Strings and Straps on Toys Can Strangle Young Children

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Strings and Straps on Toys Can Strangle Young Children

CPSC Document #5100

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns that strings and straps on toys, such as toy guitar straps, can strangle a young child if they become twisted around the neck. CPSC knows of several incidents where a toy strap twisted around a child's neck. The children were primarily under the age of three.

CPSC also knows of strangulation deaths that resulted from necklaces, cords, or ribbons being wrapped around a child's neck.

Parents should never give young children toys with cords, strings, or straps that fit around the neck. Only a few pounds of force on the neck's blood vessels can cause strangulation. Most young children cannot untwist a cord or strap.

To prevent strangulation, CPSC recommends that parents cut off the cords, strings, and straps on toy guitars or other toys given to young children. Give toys with straps only to older children.

Toy guitar straps can strangle young children. Never give young children toys with straps or cords that fit around the neck.
Child Playing Guitar with Strap Around Neck