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Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1820-1860


Oh! Deem not that I love her less, favorite ballad /
Oh! Dinah dear, or, Gumbo's serenade /
Oh! Dinah, take this hand ob mine /
Oh! Do not turn away from me /
Oh! Emma was a darling /
Oh! Ever think of me, Swiss melody /
Oh! Faithless world /
Oh! Fly to the prairie /
Oh! For a home beside the hills /
Oh! Forget not the time /
Oh! Gaze on us, serenade /
Oh! Giovanna, heaven inspiring! Aria from the opera Giovanna di Napoli /
Oh! Give me a home if in foreign land /
Oh! Give me back my heart I pray, a new American ballad /
Oh! Give me back my heart again, a ballad /
Oh! Give me back my own dear home /
Oh! Give me freedom ever, or, The independent maid, a comic ballad /
Oh! Give me that oblivious draught /
Oh! Give me the mountains /
Oh! Harry! Don't ask me to go, ballad /
Oh! Haste crimson morning /
Oh! Have I not been true to thee /
Oh! Have you seen the elephant? /
Oh! Home of my boyhood, ballad /
Oh! How delightful this pleasing hour [from] the opera Lucrezia Borgia /
Oh! How sweet how sweet! /
Oh! I love the early morn, polka /
Oh! I remember well the time, ballad /
Oh! I'd be a sailor /
Oh! I'd be a sailor! /
Oh! I'se so wicked /
Oh! I'se so wicked [from the moral drama] Uncle Tom's cabin /
Oh! If I were a sunbeam /
Oh! It is an hour of sadness /
Oh! Jesus to thy love, hymn /
Oh! Leave me not in sorrow /
Oh! Leave me to my sorrow /
Oh! Lemuel! op. 157 /
Oh! Let me sing to night, mother /
Oh! Let me strike my harp again, a ballad /
Oh! Let thy features once again /
Oh! Love is every where = Io te voglio bene assaje /
Oh! Love is like a sun beam /
Oh! Meet me on the silver shore /
Oh! Mother here's the very top, or, The playthings /
Oh! Mr. Coon.
Oh! Must we part to night /
Oh! My Fernand = O mio Fernando [from] opera The favorite /
Oh! My heart is sad for Araby /
Oh! Never wonder Mary /
Oh! No, I'll not forget thee /
Oh! No, we never talk in French /
Oh! Poor Miss Lucy Neale! /
Oh! Say not: Sing a careless lay! /
Oh! Share my cottage /
Oh! Share my cottage gentle maid, ballad /
Oh! Show me some blue distant isle, a romance /
Oh! Sing no more that gentle song /
Oh! Sing to me one song of thine /
Oh! Spare the old homestead /
Oh! Speak once more /
Oh! Steal to thy lattice /
Oh! Strike the lute, lady /
Oh! Summer night serenade [from] Don Pasquale /
Oh! Summer night, with variation /
Oh! Susanna.
Oh! Susanna /
Oh! Susanna quick step.
Oh! Susanna quick step /
Oh! Susanna, don't you cry for me /
Oh! Susanna, op. 124 /
Oh! Take me back to Switzerland.
Oh! Take me back to Switzerland /
Oh! That I lay on yonder mountain /
Oh! That a little cot were mine /
Oh! The heart it is a treasure /
Oh! The merry days when we were young, ballad.
Oh! The merry old days, ballad.
Oh! The old, old clock /
Oh! There are times in life's dull dream /
Oh! This love! /
Oh! This love, 'tis a passion so pleasing [from] opera of Figaro /
Oh! Touch again thy light guitar /
Oh! Touch the chord yet once again! /
Oh! Touch those thrilling chords again, op. 49 /
Oh! Wake up in de morning /
Oh! Watch you well by daylight /
Oh! Wert thou but my own love /
Oh! Where is the heart, ballad /
Oh! Where is the rose-bud /
Oh! While adown life's stream we glide /
Oh! Whisper what thou feelest /
Oh! Who has not seen the young rose fade away, ballad /
Oh! Why left I my home, ballad /
Oh! Woo me not from my cottage home /
Oh! Would I were a girl again, ballad /
Oh! Would that she were here /
Oh! Would we ne'er had met, Nannie, ballad /
Oh! Ye voices gone, sounds of other years ballad /
Oh! watch you well by daylight /

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