The U.S. Census Bureau
Table 1.  State and Local Government Finances by Level of Government and by State: 2003-04
(Dollar amounts are in thousands. Coefficients of variation (CV) are expressed as percents. For meaning
of abbreviations and symbols, see note below table.)
Description Idaho
State & local State & local  State  Local  Local
government government government government government
amount1 CV amount amount1 CV
1 2 3 4 5
 Revenue1 9,754,123 0.28 7,112,364 4,172,400 0.76
General revenue1 7,757,897 0.23 5,309,905 3,978,633 0.58
Intergovernmental revenue1 1,874,964 0.2 1,741,394 1,664,211 0.86
     From Federal Government 1,874,964 0.2 1,735,963 139,001 2.69
     From State government1 (1) 0 0 1,525,210 0.94
     From local governments1 (1) 0 5,431 (1) 0
General revenue from own sources   5,882,933 0.3 3,568,511 2,314,422 0.76
    Taxes   3,805,827 0.39 2,647,790 1,158,037 1.3
          Property 1,084,470 1.38 0 1,084,470 1.38
          Sales and gross receipts   1,426,827 0.05 1,403,155 23,672 3.23
               General sales   1,036,924 0.02 1,036,924 0 0
               Selective sales 389,903 0.2 366,231 23,672 3.23
                    Motor fuel 218,019 0 218,019 0 0
                    Alcoholic beverage 6,621 0 6,609 12 0
                    Tobacco products 52,271 0 52,271 0 0
                    Public utilities   15,495 3.92 1,827 13,668 4.44
                    Other selective sales   97,497 0.49 87,505 9,992 4.81
          Individual income   907,795 0 907,795 0 0
          Corporate income   103,784 0 103,784 0 0
          Motor vehicle license   112,411 0.15 107,269 5,142 3.29
          Other taxes   170,540 0.85 125,787 44,753 3.25
     Charges and miscellaneous general  revenue   2,077,106 0.4 920,721 1,156,385 0.72
          Current charges   1,467,516 0.45 470,037 997,479 0.66
               Education   350,441 0 271,885 78,556 0
                    Institutions  of higher education   320,277 0 271,354 48,923 0
                    School lunch sales (gross) 25,748 0 0 25,748 0
               Hospitals   526,971 1.15 22,891 504,080 1.2
               Highways   13,622 8.41 10,074 3,548 32.29
               Air transportation (airports)   27,498 0.03 6 27,492 0.03
               Parking facilities   769 0 0 769 0
               Sea and inland port facilities   767 0 0 767 0
               Natural resources   73,707 1.32 62,704 11,003 8.84
               Parks and recreation   23,156 0.09 626 22,530 0.09
               Housing and community development   15,918 0.03 9,810 6,108 0.08
               Sewerage   121,464 1.64 0 121,464 1.64
               Solid waste management   85,779 3.11 0 85,779 3.11
               Other charges   227,424 1.77 92,041 135,383 2.98
          Miscellaneous general revenue   609,590 0.76 450,684 158,906 2.92
               Interest earnings   245,084 0.4 197,191 47,893 2.04
               Special assessments   26,171 10.39 0 26,171 10.39
               Sale of property   5,876 15.41 0 5,876 15.41
               Other general revenue   332,459 0.98 253,493 78,966 4.13
Utility revenue 192,923 11.22 0 192,923 11.22
     Water supply   107,665 20.11 0 107,665 20.11
     Electric power   83,531 0 0 83,531 0
     Gas supply   0 0 0 0 0
     Transit   1,727 0 0 1,727 0
Liquor store revenue   76,766 0 76,766 0 0
Insurance trust revenue   1,726,537 0 1,725,693 844 0
     Unemployment compensation   134,534 0 134,534 0 0
     Employee retirement   1,422,711 0 1,421,867 844 0
     Workers' compensation   169,292 0 169,292 0 0
     Other insurance trust revenue   0 0 0 0 0
 Expenditure1 8,425,980 0.48 5,762,624 4,163,388 0.96
By character and object:        
     Intergovernmental expenditure1 0 0 1,496,785 3,247 0
     Direct expenditure   8,425,980 0.48 4,265,839 4,160,141 0.96
          Current operations   6,383,016 0.43 2,848,421 3,534,595 0.78
          Capital outlay   1,081,275 2.23 539,447 541,828 4.46
               Construction   839,822 1.64 464,992 374,830 3.68
               Other capital outlay   241,453 8.42 74,455 166,998 12.17
          Assistance and subsidies   132,217 0 132,212 5 0
          Interest on debt   215,914 0.92 133,790 82,124 2.42
          Insurance benefits and repayments 613,558 0 611,969 1,589 0
          Exhibit: Salaries and wages   2,612,915 0.4 817,284 1,795,631 0.58
Direct expenditure by function 8,425,980 0.48 4,265,839 4,160,141 0.96
     Direct general expenditure   7,539,952 0.35 3,596,254 3,943,698 0.68
          Capital outlay   1,029,263 1.35 539,447 489,816 2.83
          Other direct general expenditure    6,510,689 0.31 3,056,807 3,453,882 0.58
          Education services:        
               Education   2,636,444 0 818,862 1,817,582 0
                    Capital outlay   334,816 0 148,201 186,615 0
                 Higher education   825,890 0 713,800 112,090 0
                    Capital outlay   141,111 0 137,693 3,418 0
                 Elementary & secondary   1,705,492 0 0 1,705,492 0
                    Capital outlay   183,197 0 0 183,197 0
                 Other education   105,062 0 105,062 0 0
               Libraries   34,476 11.84 3,184 31,292 13.05
          Social services and income maintenance:        
               Public welfare   1,246,130 0.08 1,212,327 33,803 2.84
                    Cash assistance payments 90,450 0 90,445 5 0
                    Vendor payments   956,061 0.07 941,695 14,366 4.35
                    Other public welfare   199,619 0.34 180,187 19,432 3.51
               Hospitals   540,509 1.11 39,186 501,323 1.2
                    Capital outlay   35,871 2.29 963 34,908 2.36
               Health   175,343 0.35 111,977 63,366 0.96
               Employment security administration    37,836 0 37,836 0 0
               Veterans' services   0 0 0 0 0
               Highways   653,620 1.89 411,959 241,661 5.1
                    Capital outlay   358,142 2.24 270,870 87,272 9.2
               Air transportation (airports) 66,304 0.02 3,276 63,028 0.02
               Parking facilities   1,210 0 0 1,210 0
               Sea and inland port facilities   1,338 1.77 0 1,338 1.77
               Transit subsidies   59 0 0 59 0
          Public safety:        
               Police protection   250,408 0.8 39,183 211,225 0.94
               Fire protection   99,128 7.26 0 99,128 7.26
               Correction   233,036 1.67 169,186 63,850 6.09
                    Capital outlay   10,931 0.44 10,196 735 6.52
               Protective inspection and regulation   57,638 0.47 47,575 10,063 2.69
          Environment and housing:        
               Natural resources   210,665 0.89 176,036 34,629 5.44
                    Capital outlay   11,293 2.71 10,291 1,002 30.58
               Parks and recreation   97,032 0.44 20,819 76,213 0.57
                    Capital outlay   15,719 0.93 4,920 10,799 1.35
               Housing and community development    42,248 0.18 10,233 32,015 0.24
               Sewerage   126,172 8.5 1,452 124,720 8.6
                    Capital outlay   45,328 23.45 412 44,916 23.67
               Solid waste management   97,302 2.65 37 97,265 2.65
                    Capital outlay   7,587 18.17 0 7,587 18.17
          Governmental administration:        
               Financial administration   192,300 1.37 117,962 74,338 3.53
               Judicial and legal   127,353 1.63 55,818 71,535 2.91
               General public buildings 100,934 4.46 77,895 23,039 19.54
               Other governmental administration    70,078 3.13 16,806 53,272 4.12
          Interest on general debt   208,128 0.36 133,790 74,338 1.01
          General expenditure, n.e.c.:        
               Miscellaneous commercial activities   5,633 0 5,633 0 0
               Other and unallocable   228,628 3.25 85,222 143,406 5.19
     Utility expenditure 214,854 14.68 0 214,854 14.68
               Capital outlay   52,012 39.2 0 52,012 39.2
          Water supply   132,914 23.73 0 132,914 23.73
          Electric power   69,320 0 0 69,320 0
          Gas supply   0 0 0 0 0
          Transit   12,620 0 0 12,620 0
     Liquor store expenditure   57,616 0 57,616 0 0
     Insurance trust expenditure 613,558 0 611,969 1,589 0
          Unemployment compensation   174,261 0 174,261 0 0
          Employee retirement   333,221 0 331,632 1,589 0
          Workers' compensation   106,076 0 106,076 0 0
          Other insurance trust   0 0 0 0 0
 Debt outstanding   4,021,222 0.82 2,383,841 1,637,381 2.02
Short-term    20,712 0 6,260 14,452 0
Long-term    4,000,510 0.83 2,377,581 1,622,929 2.04
     Full faith and credit   1,005,892 0.78 0 1,005,892 0.78
     Nonguaranteed   2,994,618 1.09 2,377,581 617,037 5.29
Long-term debt by purpose:        
     Public debt for private purposes   1,920,282 0.2 1,841,086 79,196 4.74
     Education   1,182,151 0 322,485 859,666 0
     Utilities   122,149 23.74 0 122,149 23.74
     Other   775,928 2.21 214,010 561,918 3.05
Long-term debt issued   503,265 2.14 267,586 235,679 4.58
Long-term debt retired   598,102 0.68 469,749 128,353 3.17
 Cash and security holdings   13,510,669 0.14 11,735,412 1,775,257 1.06
Insurance trust funds   7,950,248 0 7,934,312 15,936 0
     Unemployment compensation    93,792 0 93,792 0 0
     Employee retirement   7,501,442 0 7,485,506 15,936 0
     Workers' compensation   355,014 0 355,014 0 0
     Miscellaneous   0 0 0 0 0
Other than insurance trust funds   5,560,421 0.34 3,801,100 1,759,321 1.07
     By purpose:        
          Offsets to debt   2,216,213 0 2,035,575 180,638 0
          Bond funds   237,519 4.62 193,175 44,344 24.74
          Other   3,106,689 0.67 1,572,350 1,534,339 1.37
1 Duplicative intergovernmental transactions are excluded.
Abbreviations and symbols:  -  zero or rounds to zero;  (X)   not applicable
n.e.c. = "not elsewhere classified"          
