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An innovative approach to reach the outreach.

Upadhyay J, Sisodia D, Kacheria S, Bhattacharya RD; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 2000 Jul 9-14; 13: abstract no. WePeD4485.

J. Upadhyay, GAP - ISRCDE B02 Siddhachakra APTS, Ahmedabad - 380 006, India, Tel.: +917 965 752 82, Fax: +917 965 759 62, E-mail:

Issues: GAP is actively involved in various direct intervention projects and Healthy Highway Project (HHP) is one of those where truck drivers, cleaners and their sexual partners are addressed to bring Behavioural Changes. Description: The HHP of GAP operates from 3 different geographical areas, Ahmedabad, Vadodara & Modasa of Gujarat, which covers 70% of the traffic flow of Gujarat. One of the goals of this project is `To decrease the STD prevalence rate amongst the Primary Audience'. The primary audience is contacted on day to day basis by outreach workers and trained peer educators. Through 1-1 and group meetings, information dissemination along with condom and reading material distribution are done and through syndromic approach STD patients are being detected and treated. One in a month an off beat programme is being conducted, which is called `Hulla-Gulla' - where, in a few chosen high volume, high traffic areas through street dramas on AIDS people are attracted. Result: The increase in the number of people contacted, STD cases detected and treated as a result of `Hulla Gulla' Program can be seen from the following table: Regular Daily Outcome Hulla-Gulla Outcome Truckers/cleaners contacted 315 625 Condoms Distributed 670 2200 Booklets Distributed 490 520 STD cases detected 20 70 STD cases treated 9 40 Lessons Learnt: This innovative approach has helped to reach out in an interesting manner to a larger target audience in a day, which is efficient and cost effective.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Behavior
  • Condoms
  • Humans
  • Peer Group
  • Prevalence
  • Research
  • Sexual Partners
  • Social Welfare
  • Teaching
  • education
Other ID:
  • GWAIDS0003364
UI: 102240860

From Meeting Abstracts

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