Table of contents for Rodent societies : an ecological & evolutionary perspective / edited by Jerry O. Wolff and Paul W. Sherman.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

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1	Rodents Societies as Model Systems
	Jerry O. Wolff and Paul W. Sherman
2	Rodent Evolution, Phylogenetics, and Biogeography
	Rodney L. Honeycutt, Laurence J. Frabotta, and Diane L. Rowe
Sexual Behavior
3 	Male Mating Strategies in Rodents
	Jane Waterman
4 	Reproductive Strategies in Female Rodents	
	Nancy G. Solomon and Brian Keane 
5	Sexual Selection: Using Social Ecology to Determine Fitness Differences 
	Lara S. Carroll and Wayne K. Potts
6	A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Breeding Systems of Neotomine-Peromyscine 
	Matina C. Kalcounis-Rüppell and David O. Ribble
7 	Alternative Reproductive Tactics and Strategies of Tree Squirrels 		
	John L. Koprowski
Life Histories and Behavior
8 	Fast and Slow Life Histories of Rodents
	F. Stephen Dobson and Madan K. Oli
9 	Acceleration and Delay of Reproduction in Rodents 
	Lee C. Drickamer
10 	Sexual Size Dimorphism in Rodents	
	Albrecht I. Schulte-Hostedde
11	Facultative Sex Ratio Adjustment	
	Robert S. Sikes
12 	The Role of the Stress Axis in Life-History Adaptations
	Rudy Boonstra, J. M Barker, J. Castillo, and Q. E. Fletcher
13	Dispersal and Philopatry
	Scott Nunes
14 	Gene Dynamics and Social Behavior
	F. Stephen Dobson
15	Social Behavior and Self-Regulation in Murid Rodents
	Charles J. Krebs, Xavier Lambin and Jerry O. Wolff
Behavioral Development
16 	Neural Regulation of Social Behavior in Rodents
	J. Thomas Curtis, Yan Liu, Brandon J. Aragona, and Zuoxin Wang
17	Ontogeny of Adaptive Behaviors
	Jill M. Mateo
18	Social Learning by Rodents
	Bennett G. Galef Jr.
19	Kin Recognition in Rodents: Issues and Evidence
	Warren G. Holmes and Jill M. Mateo
Social Behavior
20 	Parental Care
	Betty McGuire and William E. Bemis
21	The Ecology of Sociality in Rodents
	Eileen A. Lacey and Paul W. Sherman 
22 	Scent Marking	
	S. Craig Roberts
23 	Nonparental Infanticide
	Luis A. Ebensperger and Daniel T. Blumstein
24 	Social Organization and Monogamy in the Beaver
	Peter Busher
25	Evolution of Pacifism and Sociality in Blind Mole Rats 
	Eviatar Nevo
Antipredator Behavior
26 	Social and Antipredator Systems: Intertwining Links in Multiple Time Frames
	Donald H. Owings and Richard G. Coss 
27 	The Evolution of Alarm Communication in Rodents: Structure, Function, and the 
Puzzle of Apparently Altruistic Calling
	Daniel T. Blumstein 
28	Fear and the Foraging, Breeding, and Sociality of Rodents
	Hannu Ylönen and Joel S. Brown
Comparative Socioecology
29 	Ecology, Kinship, and Ground Squirrel Sociality: Insights from Comparative 
	James F. Hare and Jan O. Murie 
30	Evolution of Sociality in Marmots: It Begins with Hibernation
		Kenneth B. Armitage
31	Environmental Constraints and the Evolution of Sociality in Semifossorial Desert 
	Jan A. Randall 
32	Comparative Social Organization and Life History of Rattus and Mus
	Manuel Berdoy and Lee C. Drickamer 
33 	Social Organization and Resource Use in Capybaras and Maras
	David W. Macdonald, Emilio A. Herrera, Andrew B. Taber, and José Roberto 
34 	Social Structure in Octodontid and Ctenomyid Rodents
	Eileen A. Lacey and Luis A. Ebensperger 
35 	Socioecology of Rock-Dwelling Rodents 
	Karen Nutt 
36 	African Mole-Rats: Social and Ecological Diversity 
	Chris G. Faulkes and Nigel C. Bennett
37 	Alarm Calling, Multiple Mating, and Infanticide among Black-Tailed, 
Gunnison¿s, and Utah Prairie Dogs
	John L. Hoogland
Conservation and Disease
38 	Issues in Rodent Conservation
William Z. Lidicker Jr.
39 	Conservation of Ground Squirrels
	Beatrice Van Horne
40 	Conservation of Prairie Dogs
	John L. Hoogland
41 	Social Behavior, Demography, and Rodent-Borne Pathogens 
	Richard S. Ostfeld and James N. Mills
42 	Conclusions and Future Directions
	Paul W. Sherman and Jerry O. Wolff

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Rodents -- Ecology.
Rodents -- Evolution.
Social behavior in animals.
Animal societies.