A D C  E l e c t r o n i c  N e w s

Published by the
Astronomical Data Center
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland, U.S.A.

Volume 10, Issue 1
January 2001


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 In this issue, Gail Schneider summarizes the results of May 2000 ADC User
Survey.  Our thanks go to all who participated in that survey.  It has helped
us to focus on what matters most to you, the users that we serve.

 Also in this issue, we highlight the progress to date on the ADC's XML
activities.  This project is already paying benefits to the ADC and to other
groups.  If you are unfamiliar with XML and our work to apply it to scientific
data, please ready this article and check the related web pages.

 As always, thanks to those who visited our exhibit booth at the soggy San
Diego meeting of the American Astronomical Society earlier this month.  Like
the user survey, those interactions at scientific meetings help to keep us in
touch with your needs, important new data sets, and how we can improve our 

- James E. Gass (Raytheon ITSS), Editor

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               Results of the ADC User Survey
Gail L. Schneider (Raytheon ITSS)  In our May 2000 issue we put together a few questions on the relevancy of our services pertaining to your research work. Those responding gave beneficial and favorable answers.  Most of the respondents were professional astronomers/physicists using both the ADC Data Viewer and VizieR for research purposes. The catalog collection was the top "very useful" and "weekly accessed" service for all respondents, followed by the published journal tables.  Well over half of the respondents have found the ADC services have assisted them with research work and significantly decreased the hours of effort to complete their work. As a result of using the ADC services in the development of new ideas for research projects, 11% of the respondents said it led to published work or presentations and 4% said it led to funded grant proposals.  About half of the respondents were very interested in the ADC providing enhanced data discovery, while nearly as many desired greater access to very large tables, serving all data from major journal publications, and cross correlation of tables. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * XML Work Progresses at the ADC
Ed Shaya, Brian Thomas, James Gass, James Blackwell, Gail Schneider, Nils Odegard (Raytheon ITSS), Tom Sodroski (SM&A), Cynthia Cheung (NASA/GSFC)  The entire staff of the Astronomical Data Center (ADC at GSFC/NASA) is involved in research into the application of eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for the repository of published astronomical data. Automated pipelines have been developed for the flow of data from scientists and journal presses into XML documents. The goal of these pipelines is to greatly reduce the human effort required to transform electronic human-readable tables into machine-readable and database-ready documents. This will allow us to make more tables available with shorter ingest times. An important benefit is that the resulting XML documents can be searched by detailed or complex query using the latest XML-based search tools that we will soon make available. For demos of this see http://tarantella.gsfc.nasa.gov/xml and click on search demos.  The ADC has also developed a new general data format designed to take full advantage of the XML hierarchical structure, while retaining full use of the standard keywords and parameters in FITS. The mathematical core of the format is XDF, the eXtensible Data Format. (See the XDF web pages at http://tarantella.gsfc.nasa.gov/xml/XDF_home.html). When FITS keywords are layered over this core it is called FITSML.  With XDF, it is possible to layer keywords from any scientific field to create new XML data formats. For data placed in this format, information on the structure of the data, axis information and other metadata are searchable by XML standard tools. We have created an Application Programming Interface (API) for programs to easily read, write, edit, and interact with the data and metadata of XDF. Beta level versions of both the Perl and Java versions of the API can be obtained from http://xml.gsfc.nasa.gov/ADCSoftwareDownload.html.  The ADC invites scientists and programmers to comment on the design and standards set by the Document Type Definitions (DTD) that describe XML languages XDF and FITSML. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Newly Acquired and Updated Catalogs/Journal Tables
Gail L. Schneider (Raytheon ITSS)  The following catalogs and journal tables are currently available from the ADC repository. The ADC gratefully acknowledges the CDS, and individual authors who have recently contributed to our repository.  See http://adc.astro.umd.edu/adc/acq_new_updated.html#new_list for a hypertext version of this article containing direct links to each catalog and journal table listed.   NEW CATALOGS AND JOURNAL TABLES ID# Abbreviated Title (First Author, Year) Astrometric and Positional Data 1260 Visual Double Stars in Hipparcos (Dommanget+, 2000) 1265 Second Cape Photographic Catalogue (CPC2) (Zacharias+, 1999) 1266 Proper motions of fundamental stars (PMFS) (Gontcharov+, 2001) Photometric Data 2231 A Finding List of Faint UV-Bright Stars (Lanning+, 2000) Spectroscopic Data 3076A Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way (LS) (Hardorp+ 1959-1965) Nonstellar and Extended Objects 7156A Catalog of Pulsars (Taylor+ 1993) 7214 APS Galaxies in the North Galactic Pole (Cabanela, 1999) 7219 Revised Flat Galaxy Catalogue (RFGC) (Karachentsev+, 1999) 7220A Barnard's Catalogue of 349 Dark Objects in the Sky (Barnard 1927) 7221 PSCz catalog (Saunders+, 2000) Radio Sources 8045 Southern flat-spectrum sources (White+ 1991) 8064 Westerhout's Catalogue of 82 Discrete Sources (Westerhout 1958) 8063 ATESP radio survey. II. (Prandoni+, 2000) High Energy Data 9020A The Fourth BATSE Burst Revised Catalog (Paciesas+ 1999) 9030 Second ROSAT PSPC Catalog (ROSAT, 2000) 9031 The WGACAT version of ROSAT sources (White+ 2000) Astronomy and Astrophysics J/A+A/299/39 Orion Trapezium area ROSAT PSPC obs. I. (Geier+, 1995) J/A+A/310/715 Tucana dwarf galaxy VI photometry (Castellani+, 1996) J/A+A/330/453 Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy VI photometry (Marconi+, 1998) J/A+A/350/883 R CrA ISOCAM observations (Olofsson+, 1999) J/A+A/352/228 Transitional YSOs candidates (Magnier+, 1999) J/A+A/353/77 Variability & polarization of luminous quasars (Teerikorpi+, 2000) J/A+A/354/823 HII region catalogue of NGC 3359 (Rozas+, 2000) J/A+A/357/219 Cha I ISOCAM observations (Persi+, 2000) J/A+A/357/1001 The {lambda}-Orionis ring in CO (Lang+ 2000) J/A+A/359/18 Single Stellar Population line-strength predictions (Molla+, 2000) J/A+A/359/113 X-ray and IR study of Rho Oph dark cloud (Grosso+, 2000) J/A+A/359/597 Photometry of SX Phe stars in globular clusters (Rodriguez+, 2000) J/A+A/359/347 Reddening in open and globular clusters (Dutra+, 2000) J/A+A/360/439 NGC 4672 stellar and ionized gas kinematics (Sarzi+, 2000) J/A+A/360/472 Proper motions in omega Centauri (van Leeuwen+, 2000) J/A+A/360/499 Equivalent widths of 9 stars of M 67 (Tautvaisiene+, 2000) J/A+A/360/509 Chemical abundances in 7 red giants (Hamdani+, 2000) J/A+A/360/529 BVI photometry of 4 young open clusters (Piatti+, 2000) J/A+A/360/1107 JHK photometry in Sh2-88B HII region (Deharveng+, 2000) J/A+A/361/429 Baryon content of groups and clusters (Roussel+, 2000) J/A+A/361/641 Investigation of mass loss mechanism of LPVs (Winters+, 2000) J/A+A/361/660 JHK photometry around S233IR (Porras+, 2000) J/A+A/361/863 Galaxies morphology and IR photometry. V. (Gavazzi+, 2000) J/A+A/361/929 IC 4651 uvby photometry (Meibom, 2000) J/A+A/361/945 NGC 2539 open cluster UBV photometry (Lapasset+, 2000) J/A+A/361/1005 S10947 Aql photometry (Richter+, 2000) J/A+A/361/1011 F-K evolved stars Ca II activity and rotation (Pasquini+, 2000) J/A+A/361/1079 HNCO in massive galactic dense cores (Zinchenko, 2000) J/A+A/361/1143 South star-forming regions PMS proper motions (Teixeira+, 2000) J/A+A/362/199 YSOs in the l#+45 ISOGAL field (Felli+, 2000) J/A+A/362/215 IJKs photometry of Galactic bulge variables (Schultheis+, 2000) J/A+A/362/223 1984-1998 BV photometry of V815 Her (Jetsu+, 2000) J/A+A/362/519 High redshift radio galaxies emission lines (De Breuck+, 2000) J/A+A/362/673 BF Aur UBV photometry (Kallrath+, 2000) J/A+A/362/799 The BeppoSAX 2-10 keV Survey (Giommi+, 2000) J/A+A/363/L1 The distance modulus of the LMC (Kovacs, 2000) J/A+A/363/141 Radio-loud galaxies in the ROSAT survey. IV. (Reich+, 2000) J/A+A/363/517 Redshift from UBRI photometry method (Mobasher+, 2000) J/A+A/363/1040 DB white dwarfs from the Hamburg/ESO survey (Friedrich+, 2000) J/A+A/363/1081 Non-linear limb-darkening law for LTE models (Claret 2000) Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series J/A+AS/129/87 ROSAT RASS II observations of IRAS galaxies (Boller+ 1998) J/A+AS/132/29 Double stars measurements at Nice Obs. II. (Thorel, 1998) J/A+AS/137/83 ESO Imaging Survey. VII. (Scodeggio+, 1999) J/A+AS/140/287 1992-1997 binary star speckle measurements (Balega+, 1999) J/A+AS/141/469 First list of the Karachentsev catalog (Huchtmeier+, 2000) J/A+AS/142/425 BVRI photometry of 6 galaxies (Drozdovsky+, 2000) J/A+AS/143/335 Micrometer measurements of double stars (Ling+, 2000) J/A+AS/143/465 Quasar variability (Hawkins+, 2000) J/A+AS/144/5 Nearby globular clusters photometric catalog (Rosenberg+, 2000) J/A+AS/144/141 Iron Project. XLIII. Fe V (Nahar+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/11 AGAPEROS: variable stars in the LMC Bar (Melchior+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/67 Double stars measurements (Morlet+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/111 HDF-South catalogue of galaxies (Volonteri+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/223 Proper motion data of M10 (Chen+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/263 Kinematical data on early-type galaxies. V. (Simien+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/275 uvby phot. of suspected beta Pic-like stars (Nitschelm+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/365 BVI photometry of NGC 7790 (Gupta+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/399 UKS 2 open cluster BV photometry (Bica+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/405 Box- and peanut-shaped bulges. I. (Luetticke+, 2000) J/A+AS/145/491 Ly{alpha} dipolar emission (Gonzalez, 2000) J/A+AS/146/13 uvby photometry of 4 CP stars (Adelman, 2000) J/A+AS/146/73 Nuclear magnitudes of Jupiter family comets (Tancredi+, 2000) J/A+AS/146/103 CaII H&K to CaII IRT echelle spectra (Montes+, 2000) J/A+AS/146/169 Secondary UBVRI-CCD standard stars (Galadi+, 2000) J/A+AS/146/217 Library of Spectra (0.5 to 2.5um) of Cool Stars (Lancon+ 2000) J/A+AS/146/251 Open clusters absolute proper motions. I. (Baumgardt+, 2000) J/A+AS/146/323 RASS young sources around R CrA (Neuhaeuser+, 2000) J/A+AS/146/365 O & B stars uvby-Hbeta photometry. III. (Kaltcheva+, 2000) J/A+AS/146/373 Nearby clusters of galaxies properties. IV. (Flin+ 2000) J/A+AS/146/437 IR spectra of oxygen-rich evolved stars (Speck+, 2000) J/A+AS/147/5 AS 78 & MWC 657 spectroscopy (Miroshnichenko+, 2000) J/A+AS/147/25 High-mass X-ray binaries (Liu+ 2000) J/A+AS/147/111 Iron Project. XLIV. Fe VI. (Chen+, 2000) J/A+AS/147/169 Accurate positions of 2978 SBS objects (Bicay+, 2000) J/A+AS/147/187 Second list of the Karachentsev catalog (Huchtmeier+, 2000) J/A+AS/147/195 Pulsar spectra of radio emission (Maron+, 2000) J/A+AS/147/251 Double stars measurements at Nice Obs. III. (Thorel, 2000) J/A+AS/147/253 IRON Project. XLV. Ar XIII and Fe XXI (Nahar, 2000) Astronomical Journal J/AJ/90/2221 UMi dwarf galaxy BV photometry (Olszewski+, 1985) J/AJ/103/638 USNO Photographic Parallaxes. I. (Monet+, 1992) J/AJ/117/548 1997 WIYN binary stars speckle observations (Horch+, 1999) J/AJ/117/2511 Speckle interferometry at USNO. III (Germain+, 1999) J/AJ/118/1395 Speckle interferometry at USNO. IV. (Douglass+, 1999) J/AJ/118/1671 Fornax cluster 4 VI photometry (Buonanno+, 1999) J/AJ/119/486 HDF-S: STIS imaging (Gardner+, 2000) J/AJ/119/2598 u'g'r'i'z' photometry of LCRS galaxies (Sowards-Emmerd+, 2000) J/AJ/119/2866 Proper motions of metal-poor stars (Beers+, 2000) J/AJ/119/3026 Circumstellar disk candidates in Orion (Rebull+, 2000) J/AJ/119/3071 Speckle interferometry at USNO. V. (Douglass+, 2000) J/AJ/119/3084 ICCD speckle obs. of binary stars. XXIII. (Hartkopf+, 2000) J/AJ/120/1 VRI photometry of PDCS survey (Adami+, 2000) J/AJ/120/284 Variables in Leo II dwarf spheroidal (Siegel+, 2000) J/AJ/120/333 UBVRI and H{alpha} in NGC 6530 (Sung+, 2000) J/AJ/120/1120 Speckle interferometry at USNO. VI. (Mason+, 2000) J/AJ/120/1306 NGC 628 H II regions (Lelievre+, 2000) J/AJ/120/1364 Abundances in M3 and M13 (Cavallo+, 2000) J/AJ/120/1548 V523 Cas UBVR_C_I_C_ photometry (Elias+, 2000) J/AJ/120/1808 Stroemgren photometry in LMC disk (Cole+, 2000) J/AJ/120/2206 NTT, HDF-S and HDF-N photometric redshifts (Fontana+, 2000) J/AJ/120/2496 Spaghetti Survey (Dohm-Palmer+ 2000) Astrophysical Journal J/ApJ/513/34 HDF photometric redshifts catalog (Fernandez-Soto+, 1999) J/ApJ/518/69 Deep Optical Catalog of galaxy systems (Mahdavi+, 1999) J/ApJ/528/123 KRI photometry of galaxies near B2 1335+28 (Tanaka+, 2000) J/ApJ/534/114 RASSCALS: X-ray and optical study (Mahdavi+, 2000) J/ApJ/538/29 HDF-N Caltech faint galaxy redshift survey. X. (Cohen+, 2000) J/ApJ/539/136 Properties of poor groups of galaxies. II. (Zabludoff+, 2000) J/ApJ/540/236 KH photometry of Orion Nebula Cluster (Hillenbrand+, 2000) J/ApJ/542/257 MACHO LMC first-overtone RR Lyrae (Alcock+, 2000) Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series J/ApJS/63/821 Inner Galaxy Molecular clouds and cloud cores (Scoville+, 1987) J/ApJS/122/109 Galaxy structural parameters (Takamiya+, 1999) J/ApJS/123/41 Radio galaxies in Las Campanas redshift survey (Machalski+, 1999) J/ApJS/123/219 Planetary Nebulae in NRAO VLA Sky Survey (Condon+, 1999) J/ApJS/123/233 Catalog if Optically selected cores (Lee+, 1999) J/ApJS/123/377 u*g*r*i*z* Photometry of stars, galaxies, QSOs (Newberg+ 1999) J/ApJS/128/17 VLBA obs. of radio reference frame sources. III. (Fey+, 2000) J/ApJS/128/99 HST photometry of 4 Virgo LSB galaxies (O'Neil+, 2000) Astronomicheskij Zhurnal J/AZh/76/83 Galaxies in and near the cluster A1185 (Botashev+ 1999) J/AZh/77/3 Studies of Bright Steep-Spectrum Radio Sources (Lipovka+, 2000) J/AZh/77/21 102.5MHz Survey (Dagkesamanskii+, 2000) J/AZh/77/407 Flat-spectrum radio sources at 0.97-21.7GHz (Gorshkov+, 2000) J/AZh/77/569 Southern isolated triple systems of galaxies (Karachentseva+, 2000) Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society J/MNRAS/304/297 LSBG catalogue (Morshidi-Esslinger+, 1999) J/MNRAS/313/347 Pleiades low-mass stars and brown dwarfs (Pinfield+, 2000) J/MNRAS/316/514 28 And & 99 Her elemental abundances (Adelman+, 2000) J/MNRAS/317/234 HJK photometry of 10 barred spirals (Perez-Ramirez+, 2000) J/MNRAS/317/460 Mira variables velocities (Feast+, 2000) J/MNRAS/319/215 Binary evolution (Han+, 2000) Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific J/PASP/106/646 HST quasar absorption-line key project. VIII. (Kirhakos+, 1994) J/PASP/110/1012 New double stars from HST (Schneider+, 1998) Pis'ma v Astronomicheskij Zhurnal J/PAZh/25/115 A study of the open cluster NGC 6811 (Glushkova+, 1999) J/PAZh/26/27 Variability of Cyg X-1 (V1357) in 1995-1996 (Karitskaya+, 2000) J/PAZh/26/301 Dynamical stability of triple stars (Orlov+, 2000) J/PAZh/26/355 Catalog of X-ray sources (Emelyanov+, 2000) Astronomische Nachrichten J/other/AN/321.81 Orion Trapezium area ROSAT PSPC obs. II. (Lohmann+, 2000) UPDATED CATALOGS AND JOURNAL TABLES Data corrected: Spectroscopic Data 3169A Photometric Atlas of Procyon for 314-747 nm (Griffin+ 1979) Astronomy and Astrophysics J/A+A/353/77 Variability & polarization of luminous quasars (Teerikorpi+, 2000) J/A+A/357/219 Cha I ISOCAM observations (Persi+, 2000) J/A+A/360/472 Proper motions in omega Centauri (van Leeuwen+, 2000) Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series J/A+AS/122/399 K and evolutionary corrections (Poggianti, 1997) J/A+AS/126/479 NIR photometry of IRAS sources. III (Garcia-Lario+, 1997) J/A+AS/131/395 Eclipsing binaries light curves models (Claret 1998) J/A+AS/139/559 Abell 496 photometric catalogue (Slezak+, 1999) J/A+AS/141/175 Dark clouds imaging polarimetry (Sen+, 2000) Astronomical Journal J/AJ/119/1748 WFPC 2 imaging of young LMC clusters (Keller+, 2000) Additional data added: Combined and Derived Data 5053A Catalogue of the Brightest Stars (Ochsenbein+ 1988) Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series J/A+AS/101/551 Optical polarization of 1000 stars (Leroy 1993) J/A+AS/103/541 The Arcetri Catalogue of H2O Maser Sources Update (Brand 1994) J/A+AS/115/285 Catalogue of massive young stellar objects (Chan+, 1996) ReadMe file revisited: Nonstellar and Extended Object 7115 Surface Photometry of ESO-Uppsala Galaxies (Lauberts+ 1989) Astronomy and Astrophysics J/A+AS/94/327 Nearby clusters of galaxies. I. (Trevese+, 1992) J/A+AS/110/313 Clusters of galaxies properties. II. (Flin+, 1995) J/A+AS/125/459 Nearby clusters of galaxies properties. III. (Trevese+ 1997) Astronomical Journal J/AJ/110/880 Radio reference frame (Johnston+ 1995) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ADC E-NEWS SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION
 The ADC Electronic News is published four times a year. It is a free service that we hope you will find of value. If any of your colleagues would like to subscribe, they may do so by sending E-mail to Majordomo@adc.astro.umd.edu with the command SUBSCRIBE ADC-SUBSCRIBERS in the body of the message -- not in the subject line. The sender will receive two messages, the first is a standard Majordomo response and the second is a "welcome" message. If you do not want to receive any more issues, send E-mail to Majordomo@adc.astro.umd.edu and in the body of the message put in the command UNSUBSCRIBE ADC-SUBSCRIBERS .  Hypertext versions of the back issues are available via WWW. These can be found through the ADC home page, at URL http://adc.astro.umd.edu/ . or ASCII text versions are also available via anonymous FTP to adc.astro.umd.edu in directory pub/adc/adc_enews. For assistance or information send inquiries to: Astronomical Data Center Code 631 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 USA Internet: help@adc.astro.umd.edu Telephone: (301) 286-8310; FAX: (301) 286-1771 ===============================================================================