Good Luncheons Delightful luncheons and refreshments, particularly good, for particular people. Extra fine tea, the best of coffee,.and delicious chocolate with wafer cakes ten cents a cup at GUNTHER'S CONFECTIONERY 212 State Street, Chicago CARSON PIRIE ScOTT &Ca \WYE extend to the visiting members of the National W. Woman Suffrage Convention a cordial invitation to make use of the many conveniences of our Store during their stay in Chicago. We gladly place at your disposal the splendid facilities offered by the various Store sections including our "Rest Room" where ideal conditions prevail for the implied purpose. .V/ ITH the greatly increased floor space secured by our WI twelve story State Street addition we are enabled to present much larger assortments in those lines of merchandise that appeal directly to women. Ready-to-wear Garments, Waists, Silks, Velvets, Dress Fabrics, Laces, Embroideries, and in fact dress accessories of every nature are shown in the widest variety. sť_____ _______________ I e O I -I --,