- TO: Dr. Donald Lindberg, M.D. FROM: Ken Henschel HMD SUBJECT: Dr. Robert Van Hoek, M.D. In response to your request for information on Dr. Van Hoek-'s involvement in HSMHA and/or RMPS, I have located some materials. Enclosed is a copy of his entry in Whofs Who in America. His official position in DHEW throughout the time period from 1966-1975 was traced through old issues of the U. S. Government Manual and the Arffial Report of DHEW, the latter of which was incomplete in our collection for these years. He was appointed to his f irst higher administrative position in 1968. 1968-1970: Director, Federal Health Programs Service (part of HSMHA). 1970-1972: Associate Administrator for Operations, HSMHA. 1972: Deputy Administrator for Health Services Delivery, HSMA. 1973: Director, National Center for Health Services Research and Development, (under HRA: Health Resources Administration). 1974: Associate Administrator of HSA: Health Services Administration. 1975: Acting Administrator of HSA. Note that in 1973 HSMHA was divided into HSA, HRA, and as well as additional agencies or administrations. RMPS was transferred from HSMHA to HRA for the brief remainder of its existence. The U.S. Government Manual for 1974-1975 lists Dr. Harold Margulies as Deputy Administrator of HRA; no one is listed as being Director of RMPS, no does RMPS appear anywhere in the organizational description of DHEW. Perhaps the various programs were finishing up on a local basis by this point. exhibited 'painting Trial, 194 1, Family, 1956, (sculpture) Delor, Park Mary A. Roth; Aug. 27, 1961 Medical Instrument Jazz Band,- 1964. Foun@, 196 1, Ancient City Comml. lending rep. ContinentA MenLMo. Bd. Architects and Engrs., 1951-65; pres. NaL ArchtL finance Stanford U. Grad. Sch. I Accrediting Bd., 1958-61' ; mem. pub. adv." panel GSAI 1967-70. @ance,- 197@,' @. dean, I Founderi Visualea'gue. Trustee St. Louis Art Mus. Recipient awards Treasury,, 1975-76; @. -Knu@ for Ploeser-Watts Bldg., 1953, W.A. Hayes Residence 1957, Mansion Economic Research, 1976-. House Center, 1968. Fellow A.I.A.; mem. Cherokee Nation, Scarab, Econ. Assn., Am. Finance Assn Sigma Alpha Epsilon-.. Author.. Illustrations; Ltd.-, 1932. Inventor: of Capital Market Rates, Lettering Guide, 1934, Pocket, Size 5 Cell Flash Light, 1937,, Am. Management, 1977; Financie Talisman, 1972. Prin. archtl.' works include Forest CL Apts.',- 1936, Financial Market Rat@"aid Fl( HEC res.', Albuquerque, 1941, Am. Zinc Smelter, Tex.; 1942, Basic and..Qua'ntitativ6 Analysis, 19@ Materials Bldg., - 1948, Concordia Hist. Inst., 1950,,76, Northland 2000 Webster St Palo Alto CA Shopping Center, 1952, Louisville Fed. Res. Bank Bldg.. 1953, Engrs. U Stanford CA 94305 club St. Louis, 1959, Optimist Intemat. Hdqrs., 1962, 77, St-. Louis Club, 1963, 70, 1962, Saint Louis Club, 1964; asso. architect Busch VAN HO RALPH R'ICI Stadium Complex, 1966, Mansion House Center,. 1967, Meranaught June .7, 19 3 1; s..Ralph Rupert a Ranch,- Ariz., 1972, Deseft Caballeros Mus., Axiz., 1974' Concordia U. Wis., 1953; rn. Elizabeth Dix Hist. Inst. 1976. Home.- 803 S Price Rd Ladue MO 63124 Office: MargareL With Anaconda Co., 9216 Clayton -Rd LadueN40 63124. Don't crowdyourself - in time -div., Waterbury, Conn., 1971-7.' dir. Citizens or populace. Louisville, 1974 Bd. dirs. U. Louisville IntemaL VAN HOEK, ROBERT, physician, hosp. dir., educator'; b. N.Y.C., IL U.S. Army,, 1953@@5. Club.4 1927; B.S., CoU. City N.Y, 1949; M.D., Columbia, 1953. Intern SL Ky.); Pendennis (Louisville). I Luke's Hosp., N.Y.C., l@i3-54; resident internal medicine Bronx - KY 40059 Office: PO Box 322 (N.Y.) VA Hosp., 1954-57; with USPHS, 1963-76; asst. surgeon gen. USPHS, DepL HE'u,.v- med. dir Wishard Meml. Hosp., 1976-; asso. VAN HO ROBERT LC dean Ind. U. Sch. Medicine, Indpls., 1976-. Served with USAF, Dec. 26, 19,15; s. Paul E. and 1'955-63. Fellow @C.P.;'mem. R@ation Research Soc., Am. Fedn. in Pharrn acy,, U. Iowa, 194 1. M Research, - Alpha Omega Alpha. Address: 60 -Spring - Dr C June 2, 1941" (de Corwin, Roger Alan, Ruuell E@ Zionsville IN 46077 - 18, 1962; I'@n, Paul L -Asst VAN HOLDE, KENSAL EDWARD, educator; b. Eau Claire, Wis., 1953-56; prof. pfia@ac@ Moi May 14, 1928; s. Leonard John and Nettie (Hart) Van H.;'.B.S., U. Mem- Mont. Commn. on Alcol Wis.- 1949, Ph.D., 1952; m. Barbara Jean Watson, Apr. 1 1 1950; Served to comdr. USNR:, 1943@ children-Patricia, Mary, Stephen,.David. Research chemist E.I. du Mem. Am., Iowa, Mont. phar'm Pont de Nemours & Co., 1952-55; research asso. U. Wis., 1955-56, 1961-62), Am. Assn. CoUs. Phg assL prof. U., Wis. at Milw., 1956-57; mem. faculty U. Ill., Urbana, Lutheran. Home: 4 Marthas C 1957-67;\prof.'dept. biochemistry and @;nphysics Oreg. State U.,, Corvallis, -,,1967- Am--. Cancer Soc ,search prof., 1977-; VAN HOUS@ :)WARD instr.-in-cha"rge physiology course M@. BioL Lab.,,Woods Hole, 1922; s. William.K,)ss and Ovic Mass.. 1977-. -seem. research staff Centre des Recherches sur les 1943; M.B.,k, Harvard, 1947;