MTI Recommendations for PMID: 9336566
(Updated: March 14, 2007)

PMID- 9336566
TI - Research competencies in the dietetics curricula.
AB - Investment in dietetics research has the potential to improve general health; increase work performance and learning capacity; extend disease-free life; reduce birth defects, infections, and chronic diseases; and decrease health care costs. Opportunities exist for research in the areas of solid waste management, global environment, health care reform, and foodservice systems management. Research efforts can focus on cost-effectiveness and medical efficacy of dietary services to improve third-party reimbursement. Educators have a stake in creating the future by conducting research, teaching research to dietetic students, and investigating the effectiveness of education.

Right Wrong Missed Precision Recall F-Measure
3 13 4 0.1875 0.4286 0.2609
Manual MTI
Clinical Competence
*Curriculum [2]
Data Collection
*Dietetics [1]
*Research [3]
United States
*Dietetics (MM;RC)
Curriculum (MM;RC)
*Research (MM)
Education, Medical (RC)
Universities (RC)
Research Support (RC)
Education, Graduate (RC)
Health Care Reform (MM;RC)
Schools, Public Health (RC)
Food Service, Hospital (RC)
Students (MM;RC)
Educational Status (MM;RC)
Schools, Medical (RC)
Societies (RC)
Teaching (MM)
Chronic Disease (MM;RC)