Bad Bug Book
U.S. Food & Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition

Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms
and Natural Toxins Handbook

pH Values of Various Foods

VEGETABLES             pH         VEGETABLES             pH
Artichokes             5.6        Peas                   5.8 - 7.0
  Canned               5.7 - 6      Frozen               6.4 - 6.7
Asparagus              4  -  6      Canned               5.7 - 6.0
  Canned               5.2 - 5.3    Dried                6.5 - 6.8
  Buds                 6.7        Pepper                 5.15
  Stalks               6.1        Pimiento               4.6 - 4.9
Beans                  5.7 - 6.2  Potatoes               6.1
  String               4.6        Tubers                 5.7
  Lima                 6.5        Sweet                  5.3 - 5.6
  Kidney               5.4 - 6    Pumpkin                4.8 - 5.2
Beets                  4.9 - 5.6  Radishes (red)         5.8 - 6.5
S                      4.2 - 4.4    (white)              5.5 - 5.7
  Canned               4.9        Rhubarb                3.1 - 3.4
Brussel sprouts        6.0 - 6.3    Canned               3.4
Cabbage                5.2 - 6.0  Rice (all cooked)
  Green                5.4 - 6.9    Brown                6.2 - 6.7
  White                6.2          White                6.0 - 6.7
  Red                  5.4 - 6.0    Wild                 6.0 - 6.4
  Savoy                6.3        Sauerkraut             3.4 - 3.6
Carrots                4.9 - 5.2  Sorrel                 3.7
  Canned               5.18-5.22  Spinach                5.5 - 6.8
  Juice                6.4          Cooked               6.6 - 7.2
Cauliflower            5.6          Frozen               6.3 - 6.5
Celery                 5.7 - 6.0  Squash (all cooked)
Chives                 5.2 - 6.1    Yellow               5.8 - 6.0
Corn                   6.0 - 7.5    White                5.5 - 5.7
  Canned               6.0          Hubbard              6.0 - 6.2
  Sweet                7.3        Tomatoes (whole)       4.2 - 4.9
Cucumbers              5.1 - 5.7    Paste                3.5 - 4.7
  Dill pickles         3.2 - 3.5    Canned               3.5 - 4.7
Eggplant               4.5 - 5.3    Juice                4.1 - 4.2
Hominy (cooked)        6.0        Turnips                5.2 - 5.5
Horseradish            5.35        Zucchini (cooked)     5.8 - 6.1
Kale (cooked)          6.4 - 6.8
Kohlrabi (cooked)      5.7 - 5.8       FRUITS
Leeks                  5.5 - 6.0  Apples
Lettuce                5.8 - 6.0    Delicious            3.9
Lentils (cooked)       6.3 - 6.8    Golden Delicious     3.6
Mushrooms (cooked)     6.2          Jonathan             3.33
Okra (cooked)          5.5 - 6.4    McIntosh             3.34
Olives (green)         3.6 - 3.8    Winesap              3.47
       (ripe)          6.0 - 6.5    Juice                3.4 - 4.0
Onions (red)           5.3 - 5.8    Sauce                3.3 - 3.6
       (white)         5.4 - 5.8  Apricots               3.3 - 4.0
       (yellow)        5.4 - 5.6    Dried                3.6 - 4.0
Parsley                5.7 - 6.0    Canned               3.74
Parsnip                5.3        Bananas                4.5 - 5.2
FRUITS (contin.)         pH           MEAT, POULTRY         pH
Cantaloupe             6.17-7.13  Beef
Dates                  6.3 - 6.6    Ground               5.1 - 6.2
Figs                   4.6          Ripened              5.8
Grapefruit             3.0 - 3.3    Unripened            7.0
  Canned               3.1 - 3.3    Canned               6.6
  Juice                3.0          Tongue               5.9
Lemons                 2.2 - 2.4  Ham                    5.9 - 6.1
  Canned juice         2.3        Lamb                   5.4 - 6.7
Limes                  1.8 - 2.0  Pork                   5.3 - 6.9
Mangos                 3.9 - 4.6  Veal                   6.0
Melons                            Chicken                6.5 - 6.7
  Cassaba              5.5 - 6.0  Turkey (roasted)       5.7 - 6.8
  Honey dew            6.3 - 6.7
  Persian              6.0 - 6.3  FISH
Nectarines             3.9        Fish (most fresh)      6.6 - 6.8
Oranges                3.1 - 4.1  Clams                  6.5
  Juice                3.6 - 4.3  Crabs                  7.0
  Marmalade            3.0        Oysters                4.8 - 6.3
Papaya                 5.2 - 5.7  Tuna fish              5.2 - 6.1
Peaches                3.4 - 3.6  Shrimp                 6.8 - 7.0
  In jars              4.2        Salmon                 6.1 - 6.3
  In cans              4.9        Whitefish              5.5
Persimmons             5.4 - 5.8  Freshwater (most)      6.9 - 7.3
Pineapple              3.3 - 5.2  Sturgeon               5.5 - 6.0
  Canned               3.5        Herring                6.1 - 6.4
  Juice                3.5
Plums                  2.8 - 4.6  DAIRY PRODUCTS/EGGS
Pomegranates           3.0        Butter                 6.1 - 6.4
Prunes                 3.1 - 5.4  Buttermilk             4.5
  Juice                3.7        Milk                   6.3 - 8.5
Quince (stewed)        3.1 - 3.3    Acidophilus          4.0
Tangerines             4.0          Cream                6.5
Watermelon             5.2 - 5.8  Cheeses
BERRIES                             Camembert            7.44
Blackberries           3.2 - 4.5    Cheddar              5.9
Blueberries            3.7          Cottage              5.0
  Frozen               3.1 - 3.35   Cream cheese         4.88
Cherries               3.2 - 4.1    Edam                 5.4
Cranberries                         Roquefort            5.5 - 5.9
 Sauce                 2.4          Swiss Gruyer         5.1 - 6.6
  Juice                2.3 - 2.5  Eggs
Currants (red)         2.9          White                7.0 - 9.0
Gooseberries           2.8 - 3.1    Yolk                 6.4
Grapes                 3.4 - 4.5    Egg solids, whites   6.5 - 7.5
Raspberries            3.2 - 3.7    Whole                7.1 - 7.9
Strawberries           3.0 - 3.5    Frozen               8.5 - 9.5
  Frozen               2.3 - 3.0
Bread                  5.3 - 5.8
Eclairs                4.4 - 4.5
Napoleons              4.4 - 4.5
Biscuits               7.1 - 7.3
Crackers               7.0 - 8.5
  Angel food           5.2 - 5.6
  Chocolate            7.2 - 7.6
  Devil's food         7.5 - 8.0
  Pound                6.6 - 7.1
  Sponge               7.3 - 7.6
  White layer          7.1 - 7.4
  Yellow layer         6.7 - 7.1
Flour                  6.0 - 6.3
Caviar (domestic)      5.4
Cider                  2.9 - 3.3
Cocoa                  6.3
Corn syrup             5.0
Corn starch            4.0 - 7.0
Ginger ale             2.0 - 4.0
Honey                  3.9
Jams/Jellies           3.1 - 3.5
Mayonnaise             4.2 - 4.5
Molasses               5.0 - 5.5
Raisins                3.8 - 4.0
Sugar                  5.0 - 6.0
Vinegar                2.0 - 3.4
Yeast                  3.0 - 3.5

(a)pH values were derived from the following references:

Anon. 1962. pH values of food products. Food Eng. 34(3):98-99.

Bridges, M.A., and Mattice, M.R. 1939. Over two thousand estimations of the pH of representative foods. Am. J. Digest. Dis. Nutr. 9:440-449.

FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual, 6th Ed. 1984. Chapter 23, Table 11.

January 1992

M. Walderhaug

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