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[IGLOSMAIL-276] Wk 1104 BKG IGEX Analysis Report

IGLOS Electronic Mail      03 May 05:59:53 PDT 2001   Message Number 276

Author: Heinz Habrich                                                         
BKG IGEX ANALYSIS REPORT                  GPS WEEK 1104 (DAYS 063 - 069, 2001)
Submitted by:    Bundesamt fuer Kartographie und Geodaesie (BKG)              
                 Geodetic Department, G1                                      
                 Richard-Strauss-Allee 11, D-60598 Frankfurt Main, Germany    
                         Phone : +49-69-63331                                 
                         Fax   : +49-69-6333425                               
                         E-Mail: habrich @ ifag.de                              
Product access:  anonymous ftp to igs.ifag.de (                 
                 subdirectory IGEX/products/wwww                              
PROCESSING SCHEME:                                                            
    Bernese GPS Software                                                      
ORBIT COMPUTATION:                                                            
    Double difference phase observations of GLONASS and GPS satellites are    
    processed in the ionosphere free linear combination.                      
    IGS orbits and Earth rotation parameters are fixed.                       
    Six initial conditions and five (nine for GPS weeks 0980-1082)            
    radiation pressure parameters per GLONASS satellite are determined.       
    The middle day of a 3-day-arc is used for the daily orbit results.        
    The daily orbit files include GPS satellite clock values from IGS         
    estimates and broadcasted values for GLONASS satellite clocks.            
    The coordinates of the following stations are contrained to ITRF-97:      
    GODZ IRKZ LHAZ OS0G YARR ZIMZ WTZZ.                                       
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
    Code observations of combined GLONASS/GPS receivers are used to           
    determine the GLONASS/GPS time offset.                                    
    This offset includes the modulo 1 sec system time scale difference of     
    GLONASS and GPS and an additional offset between the receiver's           
    'GPS clock' and 'GLONASS clock'. The additional offset is receiver        
    The transformation parameters are derived from GLONASS precise orbits     
    (given in ITRF) and GLONASS broadcast orbits (given in PZ90).             
     GLONASS Satellites:                                                      
     101 107 108 113E115E117 124 
  63  14   5   5  22  17  17  10
  64  13   5   4  17  20   9   4
  65   9   9   8  15   9  11   7
  66   9   7   9  17  17   9   7
  67   7   6   9  22  10  11   8
  68   4   6   8  15  14   9   4
  69   8   5   6  19  13   9  11
 ALL  10   6   7  18  15  11   8
GLONASS/GPS TIME OFFSET:                                                      
         OFFSET    (NS)                                                       
         RMS ERROR (NS)                                                       
DAY    :       063       064       065       066       067       068       069
BORG       522.419   548.826   537.355   532.755   524.531   534.430   514.112
             0.883     0.202     0.217     0.262     0.294     0.286     0.210
CRAR      -622.336  -587.863  -592.857  -601.192  -608.557  -591.115  -607.276
             0.406     0.154     0.145     0.166     0.202     0.119     0.128
CSIR       508.260   550.009   548.287   540.784   532.222   550.175   519.387
             0.597     0.238     0.210     0.244     0.291     0.201     0.238
DARR      -568.565  -504.652  -507.964  -517.920  -524.678  -508.317  -523.516
             0.740     0.243     0.195     0.226     0.295     0.185     0.218
DLFT      -608.344  -581.619  -590.146  -596.497  -624.894  -583.999  -605.145
             0.858     0.279     0.289     0.257     0.631     0.184     0.220
DWH1      -540.976  -510.772  -514.476  -519.614  -534.781  -513.390  -527.788
             0.874     0.321     0.286     0.319     0.375     0.248     0.235
GJOV      -431.731  -401.819  -403.903                      -407.758  -430.992
             0.978     0.203     0.245                         0.251     0.187
GRAB      -425.543  -401.341  -412.578  -415.243  -418.243  -406.490  -432.819
             0.781     0.266     0.252     0.288     0.361     0.296     0.285
GODZ      -421.375  -398.162  -406.434  -407.409  -418.403  -412.252  -420.869
             0.830     0.322     0.254     0.208     0.281     0.203     0.255
GOPE      -434.766  -409.847  -413.645  -429.193  -429.390  -417.084  -441.119
             1.001     0.253     0.271     0.263     0.266     0.217     0.261
KR0G      -500.339  -463.038  -474.535  -477.651  -479.865  -469.208  -492.945
             0.947     0.344     0.341     0.398     0.444     0.342     0.375
LINR                 555.052   547.936   542.702   545.772   543.669   523.664
                       0.274     0.235     0.254     0.266     0.261     0.249
METZ      -545.642  -520.634  -530.469  -533.726  -548.754  -520.155  -539.896
             0.851     0.254     0.244     0.244     0.331     0.199     0.240
MTBG      -576.046  -552.258  -564.072  -571.504  -585.277  -556.539  -581.403
             0.761     0.239     0.270     0.288     0.382     0.174     0.222
MTKA      -431.960  -402.814  -404.983  -415.790  -414.494  -405.609  -432.342
             1.121     0.265     0.345     0.278     0.290     0.267     0.292
OS0G      -586.278  -559.271  -568.123  -573.189  -585.216  -557.742  -579.459
             0.884     0.253     0.262     0.261     0.371     0.202     0.213
REYZ      -440.395  -388.379  -393.394  -397.639  -409.875  -400.074  -413.814
             0.886     0.332     0.385     0.376     0.345     0.343     0.351
STR2                -503.184  -509.850            -522.351  -515.478  -530.883
                       0.331     0.287               0.357     0.263     0.303
SUNM                          -525.337  -534.708  -534.255  -525.675  -545.393
                                 0.342     0.404     0.464     0.336     0.376
THU2      -453.445  -412.814  -420.727  -425.703  -432.404  -421.809  -440.654
             0.967     0.208     0.181     0.182     0.306     0.187     0.179
VSLD       509.825   548.982   538.454   532.714   523.119   540.668   516.004
             0.846     0.235     0.251     0.265     0.232     0.188     0.241
WROC      -429.375            -413.955  -418.158  -422.413  -410.482  -432.669
             0.905               0.360     0.359     0.365     0.314     0.355
WTZZ      -415.008  -391.045  -401.220  -405.788  -411.521  -401.570  -426.904
             0.939     0.461     0.467     0.374     0.402     0.341     0.358
YARR      -474.592  -408.266  -409.960  -415.563  -418.068  -421.514  -440.662
             1.037     0.382     0.399     0.497     0.545     0.528     0.462
ZIMZ      -459.471                                                            
ZIMJ      -534.350  -513.751  -524.766  -528.808  -538.655  -526.166  -536.019
             0.801     0.222     0.241     0.234     0.467     0.618     0.206
STATISTICS FOR 1 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
DAY     OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
063            98082             2359           0.0013                        
064            97314             2419           0.0014                        
065           100964             2298           0.0013                        
066            96331             2410           0.0013                        
067            95805             2440           0.0015                        
068            94484             2516           0.0013                        
069           105043             2465           0.0013                        
                      WEEKDAY  RESIDUAL RMS IN MM
STATION        #DAYS  0123456     N     E     U
BORG               7  PPPPPPP    14    22    17
CRAR               7  PPPPPPP    17    40    30
DARR               7  PPPPPPP     4    12    13
DLFT               7  PPPPPPP     2     3     4
DWH1               7  PPPPPPP    19    35    27
GJOV               5  PPP  PP     5     4     6
GODZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
GOPE               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     5
GRAB               7  PPPPPPP     2     3     8
KR0G               7  PPPPPPP     4     4     7
LHAZ               5   PPPPP      -     -     -   FIXED
METZ               7  PPPPPPP     1     4     5
MTBG               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     8
MTKA               7  PPPPPPP    11    36    37
OS0G               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
REYZ               7  PPPPPPP     5     5     5
STR2               5   PP PPP     3    16    18
SUNM               5    PPPPP     5    15    30
THU2               7  PPPPPPP     6     7     8
VSLD               7  PPPPPPP     8    18    19
WROC               6  P PPPPP     1     2     6
WTZZ               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
YAR1               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
YARR               7  PPPPPPP     -     -     -   FIXED
ZIMJ               7  PPPPPPP     1     2     7
ZIMZ               1  P           -     -     -
STATISTICS FOR 3 DAY SOLUTIONS:                                               
MID-DAY OBSERVATIONS       PARAMETERS          RMS (M)                        
063           298615             6825           0.0014                        
064           296360             6491           0.0013                        
065           294609             6530           0.0014                        
066           293100             6569           0.0014                        
067           286620             6784           0.0014                        
068           295332             6839           0.0014                        
069           303226             6888           0.0013                        
         | X |      | X |   | DX |   | SCALE    RZ   -RY |   | X |            
         | Y |  =   | Y | + | DY | + |   -RZ SCALE    RX | * | Y |            
         | Z |      | Z |   | DZ |   |    RY   -RX SCALE |   | Z |            
          ITRF       PZ90                                     PZ90            
                                          RMS = RMS of transformed coordinates
          DX     DY     DZ      RX      RY      RZ    SCALE   RMS
DAY       [m]    [m]    [m]   [mas]   [mas]   [mas]   [10E6]  [m]             
063    -0.055 -0.652 -1.572   -1.22  -46.50 -402.82   0.0202  4.59
064    -0.003 -0.204 -2.470  -11.37  -37.87 -380.13   0.0190  6.36
065     1.565  0.317 -2.646  -17.55  -39.13 -391.52   0.0107  9.45
066     0.819  1.050 -3.417  -10.84  -16.96 -408.19   0.0096 10.29
067     0.068 -1.294 -1.676    7.43  -33.28 -387.75   0.0301  7.71
068     0.231  0.029 -1.799   -5.15  -37.47 -417.24   0.0248  7.49
069    -0.594 -0.801 -2.866   12.66  -34.64 -411.46   0.0304  9.28