Table of contents for Absorption in no external world : 170 issues in Mind-only Buddhism / Jeffrey Hopkins.

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Detailed Outline	vii
Preface	xviii
Technical Notes	xxi
Part One: Background	1
1. Monastic Inquiry	3
2. The Essence Is Emptiness	10
3. God of Wisdom and God of Gods	19
Part Two: The Question	23
4. Identifying First-Wheel Teachings	25
5. Probing the Implications	50
6. Other Views on Own-Character	74
7. Wonch'uk: Refutation and Revival	107
8. Creating Consistency	118
9. Finishing the Question	133
Part Three: Buddha's Answer	147
10. Interpretation	149
11. Other-Powered Natures	170
12. Imputational Natures	191
13. Entering the Maze	220
14. Review: Two Riddles	246
15. Posited by Names and Terminology	272
16. Probing Establishment by way of its Own Character	288
17. Enforcing Consistency	306
18. The First Ultimate-Non-Nature	326
19. Ramifications	349
20. Two Ultimate-Non-Natures	383
21. Comparing Schools on the Three Non-Natures	424
Part Four: Differentiating Scriptures	431
22. Strategies for Interpretation	433
Appendix: Wonch'uk's Influence in Tibet	463
Backnotes	493
Glossary	509
List of Abbreviations	537
Bibliography	539
Index	558
Detailed Outline
Detailed Outline vii
Preface xviii
Technical Notes xxi
Part One: Background 1
1. Monastic Inquiry 3
Techniques of Analysis 4
The Characters of the Drama 7
2. The Essence Is Emptiness 10
The Title: The Essence of Eloquence 10
Issue #1: What is "eloquence"? What is "the essence"? 10
Issue #2: Is emptiness the essence of both SOtra and 
Mantra? 11
Issue #3: What else could the title mean? 13
Promise of Composition and Exhortation to Listen 15
Issue #4: Who are those the author indicates he surpassed? 
Issue #5: Why exhort the audience to listen? 17
3. God of Wisdom and God of Gods 19
The Homages: Points of Clarification 19
Issue #6: Is Brahm+ egg-born? 19
Issue #7: How could Brahm+ appear first when this world 
system formed? 20
Part Two: The Question 23
4. Identifying First-Wheel Teachings 25
The S tra Unraveling The Thought 25
Issue #8: Why does Wonch'uk's version of the sOtra have 
eight chapters and the Tibetan version have ten? 27
Issue #9: Why leave out the fourth chapter? 27
The Question 29
The First Wheel 29
Issue #10: Just what are first wheel sOtras? 29
Issue #11: Do passages teaching the entity also teach the 
attributes? 31
Issue #12: Does any passage merely teach the production 
of form? 31
Issue #13: How to take Wonch'uk's two explanations of 
abandonment and thorough knowledge? 33
Issue #14: Just what are the four foods? 35
Issue #15: Are these s tras deceptive? 37
Issue #16: What are the various and manifold 
constituents? 39
Issue #17: Why are the eighteen and the six constituents 
singled out when there are many sets of constituents? 42
Issue #18: How can redundancy be avoided in the last two 
attributes? 45
Issue #19: Do all first wheel sOtras teach the four noble 
truths? 46
Issue #20: Do not any and all instances of Buddha's word 
teach the four noble truths? 48
5. Probing the Implications 50
Issue #21: What does "aggregates and so forth" mean? 50
Issue #22: Is Param+rthasamudgata concerned with the 
teaching of just compounded phenomena in the first 
wheel? 55
Issue #23: When the eighteen constituents are taught, are 
the one hundred eight phenomena taught? 56
Issue #24: Can this topic be trivialized? 56
Issue #25: Does the first wheel teach the actual four noble 
truths? 58
Issue #26: Does the second wheel explicitly teach the 
actual twenty emptinesses on the literal level? 59
Own-Character 59
Issue #27: Does "own-character" mean established by way 
of its own character? 59
Issue #28: Does non-deceptiveness require being literally 
acceptable? 63
Issue #29: Can Gung-ru Ch"-jung's and Jam-Aang-shay-
oa's faux pas of citing a passage that proves the opposite 
point be explained away? 71
Issue #30: Does the middle wheel teach that phenomena 
are not established by way of their own character? 72
6. Other Views on Own-Character 74
Jay-rz¿n Ch"-_yi-gyel-tsen's Position 74
Issue #31: Can the teaching of establishment by way of its 
own character also teach something else? 76
Issue #32: Do the schools following the first wheel assert 
that uncompounded phenomena are established by way 
of their own character? 77
Issue #33: How about fiddling with the subject rather 
than the predicate? 81
Issue #34: Can the words and the meaning be split? 82
Pa-chen d"-nam-drak-?a's Position 84
Issue #35: Can the teaching of establishment by way of its 
own character also teach externality? 84
Issue #36: Could the first wheel teach that true cessations 
are truly established? 85
Issue #37: What to do with the middle wheel? 88
Issue #38: Are the literal level and the explicit teaching to 
be distinguished? 89
Review 90
Overview of "Own-Character" 91
Issue #39: Could "own-character" mean the unique 
defining character of an object? 94
Issue #40: Could "own-character" mean the capacity to 
perform a function? 96
Issue #41: Could "own-character" mean objective 
establishment? 96
Issue #42: Could "own-character" mean establishment 
without depending on imputation by terms and 
conceptual consciousnesses? 97
Issue #43: Could "own-character" mean establishment by 
way of its own character as the referent of a conceptual 
consciousness? 98
Forging Consistency 99
Issue #44: How to make ,zong-ka-oa say something else? 
Implications 102
Issue #45: What does the first wheel say and teach? 102
Issue #46: Is Buddha's speech correct when teaching a 
non-existent? 104
Issue #47: How to make a mess out of what were, up until 
now, evocative distinctions? 104
Comment 105
7. Wonch'uk: Refutation and Revival 107
Wonch'uk's Identification 107
Issue #48: Could "own-character" mean an object's 
unique character? 107
Apologetic 115
8. Creating Consistency 118
Issue #49: How to make ,zong-ka-oa say what you want 
him to say? 118
Issue #50: Why single out imputational natures? 125
Issue #51: Does anyone assert such own-character? 128
Conclusion On "Own-Character" 131
9. Finishing the Question 133
Issue #52: Does the S tra explicitly teach both types of 
emptiness? 133
Issue #53: How to pretend that the two textbook authors 
of Go-mang are saying the same thing? 139
The Middle Wheel 142
Issue #54: What does the denial of establishment by way 
of its own character mean in the middle wheel? 142
Issue #55: How can ,zong-ka-oa be made to say this? 142
Issue #56: Why does Param+rthasamudgata explicitly ask 
only about the middle wheel? 143
Part Three: Buddha's Answer 147
10. Interpretation 149
The Answer 149
Issue #57: Does the brief indication explicitly team the 
three natures with the three non-natures? 150
Issue #58: What was the basis in Buddha's thought for the 
first-wheel teaching of own-character? 151
Issue #59: What is the structure of the extensive 
explanation? 152
Issue #60: What does ,zong-ka-oa mean by "clear 
delineation"? 155
Issue #61: How to handle an untimely citation? 156
Issue #62: But why does ,zong-ka-oa associate the three 
natures and the three non-natures here? 158
Issue #63: What is the Jo-nang-oa view that ,zong-ka-oa 
is opposing? 158
Issue #64: Do the Jo-nang-?as hold that the middle wheel 
teaches the actual ultimate? 164
Issue #65: Do the Jo-nang-?as actually hold that the 
primordial wisdom consciousness is both permanent and 
an effective thing? 166
11. Other-Powered Natures 170
Overview of Other-Powered Natures 170
Production-Non-Nature 170
Issue #66: What is the nature of production that other-
powered natures lack? 170
Issue #67: Why would anyone think that the nature in 
terms of production that other-powered natures lack is 
"production from other-powered natures"? 171
Issue #68: Could the nature of production that other-
powered natures lack be production from self? 172
Issue #69: Is the nature of production that other-powered 
natures lack production that is inherently existent? 175
Issue #70: Is the nature of production that other-powered 
natures lack production that is established by way of its 
own character? 175
Issue #71: What does "phenomena" mean? 176
Issue #72: Could the other-powered nature of a 
permanent phenomenon be the valid consciousness 
apprehending it? 176
Issue #73: Are all phenomena included in the three 
natures? 181
Issue #74: How do other tenet systems identify the 
production-non-nature? 183
Issue #75: How to take ,zong-ka-oa's own loose usage of 
terminology in the midst of his strict distinctions? 187
Issue #76: Does "production-non-nature" mean non-
nature of production? 189
Issue #77: Can this grammatical distinction be extended 
to the other two non-natures? 190
12. Imputational Natures 191
Overview of Imputational Natures 191
Character-Non-Nature: The Subject 191
Issue #78: Do proponents of the S tra school realize that 
being the referent of a conceptual consciousness is not 
established by way of its own character? 191
Issue #79: How to claim that, when ,zong-ka-oa says 
"being the referent," he means "superimposed factor"? 
Issue #80: Is being the referent itself an imputational 
nature? 196
Issue #81: How to avoid the fault that proponents of S tra 
could realize that the relevant imputational nature is not 
established by way of its own character? 196
Issue #82: How to read Jam-Aang-shay-oa's reducing 
Gung-ru Ch"-jung's dual subject to a single one? 198
Issue #83: How many relevant imputational natures are 
there? 198
Issue #84: How can the path of purification be one if 
practitioners of the Low and Great Vehicles meditate on 
different thoroughly established natures? 201
Issue #85: How to get around ,zong-ka-oa's speaking of 
imputational phenomena as if they were the imputational 
natures relevant here? 204
Issue #86: What do the lower schools realize about the 
three natures? 207
Issue #87: How to quibble against identifying the 
explicitly indicated imputational nature as "factor 
imputed in the manner of entity and attribute"? 208
Issue #88: Do the imputational natures indicated here 
only exist or only not exist? 209
Issue #89: How is an appearance relevant to positing 
emptiness? 211
Issue #90: How to twist ,zong-ka-oa's clear suggestion 
that the relevant imputational nature is non-existent into 
allowing for an existent appearance? 213
Issue #91: Does the relevant have to exist? 214
Issue #92: Is it being refuted that a conceptual appearance 
is established by way of its own character? 215
Issue #93: Does thinking "This is a pot," involve error? 216
Flexibility 217
13. Entering the Maze 220
Issue #94: Do the "own-character" of the question and the 
"character-nature" of the answer have the same meaning? 
Issue #95: Is a character-non-nature an emptiness? 222
Issue #96: What extra understanding is gained by taking a 
superimposed factor or appearance as the subject? 226
Issue #97: Is there a source in the SOtra Unraveling the 
Thought for this? 229
Issue #98: If a pot's establishment by way of its own 
character is not to be refuted, why should a 
superimposed factor's establishment by way of its own 
character be refuted? Or, is it amazing if a bird can fly? 
Issue #99: How to explain away Jam-Aang-shay-oa's 
inconsistencies? 232
Issue #100: Could the imputational factor be both the 
nature of character and the character-non-nature? 235
Issue #101: Are the three natures and the three non-
natures equivalent? 239
Issue #102: Does the extensive explanation of 
imputational natures' character-non-nature delineate the 
thoroughly established nature? 241
Issue #103: Could the character-non-nature explicitly 
taught in the brief indication be emptiness but the 
character-non-nature explicitly taught in the extensive 
explanation be an imputational nature? 242
Looking Back 244
14. Review: Two Riddles 246
The First Riddle 246
"Answer" of the Go-mang Tradition 249
A Few Comments 252
Another "Answer" 254
The Second Riddle 257
The "Answer" of the Go-Mang Tradition 261
Another "Answer" 267
The Import 271
15. Posited by Names and Terminology 272
Issue #104: In "posited by names and terminology" is 
"terminology" not redundant? 272
Issue #105: What does ,zong-ka-oa mean when he says 
that some imputational natures are only imputed by 
conceptuality but are not posited by names and 
terminology? 272
Gung-tang's Refutation of Others' Explanations 275
Issue #106: Are non-existent imputational natures only 
imputed by conceptuality? 276
Issue #107: Does something's being posited by names and 
terminology entail that its appearance to the mind 
depends upon language? Or, does a bullock see space? 278
Issue #108: Is any existent posited by (only) names and 
terminology? 282
Issue #109: Is what is posited by only names and 
terminology an object of comprehension of an inference 
of renown? 284
16. Probing Establishment by way of its Own Character 288
One Mode of Conception Containing but not Being 
Another 288
Issue #110: Can a wrong consciousness also be right? 288
Summation 293
Issue #111: Could ,zong-ka-oa's statement be taken 
another way? 295
Issue #112: When does a person have both of these 
conceptions? 296
Established by way of its Own Character 296
Issue #113: According to the S tra school are all 
phenomena established by way of their own character? 
Issue #114: What does "established by way of its own 
character" mean in the Mind-Only School? 297
Issue #115: Could established by way of its own character 
mean established through the force of its own measure of 
subsistence? 298
Issue #116: Could any meaning of "established by way of 
its own character" meet the criteria it must satisfy? 299
17. Enforcing Consistency 306
Issue #117: Does ,zong-ka-oa slip up when he identifies 
the "nature of character" as inherent existence? 306
Issue #118: Does Jam-Aang-shay-oa slip up when he 
identifies the "nature of character" as inherent existence? 
Issue #119: What does ,zong-ka-oa mean when he says 
that according to the Mind-Only School all phenomena 
are established by way of their own character? 310
Issue #120: What does DharmakYrti mean when he says 
that all objects are specifically characterized phenomena? 
Issue #121: When ,zong-ka-oa suggests that in the S tra 
School existent imputational natures are established by 
way of their own character as the referents of their 
respective conceptual consciousnesses, what does 
"established by way of its own character" mean? 313
Issue #122: In the Mind-Only School are imputational 
natures established from their own side as the referents of 
conceptual consciousnesses? Tell me it isn't true! 315
Issue #123: Do Proponents of S tra realize that 
imputational natures are not established by way of their 
own character? 316
Issue #124: Don't Proponents of S tra realize that 
imputational natures are imputational natures? 318
Issue #125: What is "the self-isolate of the conceived 
object of a conceptual consciousness"? How to handle a 
cryptic passage? 319
Issue #126: How to keep ,zong-ka-oa from contradicting 
one's own exposition of his system? 323
Concluding Remark 324
18. The First Ultimate-Non-Nature 326
Other-Powered Natures as Ultimate-Non-Natures 326
Issue #127: Is an other-powered nature's ultimate-non-
nature an actual ultimate-non-nature? 329
Issue #128: If there are two modes of positing the 
ultimate-non-nature, are there two modes of ultimate-
non-nature? 330
The Qualm 330
Issue #129: Since existent imputational natures, such as 
uncompounded space, are also not final objects of 
observation of a path of purification, why are they too 
not called ultimate-non-natures? Why does Buddha 
single out other-powered natures? 330
Issue #130: Does the qualm stem from the fact that other-
powered natures are observed in the process of realizing 
their emptiness and thus might seem to be final objects 
of observation of a path of purification? 332
Issue #131: Or, is this a qualm that Autonomists and 
Consequentialists would have? 334
Issue #132: Does the qualm stem from the fact that other-
powered natures are established by way of their own 
character? 336
Issue #133: Does the qualm stem from the fact that the 
S tra teaches that other-powered natures are bases of 
emptiness? 337
Issue #134: Does the qualm arise in practitioners of the 
mind-only view? 338
Issue #135: Is there no qualm that the non-existent 
imputational nature negated in selflessness might be the 
final object of observation by a path of purification? 340
Issue #136: Is it that other-powered natures are the main 
basis of the debate about true existence between the 
Proponents of Mind-Only and the Proponents of the 
Middle? 341
Issue #137: Is there less qualm or no qualm that 
imputational natures are ultimate-non-natures? 342
Issue #138: Is a qualm a doubt? 346
19. Ramifications 349
Existent Imputational Natures as Bases of Emptiness 349
Issue #139: If the three natures include all phenomena, 
what is uncompounded space? 349
Issue #140: Is there an actual other-powered nature of 
uncompounded space? 353
Issue #141: Is the real nature of an imputational nature 
not an emptiness? 358
Issue #142: Does the real nature of uncompounded space 
fulfill the meaning of a real nature? 359
Issue #143: Since uncompounded space is not truly 
established but its emptiness is, why does ,zong-ka-oa 
say that if the real nature of an object is truly established, 
the object also must be truly established? 359
Jam-Aang-shay-oa's Refutation of Gung-ru Ch"-jung 361
Issue #144: Do Solitary Realizers comprehend that objects 
are not established by way of their own character as the 
referents of their respective conceptual consciousnesses? 
Issue #145: Do beings innately misconceive true cessations 
to be external objects? 367
Issue #146: Do proponents of sOtra assert that external 
objects are truly established? 372
Meditating on the Emptiness of Emptiness 373
Issue #147: Are thoroughly established natures empty of 
the imputational nature that is the self of phenomena? If 
so, is the thoroughly established nature the mode of 
being of the thoroughly established nature? Is emptiness 
the mode of being of emptiness? 373
Issue #148: Is emptiness the object found by a wisdom 
consciousness realizing the emptiness of emptiness? 374
Issue #149: What is the object found by a totally non-
dualistic consciousness directly realizing the emptiness of 
emptiness? 375
Issue #150: Is emptiness ever a conventional truth? 377
Issue #151: If a thoroughly established nature is not its 
own ultimate, should a thoroughly established nature be 
posited as an ultimate-non-nature? 379
Issue #152: Oddity of oddities, could an other-powered 
nature's ultimate-non-nature be an emptiness? 381
20. Two Ultimate-Non-Natures 383
Overview of Thoroughly Established Natures 383
The Selflessness of Persons 384
Issue #153: Is the selflessness of persons an actual 
ultimate-non-nature? 384
Issue #154: Is the selflessness of persons an emptiness? 392
Issue #155: If the selflessness of persons is not an actual 
thoroughly established nature, is it an imputational 
nature? 395
Issue #156: How to deal with Ke-drup's statement that 
the selflessness of persons is not an ultimate truth? 397
Issue #157: Does any Buddhist school assert that the 
conception of a permanent, unitary, independent person 
is innate? 399
Issue #158: What is the "generality-isolate of the 
selflessness of persons"? 400
Issue #159: Has someone who has realized the coarse 
selflessness of persons realized the selflessness of persons? 
Issue #160: Why do ChandrakYrti, Ke-drup, and ,zong-
ka-oa speak of other Buddhist schools as asserting what is 
only a coarse selflessness of persons? 402
Issue #161: Is the basis of a division into a coarse and 
subtle selflessness of persons a selflessness of persons 
undifferentiated into coarse and subtle? 408
Issue #162: Is a selflessness of persons a thoroughly 
established nature but not an ultimate truth? 409
Issue #163: Why does Ke-drup say that a selflessness of 
persons is an other-powered nature? 412
Issue #164: Is a reasoning consciousness realizing the 
selflessness of persons a reasoning consciousness that has 
found the ultimate? 416
Issue #165: Is the selflessness of persons the mode of 
subsistence of persons? 418
Issue #166: Is the selflessness of persons an element of 
attributes? 420
Issue #167: How to deal with Ke-drup's contradictions? 
21. Comparing Schools on the Three Non-Natures 424
Issue #168: How do the Mind-Only, Autonomy, and 
Consequence Schools take the three non-natures? 424
Issue #169: What do "ultimate" and "nature" mean in the 
two ultimate-non-natures? 427
Issue #170: Since external objects are thoroughly negated, 
how do Buddhas-who have removed all predispositions 
giving rise to appearances-perceive their own 
extraordinary bodies and perceive suffering sentient 
beings? 429
Part Four: Differentiating Scriptures 431
22. Strategies for Interpretation 433
Interpretation in the Great Vehicle Schools 434
Four Reliances 434
Four Reasonings 435
Four Thoughts 435
Four Indirect Intentions 436
Principal Fourfold Mode of Interpretation in The Essence of 
Eloquence 439
The Basis in Buddha's Thought in the First Wheel of 
Doctrine 441
The Purpose of the First Wheel of Doctrine 443
Damage to the Explicit Teaching of the First Wheel 
of Doctrine 444
The Thought of the First Wheel of Doctrine 446
Basis in Buddha's Thought in the Middle Wheel of 
Doctrine 447
The Purpose of the Middle Wheel of Doctrine 450
Damage to the Literal Teaching of the Middle Wheel 
of Doctrine 452
The Thought of the Middle Wheel of Doctrine 455
How to Explain the Teaching of One Final Vehicle? 
Definitions of the Interpretable and the Definitive 457
Appendix: Wonch'uk's Influence in Tibet 463
1. References to Wonch'uk in ,zong-ka-oa's The Essence of 
Eloquence 465
2. References to Wonch'uk by Ge-luk-?a scholars other than 
,zong-ka-oa 483
Backnotes 493
Glossary 509
List of Abbreviations 537
Bibliography 539
1. SOtras and Tantras 539
2. Other Sanskrit and Tibetan Works 540
3. Other Works 556
Index 558

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Tsoçn-kha-pa Blo-bzaçn-grags-pa, 1357-1419. Legs bsad sñiçn po.
Dge-lugs-pa (Sect) -- Doctrines.