TRACK 2.0 W.A. Houlberg, ORNL 865-574-1350 Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------ From the tarred/zipped files you should get the directory structure: \track -main directory plus configure and make files \bin -binaries \dat -data \doc -documentation \lib -libraries \results -results \src -source code There are two versions of the test code -- one that links to AJAX and one that links to XPLASMA -- and each of these has test cases. Each test case generates 3 output files: 1d\_s\_track.dat -1D output along path for IDL postprocessing sum\_track.dat -1D output along path for viewing with editor msg\_track.dat -Error, warning and other messages Sample output files for each test case have a case name appended and either 4 or 8 designating the precision set in SPEC_KIND.MOD, which can be editted to change the precision. TRACK/AJAX can be run in either 'single' or 'double' precision, and TRACK/XPLASMA can only be run in 'double' precision. The precision parameters are therefore set to 'double' in the distribution to cover both. TRACK/AJAX and TRACK/XPLASMA on a UNIX system ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On a UNIX system you can configure the makefile with the command: ./configure --with-library-path=[library source] where [library source] is needed for the TRACK/XPLASMA option and includes the xplasma and pspline libraries available through the NTCC library (at PPPL these are located at /usr/ntcc/lib). Also, the lapack and blas libraries are needed. For SUN Solaris systems the f77compat library needs to be specified, if the library is not in the standard lib directory (/usr/lib, /usr/local/lib, /lib, and etc). For example, for the PPPL Orion workstation it takes the form: ./configure --with-library-path=/usr/ntcc/lib/ \ --with-f77compat-library=/afs/ The f77compat library is not required for non-SUN systems and configure will look like: ./configure --with-library-path=/usr/ntcc/lib/ Then 'make' can be run with the following options: make ajax to make TRACK/AJAX make xplasma to make TRACK/XPLASMA make atesttok to run TRACK/AJAX on generic tokamak case make atestnstx to run TRACK/AJAX on NSTX tokamak case make atestncsx to run TRACK/AJAX on NCSX stellarator case make xtestnstx to run TRACK/XPLASMA on NSTX tokamak case make clean to remove *.o, *.mod files make realclean to remove *.o, *.mod plus library and binary files The output from each test case is compared with the reference output and the results are stored in the \results directory TRACK and AJAX Sources and Test Cases ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Source routines: TRACK_AJAX_DR.F90 Driver for TRACK coupled to AJAX SPEC_KIND.F90 Precision specification module TRACK_MOD.F90 TRACK module WRITE_MOD.F90 Formatted output module SETUP_AJAX.F90 AJAX setup routine AJAX_MOD.F90 AJAX module LINEAR1_MOD.F90 1D linear interpolation module SPLINE1_MOD.F90 1D spline interpolation module Simple tokamak test case. ------------------------- Copy nml\_track\_tok.dat to nml\_track.dat and execute. NSTX (low A tokamak) test case. ------------------------------- Copy nml\_track\_nstx.dat to \com nml\_track.dat and execute. This case gets VMEC inverse coordinate expansion coefficients from in\_nstx\_8.dat. NCSX (stellarator) test case. ----------------------------- Copy nml\_track\_ncsx.dat to nml\_track.dat and execute. This case gets VMEC inverse coordinate expansion coefficients from \com in\_ncsx\_8.dat. TRACK and XPLASMA Sources and Test Case ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Source routines: TRACK_XPLASMA_DR.F90 Driver for TRACK coupled to AJAX SPEC_KIND.F90 Precision specification module TRACK_MOD.F90 TRACK module WRITE_MOD.F90 Formatted output module SETUP_XPLASMA.F90 XPLASMA setup routine AJAX_XPLASMA_MOD.F90 Conversion of AJAX calls to XPLASMA calls In addition, you will need the libraries discussed above. NSTX (low A tokamak) test case. ------------------------------- Copy nml\_trackx\_nstx.dat to nml\_track.dat and execute. This case gets inverse coordinate expansion coefficients from 11114p06.treq\_data. Documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a 28-page document (/track/doc/track.pdf) describing the TRACK module in detail.