header for Cleaning to Control Allergies and Asthma


Dust mites in the bedroom are a trigger for people with allergies and asthma. Every home has dust mites. You can't see them; they feed on invisible skin flakes in pillows, bedding, upholstery and carpeting. You can control them by keeping bedding clean and by controlling dust.

warmth = moisture = skin=dust mites

To Control Dust Mites in the Bedroom

Use special dust mite-proof covers to keep dust mites from going through pillows and mattresses. They’re sometimes called “allergen-impermeable” covers.dust mite-proof covers Wipe covers with a damp cloth every week. If you don’t use covers, wash pillows at least 4 times a year, and replace them every year.

Don’t use carpet in the bedroom. Use linoleum¨, vinyl or wood flooring and washable area rugs. Wash rugs once a week.



Wash Bedding to Control Dust Mites
What How Often Wash Dry
Sheets Weekly Use a regular wash cycle and warm or hot water. Washing removes dust mite allergens and some dust mites. When possible, dry in a hot dryer to kill dust mites. Hanging sheets ourside to dry attracts dust and pollen.
Pillows At least 4 times a year (unless you use dust mite-proof covers) Wash two pillows at a time on a gentle cycle. Dry pillows in the dryer. Take them out halfway through and fluff them so they don't get lumpy.
Blankets, Comforters, Mattress Pads At least monthly Use a gentle wash cycle Dry in the dryer; stop to fluff a few times. Add a wet towel to help them dry evenly.

bedroom before clean up bedroom after clean up

  1. Use special dust mite-proof pillows and mattress covers. Wipe them off weekly with a clean, damp cloth.
  2. Wash sheets weekly.
  3. Wash blankets and bedspreads monthly.
  4. Use smooth blinds or washable curtains. Wipe blinds weekly with a clean, damp cloth. Wash curtains monthly.
  5. Dust furniture weekly, using a dusting product or a special cloth that attracts dust (a dry cloth spreads dust around).
  6. Vacuum and wet mop floors weekly.
  • Keep closet doors closed.
  • Set up a play area in another room where stuffed animals and other toys can be stored.
  • Use vinyl, linoleum® or wood flooring instead of carpeting.