[Ncep.list.rfcmemo] RFC_MEMO_20080418

M. Farley micki.farley at noaa.gov
Fri Apr 18 09:02:57 EDT 2008

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						April 18, 2008

MEMORANDUM FOR:  Distribution E 

FROM:            Maxine M. Brown
                 Acting Deputy Director, NCEP Central Operations (NCO)  

SUBJECT:         Scheduled Operational Changes and Upgrades

     Item 366, migrating to the new NESDIS Spider servers, has been rescheduled for 22 April.

     Item 416, DBNet Upgrade 4.4.3 on NCOSRV, has been withdrawn for further testing.  

     With the implementation of item 443, GFS-based MOS probability of thunderstorm guidance for Alaska, two crucial files for extended-range gridded MOS production were inadvertently overwritten.  The job script and fixed fields have been modified to restore these files.

     Item 453, lifecycle replacement of HMEDR1, has been withdrawn.  It will be resubmitted when the users are ready to receive this new piece of equipment.
     The following crisis items were implemented this past week:

     454.  CRONTAB - SYSTEM NCOSRV.  (Brunner, NCO).  The crontab on NCOSRV was modified to add an entry to address recurring print queue problems on the NCOSRV systems.  Done at 16Z on 12 April.

     455.  DBNET - System CCS.  (O'Reilly, NCO).  The DBNet parsing.tbl on the CCS and NCOSRV have been modified to resume the flow of NTC data to the backup TOC system (BTG).  Done at 14Z on 14 April.

     456.  SCRIPT - IBM Job JRHIST.  (Magee, NCO).  The runhistory scripts were modified to save the renamed GODAS2 output instead of the old GODAS_DW output.  Done at 12Z on 16 April.


             ----  SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS  ----

     The following item will be implemented at 12Z on Monday, 21 April:

     457.  DBNET - SYSTEMS CCS, NCOSRV.  (Cooke, NCO).  The CCS DBNnet cron job is being modified to mirror the NOGAPS GRIB files.  Placing the initial NOGAPS GRIB files on the CCS will allow the NOGAPS GEMPAK file creation processing to run on the CCS instead of NCOSRV.

     The following items will be implemented at 12Z on Tuesday, 22 April:  
     458.  BUFR_TRANIMGR - IBM Job ISND.  (Krasowski, EMC).  This program reads GOES 11x16 field of view clear sky imager brightness temperature data from NESDIS in WMO BUFR format using the foreign BUFR mnemonic table bufr_goes.imgrdn.bufrtable and then reformats and packs them into an NCEP BUFR file in the /dcom database on the NCEP CCS using the NCEP BUFR mnemonic table bufrtab.021.  The program and BUFR tables are being modified to store brightness temperature and standard deviation of brightness temperature to the nearest 0.01 Kelvin.  This change will improve data thinning and quality control procedures in the downstream parallel GSI.

     459.  DBNET - SYSTEMS CCS, NCOSRV.  (Cooke, NCO).  The parsing tables on the CCS and NCOSRV are being modified to begin sending the NOGAPS data from the CCS instead of NCOSRV.  

     460.  SCRIPT - IBM Jobs jnogaps00, jnogaps12.  (Cooke, NCO).  These new jobs will generate NOGAPS GRIB and GEMPAK output directly on the CCS instead of NCOSRV.  

     461.  SPIDER - System NCOSRV.  (O'Reilly, NCO).  The McIDAS remap_table on NCOSRV is being modified to begin creating new satellite remaps, and to change some directory paths.  

     462.  DBNET - SYSTEM CCS.  (Freeman, NCO).  The DBNet parsing.tbl on the CCS is being modified to store the NDFD Great Lakes mosaics in /dcom.

     463.  SCRIPTS - IBM Job JJMA_GEMPAK_CC, where CC=00,12,18.  (O'Reilly, NCO).  New scripts JJMA_GEMPAK.sh.sms and exnawips_jma.sh.sms are being added on the CCS.  These scripts will create and alert GEMPAK files from the Japanese Meteteorological Agency (JMA) model GRIB data.  New SMS definition files jjma_gempak_CC.def and scripts jjma_gempak_CC.sms  are being added on the SMS systems to control the launch of new job jjma_gempak_CC.  These changes will begin the creation of the JMA Global Spectral Model (GSM) GEMPAK grids from the timely data feed from the TOC.  

     464.  DBNET - SYSTEMS CCS, NCOSRV.  (O'Reilly, NCO).  The DBNet parsing.tbl is being modified to begin filing JMA GRIB data from the TNC feed into two files in /dcom, for Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.  It is also being modified to begin sending the new JMA GEMPAK files from the CCS to NCOSRV.  

     465.  DBNET - SYSTEM NCOSRV.  (Freeman, NCO).  The DBNet crontab on NCOSRV is being modified to pull and process SWPC product tracker files from the RZDM to NCOSRV.  

     466.  SCRIPT – IBM Jobs NAM_ANALYSIS, NDAS_ANALYSIS.  (Rogers, EMC).  Scripts exndas_gsireg.sh.sms, and exnam_gsireg.sh.sms are being modified to turn on the assimilation of the AIRS satellite radiance data in the NDAS/NAM analysis.  

     467.  TRANSFER - IBM Job transfer_gfspara.  (Cokley, NCO).  The parallel GFS transfer job is being modified to add mirroring of the GFS analysis data.

     468.  SCRIPT - IBM Jobs jhiresw_DOMAIN_ctl_gempak_XX, where DOMAIN=arw, hiarw, prarw, nmm, hinmm, prnmm, and XX=00,06,12,18.  (Cokley, NCO).  The HIRESW model was recently upgraded to create hourly output, instead of 3 hourly.  The GEMPAK jobs are being modified to create hourly NAWIPS files. 

     469.  INTERACTIVE MEMORY MANAGEMENT - SYSTEM CCS.  (Avart, NCO).  The RSCT memory monitor threshhold will be adjusted as needed to safeguard against over-allocation of memory resources which can cause paging.   The monitor measures the amount of real physical memory available and cancels jobs that exceed the threshold. 

     470.  SCRIPTS - IBM Jobs JNAM_FAX, JGFS_FAX.  (Lilly, NCO).  Scripts exnam_fax.sh.sms and exgfs_fax.sh.sms are being modified to delete PostScript files created from legacy FAX graphics generated by the NAM and the GFS models.  The following printed 2-DOT graphics are no longer required from the NAM model: 00HR 850MB HGT/TMP, 00HR 700MB HGT/TMP, 00HR 500MB HGT/TMP, 00HR 300MB HGT/WIND, 00HR 200MB HGT/WIND, 00HR 250MB HGT/WIND, and 00HR 100MB HGT/WIND. In addition, the rg250plt_250MB_plotted_data from the NAM and the 70MB ANALYSIS HGT/WIND graphic from the GFS model are no longer required.  

     471.  SCRIPT - IBM Job JMRF_FAX.  (Lilly, NCO).  Script JMRF_FAX.sms.prod is being removed from production.  There are no longer any requirements to continue generating grids for creating the following PostScript files from the MRF model: D-3 GFS 500MB HGT/DN, D+0 GFS 500MB HGT/HGT Tendency, D+3 GFS 500MB HGT/DN, D+6 GFS 500MB HGT/DN, and ECMWF 500MB D+3 HGT/DN. 

     472.  McAfee Antispyware.  (Vanderzon, NCO).  The McAfee Antispyware module will be integrated into the McAfee antivirus suite on all NCEP Office of the Director, NCO, HPC and OPC Windows systems for improved security of all NCO maintained Windows systems.    

     The following items will be implemented at 12Z on Wednesday, 23 April:

     473.  SCRIPT - IBM Job RUC2_POST.  (Freeman, NCO).  Script exruc2_post.sh.sms is being modified to alert native 20km off-hour GRIB files for forecast hours 06, 09, and 12.  These additional files were requested by AWC to meet their operational requirements.

     474.  GPFS - SYSTEM CCS.  (Avart, NCO).  The CCS GPFS space allocated to AWC is being redistributed to development users.  

             ----  HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS  ----

     There are no hardware changes planned for the week of 21 April. 
             ----  OPERATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS  ----
1.  Upcoming major changes to NCEP's production suite and details on any product or timing changes associated with upcoming implementations can be viewed at the following website: 


Test data for each of these proposed changes should be available six weeks prior to implementation.  Anyone wishing to receive formal notice of the final pre-implementation testing and the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed changes can subscribe to the Model Evaluation mailing list via: 


2.  Maintenance of subscriptions to the Scheduled Operational Changes and Upgrades mailing list can be performed via the following website:


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