Panetta, R. L., I. M. Held, and R. T. Pierrehumbert, 1987: External Rossby waves in the two-layer model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 44(20), 2924-2933.
Abstract: In order to clarify the extent to which the two-layer model can successfully simulate the remote tropospheric response to localized stationary forcing, the structure of stationary Rossby waves in the two-layer model is compared with that in continuous models. One finds a close correspondence when the two-layer flow is supercritical in the sense of the Phillips' criterion, except for the possibility of upstream propagation in the two-layer model when the lower-layer wind is small. When the two-layer flow is subcritical, the stationary waves can be very seriously distorted. The manner in which neutral modes are spatially or temporally destabilized by damping in the two-layer model is contrasted with similar results for Charney's model.