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The rights of the freedom-deprived in Spain regarding HIH/AIDS.

Valerio C; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 2000 Jul 9-14; 13: abstract no. MoPeE2959.

C. Valerio, Defensoria de los Habitantes, 150 metros Este del ICE, Sabano Norte, San Jose, Costa Rica, Tel.: +506 296 25 15 / 393 82 74, Fax: +506 296 25 12, E-mail:

Background: To reveal the collective perception of those who are deprived of their freedom in regards to the preventive measures and the attention of HIV. It also aims at understanding their own knowledge about the health protection rights they are entitled to as well as the instruments and instances for the protection of their fundamental rights.Methods: By means of a qualitative investigation conducted in Ocana Prison 1, in Toledo, Spain, through in-depth interviews, this study intends to approach the target population and their perceptions on the mentioned topics in order to establish a later contrast with the opinions of both the prison officials and the representatives of non-governmental organizations who deal with the HIV and drug use issues in the Spanish prisons. Results: The freedom-deprived do not know their rights nor the instances to enforce them. However, they have learned enough about HIV because the NGOs have provided such information. The work of the prison officials is reduced to the treatment of the social aspect of HIV and drug use problems. As a matter of fact, excessive medication such as the distribution of methadone and the supply of syringes to avoid their exchange have been applied, but these Public Health measures have been also highly questioned by the prisoners and the prison officials themselves due to the control deficiency to ensure the proper functioning of the programs. The NGOs have become the answer to the new and complex social demands of those who are deprived of freedom suffering from HIV in Spain.Conclusions: Health promotion and education regarding HIV/AIDS prevention are not interdisciplinary nor have they been structured as such in prisons. Their objective has been reduced to pharmacological treatment, mostly through the supply of antiretroviruses, methadone, and other medicines to help in the care of pathologies associated with drug consumption and emotional problems of the inmates.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Freedom
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Human Rights
  • Prisoners
  • Prisons
  • Spain
  • education
Other ID:
  • GWAIDS0001257
UI: 102238748

From Meeting Abstracts

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