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Worldwide Support For Senator Inhofe’s Global Warming & Media Critiques
October 4, 2006

Quote of the Week: “[Miles] O’Brien’s producer should have thrown in the towel shortly after [Senator James] Inhofe knocked [O’Brien] out in the first round.” – American Thinker, Oct. 4, 2006

A compilation of recent media coverage of Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe’s speeches (Environment & Public Works Chairman) debunking global warming media alarmism and his appearance on CNN with anchor Miles O’Brien. The international reaction to Senator Inhofe's speeches included coverage on the BBC, in China, New Zealand, the Bahamas and Canada.

Click here to watch or read Senator Inhofe's 50 Min. September 25th Senate floor speech debunking media driven global warming alarmism: http://epw.senate.gov/speechitem.cfm?party=rep&id=263759

Click here to watch or read about the Senator Inhofe's October 3rd CNN appearance: http://epw.senate.gov/pressitem.cfm?party=rep&id=264308


The American Thinker

By Christopher J. Alleva

October 4th, 2006

Senator Inhofe has been mounting a major campaign exposing the litany of lies being advanced by the global warming promoters and their accomplices in the MSM (mainstream media). Last week, he made a speech on the floor of the Senate ripping the media for their ridiculously lopsided coverage of the global warming issue. Most of the media chose to ignore his speech, rather than dwell on what can only be described for them as a colossal embarrassment.

Tellingly, one of the few media outlets Inhofe left out decided to take a shot at rebutting him. This morning Senator Inhofe appeared on CNN for an interview with Miles O’Brien. Link to video here. The interview lasted 9 minutes and 29 seconds. O’Brien’s producer should have thrown in the towel shortly after Inhofe knocked him out in the first round. Here is the transcript of their first exchange. INHOFE: I heard your piece [CNN’s March 2006 Global Warming Special called ‘Melting Point’] on that, and you did a very excellent piece. You scared a lot of people when you did your special.

Click here to read the full article:: http://www.americanthinker.com/comments.php?comments_id=6270

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From ShopFloor.org (The National Association of Manufacturers)

Posted by Pat Cleary

October 4, 2006

Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is Chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. As such, he knows a lot about environmental issues and climate change. He's seen enough in his time as chairman to be skeptical about the latter. And so CNN has attacked him with a vengeance, since he dares question the global cooling -- er, we mean warming -- orthodoxy. We wrote last week about his terrific defense against the Constantly Negative News. But now he's gone one better.

He actually went on CNN against the offending Miles O'Brien and shellacked him on the topic of global warming. Here's a link that includes the transcript. It's just fun reading, because he was so well-prepared and O'Brien only had, well, hysteria on his side.

Just wanted to say, "Sen. Inhofe, you rock." We stand on your shoulders.

Click here to read the full blog entry: http://blog.nam.org/archives/2006/10/inhofe.php

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Inside the Beltway, The Washington Times

By John McCaslin

October 4, 2006

Global-warming purveyor and CNN anchor Miles O'Brien yesterday welcomed global-warming skeptic and Sen. James M. Inhofe onto the network to air their differences in person. Let's pick up the transcript: Mr. O'Brien: "Nothing new from Oklahoma Republican Jim Inhofe, who has long voiced skepticism about global warming. Our piece about his speech, which raised some skepticism about the senator's claims, prompted him to blast us several times this past week. So now it is time to hear from him directly. Senator Inhofe joins us from Tulsa, Oklahoma. Senator, good to have you with us." Senator Inhofe: "Well, Miles, it's nice to be with you. I know you don't believe it, but it is nice to be with you. Mr. O'Brien: "It's a pleasure having you here." Mr. Inhofe: "You know why? You always smile. So many of these extremists out there, they are mad all the time. But you're not; you smile. In fact, when you're cutting my guts out for two minutes last week, you smiled all the way through it. And I appreciate that." Mr. O'Brien: "Well, yes, we got to keep it all in perspective."

Click here to read the full article: http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20061004-122223-4496r.htm

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National Review Online Media Blog

By Stephen Spruiell

In the middle of a debate over global warming with Sen. James Inhofe, CNN anchor Miles O'Brien defended one of his arguments by alluding to "The Day After Tomorrow" scenario:

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I wonder whom CNN will tap to tell O'Brien that "The Day After Tomorrow" didn't really happen. The patient, fatherly Wolf Blitzer would be my choice. By contrast, Anderson Cooper would cruelly mock O'Brien, while Larry King would just confuse him even more.

Click here to read the full article: http://media.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MWU4ZDdmODQ3YWQzZjQ0MmFhMjU0YmRlODQ1NTQyODQ=

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South China Morning Post

Simon Patkin

October 2, 2006 Monday

Your paper's desire to cause an outcry over global warming ("Global effort needed against warming", September 27) is just shrill alarmism. So are the efforts to scare us into action from Michael Chugani ("Feeling the heat yet, Donald?" September 28) and Frances Yeung of Greenpeace ("Wake up, Hong Kong, global warming is our problem too", September 30).

Earlier this year, 60 scientists wrote to the Canadian prime minister saying that the Kyoto Protocol was wrong. For the record, none was called Ginger Spice or starred in M*A*S*H, as some environmentalists will surely claim.

In a speech last week, US senator James Inhofe, chairman of the Senate's Environment and Public Works Committee, cited recent studies showing the polar ice caps are actually expanding - making complete nonsense of Chugani's claims of polar ice shrinkage. Senator Inhofe also noted that the left-wing media's coverage of global warming is biased. I wonder, did the Post cover his speech?

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NewsBusters.org Website:

Posted by Scott Whitlock on October 3, 2006

Excerpt: [Senator] Inhofe did appear this week and he came ready to challenge the CNN host (Miles O’Brien):

INHOFE: "Well, Miles, it's nice to be with you. I know you don't believe it, but it is nice to be with you....You know why? You always smile. So many of these extremists out there, they are mad all the time. But you're not; you smile. In fact, when you're cutting my guts out for two minutes last week, you smiled all the way through it. And I appreciate that." Talk about damning with faint praise, O’Brien either wasn’t interested in taking the bait, or didn’t understand Inhofe’s meaning. He responded simply, "Well, yes, we got to keep it all in perspective."

From the very beginning of the October 3 segment, which aired at 8:33AM EDT, Senator Inhofe made it clear that he could ably discuss the minutia of global warming:

Click here to read the rest of the article: http://newsbusters.org/node/8062

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Business & Media Institute: Senator cited media bias and O'Brien's own hype about a new ice age just 12 years earlier. By Ken Shepherd October 3, 2006

Five days after CNN’s Miles O’Brien painted Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) as a quixotic crusader against an overwhelming consensus on climate change, the chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee got a chance to take on the CNN anchor face to face on the October 3 “American Morning.”

The spirited debate with Inhofe allowed viewers to get a rebuttal to O’Brien’s charge on the September 28 “American Morning” that Inhofe was waging a “lonely battle” against the “overwhelming” evidence of global warming.

For example, Inhofe noted that Sen. John McCain’s (R-Ariz.) so-called “Kyoto Light” approach to legislating against greenhouse gas output was rejected by the Senate on a 60-38 vote.

“So, I’m not alone, there’s 59 other senators that are out there” who disagreed with regulatory responses to address climate change, Inhofe noted.

Inhofe might also have added that the Senate overwhelmingly rejected the Kyoto Protocol during the Clinton administration. The Senate rejected ratification by a 95-0 vote out of concern that the climate treaty was too costly to the American economy and didn’t apply to developing countries.

Inhofe told O’Brien that he had warned his audience of a coming ice age 12 years ago. O’Brien vehemently denied that charge, to which Senator Inhofe replied by quoting O’Brien forecasting that “if the Gulf Stream were to shift again, the British Isles could be engulfed in polar ice and Europe’s climate could become frigid.”

The CNN anchor and veteran space program correspondent replied that such an event could happen as a result of global warming. “This is the ‘Day After Tomorrow’ scenario that we’re talking about,” said the anchor, referring to the disastrous impacts of global warming as depicted in the 2004 action movie.

But on May 14, 2004, liberal British political activist and journalist George Monbiot, no global warming skeptic, wrote for the left-leaning British newspaper The Guardian that the film’s ecological disasters were overly dramatic and not anything like what would happen as a result of climate change.

“‘The Day After Tomorrow’ is a great movie and lousy science,” Monbiot wrote, concluding that if the movie left viewers “no wiser about climate change, that scarcely distinguishes it from the rest of the mainstream media.”

Click here to read the full article: http://www.businessandmedia.org/articles/2006/20061003124734.aspx



By ROWLAND NETHAWAY Cox News Service Thursday, September 28, 2006

Excerpt: From 1895 until the 1930s, Inhofe said the media pedaled a coming ice age. Then it switched to hype global warming until the 1960s. After that, Inhofe said, the media issued dire warnings again about how a coming ice age would wipe out Canada and Europe and cause the world's population to starve. Now, according to Inhofe, the modern global warming scare is the "fourth estate's fourth attempt to promote opposing climate change fears during the last 100 years."

At the very least, Inhofe has to admit we're getting better at it. I clearly remember when the newspaper where I worked and others around the nation ran stories quoting scientists who warned about the threat to the human race due to the coming ice age.

It seemed to me at the time that there was a clear consensus that an ice age was coming.

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His speech provided incontrovertible evidence that news reporting of predicted climate catastrophes has flip-flopped back and forth over many decades.

Click here to read full article: http://www.lufkindailynews.com/news/content/shared/news/stories/2006/09/NETHAWAY_COLUMN_0928_COX.html



Investor's Business Daily

Posted September 29, 2006

Environment: The country is drowning in wild alarums warning of impending doom due to global warming. Yet there has risen — from the U.S. Senate, of all places — a lone voice of rational dissent.

While Al Gore drifts into deeper darkness on the other side of the moon, propelled by such revelations as cigarette smoking is a "significant contributor to global warming," Sen. James Inhofe is becoming a one-man myth-wrecking crew

Click here to read full article: http://www.investors.com/editorial/editorialcontent.asp?secid=1501&status=article&id=244422982711443



From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

October 2, 2006

Late last week Sen. James Inhofe, Republican chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, took the opportunity to explain from the Senate floor how the media is overblowing this whole global-warming thing.

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But what does Janet from Saugus, Mass., have to say about this? Her testimonial was featured in Inhofe's statement, and may just settle this once and for all. Says Janet:

"Thank you Senator Inhofe. Finally someone with the guts to stand up and call it what it is -- a sham. I think you have taken over Toby Keith's place as my favorite Oklahoman!!"

Click here to read full article: http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/environment/archives/107255.asp



Caribbean Net News

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Excerpt: If Kyoto is not already a dead issue, it appears to be on the way to becoming one. The countries that signed on have probably wasted millions, their spokesmen and women mostly blowing hard for nothing.

Senator Inhofe, Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, in the United States Senate, recently focused on the myths surrounding global warming, the media hype and trendy science theories.

He notes that 60 prominent scientists wrote to the Canadian Prime Minister in the spring this year; “if back in the mid-1990s, we knew what we know today about climate, Kyoto would almost certainly not exist”.

Click here to read full article: http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/cgi-script/csArticles/articles/000035/003532.htm



By Henry Lamb

October 2, 2006

Excerpt: Senator James Inhofe went to the Senate floor and delivered a scathing rebuttal, documenting not only the science that contradicts Hansen's study, but also pointing to the cyclic nature of the media's reporting about global warming and global cooling over the years.

Inhofe provides direct quotes from major media that warned of an imminent "Ice Age," in the 1970s. These same media are now proclaiming that the earth is hotter than it's been in 12,000 years, and that by 2050, it will be hotter than it has ever been - one degree hotter than it is today.

Only a few months ago, climate experts were predicting that this year would produce even worse, and more hurricanes than last year - because of global warming. Obviously, they were wrong. These same climate experts are not embarrassed, they just offer forecasts that cannot be proven wrong for 50 years - as their 1970s forecasts about global cooling have proven wrong.

The climate debate is job security for bureaucrats and compliant scientists, a fund-raising source for environmental organizations, and very expensive entertainment for the observers. The reality of here and now requires policies that affect the here and now - not the pipe dreams of people who can't know what the future may hold.

Click here to read full article: http://www.canadafreepress.com/2006/lamb100206.htm


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