to get the offline CHA (4%) and CEM SCL (time dependent up to 2.5%) using 4.9.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - include CalorimetryModule into the path - drop all objects that rely on Calorimetry on input talk DHInput dropList set CdfJetColl CdfMet CalData dropList add CdfMuonColl dropList add CdfEmClusterColl CdfEmObjectColl dropList add Pi0CandidateCollection CdfTauCollection exit - talk to CalorimetryModule and DB to use both offline LERs and SCLs mod enable CalorimetryModule mod talk CalorimetryModule useOffScl set true makeOfflineLers set true createCalData set true exit mod talk CalibrationManager production set t ConnectionTimeout set 10 PrintDBStats set true PassName set 07 parmSetName set Pass07 exit - enable all the other modules you need, e.g. EmClusterModule etc. module enable JetCluModule-cone0.4 JetCluModule-vz-cone1.0 module enable JetCluModule-cone0.7 module enable EmClusterModule CdfEmObjectModule module enable MuonLinkerModule module enable Pi0ReconstructionModule TauFinderModule to get the offline CHA (4%) and CEM SCL (time dependent up to 2.5%) using 4.9.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setup cdfsoft2 4.9.0 newrel -t 4.9.0 cal4.9.0 cd cal4.9.0 addpkg CalorObjects cvs update -A CalorObjects/dict/GNUmakefile addpkg CalorCalibDBTables cvs co -r 1.49 CalorObjects/src/ cvs co -r 1.19 CalorObjects/CalorObjects/Calib.hh cvs co -r 1.17 CalorObjects/CalorObjects/CalData.hh cvs co -r 1.1 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ cvs co -r 1.1 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ cvs co -r 1.1 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ cvs co -r 1.1 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ cvs co -r 1.1 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ cvs co -r 1.1 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ cvs co -r 1.8 CalorCalibDBTables/tables/ addpkg CalorMods cvs co -r 1.17 CalorMods/src/ cvs co -r 1.11 CalorMods/CalorMods/CalorimetryModule.hh addpkg Calor cvs co -r 1.15 Calor/Calor/CalDataMaker.hh cvs co -r 1.58 Calor/src/ Then add whatever other packages you want and put CalorimetryModule into the path of your executable. If you want to rerun SHowerMax related modules you need to check out those (4.9.0 version) and compile them too since a header file that is included there changed. When you run your job you need to do the following: mod enable CalorimetryModule mod talk CalorimetryModule useOffScl set true makeOfflineLers set true exit mod talk CalibrationManager production set t ConnectionTimeout set 10 PrintDBStats set true PassName set 07 parmSetName set Pass07 exit avoid checkSum errors using 4.9.1 on 4.8.4 data: ------------------------------------------------ When reading (unpuffing) the jets you get checkSum errors since the beginRun record which has some calibration constants is missing. This is fixed since 4.9.1. I order to now get back the calibration constants that were used by Production you need to include CalorimetryModule in the path and talk to it in the following way: module enable CalorimetryModule module talk CalorimetryModule createCalData set f makeOfflineLers set t exit