SELECT * FROM Registrants WHERE Code = '#Code#' SELECT DISTINCT Title FROM Sess00_list WHERE Session_code = '#mySess00#' SELECT DISTINCT Title FROM Sess01_list WHERE Session_code = '#mySess01#' SELECT DISTINCT Title FROM Sess02_list WHERE Session_code = '#mySess02#' SELECT DISTINCT Title FROM Sess03_list WHERE Session_code = '#mySess03#' SELECT DISTINCT Title FROM Sess04_list WHERE Session_code = '#mySess04#' Lands 2002: Conference Sessions for Improve Service
  Lands 2002Lands 2002The National Park Service Lands ConferenceGo to ParkNet Home
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    Tuesday, August 27th Sessions for #Badge#

#XSess00##mySess00##mySess00# (08:00 AM): You are a coordinator, moderator or speaker for #XSess00# #Title# #myTitle00#
#XSess01##mySess01##mySess01# (09:15 AM): You are a coordinator, moderator or speaker for #XSess01# #Title# #myTitle01#
#XSess02##mySess02##mySess02# (11:00 AM): You are a coordinator, moderator or speaker for #XSess02# #Title# #myTitle02#
#XSess03##mySess03##mySess03# (01:30 PM): You are a coordinator, moderator or speaker for #XSess03# #Title# #myTitle03#
#XSess04##mySess04##mySess04# (03:30 PM): You are a coordinator, moderator or speaker for #XSess04# #Title# #myTitle04#
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