"  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  /                                                                     \
  |                                                                     |
  |         Cartesian Mesh Generation Input Specifications              |
  |  see "notes" at the bottom of the page for fileformat information   |
  \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/
1. Surface Geometry File Name (Cart3d surface triangulation file format):
//                                       ...this is just a comment, 'oneraFine.i.tri' follows the file naming
//                                          conventions set up for cart3D surface triangulations
//                                          for notes about the format of entries in
//                                          this file, see the "notes" section at the bottom...

2. Outer Cartesian Box Specs:
      Xmin     Xmax            Ymin    Ymax            Zmin     Zmax
      -30.0    30.07           -30.0    30.03          .00001   29.01
// ...you may want to put a comment here

3. Starting Mesh Dimensions (# of nodes in each dimension, inclusive):
   # verts in X    # verts in Y     # verts in Z
       7               7              2
//                       ....its nice to keep these "background grid" dimensions
//                           small, so that you get good multigrid coarsening ratios...

4. Maximum Hex Cell Aspect Ratio ( Isotropic = 1):
//                      ....flowCart has limited support for anisotropic cell division.

5. Minimum Number of cell refinements on body surface (auto = -1):

6. Maximum Number of cell refinements:
//                     ...this is the number of refinement sweeps that "cubes" will perform

7. Num of bits of resolution assigned to integer coordinates (maximum = 21):
//                     ...dont mess with this unless you really know what you're doing

8. Bounday conditions (ONLY requried if converting mesh to tiger format):
       LoX HiX  LoY  HiY  LoZ HiZ
        0   0   0    0     1   0
//                     ....these are explained below and are only needed for "cart2tiger", so
//                         if you're running with flowCart, you dont need this entry.
  o   add comments after the ":" terminating each entry but before next line.
       Additional (blank) lines may be added with out messing up the parsing.
  o   User entries in this example are shown in Black, comments in pink and
        fixed text in green. (Actually the parser just checks the input number and the colen ":".)

  #1: A  wetted surface triangulation  with no internal geometry: (usually output from "intersect")
  #4: max difference in number of refinements of 2 directions. cell AR=2^N
  #7: Dont touch this unless you're sure you konw what you're doing.
  #8: boundary conditions on the mesh (applied boundary by boundary
      (only apply if mesh will be converted to TIGER format).
        FAR_FIELD           0   // Tiger Boundary Condition Types;
        SYMMETRY            1
        INFLOW              2   // not implemented in 'cart2tiger'
        OUTFLOW             3   // not implemented in 'cart2tiger'
        OTHER_WALL          4   // not implemented in 'cart2tiger'
        OTHER               5   // not implemented in 'cart2tiger'