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Current list of Central Arm "10K" files at BNL ("README" document)

							March 13, 1997

To PHENIX 10K Central Arm Simulators,

	Below is the list of "10K" files currently in the
/phenix/temp10k/cent_arm area at BNL.  These files are read-only and all were
created with the 1994 version of the magnetic field map and using a 22 cm
Gaussian primary vertex distribution. 

	The file naming convention has been explained previously. The set of
letters before the first underscore is the event type (hji = HIJING, jpsiee =
J/Psi ---> e+e-, etc., ), the number after the first underscore is the number
of events in the file, the text after that if present is the reaction type, the
text before the second underscore is the random number sequence used in the
event generator seed, the numbers after the second underscore is the date
(mmddyy), and the text following the third underscore if present indicates
which DC shield was used. 

	In the case of the vector meson files, single events were launched
using uniform rapidity (+/- 0.5) and uniform transverse momentum (0 - 5 GeV/c)
distributions, as per the instructions of Y. Akiba.  You can see that there are
20K each of the vector meson decay files without shield, and 10K each with
either shield option for the Phi ---> e+e- and the J/Psi ---> e+e-. 

	The raw acceptance studies for the vector mesons should be easy to
accomplish.  One can simply look at the PC1-PC3 hits and look for correlated
pairs.  That should be straight forward to do in PAW.  One can also do
"needle-in-haystack" studies by using the MERGE facility in PISORP to seed
vector meson events into full HIJING events. 

	The /phenix/temp10k partition is almost completely filled. I intend to
store another ~125 HIJING events with the shield #3. Future stores will have to
be at the PDSF where we have approximately the same amount of space (18 GBytes)
allocated to us. Since space is so precious, I will not have duplicated files
at the two sites. 

	This message will be stored as the README file in the
/phenix/temp10k/cent_arm area.  I will be composing a comparable README file
for the /phenix/temp10k/muon_arm area at BNL, as well as README files for the
allocated disk areas at the PDSF. 

	In a few months, when the 100 GByte disk system arrives for us at BNL,
we can think of having the "fake data tape" files from these PISA hits files,
and eventually DST-like files generated from the new particle ID software being
assembled at this time for the TAC review.

Best regards,
Charlie Maguire

     Size    Copy Date          File Name
   (Bytes)    and Time

  310481912 Mar  1 13:05 hji_10kppsq01_022097.dat
  710082116 Mar 12 17:15 hji_128aucentsq04_022897_sh1.dat
 1545041164 Feb 28 20:26 hji_281aucentsq06_022497_sh1.dat
 1816733712 Feb 25 16:27 hji_300aucentsq05_021297.dat
 1799337424 Feb 28 00:52 hji_300aucentsq05_022397.dat
 1801072804 Feb 25 16:41 hji_300aucentsq06_021297.dat
 1785782056 Feb 26 21:57 hji_300aucentsq06_022397.dat
 1681864672 Feb 28 23:44 hji_300aucentsq06_022497_sh3.dat
  473985532 Feb 25 18:12 jpsiee_10ksq01_021497.dat
  474212308 Feb 25 17:46 jpsiee_10ksq02_021597.dat
  372608284 Feb 28 00:18 jpsiee_10ksq06_022697_sh1.dat
  379171176 Feb 28 00:31 jpsiee_10ksq06_022697_sh3.dat
  472746412 Feb 25 18:42 phiee_10ksq01_021497.dat
  480312536 Feb 25 17:52 phiee_10ksq02_021597.dat
  373084036 Feb 28 00:09 phiee_10ksq06_022697_sh1.dat
  377075040 Feb 28 12:27 phiee_10ksq06_022697_sh3.dat
  305311924 Feb 25 19:02 phikk_10ksq01_021497.dat
  305096168 Feb 25 17:55 phikk_10ksq02_021597.dat