DECEMBER, 1907. rence was trivial. After a time, however, a crash a hundred feet below us and perhaps 690 feet away, and the immediate terror of the horse drew us to the door. As we emerged, every artificial projection on the summit was giving forth a brush discharge of electricity. The corners of the eaves of the ob- servatory (made of Malthoid roofing), the arrow of the wind- vane, the cups of the anemometer-each sent forth its jet, while the high intake pipe of the precipitation tank on the apes of the summit was outlined with dull electric fire. Whenever our hands rose in the air every finger sent forth a vigorous flame, while an apple, partially oaten, in the hand of Captain Bram- bila sent forth two jets where the bite left crescent points. This latter phenomenon occurred, however, only when the ap- ple was raised and ceased when i t was lowered, so that the eating of the apple involved no visible eating of flame. To clap the climax, my felt hat above the brim flashed suddenly into flame. I could feel the draft, ancl it seemed to me I could hear it, too. The halo was dazzling, but before the senseR could act i t was gone. I had earlier rubbed Captain Bram- bila’s hair, trying (but ineffectually) to elicit a discharge of electricity; because he was not so tall as I, nature selected me to serve as the point of electric discharge. So iTivid were the flames that continued steadily to play from the corner of the Observatory that I reached up to assure myself that the building was not actually on fire. We felt no ill physical efects nor any special alarm, but for the sake of prudence we sought the interior of the observa- tory, where the pranks of the electricity were apparently com- pletely avoided. About 7:30 p. in., an hour after the electric storm had burst, it hac1 vanished. The clouds, however, con- tinued to hover around the summit, and the following even- ing a heavy rainstorm swept from the mountain earthward toward Reno, gaining violence as i t descended, until the valley was drenched. We followed the storm closely with but little inconrenience koin rain. Only once before have I met electricity actively present on Mount Rose. This was during the day of July 25, 1006, in a wet snowstorm accompanied by dense fog. At that time the thunder was pealing in the abyss below me, until I felt like some Jupiter hurling thunderbolts upon the earth beneath. Evidently the potential is higher during snowstorms, as Pro- fessor RlcAdie believes, than at other times; at least the fntal- ity on Mount Whitney occurred during a snowstorm. The puzzle is that the discharge took place not at the sum- mit, but upon the rocks below. A possible reason may be found in the suggestion of Dr. R. S. Minor that the “scucl which was sweeping between the heavier clouds above and the mountain mass may have beconie electrified by passing between the two poles, ancl then have discharged its elec- tricity as it was swept clown nearer the mountain, where the air currents swirl in its lee.” So far the discharges on Mount Rose have occurred a t this lower point, and this habit may prove to be the security of the observatory. The large extent of the summit over which the brush discharge was active ancl the intensity of the dis- charge indicate imminent danger to the entire observatory. I t was believed, when the observatory was planned, that such bolts would be induced to strike the high intake pipe on the crest; but such a conductor, it seems, would prove insignificant on account of the gigantic proportions of the electric activity. Besides it is impossible to create a satisfactory circuit from tank to mountain, for the summit is apparently one mass of shivered rock whose interstices are filled only with dry earth. A nice cage in which to sit during thunderstorms has been suggested as affording possible immunity for the observers. It ie possible that the observatory itself, which is sheathed with Malthoid roofing above and nestled in the rocks below, may serve the same purpose. The placing of wire netting around the louvered shelter where the meteorograph is in- 579 stalled might afford protection, but the anemometer mast may attract sufficient electricity to fuse the netting and reach the instruments by way of the mechanical connections There has been no actual danger on Mount Rose, so far as known, during the past three years, except on October 20, 1907. EARTHQUAKES ON THE PACIFIC COAST. By Prof. ALEXANDER G. IllcADIE. Dated Ban Francisco, Cal., Jauuary 21, 1908. It has been brought to my attention by Prof. George David- son that Belcher gives a short list of Aome earthquakes on the Pacific coast. Mention of these earthquakes is not found in Holden’s Chtalog of Earthquakes on the Pacific coast, and publication a t this time may be of interest to seismologists thruout the world. Professor Daviclson has also shown me in an old book in his possession a note concerning an earthquake felt by Francis Drake in March(?), 1570. Drake had sailed from Panama on March 13, and a few clays later, while anchored off the southern coast of Costa Rica, felt a sharp shock. I n Belcher’s Voyage Round the World,” London, 1843, Vol. I, p. 147, appears the following record for Acapulco, Mexico: A s far back as the year 1738 earthquakes of uncommon force have con- tiuued to atflict this city. On the 25th of February of t h a t year a very heavy earthiluake destroyed nearly t h e whole town. The sea rose to a great height, covering t h e Plaza (o r about 10 feet perpendicular), the suc- cessive risings, after receding, recurring slowly at the periods of the several shocks. On the 17th of August, 1754, another earthquake occurred, ruining the greater part of the town. On this occasion the rising of the sea was at- tended with niore violence; t h e Plaza was again covered. On t h e 31st of April, 1776, an earthquake ocoorrec-l which destroyed many houses. On the 14th of March. 1787. the whole town was ruined. The sea re- tired, leaving the rocks of t.lie Punta BIanzanilla (in t.he town bay) dry. The PhiZZippbie, Nao. was anchored at the time in the port and wasleft in 4 fathoms before the tide returned-showing a fall of 36 feet. No earthquake of cimselluence is recorded afterward until that of the 2d of May, 1R30. This earthquake lasted several days, and entirely de- stroyed the place. The steeple of Sail Francisco fell on this occasion and the church \vas rent; the sea retired still farther than in 1787, and rrt,urueil in two hours, rising up to the church door; the rise and fall taking place gently. A t the ultimate recession the sand was found t o have acuumulated so as to nearly cover the pier 1‘5 or 6 feet) by which upward of twenty r a r a s o f laull was gained at the beach. On the lllth of March. 1833, about 10 o’clock at night, a heavy earth- quake was experienced. The sea retired 40 feet, and gently resumed its former level. This was felt at BIesico at precisely the same hour, last- ing there alJt>Ut one minute and a half, the motion there being undula- tory, but at Acapulco trepidatory. On March 13, 1834. another shock is recorded ; the sea receded fifty varas ani1 several buililings were destroyed. On the 6th of .January, 1835, at 6 o’clock in the morning a very severe earthquake was felt, lastiug upward of two minutes; motion trepiclatory, the shocks recurring every thirty hours for upward of a month. This, like t h a t of 1833, was felt. in Mesiuo. On the 9t.h of August, 1537, a heavy shock was felt, trepidatory, recur- riug at. thirty hours for uearly three weeks. It was felt slightly at Mexico. On the 18t.h of Octol.ler, 1837. at 4 p. m., a heavy earthquake occurred, which lasted until the 28rl. During this interval of four days the earth trembled contiuuously; one hundred separat,e shocks were counted be- tween 4 p. in. lSth, and 10 p. in. E d . During this interval five very severe shocks occurred, 4 p. in. 18th. 10 p. m. 19th, midnight 19th, 1 p. m. 20th, and 4 p. m. 2lst. Had i t lasted a few seconds longer, rocks woultl undoubtedly have been rent asunder. Following this earthquake, for six weeks continuously, periodical heavy shocks were experienced, at 10 a. m., 10 and 12 p. m., and at. dawn. A t AIesico the shocks were severely felt at the same instants, on the 18th alii1 19th. In couclusion daily temblor8 have occurred since the earthquake of 1820. But the season when the heaviest shocks occur is between March and June. The above is extracted from notes iaade by a commissary resident for iiiany years, and constantly holding office under the government of all parties. FURTHER OBSERVATIONS OF HALOS AND CORONAS. The accoinpanying table‘ gives my observations of halos, That at midnight on the 19th was terrific. ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ By N. E. T. GHEURY. Ibated Eltham, Euglaorl, Augaht 3, 1907. coronas, etc., during April, May, ancl June, 1907. -- _~ 1 This table closely follows in arrangement, abbreviations, etc., the table of the author’s previous paper printed in t.lie Monthly Weather Review, May, 1907, p. ”,3-215.-EDITon. 580 21.7 20.3 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. Observation8 of halos, coronqe, etc., at Eltham, England, ApriLJune, 1907. 29.67, falling from 29.82 to 29.48. 29.70, variable.. .. DEOEYBER, 1907 - NO - 1 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3' 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 i 48 49 50 51 52 ~. Date and ime of day 1907. a April4, 4 p. m. April 5, 8:30 p. m. April 6, 6 v m. April 13, 6 p.m. April 20, 3 4 5 p. m. April 22. 2:30 p.m. April 22,4 p. 111. Apri122,12 miduight April 23, 6 p.m. April 25, 10 p.m. April 26, 10 p.m. April 27, 11 p.m. Kay 1, 7 p.m. May 8, 12:30p.m. May 12, 5 P.N. May 12, 7:30 p.m. May 23, %:n. 5* 10 p 1 u . May 24, s p.m. Kay 24- 9:30p.m. May 31. 12:30 p.iu. Tune 6, 5:30 P.N. June 8, 8 June 11, 3:45 p.m. June 11, 6 p.m. June 17, June 1s. 10 p.m. 8 P.N. IO p.m. June 20, 1 p.m. June 20, 10 p.m. June 22, 11 p.m. June 24. 103op.lll. June 28, 1 p.m. June 28, 4:30 p.m. ~~~ Nature of ihenomenou 3 Halo, S. ... Annulus, 8. Rainhow, S. bnllulus, 8. Halo, 8.. .. Halo, S.... Halo, S.. .. Aunulua, hl Annolus, S. Corona. hI . .iunllilta, n1 AUUUIUS, ni Annulns, 8. Balo. S.. .. Halo. S .... Halo, S .... Annulus, H. Halo and an nulus, nr. Annulus, M Halo, M.. .. Halo, 8.. ... Rainbow, S. Annulus, 8 Halo, S.. .. Annulus, s. Annulus, hl Corona, M. Halo, S.... Annulus, M Corona, M Corona, Y. Corona, S.. Halo and an uulus, P.. ~ ~ - 5 a . a s 3 ?a 6 ly - 4 0 I ' 4.2 4. P ... 7.6 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 11.0 7.6 3.2 4. 4 5.4 7.0 14. 8 14.8 IO. 8 IO. 9 IO. 9 12.1 ... 12.6 I I . 3 11.3 7.6 11.0 11.1 11.1 11.8 IO. 1 12.2 L2. 2 - - r .o a a $$ 2 6 0 I ' 13. 0 14.0 14 - .... 13. 9 33.2 11.3 15.4 15. 4 18.0 18.0 8.6 10.8 10.0 16.0 11.7 27.0 27.0 21. 1 20.1 20.1 16.7 .... 21.5 2i. 5 21.6 19.5 IS. 7 Mean barometer for preceding 24 hours. 6 Inches. 29.13, rising from 28.05 to 29.17. 29.34, variable.. .. .................. 2'3.29, variahlt.. ... 29.90. varialJe.. .. 3.86. rising from 39.iO to 30.O:i. 29.89, rising from 29.iO to 30.05. 30.00, ririiig from 29.80 to 30.12. 30 09, variable.. .. 30.01, falliug from 30.09 to 29.96. 29.80. falling from 29.97 to 19.60. 29.61, steady.. ... 29.53, variable.. .. 29.55, variahle.. .. 29.68, varialile.. .. 29.60, steady ..... 29.60. varialile.. .. 29.47, variahle.. .. 311.55, ri-ing froni 29.45 to 29.i4. 29.57, rising from 29.4; to 39.76. 29.70, falling from 29.87 tu 29.50. .................. 39.73, steady ..... 29.67, variahle.. .. 29.68. variable.. .. 29.93, fallinp from 29.95 to 29.88. 29.78, falling from 29.88 tu 29.69. LW. 0 29.76, variable.. .. 16.9 i 29.65, falling from , 29.79 to 29.51. 20. 7 19.5 29.74, steady ..... 29.75, steady. .... - i; a . L9 E a 2 0 3 - 7 0 C' 4. 3 7.7 .... 6.2 7.6 6. 1 6. 1 6.1 7.8 7.6 3.2 1.8 5.5 8.9 7.0 14.4 14.4 IO. 9 8.3 8.3 I?. 1 ,. . 13.1 14.1 14.1 11.0 IO. 0 11. 7 11.7 IO. 6 9.7 9.3 9.3 - .* M ld a . .: 3 $3 g - - - 8 O C 14.0 15. 0 .... 10.9 11.4 IS. 4 1R. 0 18.0 21.3 8.6 10.8 10.7 13. 3 16. 6 IS. 8 19.5 19.5 20. I 21.5 21.5 20.1 .... 25.0 20. 1 20. 1 18. 7 20.0 31. 7 20.5 19.0 16.6 19.5 19.4 hIean barometer for following 24 hours. 9 Iwhrs. 29.38, variable.. . 29.23, falliug from 29.36 to 29.11. .................. 29.43, variahle ... 29.78. falling from 29.88 to 29.70. 30 08, variable ... 3.08, variable ... 34.09, variahle . . W.08, st.eady ..... 2!1.80. hlling from 29.9i to 29.60. 29.61, steaoly ..... 29 64, variable. .. 29.33, varislile.. .. 29.47. variahlr.. .. 29.73, varialvle.. .. 29.64, varialJe.. .. 29.65, variable.. .. 29.57, risiug front 29.47 t i l 29.76. 29.78, varinhle.. .. 29.i9, vuiabl e.. .. 29..32, falling from 29.50 to 29.25. .................. 29.59, falliug from 29.513, falliug fra>m 29.70 to 39.48. 29.70 to 29.46. 29.52, vari:rble.. .. 29.78, falliug t'roiii 29.8E to 29.1;9. 25.iX, variable.. .. 29.57, varialble.. .. ?9.63, \ ariable.. .. 29.7:l. rising fram 29.67 to 29 80. 29.53, variahle.. .. '29.76. variable.. .. 29.75, v a r i a l k .. . Weather a t time o f observation. ~ 10 Fiue. ul~iutly. light Cloudy misty, light wind. wind: ................... Fine, clear, light Fine, light wind.. . wiual. Fine, still .......... Fine, still .......... Fine, cloudy, light Cluudy, Windy.. ... wioil. I )vervast, ilu11, light mind. Overcast, still.. .... ('luudy, light wind. Cold, cloudy, windy Warm cloudy. light Warm, still, veiled H o t . li ht aiurl, H ,,t , light wind, Warm, cloudy, light Fiue, marin, cloudy wind. 0ky. veiled Ay. clky, still. Kot. cloudy, light wind. .................... Hot: cliwly. light HaBt, cl'udy, dill.. wlnll. Hot, overcast, still. Warm, cloudy, still Warm, clamdy and starry,liglit wind, a patising shower. Fine, sky veilrd hy cirri, fresh wind. Overvast, 8 t o r IU y, stroug wiud. Fine, p u r e t i k y cl*~wly covcring. windy. Pure sky. with pass- i n g vlbuds, strong wind. Cloudy, light wind. V ~i l e d sky, l i g h t wind. Weather duriiig following 24 hours. 11 Overrast m i s t y , liplit 4iurI. C 1 o u d y, n.i n d y, heavy showers. ..................... Wercast, rain ..... Overr.ast,rain all tlie time. Overrast, s t r o u g wind. Cloudyvstrnug wiud. a little mill. Cloudy, strong wind Cloudy, light wind; tine aud waim. Pouriug raio all day Fine light wiud. s i r i h Rtorm,stronC: wind ann1 Ixiiiring rain. Cold, cloudy, strong wind. C.loudy. gale, hravy raiu. 0 v e r c a s t., stnmg wiud, raiu. Overcast, pouring raiu, strong wind. Overvast, rain. ..... Overcast, rain,. ..... (hercast. d i s t a ut t h II u d r r storm , raiu. Sky rapidly veilvd, then quite pure. tlieii 4,: e r c a s t , soiiie rain. Sky rapidly veiletl, theu quite pure, theu 4 , p e r c a s t. some raiu. Overcast,rain; thick t.ox: thundersturiri pouring rain. ..................... Wariil,l+udy; over- cast. windy raiu. o v e r r a s t , ivinoly, raiu: fine an01 sun- ny w i t h strong wind. Windy, raiu; tine, s i i u u y s t r o n g wind, r k u . Overcnat. s t r I D n g wind, sniue rain. Cloudy, strsbug a i u d Orelcast very strong and dirty, wind Cluiidy very Strung wind.' O v e r c a s t , strong wind, raiu. Overcast, fresh gale during the night, then wet all day. 0 v e r e a 8 t, misty. w i n d (s e v e r e t I i i i n 11 e r s t a r m , pouring rain). overcast. m i s t y , gloomy, rain,light wind(severethon- derstorm. pouring raiu 1. g l O i J N y , l i g h t Description of phenomenon and general remarks. 12 Halo of 22', inner edge reddish. With uudefined edge, intermitteut, ex- teoding to 1 d. riuuhle, inner oue very strong, with four i n n e r siiyeruumerary rurple hands, with green hetweeu (the first pr,ee: hand only visible), outer bow aint with purple edge outside. Distance (not measured) aqiiul to about eight times width of principal rainbow. With undefined ed e, Intermittent, yel- low, exteurliny I ti. Halo of 22O inner edge recrdidish, outer edge tlluish. Halo of Y?", inner edge reddish, outer edge hliiiqh. lasted 20 miuntes. Halo ol'?f", taint, milky, transient. C"ndetiue!l edge, extending l a d., ouler edge slightly reddish. Uudefiued e lge, t o t d.; above and below a rudinieiit of' pillar up to 1 d. No detinite coruiia, only a reddish tinge around tlie IUOOU, on the cloudspassing ou it. M u s b n silvery white oran e anuulus. fairly sharp rdge, width f b, intermit- t.t.nt. Fairly sharp edge, width f d.; ootslde, With uudefiued edge, estendiug to 1 d. Halo of 2 P , faint., partial, milty, iutrr- niitteut. Halo) of?2", milky. Halo of 2 2 O , iuilky. liudrfiiieol edge, extending t u d. anothrr with undetiued edee. Halo of Eo, iiiilkg. aniiulus with uude- tiueal edge n t e u ing tn 1 rl. Visihlr hrfure sunset 8 1,. m. ' pale, de- !iiied edge, wiqlerou'limh thah on term- Inaiur. 8:15 p. iu., orange, with red cdge; 8:30 11. m., wider bright orau e red edlgr, outer pitrplisb.grey, anniifu, extending to 1 d. HAIU of W, iiiilky, very faint. Doiible, faint. Inner one with two iuner With undetined edge extending to ; d. Halo uf ?2O, milky, inner rdge slightly siiperuumerary bows. red; lllbtt'd 2 huurz. With undrtined cdgt., while, extruding to & d. Undetiued edge,, very faint, eccentric. Faint, iutvrmitteut color frum orange to red; dist.auce crf :,liter edge from limb, froiu 3 to 4 d.: oue iiiomrnt elliptical (miuor a s i s in line joining the horns); (~u r moiiieiit ecceutrir. Halo of 22O, iuner edge reaI,dish, outer edge bluish. Uudetiued edge, extending to + d. Faiut, traupieut, reddish, from 5 to 6 d. Intermittent variable souietinirs very wide, from' 4 to 6 dl. and orange; a t other times froin 2 to 3 d., reddish, with soiuewhat sharper edges. Seen and measured on virtual image produced by convex face of a lji-couvex lens, also on the moiected iuisae 1 real). Reddish. frum Not directly %isible. -. . 1 to- 3 11. Hal', of 2"O, yellowish. a t 6 1'. IU. aunulos extendiug to 1 d., hho still faiutly vis- ihle. DECEMBER, 1907. MONTHLY WEBTHER REVDEW. 581 DEDUCTIONS. Annit1i.-Fifteen observed. Sun, 8. Three followed by rain, four by wind and rain, one Moon, 7. Two followed by rain, three by wind, two by wind Coronas.-Five observed. Sun, 1. Followed by rain. Moon, 4. One followed by rain, three by wind and rain. Halos (single).-Thirteen observed. Sun, 11. Three followed by rain, one by rain and fog, two by wind, four by wind and rain, one by fine weather (misty and overcast). by fine weather. and rain. Moon, 2. Both followed by rain. NOTE.-cOrOna No. 51 and annulus and halo No. 52 are in- cluded amongst the phenomena followed by ineteorological disturbances, altho the storm followed later than twenty-four hours; because from the time of the observations there was a visible suspense before the imminent storm. QENERAL REMARKS. Altogether, of thirty-one distinct individual displays (the Followed by rain, 11. Followed by wind and rain, 11. Followed by wind alone, 6. Followed by rain and fog, 1. Followed by fine weather, 2. The failures are a halo and an annulus, both of the sun. The observations of the second quarter confirm the results obtained during the first quarter, both as to the indication of approaching disturbances given by halos, coronas, and annuli, and as to the distinction between the latter and the coronas, together with which they never appear, while they are fre- quently seen simultaneously with halos. Despite one failure, the annulus seems the best guide as to the following meteorological conditions. Annuli generally show themselves in perfectly fine weather, the next day being at first without the slightest sign of anything but a glorious day, to end with a veiled sky becoming rapidly overcast and with rising wind and rain. On the other hand, halos and coronas are visible only with a veiled and cloudy sky, when the weather is generally visibly unsettled and becoming rapidly worse. The diameters of the coronas seem to depend on the kind of clouds; the thicker and the more tightly packed, the smaller the diameter. I n some cases, with clouds of various concen- tration drifting before the moon, the corona produced mas elliptical or eccentric, various parts being probably produced by vesicles of water vapor of different sizes, throwing the re- spective arcs of the corona a t various distances from the limb. Once, while cleaning in the open the object glass of my 3)- inch telescope, I saw in it a well-defined corona of the sun, tho on looking directly the dazzled eye could not distinguish it. Since then I am able to observe solar coronas with ease, and to take very good measurements of them. On looking in the lens so as to see the sun by reflection, four images are pro- duced, one by each face of the achromatic system. The inner face of the biconvex lens gives too bright an image, but the outer face gives a virtual image of greatly diminished bright- ness which well shows the coronas when they are present. A large, long-focus lens gives better results than a small, short- focus one. The direct (real) image obtained by projection on a piece of white paper can be used successfully when only the latter kind of lens is available. The summer hitherto has been very bad, being wet and windy, hence what I think will be an abnormally large harvest of these optioal phenomena. I am endeavoring now to estab- lish some correlation between the state of the sky and the rainbows being neglected), there were- 78-4 appearance of the phenomena, and the particular type of weather and degree of disturbance corresponding to each. For this a large number of observations must be gathered. I hope that some others may be induced to take up the work and help to elucidate many points which are marked in my observation book with a query. I think psychrometric observa- tions should be useful, more useful than thermometric ones, but as yet I can not undertake them. PURGING THE LISTS. A small percentage of our correspondents cause themselves and the Publications Division not a little annoyance by not attending promptly to the “penalty ” postal card sent annually, asking each to state whether or not he wishes to continue receiving the MONTHLY WEATHER REYIEW. A standing order requires all mailing lists to be revised annually, and this is accomplished by the postal-card method with the least pos- sible trouble to all concernecl. NOTES ON THE JAMESTOWN TERCENTENNIAL EXPOSITION. By JAMES H. SPENI‘ER, Observer io chsrge of U. S. Westher Bureau exhibit. One of the most creditable exhibits at the Jamestown Expo- sition was the aeronautical display, made by the Aero Club of America under the able direction of DIr. Israel Ludlow. The exhibit of balloons, dirigible balloons, aeroplanes, kites, models of flying machines, photographs, etc., was very complete and more attractively displayed than a t any other exposition I have ever attended. Numerous dirigible balloon flights were accoinplishecl by Mr. Lincoln Beecbey and others. Mr. Ludlow upon several occasions attempted experimental flights with his aeroplane; these, however, were unsuccessful, due appa- rently to a lack of laanching facilities. During the exposi- tion Mr. Ludlow and his assistants gave instructive lectures on aeronautics. The Weather Bureau exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition, tho somewhat less elaborate than at St. Louis and Buffalo, did not tliffer greatly in character from the exhibits at these two former expositions.’ Much interest was taken in the Jamestown display, particu- larly the instrumental portion, which comprised one of the few r ( live ’ 9 exhibits in “ Government Building A.” The Bosch- Omori seismograph displayed by the Weather Bureau was per- haps more frequently inspected by visitors than any other single exhibit in the building. The general desire on the part of visitors to see this instrument reflects the great interest in seismology that has been aroused by the recent severe earth- quakes and the reports in the public press of the records obtained by the Weather Bureau. The Weather Bureau exhibit was arranged in four seotions, as follows: r/~st,.~rt,~ental.-All the important instruments of the Weather Bureau were shown in this section, many of them in operation. Acrid-This section consisted of a Weather Bureau kite and reel and considerable self-recording and other apparatus for use in investigating upper air conditions by means of kites and balloons. Educational.-On a large glass weather map were charted daily the weather conditions in all sections of the country, as shown by telegraphic reports. In this section were also displayed a large relief map and several smaller maps of the United States, showing the mean rtnnual temperature and the average annual precipitation, sunshine, and other data. A 1 A detailed description o! the Weather Bureau exhibit at the Buffalo Esposition appeared in the Review for June, 1901, (Vol. sxix, p. 259-262 and plates I-IV) and of the St. Louis Exposition in the Review for Sep- tember, 1904, (Vol. xxxii, p. 411413.)