NASA 1996 STTR Phase I

Proposal Number:

Project Title:

Small Business Concern:
Hi-Z Technology, Inc.
6373 Nancy Ridge Drive
San Diego CA 92121-2247

Research Institution:
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109-8099

Principal Investigator/Project Manager:
John C. Bass

Technical Abstract:

Hi-Z proposes to complete a preliminary design and heat transfer optimization of a 42mW thermoelectric generator for JPL’s Powerstick concept. JPL’s concept can fill the need for high efficiency, lightweight power systems for planetary surface missions. The Powerstick concept utilizes a single 1W RHU as heat source. The design will be based on Hi-Z’s experience designing and fabricating the 75mW RTGs. In addition, Hi-Z will design, fabricate and test a prototype module for the Powerstick, and JPL will provide a heat source mock-up for the testing. The module for the powerstick is an upgraded version of the monolithic module technology successfully used in 75mW and 500mW RTG designs. Hi-Z will also provide conceptual designs for the complete Powerstick and for a design utilizing the Martian surface soil temperature gradient as an alternative heat source. JPL will contribute to this design in the area of electric power management and storage. Beyond space applications, Hi-Z forsees terrestrial applications of the small thermoelectric module, and Hi-Z is ready to commercialize the technology.

Potential Commercial Applications:
The recent introduction of low-power, low-voltage (3 Volt) microprocessors presents the need for a small power supply to operate these systems. The re-introduction of the monolithic thermoelectric technology, proposed for the Powerstick, will be able to fill this niche market for small, light weight power supplies.

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