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Fourth Anniversary of September 11, 2001, a Somber Remembrance.

Those who gave their lives that fateful day are remembered and missed.

Posted: September 10, 2005 > President Bush remembers 9/11 heroes    

Manhattan skyline with the Statue of Liberty, New York 1989. (Photo by by Leszek Plaskota)
Two beams of light pierce the sky above Manhattan from near the site of the World Trade Center towers, March 11, 2002. The Empire State Building is at left and the Statue of Liberty can be seen at right foreground. (Photo (c) AP/WWP by Daniel Hulshizer)
Architect Daniel Libeskind's design was announced as the chosen plan, Thursday, Feb. 27, 2003, for rebuilding the World Trade Center. Libeskind's plan includes a sunken pit that was the foundation of the original twin towers, where he imagines space for a museum and a memorial to the nearly 2,800 victims who died there. (Photo (c) AP/WWP/Lower Manhattan Development Corporation)
Washington -- Four years have passed since the terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and Pentagon took the lives of nearly 3,000 innocent victims. On September 11, dozens of memorial services and commemorative activities across the nation will honor those who lost their lives and celebrate efforts to rebuild.

Over the span of years, Americans have found a way to move forward, to rebuild and restore order to life, and to pay tribute to the lost even while mourning continued terrorist attacks around the world. Those who gave their lives that fateful day are remembered and missed, and the attacks continue to have a profound effect on world events.

New York City continues a remarkable recovery from the attacks, and a design has been chosen in preparation for rebuilding at the “Ground Zero” – the site of the World Trade Center -- that includes an extensive memorial intended to remind the United States of the cost of freedom.

In Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, American resilience was exemplified in the speed and fervor with which the Pentagon was rebuilt within one year of the direct strike to the west side of the building that killed 184.

In the state of Pennsylvania, where a fourth hijacked airliner crashed in a field, killing all 40 persons aboard, a church -- Flight 93 Memorial Chapel, completed September 11, 2002 -- has been named after the flight. Services honoring the dead will be held at the church throughout the weekend. (See additional information.)

Americans across the nation will mark the fourth anniversary in special services like the annual memorial ceremony held at Ground Zero in New York City on September 11. At the 2005 service, the names of victims killed at the World Trade Center will be read by their siblings. In addition, victims' families will gather at the footprints of the twin towers by descending into Ground Zero, a site now below street level. At sundown, the "Tribute in Light" will shine its twin beacons for one night as a symbol of the spirit of the community.

The U.S. Department of Defense will host an "America Supports You" Freedom Walk from the Pentagon to the National Mall beginning at 10 a.m., followed by a concert featuring Country recording artist Clint Black. (See additional information.)

The Pentagon Memorial site and the America's Heroes Memorial located inside the Pentagon will be open to the public, for the first time since the attack, Saturday, September 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Walking tours will be given and replicas of the chosen memorial design will on display.

Also in Washington, the Council on American Islamic Relations held an Interfaith Candlelight Vigil at the reflecting pool at the base of Capitol Hill on Friday September 9, from 6:45 p.m. until 7:45 p.m. The event included remarks by interfaith leaders, and CAIR's "Voice of Unity Award" was presented. Islamic sunset prayers (Maghrib) were held immediately after the event.

United in Memory, a nonprofit organization formed after the attacks, started the 9/11 Victims Memorial Quilt project to keep the memory alive. The quilt includes 142 individual quilts, each measuring 10 feet on each side. The total square footage of the quilt is 15,500 and includes a block representing each victim. The quilt is currently touring the nation until it finds a permanent home and will be available for viewing in Washington September 9-11. (See additional information.)

<  U.S. Embassy Montevideo displays the message "Para Recordar" ("To Remember") on chancery building to honor the victims of the 9/11 tragedy.

Laura Potter
Washington File Staff Writer






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