HOW TO GET THE REQUIRED PROGRAMS (ROUTINES) AND DATA: ----------------------------------------------------- [This information was provided by Bill Schar and Bob Benson, GSFC, Code 692;,] Copy the following command file: COPY LEPVAX::DATA1:[U2RFB_DATA]JACKSONCOPY.COM *.*/LOG After this command file has been copied to your account you can invoke it to get the rest of the files and routines by doing the following: @JACKSONCOPY Then you will need to COMPILE all of the routines and LINK them together. You can link them together by using the command file MAIN.COM (i.e.; @MAIN). Once the files are on your system the input file NHINPUT.DAT will have to be modified to suit your needs. Right now it is set up for direct input of SATELLITE POSITION parameters. Description of how to use John Jackson Inversion program: Input: Magnetic field model data for FIELDG is required for all versions of the complete inversion program. This input of 28 lines (4(F4.0, 2F8.5)) is read by the subroutine READ. It is followed by two title lines (2(20A4)). These titles were used on the plot labels in the older version that had plot outputs. Next are input data for each ionogram for which true-height inversion of the ionogram extraordinary (X) trace is desired. The first line has the format (3I10,4X,3I2,2I10,6X,4I1,I5,I2,I3) for the following variables: number of points scaled along the ionogram X trace (I10, called N), year (I10, called IYR), julian day (I10, called IDY), hour (I2, called IH), minute (I2, called IM), and second (I2, called IS) (note: time is in UT); a flag (I10, called MAP) which is 0, 1 or 2 (Note: MAP = 0 if the satellite motion is neglected and the satellite location (as calculated from the world-map program) is read in directly (the program currently uses 0), MAP = 1 if satellite motion is included and the satellite location is to be interpreted from world map data input and the electron gyrofrequency (fH) is to be determined based only on the magnetic-field model (in this case fH at the satellite location is not read in), MAP = 2 is the same as 1 with the exception that fH as scaled from the resonances and cutoffs on the ionogram is also read in so that a correction to the magnetic-field model can be made for the starting point of the X-trace true-height inversion routine - as of 20 June 1995 this correction is also made for the case MAP = 0.); a satellite identification (I10, called ISAT = 1 for Alouette 1, 2 for Alouette 2, 3 for ISIS 1, and 4 for ISIS 2 (Note: ISAT is used for two purposes: first, if ISAT = 3 a correction is made for the nonlinear ISIS 1 frequency sweep in the intervals from 2.0 to 3.0 MHz and between 5.0 and 6.0 MHZ; second, if the option to include satellite motion is selected (MAP = 2 or 3) then the specific sounder frequency-sweep rate for the satellite identified by ISAT is used to calculate the satellite position for each scaled point along the ionogram X trace.); 4 processing codes used to determine the ionogram analysis procedure (4I1, called ICODE(n) with n = 1 to 4) (Note: ICODE(1) = 1 for fixed satellite position and known X trace cutoff frequency (fX), ICODE(1) = 2 for fixed satellite position and unknown fX, ICODE(1) = 3 for variable satellite position and known fX, ICODE(1) = 4 for variable satellite position and unknown fX; currently, ICODE(1) = 1 and ICODE(n) for n = 2, 3 or 4 are not used - see MAIN program for additional comments.); A flag (I5, called IORD) which is 1 if the O-trace is to be calculated; a flag (I2, called IP) which is 1 if plotting is desired with contours, 2 plotting but no contours, or 0 if no plotting or contours are desired (Note: currently this flag has been deactivated because the plot routines used on the original version of the program are no longer used.); a flag (I3, called METH) which is 1 for linear in log(N) laminations, 2 for parabolic in log(N) (default is 2 which is currently used). The next input depends on the value of MAP. If MAP = 0, i.e., the satellite motion is neglected, then the next line should contain: Height (F10.4, called HT), DIP angle (F10.4, called DIP), gyrofrequency (F10.4, called FHS), Geographic Latitude (F10.4, called DLAT), and Longitude (F10.4, called DLONG). If MAP = 1, i.e., the satellite motion is included but fH is not read in, then 4 world map data entries follow, each line of which should contain: 2 world map data entries (GMT, LAT, LONG, HGT, GMT, LAT, LONG, HGT (8F10.4)). If MAP = 2, i.e., the satellite motion is included and fH is read in, then 4 world map data entries follow, each line of which should contain: 2 world map data entries (GMT, LAT, LONG, HGT, GMT, LAT, LONG, HGT (8F10.4)). These are followed by a line containing fH (F10.4). The last several lines hold scaled ionogram data. There are 4 pairs of virtual height (km) and frequency (MHz) per line (8F10.4). These points must be in frequency ascending order. More information on the input can be found within the source programs. AN EXAMPLE OF THE ABOVE INPUT FOLLOWS: 1.-23.0583 3.2650 5.-22.6867 5.1283 15.-21.2433 9.2167 30.-17.8350 13.2450 45.-13.2383 17.2783 60. -7.8317 12.5733 75. -1.9983 8.9350 90. 3.9017 4.4567 105. 9.5333 0.2433120. 14.5717 -2.7050135. 18.7117 -3.7400150. 21.6750 -2.6850 165. 23.2333 0.0433180. 23.2700 3.1700195. 21.7850 5.6483210. 18.9117 6.4000 225. 14.8767 4.9233240. 9.9500 1.4267255. 4.4333 -3.4633270. -1.3733 -8.7317 285. -7.1500-13.2967300.-12.5617-16.0133315.-17.2433-16.0367330.-20.8200- 12.9167 345.-22.9483 -7.0933360.-23.3917 0.2250365.-23.1483 2.6733 1.-22.9967 3.6250 5.-22.6033 5.4583 15.-21.1050 9.4800 30.-17.6283 13.3683 45.-12.9817 14.2433 60. -7.5433 12.4217 75. -1.7000 8.7100 90. 4.1967 4.2200 105. 9.8033 0.0483120. 14.8050 -2.8150135. 18.8917 -3.7417150. 21.7883 -2.5883 165. 23.2733 0.1183180. 23.2300 3.3217195. 21.6717 5.7450210. 18.7333 6.3800 225. 14.6450 4.8050240. 9.6817 1.2083255. 4.1417 -3.7133270. -1.6700 -8.9833 285. -7.4383-13.4683300.-12.8200-16.0800315.-17.4550-15.9333330.-20.9650- 12.6783 345.-23.0133 -6.7233360.-23.3667 0.5983365.-23.0950 3.0317 1.-23.0167 3.5083 5.-22.6300 5.3567 15.-21.1483 9.7400 30.-17.6950 13.3200 45.-13.0617 14.2617 60. -7.6367 12.4567 75. -1.7933 8.7850 90. 4.1017 4.2800 105. 9.7183 0.1133120. 14.7300 -2.7900135. 18.8367 -3.7300150. 21.7517 -2.6233 165. 23.2600 0.0833180. 23.2433 3.2750195. 21.7067 5.7317210. 18.7900 6.3900 225. 14.7167 4.8550240. 9.7667 1.2783255. 4.2333 -3.6267270. -1.5750 -8.9083 285. -7.3467-13.4117300.-12.7383-16.0683315.-17.3883-15.9683330.-20.9183- 12.7633 345.-22.9917 -6.8433360.-23.3750 0.4750365.-23.1117 2.9267 1.-23.0350 3.4050 5.-22.6550 5.2583 15.-21.1917 9.3150 30.-17.7583 13.3000 45.-13.1433 14.2717 60. -7.7250 12.5317 75. -1.8883 8.8617 90. 4.0117 4.3883 105. 9.6333 0.1883120. 14.6600 -2.7167135. 18.7800 -3.7150150. 21.7167 -2.6117 165. 23.2483 0.0483180. 23.2533 3.2650195. 21.7417 5.7117210. 18.8450 6.4233 225. 14.7900 4.8933240. 9.8500 1.3600255. 4.3267 -3.5567270. -1.4817 -8.8250 285. -7.2533-13.3750300.-12.6550-16.0517315.-17.3183-16.0233330.-20.8717- 12.8483 345.-22.9717 -6.9833360.-23.3817 0.3483365.-23.1283 2.7900 ISIS 1 IONOGRAMS USED TO COMPARE AKR WITH SPS (1979) EVENT NO. 5 (DATA AS OF MAY 22,1980) 26 71 315 182448 0 4 3 1 0 1398.4000 66.7700 0.8010 37.3800 -67.6300 0.0000 1.4360 213.7500 1.4440 266.2500 1.4520 390.0000 1.4600 408.7500 1.4680 468.7500 1.4760 528.7500 1.4920 607.5000 1.5160 690.0000 1.5480 742.5000 1.5720 858.7500 1.6600 1008.7500 1.8040 1121.2500 1.9810 1177.5000 2.1510 1211.2500 2.4270 1215.0000 2.7480 1211.2500 3.2990 1222.5000 4.1700 1237.5000 5.0680 1271.2500 7.6920 1286.2500 8.2630 1290.0000 8.5040 1308.7500 8.9060 1342.5000 9.3370 1395.0000 9.5710 1447.5000 9.7270 The input for this run should be stored under the name of "NHINPUT.DAT". There also is an input file which was needed if producing plots from this program. The plot capability was removed (by commenting out all calls to the plot routine) because the plot package that was used in not currently supported on LEPVAX. The file (called NE1.DAT), however, should be retained in the input. Output: The output will appear in the file "NHOUTPUT.DAT".