survey of Japan in conjunction with groundwater-level, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 663-668.

O'Keefe, K., J. Stephen, G. Lachapelle, & R.A. Gonzales. (2000). Effect of ice loading of a GPS antenna, Geomatica, 54(1), 63-74.

O'Laughlin, D.G. (see Lee, Y.C.)

Oldfield, M.K. (see Unwin, M.J.)

Oldow, J.S. (see Lallemant, H.G.A.)

Oliver, J., A.J. Horowitz, & Z.-R. Peng. (2000). Using Global Positioning System data to understand variations in path choice, Transportation Research Record, 1725, 37-44.

Olivier, R. (see Rosselli, A.)

O'Sullivan, D.B., B.M. Herman, D. Feng, D.E. Flittner, & D.M. Ward. (2000). Retrieval of water vapor profiles from GPS/MET radio occultations, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81(5), 1031-1040.

Øvstedal, O. (2000). Single processed independent and trivial vectors in network analysis, J. Surv. Engrg., ASCE, 126(1), 18-25.

Øvstedal, O. (see Næsset, E.)

Owen, S. et al. (2000). Rapid deformation of Kilauea Volcano: Global Positioning System measurements between 1990 and 1996, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B8), 18983-18998.

Owen, S. et al. (2000). January 30, 1997 eruptive event on Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, as monitored by continuous GPS, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(17), 2757-2760.

Ozawa, T. (see Aoki, S.)

Pablos, P.A. (see López-Almansa, J.M.)

Palancioglu, H.M. (see Alkan, R.M.)

Palamartchouk, K.S. (see Afraimovich, E.L.; Afraimovich, E.L.)

Pannaccio, M. (see Morelli, M.)

Paquet, P. (see Bruyninx, C.)

Park, C. & I. Kim. (2000). An error analysis of 2-dimensional attitude determination system using Global Positioning System. IEICE Trans. on Communications, 83(6), 1370-1373.

Park, C. & I. Kim. (2000). Comments on "Relationships between dilution of precision for point positioning and relative positioning with GPS", IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(1), 315-316.

Park, D. (see Ashkenazi, V.)

Park, F.C., J. Kim, & C. Kee. (2000). Geometric descent algorithms for attitude determination using the Global Positioning System, J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 23(1), 26-33.

Parker, T.E. (see Larson, K.M.)

Parkinson, B. (see Bevly, D.M.)

Parvez, S.A. (see Xing, G.Q.)

Pearson, C., P. Denys, & K. Hodgkinson. (2000). Geodetic constraints on the kinematics of the Alpine fault in the southern South Island of New Zealand, using results from the Hawea-Haast GPS transect, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(9), 1319-1322.

Pedersen, H.C. (see Brøseth, H.)

Peltzer, G. (see Pollitz, F.F.)

Peng, H.M., F.R. Chang, & L.S. Wang. (2000). Rotation method for direction finding via GPS carrier phases, IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 36(1), 72-84.

Peng, Z.-R. (see Jan, O.; Oliver, J.)

Perdok, J. (see Draijer, G.)

Perevalova, N.P. (see Afraimovich, E.L.; Afraimovich, E.L.)

Pervan, B. (see Hatch, R.)

Peterson, B.B., C.G. Kmiecik, H. Nguyen, & B. Kaspar. (2000). Indoor geolocation system operational test results, Navigation, 47(3), 157-166.

Petovello, M.G. & G. Lachapelle. (2000). Estimation of clock stability using GPS, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 21-33.

Peyret, F., D. Bétaille, & G. Hintzy. (2000). High-precision application of GPS in the field of real-time equipment positioning, Automation in Construction, 9(3), 299-314.

Pierozzi, M. (2000). Linee di base GPS e coordinate ellissoidiche, Boll. Geod. Sci. Affini, 59(4), 371-390.

Pietrantonio, G. (see Crespi, M.)

Pinch, M.C. (2000). Commentary on GPS in land surveying, Geomatica, 54(2), 186-191.

Pinker, A., C. Smith, & J. Day. (2000). Wide-area augmentation system (WASS). The metamorphosis of a major FAA program, GPS Solutions, 3(4), 48-57.

Plafker, G. (see Sauber, J.)

Plotnikov, A.V. (see Afraimovich, E.L.)

Pollitz, F.F., G. Peltzer, & R. Bürgmann. (2000). Mobility of continental mantle: Evidence from postseismic geodetic observations following the 1992 Landers earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B4), 8035-8054.

Pospelov, S.S., A.L. Botchkovsky, P.A. Krauss, & S. Berberich. (2000). GNSS software receivers, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 48-55.

Pottiaux, E. (see Warnant, R.)

Powell, S.P. (see Psiaki, M.L.)

Prawirodirdjo, L. et al. (2000). One century of tectonic deformation along the Sumatran fault from triangulation and Global Positioning System surveys, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B12), 28343-28361.

Prescott, W.H. (see Gan, W.)

Psiaki, M.L., S.P. Powell, & P.M. Kintner Jr. (2000). Accuracy of the Global Positioning System-derived acceleration vector, J. Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 23(3), 532-538.

Raghavan, S. (see Lazar, S.)

Ramachandran, B. (see Arvanitis, L.G.)

Ramsaran, R. (see Gao, Y.)

Rao, K.D. (2000). GPS navigation performance requirements, IETE Technical Review, 17(3), 123-129.

Rau, R.J. (see Yang, M.)

Ratkajec, M. (see Kapovic, Z.)

Reader, S. (see Namgoong, W.)

Reddy, C.D., G. El-Fiky, T. Kato, S. Shimada, & K.V. Kumar. (2000). Crustal strain field in the Deccan trap region, western India, derived from GPS measurements, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 965-969.

Redfern, M.A. (see Bo, Z.Q.)

Reinhart, E. (see Becker, M.; Becker, M.; Michel, G.W.)

Reilinger, R.E. et al. (2000). Coseismic and postseismic fault slip for the 17 August 1999, M=7.5, Izmit, Turkey earthquake, Science, 289(5484), 1519-1524.

Reinoso Gordo, J. (see Castro Guzmán, P.)

Rekow, A. (see Bevly, D.M.)

Remondi, B.W. & G. Brown. (2000). Triple differencing with Kalman filtering: Making it work, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 58-64.

Retscher, G. & C.H.J. Chao. (2000). Precise real-time positioning in WADGPS networks, GPS Solutions, 4(2), 68-75.

Rim, H.-J., C.E. Webb, S. Byun, & B.E. Schutz. (2000). Comparison of GPS-based precision orbit determination approaches for ICESat, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 105(1), 223-236.

Riguzzi, F. (see Crespi, M.)

Rius, A. (see Cardellach, E.; Flores, A.; Flores, A.)

Rius, J. (see Gili, J.A.)

Rizos, C., S.W. Han, & H.Y. Chen. (2000). Regional-scale multiple reference stations for carrier phase-based GPS positioning: A correction generation algorithm, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 795-800.

Rizos, C. et al. (2000). Low-cost densification of permanent GPS networks for natural hazard navigation: First tests on GSI's GEONET network, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 867-871.

Rizos, C. (see Ge, L.L.; Ge, L.L.; Ge, L.L.; Han, S.; Han, S.; Han, S.W.)

Roberts, G.W., A.H. Dodson, & V. Ashkenazi. (2000). Experimental plan guidance and control by kinematic GPS, Proc. Institution of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering, 138(1), 19-25.

Robinson, P. (see Fawcett, J.)

Rocken, C. et al. (2000). Improving GPS surveying with modeled ionospheric corrections, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(23), 3821-3824.

Rocken, C. (see Alber, C.; Nishida, M.; Tsuda, T.)

Roic, M. (see Dzapo, M.)

Romans, L.J. (see Kursinski, E.R.)

Ros, E., J.M. Marcaide, J.C. Guirado, E. Sardón, & I.I. Shapiro. (2000). A GPS-based method to model the plasma effects in VLBI observations, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 356(1), 357-362.

Rosselli, A., R. Olivier, E. Tabacco, R. Cefalo, & P. Rosset. (2000). #D bedrock modeling using gravity and DGPS techniques on an apline temperate glacier (Lobbia Glacier, Adamello Massif, Italy), European J. Environmental and Engineering Physics, 5, 55-74.

Rosset, P. (see Rosselli, A.)

Rothacher, M. (2000). Hochgenaü regionale und kleinräumige GPS-Netze: Fehlerquellen und Auswertestrategien, Mitt.-bl. Dtsch. Vereins Vermess.wes., Landesverein Bayern, 52(2), 153-172.

Rothacher, M. (see Bock, Y.; Hefty, J.)

Ruffini, G. (see Cardellach, E.; Flores, A.)

Ruggiero, V.(see Caputo, M.)

Rumsby, B.T. (see Brasington, J.)

Rush, J. (2000). Current issues in the use of the global positioning system aboard satellites, Acta Astronautica, 47(2-9), 377-387.

Rüter, E. (see von Hünerbein, K.)

Ryan, L.H. (see Næsset, E.)

Sagiya, T., S. Miyazaki, & T. Tada. (2000). Continuous GPS array and present-day crustal deformation of Japan, Pure Appl. Geophysics, 157(11-12), 2303-2322.

Sahin, M. (see Ince, C.D.)

Sakamoto, T. (see Sato, G.)

Saleh, H. (see Dach, R.)

Salvi, S. et al. (2000). Modeling coseismic displacements resulting from SAR interferometry and GPS measurements during the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence, J. Seismology, 4(4), 479-500.

Santerre, R. (see Michaud, S.; Ueno, M.)

Santos, M.C., C.B. Souza, & S.R.C. de Freitas. (2000). A practical evaluation of the GPS rapid static method, Geomatica, 54(4), 425-432.

Sanz, J. (see Hernández-Pajares, M.; Hernández-Pajares, M.)

Sardón, E. (see Ros, E.)

Sasano, K. (see Namie, H.)

Satirapod, C. & J. Wang. (2000). Comparing the quality indicators of GPS carrier phase, Geomatics Research Australasia, 73, 75-92.

Sato, G., T. Asai, T. Sakamoto, & T. Hase. (2000). Improvement of the positioning accuracy of a software-based GPS receiver using a 32-bit embedded microprocessor, IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, 46(3), 521-530.

Sato, T. (see Miura, S.)

Sauber, J., G. Plafker, B.F. Molnia, & M.A. Bryant. (2000). Crustal deformation associated with glacial fluctuations in the eastern Chugach Mountains, Alaska, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B4), 8055-8077.

Savage, J.C. (see Gan, W.)

Schaal, R.E. & N.P. Netto. (2000). Quantifying multipath using MNR ratios, GPS Solutions, 3(3), 44-48.

Schaer, S. (see Bock, Y.)

Schäfer, M. (2000). Determination of modelling of dumping surfaces with real-time GPS, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 35(2), 239-243.

Schildknecht, T. & G. Dudle. (2000).Time and frequency transfer: High precision using GPS phase measurements, GPS World, 11(2), 48-52.

Schilling, K.E. & C.F. Wolter. (2000). Application of GPS and GIS to map channel features in Walnut Creek, Iowa, J. Amer. Water Resources Assoc., 36(6), 1423-1434.

Schmid, U. et al. (2000). A network time interface M-module for distributing GPS-time over LANs, Real-Time Systems, 18(1), 25-57.

Schutz, B.E. (2000). Numerical studies in the vicinity of GPS deep resonance, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 105(1), 287-302.

Schutz, B.E. (see Rim, H.-J.)

Schutz, Y. & R. Herren. (2000). Assessment of speed of human locomotion using a differential satellite global positioning system, Medicine and Sci. in Sports and Exercise, 32(3), 642-646.

Schutz, Y. (see Terrier, P.)

Schwäble, R. (see Kälber, S.)

Schwartz, B.E. (see Smith, T.L.)

() Schwarz, K.P. (Ed.) (2000). Geodesy Beyond 2000. The Challenges of the Firs Decade, IAG Symposia v. 121 (xi+437) New York: Springer-Verlag.

Schwarz, K.P. (see Skaloud, J.)

Sedo, M.J. (see Flores, A.)

Segall, P., R. Bürgmann, & M. Matthews. (2000). Time-dependent triggered afterslip following the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B3), 5615-5634.

Seko, H., S. Shimada, H. Nakamura, & T. Kato. (2000). Three-dimensional distribution of water vapor estimated from tropospheric delay of GPS data in a mesoscale precipitation system at the Baiu front, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 927-933.

Seko, H. (see Shoji, Y.)

Semenov, S. (see Fridman, A.)

Sevener MA (2000) Utilizaci7oacute;n de GPS (Global Positioning system) y SIG (Sistema de Informaci7oacute;n Geográfica) en el estudio de la contaminación de los embalses. Tecnología del Agua 20(204): 26-33

Sevilla, M.J. (see Yu, T.T.)

Shäfer, M. (2000). Determination and modelling of dumping surfaces with real-time-GPS, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 35(2), 239-244.

Shagimuratov, I.I. (see Ephishov, I.I.)

Shapiro, I.I. (see Ros, E.)

Shen, Z.-K. et al. (2000). Contemporary crustal deformation in east Asia constrained by Global Positioning System measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B3), 5721-5734.

Shi, C. (see Xu, C.J.)

Shibuya, K. (see Aoki, S.)

Shimada, S. (see Reddy, C.D.; Seko, H.)

Shimizu, A. (see Nishida, M.)

Shiokawa, K. et al. (2000). Comprehensive imaging observations of midlatitude ionospheric disturbances during storm time substorms, J. Geophys. Res., 105(A12), 27067-27080.

Shively, C.A. (see Braff, R.)

Shoji, Y., H. Nakamura, K. Aonashi, A. Ichiki, & H. Seko. (2000). Semi-diurnal and diurnal variation of errors in GPS precipitable water vapor at Tsukuba, Japan, cused by site displacement due to ocean tidal loading, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 685-690.

Shoji, Y. (see Aonashi, K.)

Sideris, M.G. (see Fotopoulos, G.)

Sigmudsson, F. (see Sturkell, E.)

Simons, W. (see Walpersdorf, A.)

Skaloud, J. & K.P. Schwarz. (2000). Accurate orientation for airborne mapping systems, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 66(4), 393-401.

Skone, S. & M. de Jong. (2000). The impact of geomagnetic substorms on GPS receiver performance, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1067-1071.

Smaritschnik, S. (see Malaimani, E.C.)

Smith, C. (see Pinker, A.)

Smith, T.L., S.G. Benjamin, B.E. Schwartz, & S.I. Gutman. (2000). Using GPS-IPW in a 4-D data assimilation system, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 921-926.

Sokolovski, S.V. (see Kuo, Y.H.)

Soler, T. & R.J. Fury. (2000). GPS alignment surveys and meridian convergence, J. Surv. Engrg., ASCE, 126(3), 69-82.

Soler, T., R.H. Foote, D. Hoyle, & V. Bocean. (2000). Accurate GPS orientation of a long baseline for neutrino oscillation experiments at Fermilab, Geophys. Res. Lett., 27(23), 3921-3924.

Song, C.H. (see Xu, C.J.)

Song, F. (see Zuo, W.)

Song, I. (see Odijk, D.)

Souza, C.B. (see Santos, M.C.)

Spaans, J.A. (2000). Safety considerations for maritime operations with (D)GPS, Hydro Int., 4(4), 6-27.

Springer, T.A. (see Bock, Y.; Hefty, J.)

Srinivasan, J. et al. (2000). MicroGPS: On-orbit demonstration of a new approach to GPS for space applications, Navigation, 47(2), 121-127.

Stafford, J.V. (2000). Implementing precision agriculture in the 21st century, J. Agricultural Eng. Res., 76(3), 267-275.

Stansell, T. & J. Mänpa. (2000). Die Clear Track GPS-Receiver-Technologie, Vermessungsingenieur, 51(4), 224-229.

Staudacher, F. (2000). Matterhorn, Mt. Everest und Kilimandscharo: GPS-Neuvermessungen, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(5), 291-293.

Stein, S. (see Liu, M.)

Steiner, A.K. & G. Kirchengast. (2000). Gravity wave spectra from GPS/MET occultation observations, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 17(4), 495-503.

Stephen, J. (see O'Keefe, K.)

Stewart, M.P., M. Tsakiri, J. Wang, & J.F.G. Monico. (2000). The contribution of GLONASS measurements to regional and continental scale geodetic monitoring regimes, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 877-880.

Stewart, M.P. et al. (2000). A new facility to enhance Australian GPS-geodetic research, The Australian Surveyor, 45(1), 20-30.

Stewart, M.P. (see Wang, J.)

Stoppini, A. (see Gatti, M.)

Sturkell, E. & F. Sigmundsson. (2000). Continuous deflation of the Askja caldera, Iceland, during the 1983-1998 noneruptive period, J. Geophys. Res., 105(B11), 25671-25684.

Subarya, C. (see Walpersdorf, A.)

Sue, C. et al. (2000). Active deformation in the inner western Alps inferred from comparison between 1972-classical and 1996-GPS geodetic surveys, Tectonophysics, 320(1), 17-29.

Sutera, A. (see Caputo, M.)

Svarc, J.L. (see Gan, W.)

Syndergaard, S. (2000). On the ionosphere calibration in GPS radio occultation measurements, Radio Sci., 35(3), 865-884.

Tabacco, E. (see Rosselli, A.)

Tachibana, K. (see Miura, S.)

Tada, T. (see Sagiya, T.)

Takagi, T., F. Kimura, & S. Kono. (2000). Diurnal variations of GPS precipitable water at Lhasa in premonsoon and monsoon periods, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 78(2), 175-180.

Takagi, A. (see Matsushima, T.)

Takahashi, H. (see Kanesco, T.)

Takiguchi, H., T. Kato, H. Kobayashi, & T. Nakaegawa. (2000). GPS observations in Thailand for hydrological applications, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 913-919.

Tanada, T. (2000). Detectability for GPS, EDM and tiltmeter of the Hot Springs Research Institute in the western Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1009-1013.

Tanju, B. (see Brown, A.)

Tang, C.H. (see Yang, M.)

Tari, E. et al. (2000). Active tectonics of the Black Sea with GPS, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 747-751.

Taris, F. et al. (2000). The BNM-LPTF software for the frequency comparison of atomic clocks by the carrier phase of the GPS signal, IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelect., Freq. Contr., 47(5), 1140-1146.

Taylor, M.A.P., J.E. Woolley, & R. Zito. (2000). Integration of the global positioning system and geographical information systems for traffic congestion studies, Transportation Research (Part C), 8(1-6), 257-285.

Teng, Y.T. (see Liou, Y.A.)

Terrier, P., Q. Ladetto, B. Merminod, & Y. Schutz. (2000). High-precision satellite positioning system as a new tool to study the biomechanics of human locomotion, J. Biomechanics, 33(12), 1717-1722.

Teunissen, P.J.G. (2000). The success rate and precision of GPS ambiguities, J. Geod., 74(3/4), 321-326.

Teunissen, P.J.G. (2000). The GPS integer least-squares statistics, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25(A9-A11), 673-677.

Teunissen, P.J.G. (2000). Probabilistic properties of GNSS integer ambiguity estimation, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 801-805.

Teunissen, P.J.G. (2000). ADOP based upperbounds for the bootstrapped and the least-squares ambiguity success rates, Artificial Satellites, 35(4), 171-179.

Teunissen, P.J.G. (see de Jong, K.)

Theakstone, W.H., F.M. Jacobsen, & N.T. Knudsen. (2000). Changes of snow cover thickness measured by conventional mass balance methods and by global positioning system surveying, Geografiska Annaler, 81(A4), 767-776.

Tiberius, C.C.J.M. & F. Kenselaar. (2000). Estimation of the stochastic model for GPS code and phase observables, Survey Review, 35(277), 441-454.

Tiberius, C. (see Joosten, P.)

Tregoning, P., A. Welsh, H. McQueen, & K. Lambeck. (2000). The search for postglacial rebound near the Lambert Glacier, Antarctica, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1037-1041.

Tregoning, P. et al. (2000). Present-day crustal motion in Papua New Guinea, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 727-730.

Tsakiri, M. (see Stewart, M.P.; Wang, J.)

Tsekuda, E. (see Ohtani, R.)

Tseng, C.L. (see Yu, T.T.)

Tsuda, T., M. Nishida, C. Rocken, & R.H. Ware. (2000). A global morphology of gravity wave activity in the stratosphere revealed by the GPS occultation, J. Geophys. Res., 105(A6), 7257-7273.

Tsuda, T. (see Nastrom, G.D.; Nishida, M.; Yosihara, T.)

[] Tsui, J.B.-Y. (2000). Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers. A software approach,New York, NY: John Whiley & Sons (238 pp).

Tsujii, T., M. Harigae, T. Inagaki, & T. Kanai. (2000). Flight tests of GPS/GLONASS precise positioning versus dual frequency KGPS profile, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 825-829.

Tsujii, T., M. Harigae, T. Inagaki, & T. Kanai. (2000). Flight tests of GPS/GLONASS precise positioning versus dual frequency KGPS profile, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 825-829.

Turner, D. (see Lazar, S.)

Turner, K.J. (see Faruqui, F.A.)

Tyranowska, A. (2000). Time Interval Error. Measurement and frequency comparison of primary frequency standards using GPS carrier phase, Artificial Satellites, 35(1), 25-40.

Ueki, S. (see Miura, S.)

Ueno, M. (2000). A GPS-based system for precise shipping guidance and control, J. Marine Sci. Tech., 5(1), 9-15.

Ueno, M. & R. Santerre. (2000). A combined method for GPS ambiguity resolution with single-frequency receivers: Application for ship berthing, Navigation, 47(2), 100-111.

Unguendoli, M. (see Bitelli, G.)

Unwin, M.J. & M.K. Oldfield. (2000). The design and operation of a COTS space GPS receiver, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 104, 465-474.

Vaccaro, J.J. (see Fante, R.L.)

van Dam, T., K. M. Larson, J. Wahr, S. Gross, & O. Francis. (2000). Using GPS and gravity to infer ice mass changes in Greenland, EOS Trans. AGU, 81(37), 421, 426-427.

van Dam, T. (see Larson, K.M.)

van den Ijssel, J. (see Visser, P.N.A.M.)

Vanderberghe, F. (see Kuo, Y.H.)

van der Marel, H. (see Odijk, D.)

van Dierendonck, A.J. & C. Hegarty. (2000). The new L5 civil GPS signal, GPS World, 11(9), 64-71.

van Graas, F. (see Gray, R.)

Vanícek, P. (see Xu, B.)

Vespe, F. et al. (2000). The Italian GPS Fiducial Network: Services and products, J. Geodynamics, 30(3), 327-336.

Vieli, A. (see Vieser, P.)

Vieser, P. & A. Vieli. (2000). Expedition Spitzbergen: GPS im Dienste der Glaziologie, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(3), 116-119.

Vigny, C. (see Walpersdorf, A.; Bouin, M.-N.)

Vijaykumar, K. & K. Miyashita. (2000). Regional network analysis of GPS data in the area of Kanto, central Japan, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 971-974.

Vik, B. & T.I. Fossen. (2000). A nonlinear observer for integration of GPS and inertial navigation systems, Modeling Identification and Control, 21(4), 193-208.

Vila, J. (see Behrend, D.)

Visser, P.N.A.M. and J. van den IJssel. (2000). GPS-based precise orbit determination of the very low Earth-orbiting gravity mission GOCE, J. Geod., 74(7/8), 590-602.

von Hünerbein, K., H.-J. Hamann, E. Rüter, & W. Wiltschko. (2000). A GPS-based system for recording the flight paths of birds, Naturwissenschaften, 87(6), 278-279.

Vorobiev, M., A. Zhdanov, M. Zhodzishsky, & J. Ashjaee. (2000). CAD tool simulates and evaluates GPS receiver designs, GPS Solutions, 4(1), 13-20.

Voronovich, A.G. (see Zavorotny, V.U.)

Wahr, J. (see van Dam, T.)

Walpersdorf, A., C. Vigny, W. Simons, C. Subarya, & P. Manurung. (2000). Godätische Bestimmung der Bewegunsgungsraten and der Pulo-Koro Verwerfung in Sulawesi, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(3), 99-105.

Walter, T. (see Nichols, J.)

Wang, H. (see Dixon, T.H.)

Wang, J. (2000). An approach to GLONASS ambiguity resolution, J. Geod., 74(5), 421-430.

Wang, J. (see Stewart, M.P.; Satirapod, C.)

Wang, L. (see Gao, Y.)

Wang, L.S. (see Peng, H.M.)

Wang, R. (2000). Global Positioning System's range measurement equation versus Special Relativity Two Principles, Hadronic Journal, 23(2), 227-238.

Wang, X.Y. (see Zhu, W.Y.)

Wanninger, L., V. Frevert, & S. Wildt. (2000). Der Einfluss der Signalbeugung auf die präzise positionierung mit GPS, Z.f. Verm.wesen, 125(1), 8-16.

Ward, D.M. (see O'Sullivan, D.B.)

Ward, N. (see Hawksbee, D.)

Ware, R. (see Alber, C.; Nastrom, G.D.; Yunck, T.P.)

Ware, R.H. et al. (2000). SuomiNet: A real-time national GPS network for atmospheric research and education, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81(4), 677-694.

Ware, R.H. et al. (2000). Real-time national GPS networks: Opportunities for atmospheric sensing, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 901-905.

Ware, R.H. (see Nishida, A.; Tsuda, T.)

Warnant, R. & E. Pottiaux. (2000). The increase of the ionospheric activity as measured by GPS, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1055-1060.

Wang, J., M.P. Stewart, & M. Tsakiri. (2000). A comparative study of the integer ambiguity validation procedures, Earth Planets and Space, 813-818.

Webb, C.E. (see Rim, H.-J.)

Weber, R. (see Hefty, J.)

Weill, L.R. (see Grewal, M.S.)

Weisenburger, S. & C. Wilson. (2000). An integrated vehicle positioning system for safety applications, Navigation, 47(2), 75-81.

Weisenburger, S. (see Cannon, M.E.)

Weller, G. (see Bo, Z.Q.)

Welsh, A. (see Tregoning, P.)

Whillans, I.A. (see Hamilton, G.S.)

White, J. (see Beard, R.)

Wieser, A. & F.K. Brunner. (2000). An extended weight model for GPS phase observations, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 777-782.

Wild, U. et al. (2000). Automatisches GPS-Netz Schweiz (AGNER): ein multifunktionales Referenznetz für Navigation und Vermessung, Vermess. Photogramm. Kulturtech., 98(6), 389-392.

Wildt, S. (see Wanninger, L.)

Wilkes, R.J. (see Berns, H.G.)

William, R.L. (see Hall, J.J.)

Wilson, C. (see Weisenburger, S.)

Wilson, P. (see Michel, G.)

Wilson, S. (see Baertlein, H.)

Wiltschko, W. (see von Hünerbein, K.)

Wolfe, D.E. & S.I. Gutman. (2000). Developing an operational, surface-based, GPS, water vapor observing system for NOAA: Network design and results, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 17(4), 426-440.

Wolshon, B. & Y. Hatipkarasulu. (2000). Results of car following analysis using Global Positioning system, J. Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 126(4), 324-331.

Wolter, C.F. (see Schilling, K.E.)

Wong, J. (see Hay, C.)

Woo, K.T. (2000). Optimum semicodeless carrier-phase tracking for L2, Navigation, 47(2), 82-99.

Woolley, J.E. (see Taylor, M.A.P.)

Wu, C.C., H.C. Kuo, H.H. Hsu, & B.J.D. Jou. (2000), Weather and climate research in Taiwan: Potential application of GPS/MET data, Terr. Atmospheric and Oceanic Sci., 11(1), 211-234.

Xiao, Z. (see Zhang, D.H.)

Xing, G.Q., S.A. Parvez, & D. Folta. (2000). Design and implementation of synchronized autonomous orbit and attitude control for multiple spacecraft formation using GPS measurement feedback, Advances in the Astronomical Sciences, 105(1), 115-134.

Xiong, Y.Q. (see Zhu, W.Y.)

Xu, B. & P. Vanícek. (2000). Navigation by means of position potential, Navigation, 47(3), 227-236.

Xu, C.J., J.N. Liu, C.H. Song, W.P. Jiang, & C. Shi. (2000). GPS measurements of present-day uplift in the Southern Tibet, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 735-739.

Xu, G.C. & P. Knudsen. (2000). Earth tide effects on kinematic/static GPS positioning in Denmark and Greenland, Phys. Chem. Earth, 25(A4), 409-414.

Xu, G.C. (2000). A concept of precise kinematic positioning versus dual frequency KGPS profile, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 831-836.

Xu, Y. (2000). Development of transport telematics in Europe, GeoInformatica, 4(2), 179-200.

Yakimova, G.A. (see Ephishov, I.I.)

Yamamoto, A. et al. (2000). Characteristics of TEC variations observed at Chofu for geomagnetic storms, Earth Planets and Space, 52(11), 1073-1076.

Yang, M. & C.-F. Lo. (2000). Real-time kinematic GPS positioning for centimeter level ocean surface monitoring, Proc. China National Sci. Council, Part A, 24(1), 79-84.

Yang, M., C.H. Tang, & T.T. Yu. (2000). Development and assessment of a medium-range real-time kinematic GPS algorithm using an ionospheric information filter, Earth Planets and Space, 52(10), 783-788.

Yang, M., R.J. Rau, J.Y. Yu, & T.T. Yu. (2000). Geodetically observed surface displacements of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake, Earth Planets and Space, 52(6), 403-413.

Yang, Y. (see Liu, M.)

Yao, H. & R.L. Clark. (2000). Development of topographic maps for precision farming with medium accuracy GPS receivers, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 16(6), 629-636.

Yarlagada, R., I. Ali, N. Al-Dhahir, & J. Hershey. (2000). GPS GDOP metric, IEE Proceedings-Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, 147(5), 259-264.

Yasuda, A. (see Namie, H.)

Yeh, T.-K. (see Chen, C.S.)

Yin, G.H. (see Bendick, R.)

Yonoshev, L.S. (2000). Metrological tests of navigation equipment for users of space navigation systems in motion, Measurement Techniques, 43(7), 613-615.

Yoshioka, S. (see Ito, T.)

Yosihara, T., T. Tsuda, & K. Hirahara. (2000). High time resolution measurements of precipitable water vapor from propagation delay of GPS satellite signals, Earth, Planets and Space, 52(7), 479-494.

Yoon, J.C., B.S. Lee, & K.H. Choi. (2000). Spacecraft orbit determination using GPS navigation solutions, Aerosp. Sci. Technol., 4(3), 215-221.

Yu, J.Y. (see Yang, M.)

Yu, S.-B. (see Nakao, S.)

Yu, T.T., J. Fernández, C.L. Tseng, M.J. Sevilla, & V. Arana. (2000). Sensitive test of the geodetic network in Las Cañadas Caldera, Tenerife, for volcano monitoring, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 103(1-4), 393-407.

Yu, T.T. (see Yang, M.; Yang, M.)

Yunck, T.P., C.H. Liu, & R. Ware. (2000). A history of GPS sounding, Terr. Atmos. Ocean Sci., 11(1), 1-20.

Zavorotny, V.U. & A.G. Voronovich. (2000). Scattering of GPS signals from the Ocean with wind remote sensing application, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 38(2, II), 951-964.

Zavorotny, V.U. (see Komjathy, A.)

Zhang, D.H. & Z. Xiao. (2000). Study of the ionospheric TEC using GPS during the large solar flare burst on Nov. 6, 1997, Chinese Sci. Bull., 45(19), 1749-1752.

Zhang, K. (see Moore, T.)

Zhdanov, A. (see Vorobiev, M.)

Zhodzishsky, M. (see Vorobiev, M.)

Zhu, J.J. (see Chen, Y.Q.)

Zhu, W.Y., Z.G. Cheng, X.Y. Wang, & Y.Q. Xiong. (2000). Background of crustal movement of Chinese mainland, Chinese Sci. Bull., 45(6), 557-559.

Zhu, W.Y. et al. (2000). Crustal motion of Chinese mainland monitored by GPS, Science in China, Ser. D, 43(4), 394-400.

Zhu, Y. (see Liu, M.)

Zin, A. (see Casotto, S.)

Zirilli, F. (see Caputo, M.)

Zito, R. (see Taylor, M.A.P.)

Zou, X. et al. (2000). Use of GPS/MET refraction angles in three-dimensional variational analysis, Quarterly J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 126(570), Part B, 3013-3040.

Zuo, W. & F. Song. (2000). An autonomous navigation scheme using global positioning system/geomagnetism integration for small satellites, Proc. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Aerospace Engineering, 214(G4), 207-215.


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