Changes to the UnitsML Schema [unitsmlSchema-n.n.n.xsd] Location: Version: 0.9.17 Date : January 14, 2009 * Changed the xml schema schemaLocation from to * Changed the following attributes to be required: Unit/@xml:id Float64ConversionFrom/@xml:id SpecialConversionFrom/@xml:id WSDLConversionFrom/@xml:id CountedItem/@xml:id Quantity/@xml:id Dimension/@xml:id * Removed Unit/@symbol. * Added "unicode" to the annotation for SymbolType/@type. * Set the default value for PrefixType/@prefixBase to be "10" (enumerations 10 & 2). * Removed PrefixType/@prefixSystem and modified the annotation for @prefixBase. * Added the prefix "us_" to the following units enumerated in EnumeratedRootUnitType/@unit: U.S. Length and area units: survey_inch, survey_foot, survey_yard, survey_fathom, survey_rod, survey_chain, survey_link, survey_furlong, survey_mile, acre U.S. volume units: gallon, quart, pint, cup, fill, fluid_ounce, fluid_dram, minim, tablespoon, teaspoon, bushel, peck, dry_quart, dry_pint U.S. FDA label units: label_teaspoon, label_tablespoon, label_cup, label_fluid_ounce, label_ounce * Changed the sequence element within the DimensionType element to be unbounded. * Changed the upper limit on the 7 base dimensions from "2" to "1"; the upper limit for the Item element remains unbounded. Explanation for the 2 changes immediately above: This configuration allows any order of any number of elements; the Item element remains unbounded since each Item can represent a different "dimension"; e.g., a single sequence could be "length^1.mass^2.time^-2.electron^1.neutron^-1". However, multiple sequences would allow "L^1·L^-1·T^2·T^-2" or "L^1·T^-2·L^-1·T^2". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.16 Date : December 9, 2008 * The Dimension elements (Length, Mass, etc.) were modified to have empty content, since the only needed content is in the 3 attributes (symbol, powerNumerator, & powerDenominator). * In DimensionType, changed 7 dimensions from (0...1) to (0...2). This allows the user to specify L^1.L^-1, which retains the measured quantity (length) in the dimensionless ratio. Note that with this scheme, the order must be L^2.L^-2.M^1, not L^2.M^1.L^-2. * Modified the use of anyType for Unit/UnitSymbol element. * Changed Unit/UnitSymbol element to be optional, with the @type required. * Global attributes were each put into attribute groups in order to be accessed globally, but to remove being tied to the unitsml namespace. The powerNumerator & powerDenominator are grouped together in the powerRational attribute group. * Changed QuantityReference/ @quantityID (type xsd:string) to @quantityURL (type xsd:anyURI). * Added ItemVersionHistory element (type NoteType) to CountedItem element. * WSDLConversionFrom/ @initialUnit is now required. * Changed all @IDs to be @xml:id: Unit/ @unitID Float64ConversionFrom/ @ID SpecialConversionFrom/ @ID WSDLConversionFrom/ @ID CountedItem/ @itemID Quantity/ @quantityID Dimension/ @dimensionID * Changed CountedItem/ ItemName to be required. * To EnumeratedRootUnit element, added @sourceURL (optional). * Added an optioinal PrefixSet/Prefix element to the top level UnitsML element. Included are Attributes: xml:id (req), prefixSystem (opt, SI or binary), prefixBase (opt, 10 or 2), & prefixPower (opt) Elements: PrefixName (req, NameType) & PrefixSymbol (opt, SymbolType) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.15 Date : November 12, 2008 * Removed DimensionChoiceType; was previously included to illustrate a method of dimensioning. * Changed CodeListValueType/ @version to @codeListVersion. * Changed all elements of type NoteType and DefinitionType from 0...1 to 0...inf, since notes and definitions could be written in more than one language. Elements changed are: UnitType/ UnitVersionHistory & UnitDefinition Float64ConversionFromType/ ConverionNote QuantityType/ QuantityVersionHistory & QuantityDefinition CountedItemType/ ItemDefinition * Changed SymbolType from xsd:string to xsd:anyType - allows tags to be included in the content without converting brackets, e.g., co * Since CountedItem is now available, the following changes were made to DimensionType/ Item/ - changed @itemIdentifier to @ itemURL - removed @itemName and @xml:lang - kept itemSymbol, since it could be used in a dimension expression and might not be included in the CountedItem element; parallel structure to the symbols for the 7 base dimensions: L, M, T, etc. * Changed @dimensionReference in both UnitType & QuantityType to @dimensionURL * Added ItemHistory (HistoryType, 0...inf) and ItemRemark (RemarkType, 0...inf) to CountedItemType ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.14 Date : October 14, 2008 * In WSDLConversionFrom, changed @wsdlMethod to @wsdlURL (type xsd:anyURI). * In WSDLConversionFrom, changed @unit to @initialUnit (type xsd:anyURI). * Made @initialUnit (type xsd:anyURI) global and required in the three conversion elements. * Changed the namespace for @lang to be xml; i.e., xml:lang. * In ExternalRootUnit, changed @unit to be of type xsd:anyURI. * In CodeListValueType, changed @locationURI to @locationURL. * In SpecialConversionFromType, changed @conversionURI to @conversionURL. * Added a global element ItemDefinition to CountedItem element. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.13 Date : September 15, 2008 * Changed default value from "1" to "0" for DimensionType/ @dimensionless * Modified comment for @prefix regarding the order of the enumerated list and added two binary prefixes to list (Zi & Yi). * In CodeListValueType, changed @agencyName & @agencyURI to @organizationName & @organizationURI, respectively. * Changed all @lang to be global and modifed annotation to include reference to RFC 3066 & ISO 639. * Changed all @source to global attribute @sourceName. * Changed all @href to global attribute @sourceURL. * Modified the WSDLConversionFromType to include: @ID (optional), @unit (required), @wsdlMethod (required), and element WSDLDescription (0...inf) (type NoteType). * Added CountedItemType, which contains @itemID (required), and elements ItemName (0...inf) and ItemSymbol (0...inf). * Added CountedItemSetType, which contains element CountedItem (1...inf). * Modified UnitsMLType to include element CountedItemSet (0...inf). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.12 Date : July 09, 2008 * Added complexType MethodParameterType with @name * Added global elements ServiceMethod (simple) & MethodParameter (complex) * Added complexType WSDLConversionFromType which contains: attributes @ID (optional), @WSDLURI (required), & WSDLMethod (required) elements: Conversion Description (0···inf), ServiceMethod (1), MethodParameter (1···inf) * Added global elemet WSDLConversionFrom (complex) * Modified ConversionsType to include a child element WSDLConversionFrom (0···inf) * Added @lang to ItemType * Removed "item" from the enumerated list for EnumeratedRootUnitType/ @unit * Changed DimensionType/ AmountSubstance to AmountOfSubstance * Added @dimensionless (optional, default=1) to DimensionType * Added DimensionChoiceType for consideration; contains: elements Dimensionless (simple) and Dimensioned (complex) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.11 Date : June 24, 2008 * Changed Unit/ UnitNote to Unit/ UnitVersionHistory * Changed Quantity/ QuantityNote to Quantity/ QuantityVersionHistory * Added ItemType with @itemIdentifier, @itemName, @itemSymbol, @powerNumerator, and @powerDenominator * Added Element Item (Type ItemType; optional, unbounded) as a child to the Dimension element. * Added SpecialConversionFrom/ @conversionURI to allow for an external description or convertor. * Changed SpecialConversionFrom/ ConversionDescription element to be optional. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.10 Date : January 16, 2008 * Created optional DimensionSet at the same level as UnitSet and QuantitySet - Moved Dimension from Quantity to DimensionSet - Dimension element is set to be required and unbounded - Added dimensional exponents (@powerNumerator & @powerDenominator) to each specific dimension element; e.g., Length, Mass, etc. - These 2 attributes are global (used in RootUnits) and both have default values of 1. * Changed Unit/ @unitID to be required. * Added Unit/ @dimensionReference (global; xsd:anyURI) to reference the dimension of a unit. * Added Quantity/ @dimensionReference to reference the dimension of a quantity. * Added 'Unit' to Unit/ Symbol, Note, Definition, History, & Remark. * Added 'Quantity' to Quantity/ Symbol. * Added Quantity/ QuantityNote (0-1), QuantityDefinition (0-1), QuantityHistory (0-unbounded), & QuantityRemark (0-unbounded). * Changed Quantity/ @quantityType (enumerated: 'base' or 'derived') to be optional. * Removed unused elements: Prefix, PrefixName. * Rearranged order of elements and complex types; added comments. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.9 Date : September 12, 2007 * In the enumerated @unit list in EnumeratedRootUnitType: - changed 'celsius' to 'degree_Celsius'; - changed 'fahrenheit' to 'degree_Fahrenheit'; - changed 'rankine' to 'degree_Rankine'; - changed 'electron_volt' to 'electronvolt'; - changed 'KNT' to 'knot'; - changed 'stoke' to 'stokes'; - changed 'oint' to 'pint'; - added 'torr'; - changed 'atmosphere' to 'standard_atmosphere'; - added 'unified atomic mass unit'. - Note 'unified atomic mass unit' is defined to be one twelfth of the mass of an unbound atom of the carbon-12 nuclide, at rest and in its ground state; whereas the 'atomic unit of mass', m_e, is the mass of an electron. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.8 Date : June 9, 2007 * Changed Unit/ @alphanumericID to unitID and changed the type from token to ID. * Changed Unit/ @symbolicID to symbol. * Changed Unit/Conversion/SpecialConversion to SpecialConversionFrom; and changed the SpecialConversionType to SpecialConversionFromType. * Added SpecialConversionFrom/ @initialUnit. * Changed Quantity/UnitReference from being required to be optional and unbounded. * Modified and/or added annotation where appropriate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.7 Date : May 8, 2007 * Removed Unit/ @powerNumerator and @powerDenominator. * Removed Unit/ Prefix element. * Corrected annotation due to removal of Unit element within Quantity element. * Corrected Float64ConversionFrom/ @finalAddendDecimalPlace from unsignedByte to byte. * Changed CodeListValue/@locationUri to @locationURI. * Added CodeListValue/@agencyURI; rearranged attribute order. * Added an optional SpecialConversion element in ConversionsType. * The SpecialConversionType includes @ID, @lang, and Description element of NoteType. * In ConversionsType, changed Float64ConversionFrom element to be optional. * Added U95UncertaintyRadius attributes for conversion factors. * In the UnitType, added @timeStamp of type dateTime. - time-stamp change indicates substantive change in unit; e.g., change in conversion factor. - UnitsDB version change indicates non-substantive change; e.g., unit names in other languages added. * Added 22 atomic units and 10 natural units to the enumerated @unit list in EnumeratedRootUnitType. - Changed atomic_mass_unit to atomic_unit_of_mass. * Added @lang attributes where appropriate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.6 Date : April 10, 2007 * Added optional ConversionNote to Unit/ConversionFromType. * Unit/System & @type changed from required to optional. * Renamed ConversionFrom element to Float64ConversionFrom. * Float64ConversionFrom/ @unitDocument and @unitID were combined into @initialUnit, which is a combination URI and ID. * Changed the type for the four value attributes of Float64ConversionFrom element from string to double. * Added two attributes (unsignedBytes) for significant Digits of the @multiplicand and @divisor values of the Float64ConversionFrom element. * Added two attributes (bytes) for DecimalPlaces of the @initialAddend and @finalAddend values of the Float64ConversionFrom element. * Changed occurrences of numeric to alphanumeric when appropriate. * Changed some types to be more restrictive, but more appropriate; e.g., string to token. * Removed the Unit/Representation element and its children; the funcionality of this element has been replaced with the RootUnits and Conversions elements. * Added global elements (CodeListValues & CodeListValue) for listing unit code values from multiple code lists. * Changed the ThermodynamicTemperatureType/@symbol fixed value from "Theta" to "Θ". * Removed the Unit element as a child of the Quantity element; added a UnitReference element. * Rearranged order of some elements to be consistent throughout the schema. * Made minor typographical corrections. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.5 Date : March 13, 2007 * Changed BaseUnits, EnumeratedBaseUnit, ExternalBaseUnit to RootUnits, EnumeratedRootUnit, ExternalRootUnit, respectively. * Changed the enumerated prefix value of micro from the Greek 'mu' to u. * Added the binary prefixes (Ki, Mi, etc.) to the enumerated list of prefixes. * Changed the 'label' attribute in the ExternalRootUnitType to 'annotation'. * Changed the enumerated list of units (in the EnumeratedRootUnitType) from the previous list containing UN/CEFACT codes to a basically English list of unit names, mostly in lower case, with a few uppercase exceptions, e.g., 32F, mmHg & pH. * In the EnumeratedRootUnitType, made the prefix, powerNumerator, and powerDenominator attributes global. * Added the global attributes prefix, powerNumerator, and powerDenominator to the ExternalRootUnitType. * The following two items are described in the "Revising the 'Representation' Element in UnitsML", by Peter Linstrom; March 12, 2007. * Added the global elements Conversions and ConversionFrom and the associated complex types ConversionsType and ConversionFromType. The Conversions element is a child of the Unit element and the ConversionFrom element is a child of the Conversions element. * Added eight (8) attributes to the ConversionFrom element: id, unitDocument, unitID, initialAddend, multiplicand, divisor, finalAddend, and exact. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.4 Date : February 12, 2007 * Enumerated unit attribute with list of 210 units provided by Peter Linstrom. * Enumerated prefix attribute to values: Y Z E P T G M k h da d c m µ n p f a z y * Added attributes unit, label & source to ExternalBaseUnit. * Added attributes unit, prefix, numerator & denominator to EnumeratedBaseUnit. * Added optional elements EnumeratedBaseUnit & ExternalBaseUnit into the BaseUnits element. * Added optional BaseUnits element into the Unit element. * Created Global Types: BaseUnitsType, EnumeratedBaseUnitType, and ExternalBaseUnitType. * Removed PrefixSetType, PrefixSet, and reference to PrefixSet in UnitsML. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.3 Date : November 3, 2006 * UnitRepresentationType Attribute powerNumerator - default added = "1" Attribute powerDenominator - default added = "1" * UnitType Attribute powerNumerator - default added = "1" Attribute powerDenominator - default added = "1" * PrefixType Attribute prefixSystem - use changed from required to optional; default added = "SI" Attribute base - use changed from required to optional; default added = "10" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: Date : August 16, 2006 * PrefixType 1) prefixSystem changed from required to optional; default value set to SI 2) base changed from required to optional; default value set to 10 * UnitType & UnitRepresentationType 3) powerNumerator default value set to 1 4) powerDenominator default value set to 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.2 Date : July 24, 2006 * Schema documentation added * Attribute prefixSymbol from the Unit element removed * Reference to Prefix in the Unit element added * Type asciisymbols (with prefix symbol enumuration) removed; it was not used * "QuantityReferenceType -> reference" changed to "QuantityReferenceType -> quantityID" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9.1 Date : June 23, 2006 * changed ThermoTemp to ThermodynamicTemperature * changed ThermoTempType to ThermodynamicTemperatureType * powerNumerator is now required instead of optional * deleted the unused attribute quantSymRef * changed the attribute asciiSymbol to be the entity "Symbol" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" * for element renamed the attribute "type" to "quantityType" * for element renamed the attribute "system" to "prefixSystem" * for element renamed the attribute "asciiSymbol" to be the entity "Symbol" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" * deleted the attribute "prefixSymbolReference" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.9 Date : May 22, 2006 * NoteType added * ConversionFactor -> "note" changed to "ConversionNote" from type Note * Element Unit -> UnitNote from type Note added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.8.1 Date : May 11, 2006 * enumeration removed from Unit -> System -> Type ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.8 Date : May 10, 2006 * Attributes added to UnitsType * Element Symbol added to Units * Enumuration element "non-SI" from SystemType changed to "not acceptable" * Attribute name "ref" in QuantityReferenceType changed to "reference" * Attribute "name" added to QuantityReferenceType * Datatype changed in "prefixReference", "unitReference", "prefixSymbolReference", "quantSymRef" from "IDREF" to "string" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.7.3 Date : May 09, 2006 * changes on naming * declaring dimension elements own types * make dimension elements global ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.7.2 Date : May 08, 2006 * minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" added to dimensionType elements * minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" added to ref="Dimension" * extension base="xsd:byte added to dimensionType elements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version: 0.7 Date : May 05, 2006 * Element QuantitySet/Quantity/UnitRef to a Reference to element Unit * Removed elements UnitReference and Type UnitReference * Attributes in element QuantitySet/Quantity/Dimension to elements with own symbol attributes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------