Testing Statement #4 Below of Section 5.2.2 of CSS1 Spec


If statement #4 above is passed, then:

This paragraph should be serif first, then sans-serif second. The rule applied is "#id1 {font-family: serif, sans-serif}". This is a prioritized list.

This paragraph should be sans-serif first, then serif second (if sans- serif is not available). The rule applied is "#id2 {font-family: sans-serif, serif}". This is a prioritized list.

This paragraph should be monospace first, then fantasy second (if monospace is not available). The rule applied is "#id3 {font-family: monospace, fantasy}". This is a prioritized list.

This paragraph should be cursive first, then monospace second (if cursive is not available). The rule applied is "#id4 {font-family: cursive, monospace}". This is a prioritized list.

This paragraph should be fantasy first, then monospace second (if fantasy is not available). The rule applied is "#id5 {font-family: fantasy, monospace}". This is a prioritized list.

This paragraph should be gill first, then helvetica second, and sans-serif third. Second and third are tried if first choice is not available, in that order. This is a prioritized list. NOTE: If values specified above are not available, UA-default values will be used. All other properties of this page should be UA-default. To move directly to the next test, click here